Import specific method signature in Scala - scala

Is there a manner to import a specific method signature?
def test() {
lazy val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("AndroidProxy")
import log.{error, debug, info, trace}
trace("This is a test")
trace "This is also" // <- This line will not compile
Perhaps it's not possible, but my primary goal is to allow this without adding in a new method. I've tried these to no avail
import log.{error => error(_:String)}
import log.{error(x: String) => error(x)}
I suppose the primary challenge is that all of the methods take one argument. I can call no-argument methods without (), and I can create a chain of method calls that omits the .'s e.g. foo getX toString, but I don't know how to create an arity-1 call automatically
This is a followup to this question.

The issue with the code:
trace "This is also" // <- This line will not compile
is not that you're somehow importing too many overloaded variants of trace - it's that you can't use Scala's infix notation this way. An expression like:
e op
is interpreted as a "Postfix Operation" (see section 6.12.2 of the Scala Language Specification), equivalent to the call:
So your code would be equivalent to:
trace."This is also"
which is of course a compile error.
If you instead use an "Infix Operation" of the form e1 op e2 (section 6.12.3 of the Scala Language Specification), then there aren't any problems even if the method is overloaded:
scala> class Logger { def trace(s: String) = "1arg"; def trace(i: Int, s: String) = "2arg" }
defined class Logger
scala> val log = new Logger
log: Logger = Logger#63ecceb3
scala> log trace "This is also"
res0: String = 1arg

No, there is not a way to import a specific method signature.


Scala 3 Macros: How to invoke a method obtained as a `Symbol` in a quoted code block?

In a Scala 3 macro that takes a type parameter T, you can use TypeRepr.of[T] and the new Scala 3 reflection API to explore the companionClass of T, and find the Symbol for an arbitrary method on that companion class (eg companionClass.declarations.find( == "list") to find a list() method).
Given the Symbol for a companion object method, how would you then invoke that method within a quoted code block?
I'm guessing I would need to convert that Symbol to a Expr[T], but I don't know how to do that!
In a Scala 2 macro, the invocation of a listMethod of type c.universe.Symbol in a q"..." quasiquote seems pretty simple - just say $listMethod, and then you can start mapping on the resulting list, eg:
Trying to do a similar thing in a Scala 3 macro gets an error like this:
[error] 27 | ${listMethod}.map(_.toString)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: (listMethod : x$1.reflect.Symbol)
[error] | Required: quoted.Expr[Any]
What is the correct code to get this working in Scala 3?
You can see more code context in the AvroSerialisableMacro classes (Scala 2 compiles, Scala 3 currently nowhere near!) here:
First, let's talk how to call a method using symbol name in general.
You might need Select. You can call obtain it in a a few different ways, e.g.:
New(TypeTree.of[YourType]).select(primaryConstructor) // when you want to create something // when you want to call it on something
Once you selected method you can provide arguments:
select.appliedToArgs(args) // if there is only 1 argument list
select.appliedToArgss(args) // if there is more than one argument list
// (type parameter list is listed in paramSymss
// but shouldn't be used here, so filter it out!)
select.appliedToNone // if this is a method like "def method(): T"
// (single, but empty, parameter list)
select.appliedToArgss(Nil) // is this is a method like "def method: T"
// (with not even empty parameter list)
There are also other methods like appliedToType, appliedToTypeTrees, but if you have a method name as a Symbol and want to use it to call something this should be a good starting point.
And remember that source code of Quotes is your friend, so even when your IDE doesn't give you any suggestions, it can point you towards some solution.
In theory these methods are defined on Term rather than Select (<: Term) but your use case will be most likely picking an expression and calling a method on it with some parameters. So a full example could be e.g.
val expression: Expr[Input]
val method: Symbol
val args: List[Term]
// (input: Input).method(args) : Output
expression // Expr[Input]
.asTerm // Term
.select(method) // Select
.appliedToArgs(args) // Term
.asExpr // Expr[?]
.asExprOf[Output] // Expr[Output]
Obviously, proving that the expression can call method and making sure that types of Terms in args match allowed types of values that you pass to the method, is on you. It is a bit more hassle than it was in Scala 2 since quotes allow you to work with Type[T] and Expr[T] only, so anything that doesn't fall under that category has to be implemented with macros/Tasty ADT until you get to the point that you can return Expr inside ${}.
That said, the example you linked shows that these calls are rather hardcoded, so you don't have to look up Symbols and call them. Your code will most likely do away with:
// T <: ThriftEnum
// Creating companion's Expr can be done with asExprOf called on
// Ref from Dmytro Mitin's answer
def findCompanionOfThisOrParent(): Expr[ThriftEnumObject[T]] = ...
// _Expr_ with the List value you constructed instead of Symbol!
val listOfValues: Expr[List[T]] = '{
${ findCompanionOfThisOrParent() }.list
// once you have an Expr you don't have to do any magic
// to call a method on it, Quotes works nice
val valueMap = Map(${ listOfValues }.map(x => x ->
org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData.get.createEnum(, schemaInstance)
): _*)
Difference between Scala 2 quasiquotes and Scala 3 quotations is that the former must compile during compile time of the main code using macros (i.e. during macro expansion, macro runtime) while the latter must compile earlier, at macro compile time. So Scala 3 quotations '{...}/${...} are more like Scala 2 reify{...}/.splice than Scala 2 quasiquotes q"..."/${...}.
`tq` equivalent in Scala 3 macros
You have to re-create AST. Let's see what shape AST should have:
object B:
def fff(): Unit = ()
import scala.quoted.*
inline def foo(): Unit = ${fooImpl}
def fooImpl(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
import quotes.reflect.*
println('{B.fff()} Printer.TreeStructure))
foo() // ... Apply(Select(Ident("B"), "fff"), Nil)
So in order to re-create AST try to use Apply(...) and Select.unique(..., "list"):
import scala.quoted.*
inline def foo[T](): Unit = ${fooImpl[T]}
def fooImpl[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val sym = TypeRepr.of[T].typeSymbol
Testing (in a different file):
class A
object A {
def list(): Unit = println("list")
//scalac: {
// scala.Predef.println("aaa")
// A.list()
// prints at runtime:
// aaa
// list
Using method symbol rather than its name and using convenience methods rather than AST nodes directly, you can rewrite fooImpl as
def fooImpl[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Unit] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val sym = TypeRepr.of[T].typeSymbol
val listMethod = sym.companionClass.declarations.find( == "list").get
This is just an example how to create an AST. You should use your actual return type of def list() instead of Unit in .asExprOf[Unit].
How to get the list of default fields values for typed case class?
scala 3 macro how to implement generic trait

