eclipse not working after mousefeed plugin installation - eclipse

I just installed Mousefeed plugin in my eclipse Juno. I was unaware that the plugin doesnot work for eclipse juno. Now the mouse click are unresponsive and I can only use shortcut keys. How do I uninstall the plugin ?

How to uninstall plugin without using the mouse:
type "about"
select (with cursors and enter) menus - about eclipse
installation details
choose & uninstall plugin.

If you are unsure which shortcuts to use in Eclipse now, the easiest workaround is probably to shutdown eclipse and to delete the plugin on disk. Eclipse will then start without the plugin the next time.
The plugin should be at <eclipse directory>\plugins\com.mousefeed_1.0.0.jar. If not (depending on your OS and kind of installation), search only for a file containing "mousefeed" in the name and ending with ".jar".


After i deleted plugin, it is still executing in my eclipse

i have created a plugin for eclipse and created update site for it and everything. I installed on my Eclipse and it worked like a charm.
But then i want to remove the plugin.
I have tried using help>install new software>what´s already installed>click on plugin name > uninstall...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse.
I have tried deleting the .jar on my plugins folder...
It didn´t work, the plugin is still on my eclipse(i know that because my plugin does something when my mouse is hovering a method).
What do i do? How can I(and my plugin users) remove this plugin?
By the way, to build my plugin website, i used this tutorial:
And uploaded my plugin on my website
When the plugin is installed using Features:
To Uninstall a plug-in from Eclipse the usual UI way is to select About Eclipse then click Installation Details button and select the plugin you want to uninstall. Then click Uninstall button.
When the plugin is not installed with a Feature:
When you have installed it in your running Eclipse from the Plug-in Export dialog, and after as you have done deleting the plug-in from your plugins directory, you need to restart Eclipse from the command line using the -clean flag. This will rebuild the plugin cache. This is very low-level and not recommended.
- Always develop plugins using features

Eclipse Java EE to install C++ module

I have Eclipse IDE for Java EE packages installed. How can I add the C/C++ IDE to the current Eclipse install? Or is there a better way to do this?
Use Help > Install New software to open the Install dialog. There, you'll need to select the right update site from the drop-down list at the top. Depending on which version of Eclipse you have, it will most likely be Indigo or Helios.
After selecting the update site, the list below will populate with available features to install (be patient, it might take a minute). Look for the "Programming Languages" group in that list, expand it, and check the box next to "C/C++ Development Tools." If desired, you can also select the "incubation" features for C/C++ or CDT.
Click the Next button and follow the prompts to download and install CDT.
I use Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3RC2) on Ubuntu. Here are the steps I installed C++ plugins:
Help > Eclipse Marketplaces..
In Find input box, enter C++
Scroll down to locate Eclipse C/C++ IDE CDT 9.2 (Neon.2)
Click Install
Note: you may see different C/C++ IDE CDT version if you use a different version of Eclipse Java EE IDE
In addition to the steps above to follow, I want to share a side effect of installing C/C++ modules in Java EE Eclipse: your custom hotkeys may not work.
The fix is:
Try to "Restore command" in "Preferences" - "Keys".
If it doesn't help, you can try to close Java perspective and reopen it. That did the trick for me.
I noticed that when the installation finishes and we restart, we see a C++ welcome screen. I guess that after a installation of CDT, this perspective and its hotkeys takes precedence over Java perspective, thus, reopen Java perspective make Java hotkeys take precedence over C++. But it's more like a bug.

How to uninstall the sysdeo plugin

Had some strange errors, described here: lost in deployment: session.getAttribute() returns NULL in some Tomcat configurations and been advised to remove the SysDeo plugin.
Googled on how to remove plugins in Eclipse 3.6, found the plugin in Eclipse Installation Details, still looking for some "uninstall/remove" button. Or should I just remove the files from some of the eclipse sub-folders (contrary to what is written in Eclipse tutorials) and it'll work?
Help->About>Installation details->Installed software tab
Click on the software that you want to unistall and the "uninstall" button becames enabled. Click that button to uninstall the software.
EDIT: In your comment you say that you installed the plugin by dropping it in the "dropins" folder. Well, according to this, the way to uninstall it would be to just delete it from the "dropins" folder and restart Eclipse.

How do i remove m2eclipse from my eclipse installation?

I don't need m2eclipse to work properly, I just need to remove m2eclipse for now and let eclipse behave normally. how do i do this?
Two solutions:
Remove the plugin through the list of installed plugins
(the illustrations are from the blog post "Install Eclipse UI Form Editor" written by Albert ATTARD):
The "about eclipse" menu will give you access to the list of installed Software:
You can click on the right application (m2eclipse for you, Jiglo in this example), and click uninstall, and restart eclipse.
A safer solution would be first to install a new fresh copy of Eclipse, and add your existing plugins (except m2eclipse): if that fails, you still have your previous Eclipse installation untouched.
after doing what VonC suggested, goto the directory eclipse\plugins and search anything with m2e and remove it from the directory
also do the same for the eclipse\features directory.
then you won't be seeing any of the m2e things again.
i would have used m2e if it had a command line feature similar to
"mvn eclipse:clean" and "mvn eclipse:eclipse"
sadly their both incompatible with each other..
right now all i needed are those two command lines to get me up and running with eclipse just to browse and edit the code, etc..

Eclipse Java EE - Galileo - Unable to view plugins

I am new to Eclipse so I am having a hard time troubleshooting this problem. I have a new installation of Eclipse Java EE - Galileo on Windows, and I am unable to see any changes made in the IDE after installing plugins. I have verified that the plugins are installed via installation details, but see no changes made.
For example, after installing the maven integration plugin m2eclipse I go to File->New->Project ... and I have no option for maven. After installing the QuickRex plugin I have no view for it etc.
I have tried re-installing the plugins, re-installing Eclipse, and starting Eclipse with the -clean option, but nothing has resolved the issue.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok. This is just a wild guess but could you start over with a fresh install and make sure that you uncheck the option Contact all update sites during install to find required software as shown below:
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I faced a similar problem (on another platform than yours), some updates were "disabling" all my plugins. Not checking this option allowed me to work around this issue.
Follow-up: You'll need to install that Zest stuff manually from the GEF update site:
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