Camera turns black upon resume - iphone

My app uses multiple features for Apple's demo project AVCam. Everything works just fine except when I exit the app and go back in it, it doesn't show the camera preview anymore. Does anyone know what piece of code I am supposed to use and where it belongs? I tried searching but a lot of questions relating to android popped up.

You need to reinitialize your camera once the App becomes active again. In your app delegate methods, override, applicationDidBecomeActive and send a notification so your view controller knows that your app became active again.
Pending the notification received, you can reload the viewDidLoad, or move the contents of viewDidLoad to viewDidAppear. There's multiple ways to do this. You can also reload the contents of viewDidLoad in viewWillAppear. There's many many many ways to do this, like I said.


tvos: UIViewController does not receive touchesBegan

I am trying to write an App for Apple tv4 (tvos). When my App starts, the view controller does receive touchesBegan events, as it should.
Without going into too many details, the App creates, moves, and deletes sub-views to respond to the user's interactions.
After a while, the view controller does not receive touchesBegan any more (this is the strange error that I am trying to debug).
Since I think the problem has something to do with the responder chain, I have made the following two experiments:
If I let the view controller override and return true from canBecomeFirstResponder, then the problem still occurs, but it occurs much less frequently.
If I do not override that function and instead check who is the first respnder, then I find that the App has no first responder, even before the strange error occurs. That is to say, the App has no first responder even when it is working properly!
Questions: What can prevent touchesBegan from being invoked? Is it related to the responder change? If so, please explain 2 above.
How exactly are you supposed to "touch" a view rendered on a non-touch screen enabled TV?
You're not.. tvOS doesn't work like iOS in the way that you cannot detect touches because there is no touch screen enabled input device supported on an Apple TV.
Instead, you use the UIFocusEngine to handle interactions with content presented within your view hierarchy.
Check out "Controlling the User Interface with the Apple TV Remote" from Apple's Developer Library for more information.

Multiple AVPlayers with AVPlayerLayers disappears second time push viewcontroller

I have a viewcontroller with four (4) AVPlayers (with AVPlayerLayers like APPLE example).
If I pop this viewcontroller and the push a new instance of the same type. I'm not able to play video in one or two AVPlayers. No errors and code runs fine, AVPlayerLayers also says it has a superLayer.
And to the most strange thing if I push home button, coming back to springboard and the enter the app all video players like magic start playing. It's like it rerender the view tree or something.
Any hints or clues?
PS. I wait for assets to be ready using loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys.
We had a similar problem. Following answer lead to the solution:
AVplayer not showing in ScrollView after 2-3 times
You have to call: [AVPlayer replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:nil]; when your viewcontroller gets unloaded. This might be tricky as you might have added an observer or used addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:queue:usingBlock:
Also you have to be careful when checking agaings superlayer: Better check against uiview.window when determing whether your view is still attached to the view hierarchy.

viewDidAppear not firing ever again after app enters foreground

I have traced a problem in my iPhone app code to the viewDidAppear method not always firing. When you start the app the event fires as expected. However if I close the app using a phone capable of multitasking and reopen in. My viewDidAppear events no longer fire.
My views are loaded from Nibs and I use viewDidUnload to clean up (release and nil all outlets). My views are nested in side and tab bar then navigation controllers. I looks like the events aren't wired up properly when the nibs reload. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong/missing and how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE I do not mean the event is not fired when the app first comes into the foreground. I mean the event never fires again. Even when changing between tabs or moving though the navigation views.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
NSLog(#"viewDidAppear called");
This code is placed in two views, each on different tabs. Each time I swap between tabs "viewDidAppear called" is written to the log. When I close and reopen the app and swap between tabs this no longer happens. Other button events fire normally.
Btw, the viewDidUnload method is really badly named btw -- it's not an 'opposite' to viewDidLoad, it's only called if there was a low memory situation and the view for that controller was unloaded due to not being visible at that time.
Please see my answer to this similar question:
Why does viewWillAppear not get called when an app comes back from the background?
Basically, viewDidAppear gets called after your UIViewController's view was added to the application's UIWindow heirarchy. Backgrounding then restoring the app doesn't change your view in that respect, so viewDidAppear doesn't get called -- it's correct behaviour, and not a bug. Check out the API docs for UIViewController.
Found it.
While not new to programming I am new to iPhone development. On researching this problem I found it was not recommended to call the viewWillAppear and viewWillDisappear methods manually.
My viewWillDisappear methods resign any keyboards if shown, when my app enters the background it loads a splash screen ready for when the app re-enters the foreground (there is some logic I need to do to work out what the user is shown on restarting the app and I can do this under the splash screen).
As viewWillDisappear is not called when the app goes into the background to make sure no keyboards appeared over my splash screen I was calling viewWillDisapper in the applicationDidEnterBackground method. I guess this also un-registers my events.
By adding viewWillAppear to my applicationDidEnterForeground method my events started firing again. Lesson learned, I will refactor this so I don't call these events manually.
Thanks for the help.

quit app in iOS4

I have an old app which did many UI initialization work in viewDidLoad of various views. In iOS4 home button just put the app in background so viewDidLoad won't get called when re-launching the app.
I don't want to put those initialization procedures in viewWillAppear as it is unnecessary to re-initialize the data every time the view appear.
How can I completely quit my app when user press the home button? or any simple way to reload the view controllers that sit inside a tabBarController?
There is a key in your app's Info.plist file called UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend, set it to the boolean YES, which will essentially revert the home button's functionality to pre-iOS4 and completely exit your app when the home button is tapped.
Try disabling backgrounding. Apple has this in their documentation
Try to check.
you have to look up to the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification i think, but in the uiapplicationdelegate-protocol, there are even some other interesting things for you
or perfectly for you:
UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification as a new notification in ios4 for this problem

Crash when calling stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString on UIWebView from button

I can't find any documentation to confirm this, but it appears that you can only call the method stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString in overridden methods from a UIWebView delegate. Can anyone confirm this?
Here's what I've tried. I setup a button on a view, link it to a method on my viewcontroller, and make sure it works fine. My view has a UIWebView control on it as well. If I run the project on the simulator or on the iPhone, there are no issues. Then I add this code to the button's method.
[theWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"alert('Hi there!');"];
When I run the project, I can click the button and see the 'Hi there' prompt and I can click OK to dismiss it. Usually 4-5 seconds later the simulator crashes. I occasionally see the "__TERMINATING_DUE_TO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION__" error, but not consistently; sometimes there's no error. It also doesn't always crash the first time. Sometimes I go to another page, and then try it again, and it crashes.
If I put the same code in the webPageDidFinishLoad event it works fine. But I'd like the code to be called when the user demands it so that event doesn't suit my needs.
I'm open to a workaround if you have any ideas? Thanks in advance!
I still don't know the exact reason this didn't work, but I found I could rewrite my code to get called during the UIWebView delegate methods instead.