Microsoft ReportViewer (2010) Chart Time as Category with intervalled values - charts

first question here, so please pardon me if I'm doing something wrong.
I'm trying to create a Line Chart in MS ReportViewer 2010, which should show how many people were registered on any day. Basically it should show on the X axis the last 30 days, every day on a tick mark and on the Y axis the number of people registered on that day.
On my dataset, I have a 'People' table which includes the 'RegistrationDate' column.
So far (in the last 3 hours :) ) I've managed to do this:
- RegistrationDate on the X (Category) Axis
- CountRows() on the Y (Values) Axis
and if I leave 'Auto' in the Minimum and Maximum scale value I do get some result, but I have these problems:
1) in particular the chart includes on the X-Axis only the dates where there is at least one person registered, but leaves out the ones with zero. Basically the axis isn't divided in 30 days, but around 20, leaving out the days where there are no registrations
There's a check on 'always include 0' but changes nothing
2) I've tried to set the X axis minimum / maximum manually and the data disappears !
Thanks in advance !!
[edit_update] after bashing my head on it for 24h, and realizing
reportviewer documentation and tutorials are scant to say the least (I
guess people use other tools ?), I've implemented a workaround in the
code. In a loop from minDate to maxDate, I filled a list of objects
that have date and registration count as members, thereby filling the
x axis with every value possible, zeros as well. Far from nice and not
very flexible (I still don't understand how the x axis grouping works
very well), but it sort of does its job. Is this a case where I should
reply my own question ? [end_update]

after bashing my head on it for 24h, and realizing reportviewer documentation and tutorials are scant to say the least (I guess people use other tools ?), I've implemented a workaround in the code. In a loop from minDate to maxDate, I filled a list of objects that have date and registration count as members, thereby filling the x axis with every value possible, zeros as well. Far from nice and not very flexible (I still don't understand how the x axis grouping works very well), but it sort of does its job. Is this a case where I should reply my own question ?


Boxplot is broken, only showing one line

so my data centres around different treatments and how they impact the day of germination. image of dodgy boxplot data
A while ago whilst making violin plots in R to show the distribution of when germination occurs according to treatment, I attempted to add a boxplot as a descriptive statistic and was met with only one line.
I contacted many people who simply had no idea what the issue was, I used this same data in another violin plot as part of a bigger data collection with more treatments including this one.
I moved on from this and found it odd, now when I have come to perform stats tests in SPSS, I have the same problem as imaged below. When I try a Mann Whitney U test I am told "cannot compute" due to not having solely two variables, when I try a Kruskal Wallis test I am met with the dodgy boxplot below and I am told pairwise comparisons cannot be done due to less than 3 test fields (i.e. 2).
I am at an absolute loss, I have tried rewriting the data out, copying data labels with 'stratified' 'strat' 's' etc and I have no idea where the problem could lie, if anyone could give me any guidance this would be really appreciated!
Thank you
The dependent variable in question appears to have only values 1, 2, and 3 in the Stratified group. If there is at least one case with a value of 1, at least one case with a value of 3, but most values at 2, then a box plot like you're seeing would be expected. In SPSS, run the EXAMINE procedure (Analyze>Descriptive Statistics>Explore in the menus), specifying the same dependent variable and grouping variable, and asking for percentiles. The box plots should match what you're getting, and in the percentiles table you should see that Tukey's hinges show the same value of 2 for the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles.
Tukey's hinges are the basis for the box and the line in box plots. The line is at the median or 50th percentile, and the upper and lower box edges are at the 25th and 75h percentiles, respectively. When all three coincide, you get just a line instead of a box.
There are two types of outlying values identified in box plots in SPSS. Points greater than 1.5 box lengths below or above the box edges are outliers, marked with circles, and points greater than 3 box lengths below or above the box edges are extremes, marked with asterisks. Since the box length here is 0, anything at other values is automatically an extreme.
Pairwise comparisons following a Kruskal-Wallis test are available only when there are at least three groups, since with only two groups the overall or omnibus test has already compared the two groups. I'm not sure what the issue was when trying to run a Mann-Whitney test.

