How to use priority queues in Scala? - scala

I am trying to implement A* search in Scala (version 2.10), but I've ran into a brick wall - I can't figure out how to use Scala's Priority Queue.
I have a set of squares, represented by (Int, Int)s, and I need to insert them with priorities represented by Ints. In Python you just have a list of key, value pairs and use the heapq functions to sort it.
So how do you do this?

There is actually pre-defined lexicographical order for tuples -- but you need to import it:
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
Moreover, you can define your own ordering.
Suppose I want to arrange tuples, based on the difference between first and second members of the tuple:
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
// import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
scala> def diff(t2: (Int,Int)) = math.abs(t2._1 - t2._2)
// diff: (t2: (Int, Int))Int
scala> val x = new PriorityQueue[(Int, Int)]()(
// x: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Int)] = PriorityQueue()
scala> x.enqueue(1 -> 1)
scala> x.enqueue(1 -> 2)
scala> x.enqueue(1 -> 3)
scala> x.enqueue(1 -> 4)
scala> x.enqueue(1 -> 0)
scala> x
// res5: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Int)] = PriorityQueue((1,4), (1,3), (1,2), (1,1), (1,0))

Indeed, there is no implicit ordering on pairs of integers (a, b). What would it be? Perhaps they are both positive and you can use (a - 1.0/b)? Or they are not, and you can use, what, (a + atan(b/pi))? If you have an ordering in mind, you can consider wrapping your pairs in a type that has your ordering.


how to convert List(String,String) to ListMap[String,String]?

I have a list of type List(String,String) and I wanted to convert it to map. When I used toMap method I found that it does not preservers the order of data that is there in the List. However my goal is to convert the list to Map by keeping the order of the data same as of List. I learned that ListMap preserves the insertion order(but it is immutable) so I can use the LinkedHashMap with map function to insert the data sequentially into LinkedHashMap but that means I need to iterate over all the elements which is pain. Can anyone please suggest me a better approach?
This should do it :
val listMap = ListMap(list : _*)
In Scala 2.13 or later:
scala> import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
scala> val list = List((1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (9,0))
list: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (9,0))
res3: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[Int,Int] = ListMap(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 5 -> 6, 7 -> 8, 9 -> 0)
Don't use a ListMap. They are extremely imperformant. Since they are structured as lists they have linear lookup performance (
I'd advise instanciating a mutable LinkedHashmap and then assigning it to a val defined as a collections.Map. The collection.Map interface doesn't expose mutable methods so the map is immutable to any entity accessing it.

andThen in List scala

Has anyone got an example of how to use andThen with Lists? I notice that andThen is defined for List but the documentations hasn't got an example to show how to use it.
My understanding is that f andThen g means that execute function f and then execute function g. The input of function g is output of function f. Is this correct?
Question 1 - I have written the following code but I do not see why I should use andThen because I can achieve the same result with map.
scala> val l = List(1,2,3,4,5)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
//simple function that increments value of element of list
scala> def f(l:List[Int]):List[Int] = {>x-1)}
f: (l: List[Int])List[Int]
//function which decrements value of elements of list
scala> def g(l:List[Int]):List[Int] = {>x+1)}
g: (l: List[Int])List[Int]
scala> val p = f _ andThen g _
p: List[Int] => List[Int] = <function1>
//printing original list
scala> l
res75: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
//p works as expected.
scala> p(l)
res74: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
//but I can achieve the same with two maps. What is the point of andThen?
res76: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Could someone share practical examples where andThen is more useful than methods like filter, map etc. One use I could see above is that with andThen, I could create a new function,p, which is a combination of other functions. But this use brings out usefulness of andThen, not List and andThen
andThen is inherited from PartialFunction a few parents up the inheritance tree for List. You use List as a PartialFunction when you access its elements by index. That is, you can think of a List as a function from an index (from zero) to the element that occupies that index within the list itself.
If we have a list:
val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
We can call list like a function (because it is one):
scala> list(0)
res5: Int = 1
andThen allows us to compose one PartialFunction with another. For example, perhaps I want to create a List where I can access its elements by index, and then multiply the element by 2.
val list2 = list.andThen(_ * 2)
scala> list2(0)
res7: Int = 2
scala> list2(1)
res8: Int = 4
This is essentially the same as using map on the list, except the computation is lazy. Of course, you could accomplish the same thing with a view, but there might be some generic case where you'd want to treat the List as just a PartialFunction, instead (I can't think of any off the top of my head).
In your code, you aren't actually using andThen on the List itself. Rather, you're using it for functions that you're passing to map, etc. There is no difference in the results between mapping a List twice over f and g and mapping once over f andThen g. However, using the composition is preferred when mapping multiple times becomes expensive. In the case of Lists, traversing multiple times can become a tad computationally expensive when the list is large.
With the solution>x+1).map(x=>x-1) you are traversing the list twice.
When composing 2 functions using the andThen combinator and then applying it to the list, you only traverse the list once.
val h = ((x:Int) => x+1).andThen((x:Int) => x-1) //traverses it only once

