In HTML e-mails, what's the alternative to table 'cellpadding'? - html-email

Since 'cellpadding' attribute is not supported in HTML5, what's the best way to apply padding to all cells in a table in HTML e-mail?
I've read that linked style sheets are are bad idea as widely ignored by email clients so at the moment I can only think of adding inline style="padding:5px;" to every element in table but this seems pretty long-winded!
Any ideas?

Even though something isn't supported, emails are a special rule. The bgcolor="" rule for example has been depreciated for a while, yet is still the best way to add a background color in email. In fact, most email clients strip out the doctag all together.
Linked style sheets don't work, even style tags are ignored by web clients.
Here and here and here are some references to get you started in the crazy world of html email design


How can i build a simple responsive footer for my sendgrid template?

I have a basic footer that would be super easy to create in almost any environment but email.
i am looking to do a email/phone/unsubscribe line to appear like
" | 1-888-PHONENO (1-888-111-1111) | Unsubscribe"
works perfect in desktop view (600px width) but once i try and do anything responsive it dies and formats all crooked. I've had good luck with flex box with apple products, but many of the microsoft products (email clients) strip the flexbox out. so i am using table but finding it difficult to make it responsive.
I would use media queries but when i use display:none, it doesn't always work. it almost like the sendgrid console wont let me target certain elements. for example i can easily change the html background using html, but when i give classes to elements, nothing happens, id's either. its like the style doesnt get applied.
to solve this issue i'd be totally happy with writing different header/footers and then rendering them per the view (599 down, 600 up) if anyone has experience using media queries in emails or sendgrid please advise.
I could also write a responsive table but having trouble w how to set that up for the above. some of the items would need to be wrapped, like it would be ok to render on 2 lines in mobile as long as the style looked decent. right now it looks jacked.
you cant-
due to email clients rendering code totally different (some strip margins/padding, some strip flexbox, some strip other things from your css)
just stay to best practices: inline style, single column tables work good on almost anything. keep it simple.
I made a nice looking inline css flex box footer. looked great on mac/google products, looked like garbage on all outlook/samsung.
so i had to dumb down my beautiful footer to something that was more compliant across platforms.
litmus is a tool we bought that really helps. you basically just have to design it then test. litmus will show you previews on every possible email client so u can go thru and find a good balance of compatibility and design.
for sendgrid, the built in template and drag and drop option render good on everything. use the v3 api and dynamic templates. use a drag and drop then add html blocks to customize what u need to. use the drag and drop as much as possible because they build a robust html code for you. unless you want to manually type out a 600 line email that is totally disorganized.

How to conditionally display certain information in emails on

I've been banging my head (as expected with email) trying to make a rather complicated responsive email function correctly in every mail client offers for testing.
I've pretty much reached a solution, which involves scattering a few conditionals for (gte mso 9), (IE) and !mso et al. The problem is ignores them.
My final problem is that the repeatable items that compose the main part of the email don't display well in I've tried adding a class to the item designed specifically for, setting that to display: none and then prepending ecx to the class name and forcing display: block on that. Unfortunately that seems to affect, too.
Does anyone know of a reliable way I can handle this situation? I can't see any way I can make it work properly with's whacky rendering without some form of conditionals.
The last-ditch solution I can think of is to display a message linking to an image or HTML version of the email.. but it's slightly more complex since the email is generated dynamically, on a per-user, per-time basis.
Only thought I have to help would be to use the 'mso-hide:all' css. Mind you in nested tables, you will need to use on each section to make sure it is not rendered.
e.g. <table style="mso-hide:all;">
I have not tested this in, but thought maybe it might help...

Why in firefox, internet explorer, chrome web browser my email template show correctly aligned, but in Microsoft outlook email reader it gets broken?

