GWT CellTable Data Not Displaying - gwt

I have the following code in my modules onModuleLoad() method:
List<MyPromo> promotionData = new ArrayList<MyPromo>();
MyPromo promotion1 = new MyPromo(...);
PromotionTable<MyPromo> promoTable = new PromotionTable<MyPromo>(tableColumns, promotionData);
public class PromotionTable <T extends Promotion> extends CellTable<T>{
public PromotionTable(List<ColumnGroup<T>> columns, List<T> data) {
this.setHeaderBuilder(new PromotionTableHeaderBuilder(columns, this));
this.setFooterBuilder(new PromotionTableFooterBuilder(this));
ListDataProvider<T> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<T>();
The columns for the CellTable just take properties off the MyPromo object and return a String value to display. However, nothing is displayed in the table, just the column headers. Any idea why this is?

The problem is with the following code
ListDataProvider<T> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<T>();
By the time you do setList, ListDataProvider must know its consumers ie displays (Refer setList implementaion).
So, the order of the code is wrong. First do addDataDisplay and then do setList. It will work.

I was constructing the dataProvider and assigning it to the celltable (or mu extension of) in the constructor. It didn't like this for some reason, when I moved it out it worked.

Here is a simple example of CellTable, SimplePager and ListDataProvider.
CellTable<AlarmDisplayBTO> cellTable= new CellTable<AlarmDisplayBTO>();
TextColumn<AlarmDisplayBTO> dateColumn = new TextColumn<AlarmDisplayBTO>() {
public String getValue(AlarmDisplayBTO object) {
return object.getDate();
cellTable.addColumn(dateColumn, "Date");
TextColumn<AlarmDisplayBTO> alarmNameColumn = new TextColumn<AlarmDisplayBTO>() {
public String getValue(AlarmDisplayBTO object) {
return object.getAlarmName();
cellTable.addColumn(alarmNameColumn, "Alarm Name");
// alarmList is an ArrayList<AlarmDisplayBTO> rendered from RPC call
cellTable.setRowData(0, alarmList);
cellTable.setEmptyTableWidget(new Label(" No Records Found"));
ListDataProvider<AlarmDisplayBTO> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<AlarmDisplayBTO>();
SimplePager pager = new SimplePager();
pager.setPageSize(20); // 20 rows will be shown at a time
VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
setWidget(new ScrollPanel(vPanel));
Hope this may help..


In GWT 2.5, how do I populate multiple parts of a cell based up AbstractCell

I have a class ContactCell based on AbstractCell.
It has two Labels and one Image (defined in GWT 2.5's UiBinder).
How do I Column.addColumn() to add a this custom cell to a CellTable?
And If so, how do I use the method getValue() to populate the fields of ContactCell when getValue() only returns simple values (such as String).
Column<Contact, String> column = new Column<Contact, String>(
new ContactCell()) {
public String getValue(Contact object) {
You can change the render string by overridding the onrender mathod of the cell as follows.
Assuming 2 labels and a image can be computed from the value returned by getValue mathod.
ContactCell contactCell = new ContactCell()
public void render( context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb )
// do value check and compute label1 and label2 and calso compute the image path.
sb.appendHtmlConstant( "<label>LABEL1</label>" +"<label>LABEL2</label>"+"<image></image>" )
Column<Contact, String> column = new Column<Contact, String>( contactCell )
public String getValue(Contact object)
You can either use an IdentityColumn instead of a normal Column (will pass through the entire Contact object) or you use a normal Column like this:
Column<Contact, String[]> column = new Column<Contact, String[]>(
new ContactCell()) {
public String[] getValue(Contact object) {
String[] retvalue = new String[2];
retvalue[0] = "SOMETHING";
retvalue[1] = "SOME OTHER THING";
return retvalue;
If the cell based on AbstractCell is defined using UiBinder then it's not currently (GWT 2.5) possible to add such cells to a CellTable.

CellList widget number cannot be over than 25

I have working on CellList for weeks now and I find it owesome.
Those days I wish to print a list that contains more than 70 elements but I noticed that my CellList doesn't append more than 25: from 0 to 24. To make sure that the problem has no relashionsip with my project, I decided to test the code in a new and clan project but It has the same result.
Here is my code:
CustomCell bodyCell = new CustomCell();
CellList<String> coreCellList = new CellList<String>(bodyCell);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i=0; i<74; i++) {
coreCellList.setRowData(0, list);
coreCellList.setRowCount(list.size(), true);
and CustomCell:
public class CustomCell extends AbstractCell<String> {
interface Templates extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
String style = "cell";
#SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<div class=\"" + style
+ "\" style = 'height : 15%'>{0}<br/></div>")
SafeHtml cell(SafeHtml value);
private static Templates templates = GWT.create(Templates.class);
public void render( context,
String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
SafeHtml safeValue = SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(value);
SafeHtml rendered = templates.cell(safeValue);
Thank you for your help.
I always use the code below passing my CellTables and CellLists when I don't want pagination.
public static void setupOnePageList(final AbstractHasData<?> cellTable) {
cellTable.addRowCountChangeHandler(new RowCountChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onRowCountChange(RowCountChangeEvent event) {
cellTable.setVisibleRange(new Range(0, event.getNewRowCount()));
CellList is using paging by default, having a page size of 25. If you add a SimplePager to your page, you can control which data you want to display.
I would advise not to disable paging by setting the page size to the size of your list of data, as you will run into serious performance issues with older browsers (especially IE8 and earlier), depending on the complexity of your presentation and size of the list.
For adding the Pager, see the DevGuide:
// Create a SimplePager.
SimplePager pager = new SimplePager();
// Set the cellList as the display.