Qlik sense problem with filtering panel and a graph

I am trying to move the old excel to qlik sense, there is a graphic that is made from the previous day. Then that graph has the dimension of date and measurement has the sum of the amounts per month.
So filtering this by day can be done with a filtering panel, but clicking every day to show me everything can be annoying.
My idea was something like a box where you can enter a value, for example a 6, so when typing a 6 I should show the graph from day 1 to 5.
That is my problem, how could it be done? where can I enter some expression or something to the dimension to calculate the days I want in a simple and intuitive way.
Another idea I had, was to create in qlik sense when preparing the data, a new column that content the sum of the amounts of each day, so that value that I want to show would accumulate
What do you recommend? any help is welcome thanks

Graph a counter from zero in prometheus/grafana

In prometheus, I have a monotonically increasing counter (ifHCInOctets from IF-MIB, in this case).
In Grafana, I can create a graph using the simple query ifHCInOctets{job='snmp',instance='$Device',ifDescr=~'eth0'} and see the counter graphed over different time ranges by selecting the desired range in the upper-right.
This is almost exactly what I want. However, I would like the graph to always start at zero and increase from there. The use-case is that I want to visualize my data usage over the course of a month to see how quickly I am approaching my data cap. (I already create a gauge object using increase(ifHCInOctets{...}[$__range]) function which shows me how much I have used in total over the given time range, but I'd like to be able to visualize that usage over time.)
Basically, I want ifHCInOctets{...} - X where X is the value of ifHCInOctets at the start of the range. My first thought was:
ifHCInOctets{...} - ifHCInOctets{...} offset $__range
But that seems to show me each data point minus the data point $__range time prior to it (rather than just subtracting the starting value from all points).
I then tried creating a query variable with the query query_result(ifHCInOctets{...} offset $__range) and setting it to update on time range change. This almost seemed to work, but the resulting graph always seemed to start slightly negative, depending on the time range selected, which made me think it wasn't doing what I thought it was.
I have also tried various forms of sum, sum_over_time, and increase, all to no avail.
You're probably looking for something like this
(month(timestamp(ifHCInOctets)) == scalar(month(vector($__to / 1000)))))[31d:]
But it doesn't take into account counter resets. And is ugly and inefficient as hell. It's basically the current value minus the min_over_time calculated over samples in the previous 31 days that fell into the same month as Grafana's $__to timestamp.
You probably want to set up a recording rule based on this expression (that adds year, month and day labels to a metric) and then calculate the increase() over any given month (including the current month). That takes into account both counter resets and counters that did not exist at the beginning of the month.

Powershell: Get data from line chart to excel

I know we can generate chart from excel/csv data using ms chart library. But my question is little bit different. I am just asking for possibilities.
Is there any way to get the data from excel chart?
For those who wants to know what i did. I search it on google but no related result found. I don't know where to start. So, no code written at the moment. I know how to read excel file in powershell.
Any suggestion.
Thanks for your time.
What you are looking for is data or rather data elements.
What is a chart? If we think about a chart: It has an X and Y axis:
It has for the sake of argument and X-axis and we can call that date or data points.
It has a Y-axis for say quantity. Your manager may ask, show me how many logins are done per day for the last 30 days?
You would map out by day or by week how many logins were done and to show this in a "pretty" way: you can do this with a chart.
So, back to your question:
You need to know - What scale are you dealing with? Days, weeks, months, number of readings, etc.
You need to know - What quantity was taken at that time: Days. weeks, months, number of readings, etc.
Once you have both of these, you can then build a chart. Otherwise, using your Google example: It is just a picture and would be meaningless if there is not thing to tie it for a data relationship.
Hope this helps?

Ways of representing frequency of updates as a graph?

I want to create a graph representing the frequency of updates to a site (for example, how often I have posted to my blog over the past 5 years). One obvious way to do this is to plot "number of entries posted per month" for the past 60 months, but this feels unsatisfying. Should I be looking at using something like a rolling average instead? What are good visialisation techniques for displaying this kind of data?
Some ideas:
rolling average
instead of plotting the number of posts plot the time (or rolling mean time) between posts
if it's something that may have an annual / seasonal component, try plotting it on a circular / spiral plot where r is the datum and theta is the month, day of month, day of year, or whatever scaled appropriately. Some interesting things to plot for r might be
number of posts in an interval
cumulative posts (giving you a spiral)
length of post, (giving each theta it's own exact value, not aggregating)
you might also want to look at a scatter plot, with something like length of post on x, time since prior post + time to next post on y, and the age of the datum as the size, gray level or color of the point (fading out the oldest ones)
I think the radar chart (or circular area chart) would be a good bet. Take a look at the excellent Choosing a good chart post and PDF chart-selecting-guide over at the Extreme Presentation(tm) Method site.