I have a template which i used for sending emails written purely in hand made with css, and then i tested in Firefox/InternetExplorer/Chrome browser. But when i send that email to My boss PC as he is always Microsoft outlook user.
He always gets the alignment broken, texts broken all problems start. My question is how do you really write then? None of the web browser showing my template wrong.
I searched a lot, but most answers are not deeply and correctly well answered about this. I would really appreciate some experts input on this.
outlook uses an older version of Trident, the CSS rendering engine. Depending on what Outlook your boss is on, the worse it can get. Outlook 2010 actually reverted to an older version of Trident because of Microsoft losing the Anti-trust case with the EU, so whatever version was before 2010 actually renders better, however they are both quite subpar # best.
you're going to want to literally stop developing with modern html/css and fall back on old school table layouts. i know, its gross, but you're going to have to do it for email.
the best tests are native, but if you don't have access to both versions (not many do) you should check out, they provide a plethora of email clients you can test on., and all offer more than testing services if you need anything else.
Outlook 2007 is the bad guy. Any newer or older is much better. In Outlook 2007 lots of CSS commands don't work.
See this page: for details.
However, try sending your emails to and see how it gets displayed in Gmail web interface - Gmail is quite restrictive and as a rule of thumb, if it displays nicely, it should look good in other web clients too.
Some advice regarding HTML emails:
It is good to provide width for Outlook, otherwise the CSS may crash.
Outlook doesn't support padding for <div>s / <p>s, float and various other things.
For Gmail, you should use inline CSS in preference to defining classes.
Gmail actually parses CSS provided by you and for instance, changes height to min-height so using height is useless. However min-height of <td> is not respected by the browsers, so internal <div>s inside <td>s can be used to assure that min-height was applied.
Gmail strips background images, and generally in all email clients images are displayed upon user request for security reasons. Therefore, wrap images with <div> and set background color and color of this outer div, and provide alt (alternative text) for image (note also that images with empty src do not preserve width and height while rendered by the browser).

How to display an HTML email in a web email client?

Hi I am building a small web based email client. I am facing problems in displaying HTML mails. What are the best practices involved in displaying an HTML mail? Some things I found
Css Reset
Strip body tag in the mail
First of all, it's important to not allow all the CSS and HTML tags. I would look for the file and allow a defined set of HTML tags and CSS attributes.
For example, if you reset the CSS, you can still send stuff like <iframe>, <form> and all other possible malicious tags.
So I would start of thinking what kind of HTML tags would you like to support, and strip all other ones out of it. And then the same for the CSS.
This is by no means easy. I mean you also would have to take in account things like people trying to break your interpreter...
You could look into this Sitepoint Blogpost, it describes how people should code HTML-emails. So it might be a good idea to start there and see what's usually supported.
The one sentence answer would be "1. Use table-based layouts, 2. only inline CSS, and 3. test in every email client possible."
The client testing is probably the most important because every email client (and client + browser combination) may have its own quirks and many are just learned along the way; such as using HTML attributes width & height because Outlook won't always follow the inline styles for width & height, or that Gmail tends to add margins around images unless you explicitly set margin:0 for the HTML elements, etc. etc.
When fixing the look of an HTML email in one client ends up breaking it in another client, don't keep adding more and more styling: try to simplify the HTML/CSS, even if it means writing more markup. For example, if padding and margins don't look right, the same look could be achieved by adding more rows or columns to the table and fixing their heights/widths. More tags is simpler than worrying about how all the email clients will render the CSS box model.
There's a lot of articles and blog posts on HTML-for-email such as that are helpful -- though a lot are out of date with newer versions of clients.

Is it safe to use only HTML editor instead of Textarea?

I am thinking of converting my forum input textarea exclusively to TinyMCE HTML editor. I already have both options but it is a pain maintaining both and inserting images in textarea needs preview etc...
This is more of a general question. Do you think it is safe to include HTML editor (with all the safety measures like paste only text, filter for html not allowed etc...) as the only kind of editor on a forum? It's 2011 and machines are generally fast, connection are better.
What are the downsides of using HTMl editor instead of text field? I can not imagine a blog CMS to have "normal" textarea for input.
But for some reason on forums I do not see many html editors... Even the TinyMCE site has a textarea for their editor. So is there really something to watch out for and a no go...?
I know it is more of a phylosophical question, but I guess you have experience with forums, blogs, etc...
My site is about cooking and beeing able to insert pictures (and upload them) the easy way seems to be a big plus for our home cooks ;-)
If you don't consider security (you'll need to filter the HTML input on the server side so it won't contain anything dangerous), there's only the user experience left for consideration. On a forum you write text most of the time. There's seldom any use for more functionality than bold, italics and images. The solution used here on Stack Overflow addresses this by having a very limited set of functions, and applying it in the textarea with a sane markup language.
Other forums either use old software or didn't think the improved user experience was worth the effort. The textarea-only solution fits most forums well enough since most of the input is text-only anyway.
I do think you would benefit from HTML input. Make sure that only allowed HTML can be sent though, since the user can circumvent everything on the client side.
TinyMCE uses Javascript to add functionality to an existing textarea. If Javascript is disabled, then the user will be presented with a normal textarea anyway.
I would say it's relatively safe, as long as all input from the user is validated on the server before it's used for anything.