I been watching TechDays 2010 Understanding MVVM and at one point he talks about blend and creating sample data but instead of generating it in blend he makes the data in C# code.
I am wondering if you create sample data(from sample class,new sample data and etc) does it save it somewhere in the project(ie I give my project to someone else will they see the same data in blend when they load up the project)? Can you switch from sample data and live data easily?
Sample data is just an xaml (not just xml) file defining your object graph that is marked with the build types DesignData or DesignDataWithDesignTimeCreatableTypes. The docs are sparse on MSDN, but this document about its use in the Silverlight designer is essentially the same in any xaml designer in 2012.
There is no "live data" when using these types of samples. All the values are set in the xaml file. You can't change the data for, say, a particular text box within the designer. Nor can you easily switch between different samples.
There are two ways to create the sample data--you can build it by hand (if you know your types and if you are comfortable writing xaml), or you can spin up a simple console application, build your object graph, then use the XamlServices class to serialize your graph to a string (or just rewrite to drop it to a stream instead). Here's some C# pseudocode that may or may not work as written:
public string Serialize(object toSerialize)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb);
XamlServices.Save(writer, toSerialize);
return sb.ToString();
You just create a new file, give it an .xaml extension, drop the result in that file, save it to your solution, and set its Build Action to DesignData (the designer mocks the structure of your types) or DesignTimeDataWithDesignTimeCreatableTypes (the latter if your graph can be deserialized with XamlServices, doesn't throw any exceptions when used in the designer, etc).
I'm using OpenXml SDK to generate word 2013 files. I'm running on a server (part of a server solution), so automation is not an option.
Basically I have an xml file that is output from a backend system. Here's a very simplified example:
<my:Name>Customer Template</my:Name>
<my:Date>19/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
<my:Date>20/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
Then I use Word's Xml Mapping pane to map this data to content control:
I simply duplicate the word file, and write new Xml data when generating new files.
This is working as expected. When I update the xml part, it reflects the data from my backend.
Thought, there's a case that does not works. If a customer has no order, the template content is kept in the document. The xml data is :
<my:Name>Some customer</my:Name>
(see the empty order list).
In Word, the xml pane reflects the correct data (meaning no Order node):
But as you can see, the template content is still here.
Basically, I'd like to hide the order list when there's no order (or at least an empty table).
How can I do that?
PS: If it can help, I uploaded the word and xml files, and a small PowerShell script that injects the data : repro.zip
Thanks for sharing your files so we can better help you.
I had a difficult time trying to solve your problem with your existing Word Content Controls, XML files and the PowerShell script that added the XML to the Word document. I found what seemed to be Microsoft's VSTO example solution to your problem, but I couldn't get this to work cleanly.
I was however able to write a simple C# console application that generates a Word file based on your XML data. The OpenXML code to generate the Word file was generated code from the Open XML Productivity Tool. I then added some logic to read your XML file and generate the second table rows dynamically depending on how many orders there are in the data. I have uploaded the code for you to use if you are interested in this solution. Note: The xml data file should be in c:\temp and the generated word files will be in c:\temp also.
Another added bonus to this solution is if you were to add all of the customer data into one XML file, the application will create separate word files in your temp directory like so:
Here is the document generated from the first xml file
Here is the document generated from the second xml file with the empty row
Hope this helps.
I have a code that implements a Novacode.LineChart. And the LineChart type which is shown by default is this one:
But I dont want this type of chart, I want it without points, like this:
This is the code where I create the chart:
LineChart c = new LineChart();
c.AddLegend(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom, false);
c.Grouping = Grouping.Stacked;
Anyone knows how can I hide thoose points and show only the lines? Thanks to everyone!!
Your question is shown up while I was searching for the exact same feature. It's probably a bit late but I hope it would be useful for other people in need of this feature.
My so called answer is not more than a few lines of dirty and unmanageable hack so unless you are not in dire need, I do not recommend to follow this way.
I also do not know if is it an approved approach here but I prefer to write the solution step by step so it may help you to grasp the concept and use better methods.
After I have realized that I was unable to use DocX to create a line chart without markers, using currently provided API, I wanted to know what were the differences between actual and desired output. So I saved a copy of .docx file with line chart after I manually edited the chart to expected result.
Before and after the edit
As you may already know, a .docx is a container format and essentially comprised of a few different folders and files. You can open it up with a .zip archive extractor. I used 7-Zip for this task and found chart file at location of /word/charts/chart1.xml but this may differ depending on the file, but you can easily figure it out.
Compared both of chart1.xml files and the difference was, the file without the markers had and extra XML tag with an additional attribute;
<c:symbol val="none" />
I had to somehow add this segment of code to chart. I added these up to example code provided by DocX. You can follow up from: DocX/ChartSample.cs at master
This is where the fun begins. Easy part first.
