matlab: convert a string of hex values to a decimal value? - matlab

I wrote functions to convert 100,000 hex strings to values, but it takes 10 seconds to perform on the whole array. Does Matlab have a function to do this, so that it is faster, ... ie: less than 1 second for the array?
function x = hexstring2dec(s)
[m n] = size(s);
x = zeros(1, m);
for i = 1 : m
for j = n : -1 : 1
x(i) = x(i) + hexchar2dec(s(i, j)) * 16 ^ (n - j);
function x = hexchar2dec(c)
if c >= 48 && c <= 57
x = c - 48;
elseif c >= 65 && c <= 70
x = c - 55;
elseif c >= 97 && c <= 102
x = c - 87;

Try using hex2dec. It should be faster much faster than looping over each character.

shoelzer's answer is obviously the best.
However, if you want to do the conversion by yourself, then you might find this useful:
Assuming s is a char matrix: all hex numbers are of the same length (zero padded if necessary) and each row has a single number. Then
ds = double( upper(s) ); % convert to double
sel = ds >= double('A'); % select A-F
ds( sel ) = ds( sel ) - double('A') + 10; % convert to 10 - 15
ds(~sel) = ds(~sel) - double('0'); % convert 0-9
% do the sum through vector product
v = 16.^( (size(s,2)-1):-1:0 );
x = s * v(:);


Matlab SHA-1 custom implementation doesn't give the right result

I trying to have a sha1 algorithm in Matlab.
I know I can use System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('SHA1');, but that relies on .NET, which I'd like to avoid.
I also found this thread, which suggest to use MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"), but the output is not good.
I haven't found any other portable way.
Here's my code based on Wikipedia pseudo code, the result is also off. The only solution that gives result similar to online SHA1 is the .Net function.
Can somebody see the error in my function?
function [hh] = sha1(bytes_in)
% Note 1: All variables are unsigned 32-bit quantities and wrap modulo 232 when calculating, except for
% ml, the message length, which is a 64-bit quantity, and
% hh, the message digest, which is a 160-bit quantity.
% Note 2: All constants in this pseudo code are in big endian.
% Within each word, the most significant byte is stored in the leftmost byte position
% Initialize variables:
bytes_in = squeeze(uint8(bytes_in));
bytes_in = reshape(bytes_in, length(bytes_in), 1);
h0 = uint32(0x67452301);
h1 = uint32(0xEFCDAB89);
h2 = uint32(0x98BADCFE);
h3 = uint32(0x10325476);
h4 = uint32(0xC3D2E1F0);
% Pre-processing:
% append the bit '1' to the message e.g. by adding 0x80 if message length is a multiple of 8 bits.
% append 0 ? k < 512 bits '0', such that the resulting message length in bits
% is congruent to ?64 ? 448 (mod 512)
% append ml, the original message length in bits, as a 64-bit big-endian integer.
% Thus, the total length is a multiple of 512 bits.
message_len64 = uint64(length(bytes_in));
messages_len_bytes = zeros(8, 1);
for i=1:8
messages_len_bytes(i) = uint8(bitshift(message_len64, -64+i*8));
bytes_in = [bytes_in; 0x80];
padlen = 64-8 - mod(length(bytes_in), 64);
bytes_in = [bytes_in; zeros(padlen,1);messages_len_bytes];
assert(mod(length(bytes_in), 64) == 0);
chunk_count = length(bytes_in)/64;
% Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks:
% break message into 512-bit chunks
for i=1:chunk_count
chunk = bytes_in( ((i-1)*64+1):(i*64));
assert(length(chunk) == 64);
% Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit big-endian words w[i], 0 ? i ? 15
w = uint32(zeros(80,1));
for j=0:15
p1 = bitshift(uint32(chunk(j*4+1)),24);
p2 = bitshift(uint32(chunk(j*4+2)),16);
p3 = bitshift(uint32(chunk(j*4+3)),8);
p4 = bitshift(uint32(chunk(j*4+4)),0);
w(j+1) = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4;
% Message schedule: extend the sixteen 32-bit words into eighty 32-bit words:
for j=17:80
temp = bitxor(bitxor(bitxor(w(j-3),w(j-8)), w(j-14)), w(j-16));
w(j) = leftrotate32(temp, 1);
% Initialize hash value for this chunk:
a = h0;
b = h1;
c = h2;
d = h3;
e = h4;
for j=1:80
if j >= 1 && j <= 20
f = bitor(bitand(b,c), bitand(bitcmp(b), d));
k = 0x5A827999;
elseif j >= 21 && j <= 40
f = bitxor(bitxor(b,c), d);
k = 0x6ED9EBA1;
elseif j >= 41 && j <= 60
f = bitor(bitor(bitand(b, c),bitand(b, d)), bitand(c, d)) ;
k = 0x8F1BBCDC;
elseif j >= 61 && j <= 80
f = bitxor(bitxor(b,c), d);
k = 0xCA62C1D6;
temp = uint64(leftrotate32(a,5)) + uint64(f) + uint64(e) + uint64(k) + uint64(w(j));
temp = uint32(bitand(temp, uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
e = d;
d = c;
c = leftrotate32(b, 30);
b = a;
a = temp;
% Add this chunk's hash to result so far:
h0 = uint32(bitand(uint64(h0) + uint64(a), uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
h1 = uint32(bitand(uint64(h1) + uint64(b), uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
h2 = uint32(bitand(uint64(h2) + uint64(c), uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
h3 = uint32(bitand(uint64(h3) + uint64(d), uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
h4 = uint32(bitand(uint64(h4) + uint64(e), uint64(0xFFFFFFFF)));
% Produce the final hash value (big-endian) as a 160-bit number:
hh = [dec2hex(h0, 8), dec2hex(h1, 8), dec2hex(h2, 8), dec2hex(h3, 8), dec2hex(h4, 8)];
assert(length(hh) == 160/8*2)
function vout = leftrotate32(v32, v)
vout = uint32(bin2dec(circshift(dec2bin(v32, 32), -v)));

