How to hide a tab from a fanpage during development - facebook

I'm wondering how to hide a Facebook tab from a published fanpage while the tab is under development, so that it only appears for page Admins?
In order to edit tabs it seems that they have to be added to the page, in order to be able to edit them. That's a problem when customizing a Facebook tab, as you don't want your fans to see your work-in-progress content until it's ready to be published.
Here I'm not referring to a custom built app, but apps like Static HTML.
Any one who has experience with this?

Enable sandbox mode in the app settings.
Goto dev
Click on the app in the left hand column.
Under setting look to see if Sandbox mode is on or off.
If you want to change the setting click "Edit Settings"
The Sandbox setting is under basic settings.
For you and the client to test the app you have to give them permissions by adding them as a tester/developer/admin of the app.


Page settings for an app

We have a facebook app that we have created for people to use on their organization's pages (not personal accounts), and in the past when they wanted to adjust the settings they would go onto the page, go to edit settings, and go to the appropriate app. It would take them to a /settings page that was built into the canvas app.
I can't find where that menu chain is anymore. Edit Settings no longer has anything about apps in it unless I'm on a personal page.
Where do I find this information now?
Edit: For clarification, the place I'm trying to go to is called the 'Page Tab Edit URL'.
Double Edit: I posted a question on the facebook help community - haven't seen anything there either
On the page having the app click Edit Page and then select Edit settings.
On the Settings page click more... (under the page name) and select apps.
Now you have the old app list with the link to go to app.

How to hide a pre-built app tab from a fanpage temporarily during development

I'm wondering how to hide a Facebook tab from a published fanpage while the tab is under development, so that it only appears for page Admins?
I know you can do this for custom built apps (the sandbox setting), but here I'm not referring to a custom built app, but prebuilt apps like Static HTML.
In order to edit tabs it seems that they have to be added to the page, in order to be able to edit them. That's a problem when customizing a Facebook tab, as you don't want your fans to see your work-in-progress content until it's ready to be published.
Any one who has experience with this?
You could show it only when an admin is logged in by checking the session.
I can't help you more because there is too few information of what you're using..

Is it possible to have a facebook tab application without a tab?

A client wants to have a facebook page tab app, but they don't want the tab to be visible to the public. They're OK with the general public accessing the app if they obtain a link to it somehow, but don't want to advertise the app with a page tab icon at the top of their facebook page.
If I "Remove from favorites" on the page tab icon, the app itself becomes inaccessible. If I put the app in sandbox mode, only admins/testers can access it. All I really want to do is hide the icon itself but the leave the app up and running. Is this possible?
No, it's not possible to have a page tab app which doesn't appear as a tab.
You/They should probably use a canvas app ('App on Facebook' in the settings, accessed via for this purpose.
This also has the advantage of giving them more screen real estate to work with, and it can be kept 'anonymous' by just linking directly to it and not promoting it any other way

How can i make my iframe app visible for everyone?

I'm new to Facebook app development and I ran into a stupid issue:
I made a simple app consisting of a flash player embedded in an iframe stored on my server and then I added it (as a tab) to a Facebook Event page I also created.
My problem is that the iframe will only load the page's content if the user's role is mapped in the app settings; it works fine for me since I'm the administrator and I believe my test users can also see it quite well, but for everyone else the iframe is blank.
Any ideas on how to make it visible for everyone?
Thanks in advance
Content page is here:
Tab is here:
Sounds like your app is in Sandbox Mode. If it is, you're right - only Admin, Devs, and Testers will be able to use / see the app. If you want everyone to see it, disable Sandbox Mode:
Go to
Select your app and then Edit Settings
Settings > Advanced
In Authentication section, set Sandbox Mode to Disabled

How do I get a Facebook app I've created to show up on a Facebook "Page"?

I have successfully created a Facebook application. I have successfully added the application to my Facebook "Page". After I do this, no link for the app shows up in the menu on the left. This seems like something that should be simple to do, yet I can't find any documentation that is up-to-date. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Configure the Page Tab settings in your application settings under Facebook Integration.
Go to the developer page where you get the list of your apps.
Click on the more link next to your app, and choose Application profile.
Once you are on the app profile, on the sidebar menu click on Add to my page and choose the page where you want to add the tab.
Note that you must have your app tab configured properly inside your app configuration in order to get this to work i.e. setting the correct domain and tab file.
If you are logged in as the page, I suggest you either creating a profile ID and log in as it, or the solution that #ifaour pointed out, although it will be difficult to find your app inside the search engine that FB provides.