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Xceed.Words.NET;
// Create a line chart.
var line_chart = new LineChart();
// Create the data.
var PlaceholderData = ChartData.GenerateRandomDataForLinechart();
// Create and add series
var Series_1 = new Series("Your random chart with placeholder data");
Series_1.Bind(PlaceholderData, "X-Axis", "Y-Axis");
// Create a new XmlDocument object and clone the actual chart XML
XmlDocument XMLWithNewTags = new XmlDocument();
I've used XPath Visualizer Tool to determine the XPath query, which is important to know because you can't just add the marker tag to somewhere and expect it to work. Why do I tell this? Because I appended marker tag on a random line and expected it to work. Naive.
// Set a namespace manager with the proper XPath location and alias
XmlNamespaceManager NSMngr = new XmlNamespaceManager(XMLWithNewTags.NameTable);
string XPathQuery = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea/c:lineChart/c:ser";
string xmlns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart";
NSMngr.AddNamespace("c", xmlns);
XmlNode NewNode = XMLWithNewTags.SelectSingleNode(XPathQuery, NSMngr);
Now create necessary tags on newly created XML Document object with specified namespace
XmlElement Symbol = XMLWithNewTags.CreateElement("c", "symbol", xmlns);
Symbol.SetAttribute("val", "none");
XmlElement Marker = XMLWithNewTags.CreateElement("c", "marker", xmlns);
And we should copy the contents of latest changes to actual XML object. But oops, understandably it is defined as private so it is a read-only object. This is where I thought like "Okay, I've fiddled enough with this. I better find another library" but then decided to go on because reasons.
Downloaded DocX repo, changed this line to
get; set;
recompiled, copied Xceed.Words.NET.dll to both projectfolder/packages and projectfolder/projectname/bin/Debug folder and finally last a few lines were
// Copy the contents of latest changes to actual XML object
line_chart.Xml = XDocument.Parse(XMLWithNewTags.InnerXml);
// Insert chart into document
// Save this document to disk.
Is it worth it? I'm not sure but I have learned a few things while working on it. There're probably lots of bad programming practises in this answer so please tell me if you see one. Sorry for meh English.
In MS Publisher 2010, you can add a PUB file (a catalog publication which merge a template with data coming from Excel file) to the end of an existing pub file.
Quite convenient to compose a Catalog book. I can do it by hand with Publisher user interface and I would like to automate this task (there is 26 chapters).
Unfortunately, I was not able to locate the automation function, neither a simple example.
Did someone could help me with some automation sample for this task?
Can you access the Publisher interop library with PowerShell?
This is how I'd go about it if so (untested C#, but it should give you an idea of how to go about it if you read up on it in MSDN's Publisher VBA reference):
Publisher.Application firstPubApp = new Publisher.Application(); //open a new publisher instance
Publisher.Document sourcePublication = firstPubApp.Open("sourcefile.pub"); //open your publisher document
Publisher.Application otherPubApp = new Publisher.Application();
Publisher.Document targetPublication = otherPubApp.Open("targetfile.pub");
targetPublication.Pages.Add(1, 1); //add one page after page 1
foreach (Publisher.Shape shape in sourcePublication.Pages[1].Shapes) //loop through all pages on page 1
shape.Copy(); //copy the shape
otherPubApp.ActiveDocument.Pages[2].Shapes.Paste(); //paste it in the other document
It is quite possible that a better way to do it than looping through all shapes on all pages is hidden somewhere in that documentation though. It's always hard to find samples for Publisher compared to Excel or Word.
How can i open a file directly from stream which is exported through crystal report export to stream function? I am using vs2010 and sap crystal report.
MemoryStream m = (MemoryStream)(PReport.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat));
FileStream f = new FileStream(purchaseCombo.SelectedItem.ToString(),FileMode.Create,System.IO.FileAccess.Write);
byte[] bytes = new byte[m.Length];
m.Read(bytes, 0, (int)m.Length);
f.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
It depends on the file that you are exporting. Since Crystal Reports can export a number of different file types and each of them has a specific program that can handle it, you will need to search for the exact file type that you're interested. For example with a quick search on the internet, I found that a stream of an html file can be directly previewed inside a WebBrowser component (in a WPF app) by using the NavigateToStream method. Maybe there are some 3rd party components that expose methods for directly opening files from memory.
Though, the easiest way would be to export a temporary file to disk instead of memory by using the ExportToDisk method and delete it after its usage, since many components read from paths rather than memory. Before exporting the file, you can use the GetTempFileName method which creates and names a temporary file.
I came around this technique of converting datatable to excel
Do we have any Equivalent of Response.AppendHeader in windows application in C#.
The trick in the code sample that you have mentioned to dynamically generate an Excel file is based on the fact that documents can be converted from Word/Excel to HTML (File->Save As) and vice versa. Essentially a HTML page containing Office XML is created & in a web application a file download is triggered with the help of the following Response.AppendHeader statements -
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.ms-excel");
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=my.xls");
If you want to use this technique in a Winforms application, just save the string content as a text file and give the file an extension of ".xls". Instead of the last 3 lines in the sample's Page_Load method, replace it with this line -
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(#"C:\Report.xls", strBody);