iTextSharp trims leading space and causes misalignment of columns - itext

When moving from the versions 4.1.2 => 5.1.3 of iTextSharp I have come across a bug that happens when generating a PDF from text. The problem is that when the first character of a line has a leading spaces then that leading space gets truncated. This is a problem with a right justified columns.
Example: (dashes= spaces)
0123456789 ~~~Notice improper alignment because this column did not have leading space!
The problematic code has been narrowed down to the file "iTextSharp/text/pdf/PdfChunck.cs" method "TrimFirstSpace".
This method is called from the PdfDocument class while streaming out the bytes. The problem is that there is no code comments as to what this method trying to be accomplish.
What should I change to make this work right? It seems like commenting out the ELSE condition in here should fix this.
public float TrimFirstSpace()
BaseFont ft = font.Font;
if (ft.FontType == BaseFont.FONT_TYPE_CJK && ft.GetUnicodeEquivalent(' ') != ' ')
if (value.Length > 1 && value.StartsWith("\u0001"))
value = value.Substring(1);
return font.Width('\u0001');
if (value.Length > 1 && value.StartsWith(" "))
value = value.Substring(1);
return font.Width(' ');
return 0;

Newer code changes address the issue. The if statement is important.
chunk = overflow;
bool newlineSplit = chunk.IsNewlineSplit();
chunk = overflow;
if (!newlineSplit)


textfield validation fails in flutter

this is my first question here. I am not sure if I am writing it in a correct form.
I would like to validate TextField widget but it fails and throw an error.
here is how the code look like.
void surfaceCalc() {
if(_length == '' && _length == null && _width == '' && _width == null){
print('one of the field is empty');
} else{
final surfaceArea = double.parse(_length.text) *
but the problem with this, that when i click on calculate button, it goes to this file double_patch.dart and highlight invalid double. as far as i understand, it throws and error because the text field is empty and has not been validated, it skips the validation and goes to calculation and throws an error. but if i type values in the textfield, it works fine.
any help is highly appreciated

How to specify Japanese encoding for a UILabel?

When I attempt to display a Japanese string in a UILabel on iOS, it gets displayed using Chinese encoding instead of Japanese.
The two encodings are nearly identical, except in a few specific cases. For example, here is how the character 直 (Unicode U+76F4) is rendered in Chinese (top) vs. Japanese (bottom):
(see here for more examples)
The only time Japanese strings render correctly is when the user's system locale is ja-jp (Japan), but I'd like it to render as Japanese for all users.
Is there any way to force the Japanese encoding? Android has TextView.TextLocale, but I don't see anything similar on iOS UILabel
(Same question for Android. I tagged this Swift/Objective-C because, although I'm looking for a Xamarin.iOS solution, the API is almost the same)
You just need to specify language identifier for attributed string, like
let label = UILabel()
let text = NSAttributedString(string: "直", attributes: [
.languageIdentifier: "ja", // << this !!
.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 64)
label.attributedText = text
Tested with Xcode 13.2 / iOS 15.2
I found an extremely hacky solution that seems to work. However, it seems absurd that there's no way to simply set the locale of a label, so if anyone finds something I missed, please post an answer.
The trick relies on the fact that the Hiragino font displays kanji using Japanese encoding rather than Chinese encoding by default. However, the font looks like shit for English text, so I have to search every string in every label for Japanese substrings and manually change the font using NSMutableAttributedString. The font is also completely broken so I had to find another workaround to fix that.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Label), typeof(RingotanLabelRenderer))]
namespace MyApp
public class MyLabelRenderer : LabelRenderer
private readonly UIFont HIRAGINO_FONT = UIFont.FromName("HiraginoSans-W6", 1); // Size gets updated later
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
// BUGFIX: Chinese encoding is shown by default. Switch to Hiragino font, which correctly shows Japanese characters
// Taken from
if (Control?.Text != null && e.PropertyName == "Text")
var kanjiRanges = GetJapaneseRanges(Control.Text).ToList();
if (kanjiRanges.Count > 0)
var font = HIRAGINO_FONT.WithSize((nfloat)Element.FontSize);
var attributedString = Control.AttributedText == null
? new NSMutableAttributedString(Control.Text)
: new NSMutableAttributedString(Control.AttributedText);
// Search through string for all instances of Japanese characters and update the font
foreach (var (start, end) in kanjiRanges)
int length = end - start + 1;
var range = new NSRange(start, length);
attributedString.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Font, font, range);
// Bugfix: Hiragino font is broken ( so needs to be adjusted upwards
// jesus christ Apple
attributedString.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.BaselineOffset, (NSNumber)(Element.FontSize/10), range);
Control.AttributedText = attributedString;
// Returns all (start,end) ranges in the string which contain only Japanese strings
private IEnumerable<(int,int)> GetJapaneseRanges(string str)
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (IsJapanese(str[i]))
int start = i;
while (i < str.Length - 1 && KanjiHelper.IsJapanese(str[i]))
int end = i;
yield return (start, end);
private static bool IsJapanese(char character)
// An approximation. See
// for a more accurate version
return character >= '\u3000' && character <= '\u9FFF'
|| character >= '\uFF00';