Efficient way to check if a traversable has more than 1 element in Scala

I need to check if a Traversable (which I already know to be nonEmpty) has a single element or more.
I could use size, but (tell me if I'm wrong) I suspect that this could be O(n), and traverse the collection to compute it.
I could check if tail.nonEmpty, or if .head != .last
Which are the pros and cons of the two approaches? Is there a better way? (for example, will .last do a full iteration as well?)
All approaches that cut elements from beginning of the collection and return tail are inefficient. For example tail for List is O(1), while tail for Array is O(N). Same with drop.
I propose using take:
list.take(2).size == 1 // list is singleton
take is declared to return whole collection if collection length is less that take's argument. Thus there will be no error if collection is empty or has only one element. On the other hand if collection is huge take will run in O(1) time nevertheless. Internally take will start iterating your collection, take two steps and break, putting elements in new collection to return.
UPD: I changed condition to exactly match the question
Not all will be the same, but let's take a worst case scenario where it's a List. last will consume the entire List just to access that element, as will size.
tail.nonEmpty is obtained from a head :: tail pattern match, which doesn't need to consume the entire List. If you already know the list to be non-empty, this should be the obvious choice.
But not all tail operations take constant time like a List: Scala Collections Performance
You can take a view of a traversable. You can slice the TraversableView lazily.
The initial star is because the REPL prints some output.
scala> val t: Traversable[Int] = Stream continually { println("*"); 42 }
t: Traversable[Int] = Stream(42, ?)
scala> t.view.slice(0,2).size
res1: Int = 2
scala> val t: Traversable[Int] = Stream.fill(1) { println("*"); 42 }
t: Traversable[Int] = Stream(42, ?)
scala> t.view.slice(0,2).size
res2: Int = 1
The advantage is that there is no intermediate collection.
scala> val t: Traversable[_] = Map((1 to 10) map ((_, "x")): _*)
t: Traversable[_] = Map(5 -> x, 10 -> x, 1 -> x, 6 -> x, 9 -> x, 2 -> x, 7 -> x, 3 -> x, 8 -> x, 4 -> x)
scala> t.take(2)
res3: Traversable[Any] = Map(5 -> x, 10 -> x)
That returns an unoptimized Map, for instance:
scala> res3.getClass
res4: Class[_ <: Traversable[Any]] = class scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashTrieMap
scala> Map(1->"x",2->"x").getClass
res5: Class[_ <: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String]] = class scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map2
What about pattern matching?
itrbl match { case _::Nil => "one"; case _=>"more" }

How to find the number of (key , value) pairs in a map in scala?

I need to find the number of (key , value) pairs in a Map in my Scala code. I can iterate through the map and get an answer but I wanted to know if there is any direct function for this purpose or not.
you can use .size
scala> val m=Map("a"->1,"b"->2,"c"->3)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3)
scala> m.size
res3: Int = 3
Use Map#size:
The size of this traversable or iterator.
The size method is from TraversableOnce so, barring infinite sequences or sequences that shouldn't be iterated again, it can be used over a wide range - List, Map, Set, etc.

Immutable Scala Map implementation that preserves insertion order [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Scala Map implementation keeping entries in insertion order?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
LinkedHashMap is used to preserve insertion order in the map, but this only works for mutable maps. Which is the immutable Map implementation that preserves insertion order?
ListMap implements an immutable map using a list-based data structure, and thus preserves insertion order.
scala> import collection.immutable.ListMap
import collection.immutable.ListMap
scala> ListMap(1 -> 2) + (3 -> 4)
res31: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
scala> res31 + (6 -> 9)
res32: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 6 -> 9)
The following extension method - Seq#toListMap can be quite useful when working with ListMaps.
scala> import scalaz._, Scalaz._, Liskov._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import Liskov._
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
implicit def seqW[A](xs: Seq[A]) = new SeqW(xs)
class SeqW[A](xs: Seq[A]) {
def toListMap[B, C](implicit ev: A <~< (B, C)): ListMap[B, C] = {
ListMap(co[Seq, A, (B, C)](ev)(xs) : _*)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
seqW: [A](xs: Seq[A])SeqW[A]
defined class SeqW
scala> Seq((2, 4), (11, 89)).toListMap
res33: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 4, 11 -> 89)
While ListMap will preserve insertion order, it is not very efficient - e.g. lookup time is linear. I suggest you create a new collection class which wraps both the immutable.HashMap and the immutable.TreeMap. The immutable map should be parametrized as immutable.HashMap[Key, (Value, Long)], where the Long in the tuple gives you the pointer to the corresponding entry in the TreeMap[Long, Key]. You then keep an entry counter on the side. This tree map will sort the entries according to the insertion order.
You implement insertion and lookup in the straightforward way - increment the counter, insert into the hash map and insert to the the counter-key pair into the treemap. You use the hash map for the lookup.
You implement iteration by using the tree map.
To implement remove, you have to remove the key-value pair from the hash map and use the index from the tuple to remove the corresponding entry from the tree map.