NetBeans formatting settings file - netbeans

Where does NetBeans store code formatting settings? I'd like to export them to another computer.

In Mac
Go to the main menu:
Netbeans, Preferences
In Windows
Go to the main nemu:
Window, Options
Then, in any of both
You will have to select any of the available tabs (editor, fonts and colors, ...) then click in export button
Once you have got the zip file, you can import it into another Netbeans's installation

I'm aware that this is an old post but since it's the top result when you google "netbeans php export formatting" and it came up in the comments of the approved answer:
Each module (and therefore each language) has to support the export. AFAIK Java had the support for years ( ) but other languages are still missing it (as for Netbeans 8.2).
I submitted a patch for PHP today which will hopefully be added:
If your langauge is missing in the export dialog, your langauge module does not yet support it. So head over to Netbeans and request it as feature or submit a patch.


How do I write javascript files with a different extension other than .js in Netbeans?

If I change the extension, Netbeans stops recognizing that it is javascript and there are underlines under all of my variable names, etc. Please help me because limitations in the php framework I am using are forcing me to label javascript files with another extension other than .js.
Using Netbeans 7.
Tools ยป Options to open Options dialog.
Under Miscellaneous, activate Files tab, then
click on the New button.
Enter your new extension (w/o the dot).
Select an appropriate MIME-type (text/javascript in your case) and
click on the OK button on the bottom when you're done.
Just curious, what framework is it that would force anyone to use JavaScript w/ other extensions than .js, please enlighten me (thanx in advance).

Netbeans 7.4 doesn't recognise PHP short tag

I recently updated Netbeans to 7.4 version and I actually get plenty of "errors": all the code included in short php tag is not parsed and considered almost like comment (I guess).
Does anyone knows how to fix that?
Ctrl-1 to open your Project window
Right-click on your project and click on Properties
Enable Allow short tags (<?)
Press Ok
Maybe you want to uncheck this option.
Option >> Editor >> Uncheck Giving Space After Short Php Tag
Settings ScreenShot

Eclipse : Run an external software in editor view

I am using Eclipse to edit almost any file that I code. But for some, I prefer to use gEdit (for instance CoffeeScript files).
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse. I could use my favorite editor in an unified environment and this could also bring the richness of the Eclipse environment to those files (even if I'm well aware that most of it won't work).
But is it ever possible ? Better, is there already a plugin for that ?
Thanks for your help !
I wondered if there was a way to somehow embed the UI of gEdit (or any other software) in the Editor view of Eclipse.
No, there isn't.
However, you can execute an external editor from Eclipse.
From the main Eclipse menu, left click on Window -> Preferences.
On the Preferences dialog, left click General -> Editors -> File Associations.
For any file type, you can associate one or more editors. These editors can be external to Eclipse.
Once you've done this, you can bring up your external editor by double clicking on the module name in the Package Explorer.
After you're finished editing with an external editor, refresh the module so Eclipse knows you've made changes.
SWT allows to integrate apps using OLE. Unluckily this is obviously available only when running on Windows.
For more info, see this article by Lars Vogel.

add method/functions list like visualstudios on netbeans 7 editor toolbars?

is there any way, to enable a dropdown list of methods or functions, on the Editor Toolbars of NetBeans 7, like VS does? , i mean the toolbar that is inside on the tab of each file when you are editing a code, that has some options like, "last edit, next breakpoint, next bookmark, ..."
In VS is really helpful this feature, to jump of functions o methods more quickly, i know that netbeans has the navigator, but sometimes this help more
is there any way, to enable a dropdown list of methods or functions,
on the Editor Toolbars of NetBeans 7, like VS does?
There is no way provided by standard NetBeans IDE offering or certified plugins available in NetBeans Update center, but a NetBeans plugin can be written for doing what is expected in your question. Has it been done? In my opinion no, as no one asked till now. Now that you have asked someone may think of developing such a plugin.
Best way to expedite such request and feature to be added to NetBeans is to add a Request for Enhancement in the NetBeans issue tracker.
In VS is really helpful this feature, to jump of functions o methods
more quickly, i know that netbeans has the navigator, but sometimes
this help more
There are many ways to reach specific methods in NetBeans IDE. You have already listed one and that is Navigator. Others include GoTo Type [CTRL+O] and GoTo Symbol [CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+O]

FTP in NetBeans 6.1

Is there an FTP browser hiding away in NetBeans 6.1? The help manual doesn't even suggest FTP exists.
All I've been able to find so far is a tree viewer in the Services panel (no edit controls) and the ability to upload projects, folders and specific files from the Projects/Files views. Is there anywhere to delete or rename or will I have to keep switching back to my browser?
I can see from the previews that there's a nice FTP controller in 6.5 but I'm not desperate enough to completely convert to a beta (yet).
It looks like something was recently added to netbeans for php...
don't know if you can make use of that...
You can try the Plugin FTP Site Deployer. This is free and open source plugin for Netbeans, it's add a contextual menu with the voice "upload to FTP". Is still in development but it is working:
You can find some other information here:
And download source and nmb from sourceforge
The remotefs addin works for 6.5: