Avoid interruption of callback functions in Matlab GUI - matlab

I have a Matlab GUI that needs a high time to execute some callback functions. Besides, these functions include the following code:
I want to avoid that those callback executions get interrupted in order to avoid data inconsistency if the user presses other buttons. Thus, I modify the figure settings as:
set(handles.figure, 'BusyAction','cancel', 'Interruptible','off');
However, the callbacks are still interrupted. How can I avoid it?
Note: I think that the problem is that I need to propagate the 'BusyAction' and 'Interruptible' values to all the controls in my GUI, is there any way to do it automatically? Like, for example, modifying the default value before generating the GUI.

The fastest and cleanest way to propagate any property to all UI objects is with findobj:
set(findobj('Type','uicontrol'), 'BusyAction','cancel', 'Interruptible','off');


Abort execution of parsim

For the use case of being able to abort parallel simulations with a MATLAB GUI, I would like to stop all scheduled simulations after the user pressed the Stop button.
All simulations are submitted at once using the parsim command, hence something like a callback to my GUI variables (App Designer) would be the most preferable solution.
Approaches I have considered but were not exactly providing a desirable solution:
The Simulation Manager provides the functionality to close simulations using its own interface. If I only had the code its Stop button executes...
parsim uses the Simulink.SimulationInput class as input to run simulations, allowing to modify the preSimFcn at the beginning of each simulation. I have not found a way to "skip" the simulation at its initialization phase apart from intentionally throwing an error so far.
Thank you for your help!
Update 1: Using the preSimFcn to set the the termination time equal to the start time drastically reduces simulation time. But since the first step still is computed there has to be a better solution.
simin = simin.setModelParameter('StopTime',get_param(mdl,'StartTime'))
Update 2: Intentionally throwing an error executing the preSimFcn, for example by setting it to
simin = simin.setModelParameter('SimulationCommand','stop')
provides the shortest termination times for me so far. Though, it requires catching and identifying the error in the ErrorMessageof the Simulink.SimulationOutput object. As this is exactly the "ugly" implementation I wanted to avoid, the issue is still active.
If you are using 17b or later, parsim provides an option to 'RunInBackground'. It returns an array of Future objects.
F = parsim(in, 'RunInBackground', 'on')
Please note that is only available for parallel simulations. The Simulink.Simulation.Future object F provides a cancel method which will terminate the simulation. You can use the fetchOutputs methods to fetch the output from the simulation.

In Matlab, how to call GUI callback functions without the GUI?

I am not a GUI programmer, as will become obvious. If anything, I'm trying to unmake a GUI. I am using a program called art (found here, if it's useful to see) that generates figures and variables that I would like to save. You can call art from a batch script and make it read a config file for its inputs, which is what I'm doing, but you have to manually generate and save much of its output (variables and figures) in the GUI. I'd love to automate this process, but I am really struggling.
I think the core of my issue would be solved if I knew how to force the callback functions to be called. For instance, there is a function in art showCorr_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) (which is governed by a radio button in the GUI). It has a test condition to execute:
if (get(handles.showCorr,'Value') == get(handles.showCorr,'Max'))
I've tried inserting
mx = get(handles.showCorr,'Max'))
setappdata(handles.showCorr,'Value', mx)
into a function I know executes, the opening function, function art_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin). That doesn't seem to have any effect. If I knew how to make the callback functions execute, perhaps I could insert the code that saves the figure into the functions. Somewhere in Matlab's GUI scripts there must be something that is continually testing for a change in state in the GUI. Where is that thing? How can I fool it into thinking a radio button has been pressed?
Thanks for your help, and please let me know if I need to provide more information.
First of all, if you want to set the Value of handles.showCorr, you won't use setappdata as that just stores arbitrary data (by key/value pair) into the graphics object. You actually want to set the Value property.
set(handles.showCorr, 'Value', get(handles.showCorr, 'Max'))
This should trigger any callbacks that are assigned to handles.showCorr.
If, for some reason this doesn't trigger the callback, you can always trigger it manually. If you already know the callback, you can call it explicitly.
showCorr_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles);

matlab gui becomes unresponsive or partially closes

I am currently working on a matlab gui and after some beginner's problems with the data handling I am quite satisfied with the result.
There is just one hiccup: whenever the program is done running, the gui becomes unresponsive and the buttons and text elements vanish, all I can see is the background.
I have scanned the functions thoroughly for close all; statements and such, but there is nothing there.
How do I return 'clean' to the gui so I can put in more data? Do I need to put the gui in a constant while loop?
best wishes
You can do the following:
Modify the attribute of your controls to be interruptible:
set(handles.figure, 'Interruptible','on');
Create a callback function based on pressing a determined key combination.
set(KeyPressFcn, #resume_fcn);
Create a callback function that solves the problem.
function resume_fcn()
if eventdata.Key = ...
However, the consistency of data may be lost. In case you don't want to return 'clean' to the gui, you can type:

Can two panels share a uicontrol in a MATLAB GUI?

I've got a MATLAB GUI that has different aspects of functionality, each with their own panel of uicontrols. When one panel is selected, the other one is set to invisible, and vice-versa. However, they share some of the same inputs in the form of a popup menu. Can I include a 'clone' instance of the menu on the second panel somehow? I'd like to avoid as many redundant callbacks and uicontrols as possible.
I guess if the uicontrol was a direct child of the figure, you may be able to put it in front of everything.
A much simpler solution is to use the same callback for multiple uicontrols. In the property editor, you can modify the callback name and set it to a common callback function. Additionally, you can create a field (e.g. myPopupH) in the OpeningFcn of the GUI, in which you store the handles of the popups that should behave the same way. Then, in the callback, you'd use hObject, i.e. the first input argument, for all the get calls (to access the modified state of the popup-menu), but you'd use handles.myPopupH in all the set calls, so that you can ensure that both popups always have the same state. Thus, the ui-object may be redundant, but all the code (which is much more critical) only exists in a single copy.
One place where I routinely use a single callback for multiple ui elements is the close request function which is accessed from the "Cancel"-button as well as from the "X" that closes the figure, and possibly from one of the "File"-menu items.

MATLAB: Perform callback on variable change?

I am trying to build a GUI with several tabs, using uitabpanel() found at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11546 . I would like to resize the GUI based on the currently opened tab; this is available with uitabpanel.SelectedItem.
Basically I would like to build a callback in order to monitor uitabpanel.SelectedItem - when this variable changes, the GUI window should resize appropriately. Generally speaking, I am looking for a way to monitor a variable and execute a callback when the variable changes value.
Is this possible? How would I go about doing this?
I don't have a MATLAB in front of me right now, but if it is implemented as a property -- and as far as I can tell from a quick look at the code, it is -- you can use addlistener function and provide a callback function for it.
addlistener(hTab,'SelectedItem','PostSet',#(s,e)disp('SelectedItem changed'))
I'm not familiar with uitab from the file exchange. However, if it's build upon the built-in uitab, then there should be a selectionChangeCallback or selectionChangeFcn property (depending on your Matlab version). Specify a function for this callback property, and you have a way to execute a function whenever the selection changes.
If that's not possible, the only other way to monitor a variable change (if you can't somehow use objects and set methods) is to use a TIMER OBJECT that periodically polls the value of the variable.
EDIT Since the FEX uitab is based on uipanel, the callback you're looking for is most likely ButtonDownFcn. Before you change it, make sure that it's not used by the uitab function, otherwise, you will want to edit that function.