Sql server mouse cursor pointer does NOT automatically go to the end of the line - sql-server-2008-r2

This is a plain usability issue I'm facing. Somehow the settings on my version changed and when I click on the query window, the mouse cursor pointer does NOT automatically go to the end of the line. It instead remains wherever I had clicked.
I have checked Options in Tools, but I cannot find where this feature can be reset.

You've got the virtual space option enabled in your settings.
On the menu bar, go to the Tools -> Options, and then pick Text Editor -> All Languages and uncheck the Enable virtual space option.
Take a look at this screenshot:


restoring vscode settings to default

In vscode, there is an option to chose which language I'm going to use when I make a new file. I accidentally clicked do not show for this setting/UI but I want it back. I tried googling it but I can't find any solutions. Is this is even changeable?
If you are talking about this feature, it can be re-enabled by changing the value of Workbench > Editor > Untitled: Hint (workbench.editor.untitled.hint) in the settings.
But without that feature you can still change language mode by clicking the button at the bottom right of the window.

In Eclipse IDE how to disable the closing of an editor tab via plain right-click

I am using Eclipse Oxygen (Ver 4.7.0) on CentOS with the UI shown via MobaXterm's X Windows server on Windows 7.
In Eclipse I have the weird problem that when I right-click on an editor tab the tab closes immediately! No context menu, nothing, just the tab vanishes. I would like to disable this, but I couldn't find any entry for right-clicking in the Keys section of the Preferences.
Is there another place where the right-click behaviour is set? Or how else can I disable this? The problem occurs only for editor tabs.
Additional details:
The right-click behaves correctly inside an editor tab by bringing up the context menu. This shows that the right-click is not genearlly broken in the X Window system.
The right-click behaves correctly in other X applications like PyCharm.
An explanation
A closer look revealed that Eclipse does show the context menu on right-click press-down, but on right-click release-up it registers a left-click event.
Due to the particular situation of when the context menu was drawn, the mouse pointer than just always happens to sit over the top entry in the menu. And this top entry is Close. The following screenshot might illustrate this a bit (unfortunately without the mouse pointer):
The immediate solution for me is to move the mouse after pressing the right mouse button and before releasing it.
Still I don't know why this happens only when right-clicking a tab and only for me - and probably not for many other people...

How to wrap line in PyDev's interactive console?

Each time I want to view a long output line, I have to drag the horizontal scroll bar. Is it possible to set word wrapping in PyDev's interactive console (not editor)?
Unfortunately no, it's not currently possible to enable word wrapping in the PyDev interactive console.
You may report this as a feature request in https://www.brainwy.com/tracker/PyDev (but even better would be providing a pull request for that -- see: http://www.pydev.org/developers.html)
It is now possible as of PyDev 6.2. By default it is not enabled. To see the icon that you have to click to enable visit this. For the possibility that the link disappears, go to the console tab and you will want to look for an icon which has a yellow "left-turn" arrow and click that.

Do not show user input in console autocomplete

Recently, I have noticed that Google Chrome's JavaScript console autocompletes previously inputted commands. For example:
I want to remove this feature because the autocomplete displays variables that may not exist. Is there a way to remove this feature?
Yes. A lot of people found it annoying, so they added a setting to disable it.
First, enter the DevTools settings from the menu button in the top right corner.
Then, in the "General" section, disable "Autocomplete from history".

Change Eclipse tab to correctly indent line as Emacs does

In Emacs when I hit tab anywhere on a line, the line will indent correctly (or at least to the mode settings). When I hit tab again it will move back to the next block. When programming Python this really helps since closing a block is done by lowering the indention level.
Is there a way to configure Eclipse to do the same?
Currently, I have to erase the leading white space then hit tab.
This question is a reposting of a superuser question.
Try ctrl-i (Cmd-i on osx) to indent the current line or a selection inside eclipse (if you're using default key binds as opposed to emacs). Or, if you want a different key bind, go to Appearances > General > Keys and change the bind for Correct Indentation to key(s) of your choice
In Eclipse, go to Windows -> Preference -> Java -> Formatter.
In Active Profile drop down box, select any profile, click Edit on right of it.
In Profile Dialog box opened, you can change a lot of things like Indentation, New Line, Braces, White Spaces etc.
Alternatively, if your profile is altogether different than standard one, Create a new active profile and then edit it accordingly.