deprecation warning when compiling: eta expansion of zero argument method

When compiling this snippet, the scala compiler issues the following warning:
Eta-expansion of zero-argument method values is deprecated. Did you
intend to write Main.this.porFiles5()? [warn] timerFunc(porFiles5)
It occurs when I pass a function to another one for a simple timing. The timer function takes a parameterless function returning unit, at this line: timerFunc(porFiles5). Is this warning necessary? What would be the idiomatic way to avoid it?
package example
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.time._
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main extends App {
val dir = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath("C:\\tmp\\testExtract")
def timerFunc (func:()=>Unit ) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val finish = System.currentTimeMillis()
println((finish - start) / 1000.0 + " secs.")
def porFiles5(): Unit = {
val porFiles5 = Files.walk(dir).count()
println(s"You have $porFiles5 por5 files.")
def timeNow(): Unit = {
porFiles5 is not a function. It is a method, which is something completely different in Scala.
If you have a method, but you need a function, you can use η-expansion to lift the method into a function, like this:
someList.foreach(println _)
Scala will, in some cases, also perform η-expansion automatically, if it is absolutely clear from context what you mean, e.g.:
However, there is an ambiguity for parameterless methods, because Scala allows you to call parameterless methods without an argument list, i.e. a method defined with an empty parameter list can be called without any argument list at all:
def foo() = ???
foo // normally, you would have to say foo()
Now, in your case, there is an ambiguity: do you mean to call porFiles5 or do you mean to η-expand it? At the moment, Scala arbitrarily disambiguates this situation and performs η-expansion, but in future versions, this will be an error, and you will have to explicitly perform η-expansion.
So, to get rid of the warning, simply use explicit η-expansion instead of implicit η-expansion:
timerFunc(porFiles5 _)

How to compile/eval a Scala expression at runtime?

New to Scala and looking for pointers to an idiomatic solution, if there is one.
I'd like to have arbitrary user-supplied Scala functions (which are allowed to reference functions/classes I have defined in my code) applied to some data.
For example: I have foo(s: String): String and bar(s: String): String functions defined in my myprog.scala. The user runs my program like this:
$ scala myprog data.txt --func='(s: Str) => foo(bar(s)).reverse'
This would run line by line through the data file and emit the result of applying the user-specified function to that line.
For extra points, can I ensure that there are no side-effects in the user-defined function? If not, can I restrict the function to use only a restricted subset of functions (which I can assure to be safe)?
#kenjiyoshida has a nice gist that shows how to eval Scala code. Note that when using Eval from that gist, not specifying a return value will result in a runtime failure when Scala defaults to inferring Nothing.
scala> Eval("println(\"Hello\")")
java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.runtime.BoxedUnit cannot be cast to scala.runtime.Nothing$
... 42 elided
scala> Eval[Unit]("println(\"Hello\")")
It nicely handles whatever's in scope as well.
object Thing {
val thing: Int = 5
object Eval {
def apply[A](string: String): A = {
val toolbox = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val tree = toolbox.parse(string)
def fromFile[A](file: File): A =
def fromFileName[A](file: String): A =
fromFile(new File(file))
object Thing2 {
val thing2 = Eval[Int]("Thing.thing") // 5
Twitter's util package used to have util-eval, but that seems to have been deprecated now (and also triggers a compiler bug when compiled).
As for the second part of your question, the answer seems to be no. Even if you disable default Predef and imports yourself, a user can always get to those functions with the fully qualified package name. You could perhaps use Scala's to first parse your string and then compare against a whitelist, before passing to eval, but at that point things could get pretty hairy since you'll be manually writing code to sanitize the Scala AST (or at the very least reject dangerous input). It definitely doesn't seem to be an "idiomatic solution."
This should be possible by using the standard Java JSR 223 Scripting Engine
(also mentions using but not sure this is still available)
import javax.script.*;
ScriptEngine e = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala");
e.getContext().setAttribute("label", new Integer(4), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
try {
} catch (ScriptException ex) {

