How to Check in the app constantly of the signals of wifi connection.In case of less signals has to send notification to server.
To get the status of network you should refer at Apple's sample code Reachability
I think you'll find all you need.
I am working on a educational related apps. My app functionality is working well when the WIFI is connected otherwise it is getting crashed.
In my app I am connecting with the server using NSURLRequest class its working.
the download also not having any problem if the wifi is available.
problem rectification: I have to know weather the my app device is connected with external network or not.
So, how can I know my app is connected with the wifi or not?
The following link consists source code, in which it consists how to check the reachability. That means the wifi or any network is connected of not.
Apple provides sample code called "Reachability" to detect when the network is available. That would be a good starting point, though a quick Google should locate some alternatives.
I'm working on an application that downloads some data from the internet using NSData's initWithContentsOfURL method. At startup I'm using some code from Apple's Reachability sample to check if a wifi connection is available; if not, then the app just shows an error message and refuses to really start (as requested by my client). All is working fine on iPod and iPad, but on iPhone, my client reports much, much slower download speeds, unless he turns on airplane mode, in which case download speeds are on par with iPod / iPad speeds. So it seems that even though a wifi connection is available, the iPhone is probably using the cellular network to download the data. Which is really weird. Does anyone have any idea about what I might be doing wrong?
I believe your answer is SCNetworkReachability which you already have access to since you are using Apple's Reachability code.
The SCNetworkReachability API allows an application to determine the status of a system's current network configuration and the reachability of a target host. One of the flags returned by the API, kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN, will tell you if a network connection to the target host uses the carrier network. The Reachability sample code shows how to determine the active network connection.
You could also use this to enforce WiFi if that's what you want.
Have a look at UIRequiresPersistentWiFi
I want to check the user whether using whether wifi/3G connect or not, how can I check this behavior? thank you.
Use Apple's "Reachability" sample app. It's become the code most used for determining network connectivity.
You can check once at launch time for network access, or set yourself up as a notification consumer of network connection change messages.
This is important these days because Apple will test your app in Airplane Mode, and if it requires network connections it can't get, but doesn't handle that nicely, they'll bounce your submission.
Hai to all
In general cases if we want to get the data from any URL ,using internet or Wi-fi we will hit the url and parse that data and use it.
But in the application what I am doing, I need to use pdp_ip0 cellular network only even though the wi=fi is available.
So ,could any one help me how to use cellular n/w.
Thank you all.
Using Reachability classes. You can check your device network (wi-fi or cellular ) and based on that you can allow to download data.You can go here :-
Download "Network Link Conditioner" and change the network to 3G. Have a try.
There is a sample code of apple named "reachability" which tells us the network status of the device, wifi or edge/gprs, but I couldn't see any documentation or sample code regarding gathering if the device is on 3g or not while accessing to internet. I also googled, but no hope. Is it possible to do that, if so how?
According to Apple representatives, this is not currently possible. See this message on the Apple forums (registration as an iPhone developer required).
Maybe there is a server side solution to your problem? I assume that your app requires a fast internet connection to operate - maybe you could measure latency, packet loss etc on the server side and take appropriate action if the connection is too slow?