How to trap a PASTE in a TEXT widget

I have a TEXT entry field. I want to limit the entry to letters or digits. Other characters should be converted to an under-score. The following code does this. However when the user pastes into the field, it bypasses the listener and the raw text is put into the field
private class TextKeyVerifyListener implements VerifyListener
public void verifyText( VerifyEvent event )
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit( event.character ))
event.text = "" + Character.toUpperCase( event.character );
else if (!Character.isISOControl( event.keyCode ))
event.text = "_";
How do I trap the paste action so at least I can re-parse the text field. It seems kind of heavy duty to do this in the modify listener for each keystroke. Any solution should be cross-platform :-)
Trapping for CTRL-V might do this, but the user can also use the pop menu and choose paste.
VerifyEvent has a text field containing all the text to be verified. You should be using this rather than the character field. text is set to the full pasted text.
Ok, for anyone else trying to do this:
if (event.keyCode == 0 || !Character.isISOControl( event.keyCode ))
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
char[] chars = event.text.toCharArray();
for (char character : chars)
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit( character ))
text.append( Character.toUpperCase( character ) );
text.append( "_" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
event.text = text.toString();
It's a little heavy for single keystrokes, but it will convert as I wanted.

Is there way to auto resize percentage columns when column group is collapsed/expaned in NatTable

I found ResizeColumnHideShowLayer class at nattable version 1.6.
That is work fine for normal column headers only.
But, if I collapse a column group, no adjust size to fit window. (no increasing column size)
How can I solve the problem?
Is there way to resize other columns to fit window automatically increase?
Thank you.
Currently not because the ColumnGroupExpandCollapseLayer is taking care of hiding collapsed columns.
I found solution by myself!
It works fine very well. :-)
I was run based on NatTable v1.6 version.(downloaded yesterday)
I think this is a basic feature, so I hope this feature will be included in the next NatTable version.
In narrow tables, behavior that collapsing column group means that may be someone want to view other column data more widely.
Overview (Problem screen and solved screen)
I explain using two application(before, after) screen shot.
Refer to bottom image if you want understand my issue easily at once.
Problem screen
enter image description here
Improved screen
enter image description here
Solution summary :
Add event listener to ColumnGroupExpandCollapseLayer.
      (HideColumnPositionsEvent, ShowColumnPositionsEvent)
Handle above events.
      Get column indices which is hidden by collapsed
      Execute MultiColumnHideCommand with the indices
Layer structure of my test code
↑ ViewportLayer (top layer)
| SelectionLayer
| ColumnGroupExpandCollapseLayer
| ResizeColumnHideShowLayer
| ColumnGroupReorderLayer
| ColumnReorderLayer
| DataLayer (base layer)
Implementation code is below:
void method() {
columnGroupExpandCollapseLayer.addLayerListener(new ILayerListener() {
public void handleLayerEvent(ILayerEvent event) {
boolean doRedraw = false;
//It works for HideColumnPositionsEvent and ShowColumnPositionsEvent
// triggered by ColumnGroupExpandCollapseCommandHandler
if (event instanceof HideColumnPositionsEvent) {
HideColumnPositionsEvent hideEvent = (HideColumnPositionsEvent)event;
Collection<Range> columnPositionRanges = hideEvent.getColumnPositionRanges();
Collection<Integer> convertIntegerCollection = convertIntegerCollection(columnPositionRanges);
int[] positions = convertIntPrimitiveArray(convertIntegerCollection);
//Execute command to hide columns that was hidden by collapsed column group.
MultiColumnHideCommand multiColumnHideCommand = new MultiColumnHideCommand(resizeColumnHideShowLayer, positions);
doRedraw = true;
}else if (event instanceof ShowColumnPositionsEvent) {//called by ColumnGroupCollapsedCollapseCommandHandler
ShowColumnPositionsEvent showEvent = (ShowColumnPositionsEvent)event;
Collection<Range> columnPositionRanges = showEvent.getColumnPositionRanges();
Collection<Integer> positions = convertIntegerCollection(columnPositionRanges);
//Execute command to show columns that was hidden by expanded column group.
MultiColumnShowCommand multiColumnShowCommand = new MultiColumnShowCommand(positions);
//Set whether or not to redraw table
doRedraw = true;
if (doRedraw) {
* Merge position values within several Ranges to Integer collection
private Collection<Integer> convertIntegerCollection(Collection<Range> rangeCollection) {
Iterator<Range> rangeIterator = rangeCollection.iterator();
Set<Integer> mergedPositionSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
while (rangeIterator.hasNext()) {
Range range =;
return mergedPositionSet;
* Convert Integer wrapper object to primitive value
private int [] convertIntPrimitiveArray(Collection<Integer> integerCollection) {
Integer [] integers = (Integer [])integerCollection.toArray(new Integer[integerCollection.size()]);
int [] positionPrimitives = new int[integers.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < integers.length ; i++) {
positionPrimitives[i] = integers[i].intValue();
return positionPrimitives;