Get Scala variable name at runtime

Is it possible to get the name of a scala variable at runtime?
E.g. is it possible to write a function getIntVarName(variable: Int): String behaving as follows?
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === getIntVarName(myInt))
For what you need to do, It seems to me that runtime is not required, since you already have your myInt variable defined at compile time. If this is the case, you just need a bit of AST manipulation via a macro.
package com.natalinobusa.macros
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
object Macros {
// write macros here
def getName(x: Any): String = macro impl
def impl(c: Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val p = x match {
case Select(_, TermName(s)) => s
case _ => ""
Be aware that macro's must be compiled as a separate subproject, and cannot be part of the same project where the macro substitution has to be applied. Check this template on how to define such a macro sub-project:
scala> import Macros._
import Macros._
scala> val myInt = 3
myInt: Int = 3
scala> "myInt" == getName(myInt)
res6: Boolean = true
You can use scala-nameof to get a variable name, function name, class member name, or type name. It happens at compile-time so there's no reflection involved and no runtime dependency needed.
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === nameOf(myInt))
will compile to:
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === "myInt")
Basically, it can't be done.
The JVM offers nothing by way of a Method handle (remember, Scala properties are encoded as methods in bytecode to support the uniform access principle). The closest you can get is to use reflection to find a list of methods defined on a particular class - which I appreciate doesn't help with your particular need.
It is possible to implement this as a Scala feature, but it would require a compiler plugin to grab the relevant symbol name from the AST and push it into code as a string literal, so not something I could demonstrate in a short code snippet :)
The other naming problem that often comes up in reflection is method parameters. That one at least I can help with. I have a work-in-progress reflection library here that's based on the compiler-generated scala signature as used by scalap. It's nowhere near being ready for serious use, but it is under active development.
Scala doesn't yet have much more than Java in terms of metadata like this. Keep an eye on the Scala Reflection project, but I doubt that will offer access to local variables anytime soon. In the meantime, consider a bytecode inspector library like ASM. Another big caveat: local variable names are lost during compilation, so you'd need to compile in "debug" mode to preserve them.
I don't think it's possible to get the name of a variable, but you can try it with objects:
object Test1 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
object MyVar {
def value = 1
This prints: class Test1$MyVar$2$. So you can get 'MyVar' out of it.
This can be achieved with Scala 3 Macros (does it at compile time).
Create a Macro object (this must be in a separate file):
import scala.quoted.{Expr, Quotes}
object NameFromVariable :
def inspectCode(x: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[String] =
val name ="""\.""").last
Then you need an inline method in your class.
inline def getIntVarName(inline x: Any): Any = ${ NameFromVariable.inspectCode('x) }
And use this method, like:
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === getIntVarName(myInt))
See the official documentation:

var_dump() in Scala

Is there any convenient way to dump all members of a specified object in Scala,
like var_dump(), PHP function?
As mentioned in "How to Dump/Inspect Object or Variable in Java" (yes, I know, the question is about Scala):
Scala (console) has a very useful feature to inspect or dump variables / object values :
scala> def b = Map("name" -> "Yudha", "age" -> 27)
b: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,Any]
scala> b
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,Any] = Map((name,Yudha), (age,27))
But if you want more details, you can give REPL Scala Utils a try, in order to get a "Easier object inspection in the Scala REPL"
So I've written a utility for use on the Scala REPL that will print out all of the "attributes" of an object.
(Note: "I" being here: Erik Engbrecht, also on BitBucket)
Here's some sample usage:
scala> import replutils._
import replutils._
scala> case class Test(a: CharSequence, b: Int)
defined class Test
scala> val t = Test("hello", 1)
t: Test = Test(hello,1)
scala> printAttrValues(t)
hashCode: int = -229308731
b: int = 1
a: CharSequence (String) = hello
productArity: int = 2
getClass: Class = class line0$object$$iw$$iw$Test
That looks fairly anti-climatic, but after spending hours typing objName to see what's there, and poking at methods, it seems like a miracle.
Also, one neat feature of it is that if the class of the object returned is different from the class declared on the method, it prints both the declared class and the actual returned class.
You might want to look at ToStringBuilder in commons-lang, specificly ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString().
In compiled code, the nicest way is usually just to declare your type as a case class, then use the generated toString method.
Anything else subclassing Product should be just as easy (currently just tuples)
Failing that, write your own toString method, it's usually trivial enough...