Trouble converting floating decimal into integer

I have created a user-defined function in which the inputs are j =indices, new_loc = a 51x2 matrix of cell locations, and the size of my first col of the 51x2 matrix = 51.
function [x,y,w,z] = check_location(j,new_loc,size)
a = j / size + 1; %Finds 1st element of compared array
b = mod(j,size); %Finds 1st element of comparing array
int8(a) %Must be whole integer
int8(b) %" "
fprintf('a = %g',a)
if b == 0 %1st element cannot be 0
b = b + 1;
fprintf('b = %g',b)
x = new_loc(a,1); % [x y]
y = new_loc(a,2);
w = new_loc(b,1); % [w z]
z = new_loc(b,2);
I am confused as I have tested my output with a fprintf function, and fprintf('a = %g',a) is showing a decimal number, while a = j / size + 1 is evaluating an integer. Also, I am getting the error: Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
for j = 1:numel(D)
if D(j) < 8 & D(j) ~= 0
[x1,y1,x2,y2] = check_location(j,new_location,numel(new_location(:,1)));
% smallest_int = check_intensity(x1,y1,x2,y2,B);
% [row,col] = find(B == smallest_int) %Convert smallest_int vals w/ it's location
% new_location(row,col) = []; %Check new_location w/ smallest_int vals and delete
Here is the for loop in which I am testing my function.
These lines:
int8(a) %Must be whole integer
int8(b) %" "
both return int8 values, but they're not stored anywhere, so they're lost. You need to assign the integer value back to the original variable.
a = int8(a) %Must be whole integer
b = int8(b) %" "

Have to convert Integer to binary

I'm writing a user-defined function to convert integers to binary. The largest number that could be converted with the function should be a binary number with
16 1 s. If a larger number is entered as d, the function should display an error
message. With my code, I'm trying to add the numbers 0 or 1 to my vector x based on the remainder, then I want to reverse my final vector to display a number in binary. Here's what I have:
function [b] = bina(d)
% Bina is a function that converts integers to binary
x = [];
y = 2;
in = d/2;
if d >=(2^16 -1)
fprintf('This number is too big')
while in > 1
if in >= 1
r = rem(in,y);
x = [x r]
As you insist on a loop:
x = [];
y = 2;
in = d;
if d >=(2^16 -1)
fprintf('This number is too big')
ii = 1;
while in > 0
r = logical(rem(in,y^ii));
x = [r x];
in = in - r*2^(ii-1);
ii = ii+1;
b = x;
You had the right ideas, but you need to update the variables in your while-loop with every iteration. This is mainly in, where you need to subtract the remainder. And just store the binary remainders in your variable x.
You can check your result with
x = double( dec2bin(d, 16) ) - 48
You could also use a for loop, by pre-calculating the number of iterations with
find( d < 2.^(1:16),1)
and then
if d >=(2^16 -1)
fprintf('This number is too big')
for ii = 1:find( d < 2.^(1:16),1)
r = logical(rem(in,y^ii));
x = [r x];
in = in - r*2^(ii-1)

Multiplying a vector by random numbers while keeping the sum the same (MATLAB)

I'm trying to multiply (element wise) a vector V of length N by a randomly generated number in the range (a,b), while keeping the sum of the vector equal to a total amount, E. I want to do this in MATLAB, but I'm not sure how. Getting random numbers between a certain range I know how to do:
minrand = 0;
maxrand = 1;
randfac = (maxrand-minrand).*rand(1,N) + minrand;
But yeah, beyond that I'm pretty clueless. I guess the random numbers can't really be generated like this, because if we call the random numbers the vector R, then I want that
R_1*V1 + R_2*V2 .... + R_N*V_N = E. So I guess it's a big equation. Is there any way to solve it, while putting constraints on the max and min values of R?
You can pick pairs of two elements (in all combinations) and add and subtract an equal random number.
% Make up a random vector
randfac = 10*rand(1,N);
%OP Answer here: Given randfac with sum E re-randomize it
E = sum(randfac);
minrand = 0;
maxrand = 2;
% v = [6.4685 2.9652 6.6567 1.6153 7.3581 0.0237 7.1025
% 3.2381 1.9176 1.3561]
% E = 38.7019
r = minrand + (maxrand-minrand)*rand(N*N,1);
k = 1;
for i=1:N
for j=1:N
randfac(i) = randfac(i)-r(k);
randfac(j) = randfac(j)+r(k);
k = k + 1;
% v = [5.4905 0.7051 4.7646 1.3479 9.3722 -1.4222 7.9275
% 7.5777 1.7549 1.1836]
% E = 38.7019
Just divide the vector with the sum and multiply with the target E.
randfac = (maxrand-minrand).*rand(1,N) + minrand;
randfac = E*randfac/sum(randfac);
as long as the operator is linear, the result is going to retain it's randomness. Below is some sample code:
minrand = 0;
maxrand = 1;
N = 1000; %size
v = (maxrand-minrand).*rand(1,N) + minrand;
E = 100; %Target sum
A = sum(v);
randfac = (E/A)*v;
% 100.0000
First of all with random numbers in the interval of [a b] you can't guarantee that you will have the same summation (same E). For example if [a b]=[1 2] of course the E will increase.
Here is an idea, I don't know how random is this!
For even N I randomize V then divide it in two rows and multiply one of them with random numbers in [a b] but the second column will be multiplied to a vector to hold the summation fixed.
N = 10;
V = randi(100,[1 N]);
E = sum(V);
idx = randperm(N);
Vr = V(idx);
[~,ridx] = sort(idx);
Vr = reshape(Vr,[2 N/2]);
a = 1;
b = 3;
r1 = (b - a).*rand(1,N/2) + a;
r2 = (sum(Vr) - r1.*Vr(1,:))./Vr(2,:);
r = reshape([r1;r2],1,[]);
r = r(ridx);
Enew = sum(V.*r);
The example results are,
V = [12 82 25 51 81 51 31 87 6 74];
r = [2.8018 0.7363 1.9281 0.5451 1.9387 -0.4909 1.3076 0.8904 2.9236 0.8440];
with E = 500 as well as Enew.
I'm simply assigning one random number to a pair (It can be considered as half random!).
Okay, I have found a way to somewhat do this, but it is not elegant and there are probably better solutions. Starting with an initial vector e, for which sum(e) = E, I can randomize its values and end up with an e for which sum(e) is in the range [(1-threshold)E,(1+thresholdE)]. It is computationally expensive, and not pretty.
The idea is to first multiply e by random numbers in a certain range. Then, I will check what the sum is. If it is too big, I will decrease the value of the random numbers smaller than half of the range until the sum is no longer too big. If it is too small, I do the converse, and iterate until the sum is within the desired range.
e = somepredefinedvector
minrand = 0;
maxrand = 2;
randfac = (maxrand-minrand).*rand(1,N) + minrand;
e = randfac.*e;
threshold = 0.001;
while sum(e) < (1-threshold)*E || sum(e) > (1+threshold)*E
if sum(e) > (1+threshold)*E
for j = 1:N
if randfac(j) > (maxrand-minrand)/2
e(j) = e(j)/randfac(j);
randfac(j) = ((maxrand-minrand)/2-minrand).*rand(1,1) + minrand;
e(j) = randfac(j)*e(j);
if sum(e) > (1-threshold)*E && sum(e) < (1+threshold)*E
elseif sum(e) < (1-threshold)*E
for j = 1:N
if randfac(j) < (maxrand-minrand)/2
e(j) = e(j)/randfac(j);
randfac(j) = (maxrand-(maxrand-minrand)/2).*rand(1,1) + (maxrand-minrand)/2;
e(j) = randfac(j)*e(j);
if sum(e) > (1-threshold)*E && sum(e) < (1+threshold)*E

lapack - addressing for fully packed rectangular format

I would like to use the LAPACK routines for factorisation and inversion of matrices using the fully packed rectangular format, as this requires only n(n+1)/2 elements to be stored for a symmetric nxn matrix. So far, I am setting up the matrix in 'packed' format and transform it calling routine DTPTTF. However, this requires a second array. I would like to build my matrix directly in fully packed rectangular format (to save on space) - is there an 'addressing' function which will give me the position of the i,j-th element? or could somebody point me to the relevant formula?
to partly answer my own question: inspecting the source code of DTPTTF and the example given therein, I've worked out the adress for one of the four possible constellations (the only one I need), namely uplo ='L' and trans ='N'. below is my fortran function:
! ==================================== ! returns address for RFP format
integer function ijfprf( ii, jj, n ) ! for row jj and column ii
! ==================================== ! for UPLO = 'L' and TRANSR = 'N' only!
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ii, jj, n
integer :: i, j, k, n1, k1
if( ii <= jj ) then
i = ii; j = jj
i = jj; j = ii
end if
k = n/2
if( mod(n,2) == 0 ) then ! n even
n1 = n + 1
if( i <= k ) then
ijfprf = 1 + (i - 1) * n1 + j
ijfprf = ( j - k - 1 ) * n1 + i - k
end if
else ! n odd
k1 = k + 1
if( i > k1 ) then
ijfprf = ( j - k1 ) * n + i - k1
ijfprf = ( i - 1 ) * n + j
end if
end if
end function ijfprf