TextMarginFinder to verify printability

I am attempting to use TextMarginFinder to prove that odd and even pages back up correctly when printing. I have based my code on:
The issue I have is that on odd pages I am looking for the box to be aligned to the left showing a 1CM back margin for example, and on an even page I would expect the page box to be aligned to the right also showing a 1CM back margin. Even in the example above this is not the case, but when printed the text does back up perfectly because the Trim Box conforms.
In summary I believe on certain PDF files the TextMarginFinder is incorrectly locating the text width, usually on Even pages. This is evident by the width being greater than the actual text. This is usually the case if there are slug marks outside of the Media Box area.
In the PDF the OP pointed to (margins.pdf from the iText samples themselves) indeed the box is not flush with the text:
If you look into the PDF Content, though, you'll see that many of the lines have a trailing space character, e.g. the first line:
(s I have worn out since I started my ) Tj
These trailing space characters are part of the text and, therefore, the box does not flush with the visible text but it does with the text including such space characters.
If you want to ignore such space characters, you can try doing so by filtering such trailing spaces (or for the sake of simplicity all spaces) before they get fed into the TextMarginFinder. To do this I'd explode the TextRenderInfo instances character-wise and then filter those which trim to empty strings.
A helper class to explode the render info objects:
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.parser.ImageRenderInfo;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.parser.RenderListener;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.parser.TextRenderInfo;
public class TextRenderInfoSplitter implements RenderListener
public TextRenderInfoSplitter(RenderListener strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
public void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
for (TextRenderInfo info : renderInfo.getCharacterRenderInfos()) {
public void beginTextBlock() {
public void endTextBlock() {
public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) {
final RenderListener strategy;
Using this helper you can update the iText sample like this:
RenderFilter spaceFilter = new RenderFilter() {
public boolean allowText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
return renderInfo != null && renderInfo.getText().trim().length() > 0;
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(RESULT));
for (int i = 1; i <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
TextMarginFinder finder = new TextMarginFinder();
FilteredRenderListener filtered = new FilteredRenderListener(finder, spaceFilter);
parser.processContent(i, new TextRenderInfoSplitter(filtered));
PdfContentByte cb = stamper.getOverContent(i);
cb.rectangle(finder.getLlx(), finder.getLly(), finder.getWidth(), finder.getHeight());
The result:
In case of slug area text etc you might want to filter more, e.g. anything outside the crop box.
Beware, though, there might be fonts in which the space character is not invisible, e.g. a font of boxed characters. Taking the spaces out of the equation in that case would be wrong.