trying to add some link cell in my GWT cellTable

I am trying to add a Link in my cell table (I just want the item to be underlined and mouse symbol change on hover)
and on click I just want to give a window Alert .
for that i have tried these Options : ( but no luck )
final Hyperlink hyp = new Hyperlink("test", "test");
Column<EmployerJobs, Hyperlink> test = new Column<EmployerJobs, Hyperlink>(new HyperLinkCell())
public Hyperlink getValue(EmployerJobs object)
return hyp;
Problem with option 1 is , it takes me to navigation page "test", whereas I dont want to go any other page i just want a window alert.
Column<EmployerJobs, SafeHtml> test = new Column<EmployerJobs, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell())
public SafeHtml getValue(EmployerJobs object)
SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
return sb.toSafeHtml();
problem with option 2 is I dont know what exactly to return here and its not getting underlined.
3) at last i am trying to add anchor in my celltable with a compositecell(as ideally i want three different anchors in my ONE cell)
final Anchor anc = new Anchor();
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
CompositeCell ancCell = new CompositeCell(list);
Column testColumn1 = new Column<EmployerJobs, Anchor>(ancCell) {
public Anchor getValue(EmployerJobs object) {
return anc;
Option 3 is giving some exception .
If you can help me get working any of the above option, I'll be grateful
You are doing it totally wrong. You need to use ActionCell for stuff like this or create your own cell. Example code:
ActionCell.Delegate<String> delegate = new ActionCell.Delegate<String>(){
public void execute(String value) { //this method will be executed as soon as someone clicks the cell
ActionCell<String> cell = new ActionCell<String>(safeHtmlTitle,delegate){
public void render( context, //we need to render link instead of default button
String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<a href='#'>");
Column testColumn1 = new Column<EmployerJobs, String>(cell) {
public String getValue(EmployerJobs object) {
//we have to return a value which will be passed into the actioncell
I recommend to read official documentation for Cell Widgets, since it is pretty much everything what you need to know about cell widgets.

Setting ListGrid selection in SmartGWT

I'm trying to set the selected records of a ListGrid table object in SmartGWT, but I can't find any way of doing it. I know there's a getSelectedRecords() function, but no matching setSelectedRecords(). I tried to see if set/getSelectedState() would work, but GWT complains about needing a primary key and a DataSource object. Is there any way to set the selection of a ListGrid?
For this you can use one of the selectRecords() methods, like so:
public void onModuleLoad()
VLayout main = new VLayout();
final ListGrid grid = new ListGrid();
grid.setFields(new ListGridField("name", "Name"));
final IButton button = new IButton("Select some");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
grid.selectRecords(new int[]{2, 3}); //This will select index 2 and 3
private ListGridRecord[] createRecords()
return new ListGridRecord[]{
private ListGridRecord createRecord(String name)
ListGridRecord record = new ListGridRecord();
record.setAttribute("name", name);
return record;

How to reload data rows in GXT grid?

Assuming that data retrieves from DataStore using RPCproxy, populate to grid using ListStore upon opening the page.
Then, there's a form to add an entity and after modification it will reflect the new list in GXT grid with the new added row.
How can reload the grid? I tried .reconfigure() method in Grid but didn't work.
First of all you must extract Grid before your Proxy, and the second thing is to change your RPC callback:
public class PagingBeanModelGridExample extends LayoutContainer {
//put grid Class outside a method or declare it as a final on the begin of a method
Grid grid = null;
protected void onRender(Element parent, int index) {
super.onRender(parent, index);
RpcProxy> proxy = new RpcProxy>() {
public void load(Object loadConfig, final AsyncCallback> callback) {
//modification here - look that callback is overriden not passed through!!
service.getBeanPosts((PagingLoadConfig) loadConfig, new AsyncCallback>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(PagingLoadResult result) {
//here you are reloading store
// loader
final BasePagingLoader> loader = new BasePagingLoader>(proxy, new BeanModelReader());
ListStore store = new ListStore(loader);
List columns = new ArrayList();
ColumnModel cm = new ColumnModel(columns);
grid = new Grid(store, cm);
To display the new data to grid do you really need to reload the grid?
You can create a new model object with the new data and add this to the ListStore.
Suppose you have a CommentModel which extends the BaseModel and a ListStore of Comment model commentStore.
final ListStore<Commentmodel> commentStore = new ListStore<Commentmodel>();
//now call a rpc to load all available comments and add this to the commentStore.
commentService.getAllComment(new AsyncCallback<List<Commentmodel>>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
lbError.setText("data loading failure");
public void onSuccess(List<Commentmodel> result) {
commentService is an AsyncService.
Now if a user post a comment, just create a new CommentModel object with the new data
CommentModel newData = new CommentModel('user name', 'message','date');
And add this to the commentStore.
Hope this will serve you purpose.
But if you really need to reload the whole set of data, call the service again. In the onSuccess method first clear the commentStore then add result. Remember this is more more time consuming that the 1st approach.