Pause/Resume embedded python interpreter - python-c-api

Is there any possibility to pause/resume the work of embedded python interpreter in place, where I need? For example:
C++ pseudo-code part:
script = "";
RunScript(script); //-- python script runs till the command 'stop'
//... read values from some variables in python-script
//... do some work ...
//... write new value to some other variables in python-script
ResumeScript(script); //-- python script resumes it's work where
// it was stopped. Not from begin!
Python script pseudo-code part:
#... do some init-work
while true:
#... do some work
stop # - here script stops and C++-function RunScript()
# returns control to C++-part
#... After calling C++-function ResumeScript
# the work continues from this line
Is this possible to do with Python/C API?

I too have recently been searching for a way to manually "drive" an embedded language and I came across this question and figured I'd share a potential workaround.
I would implement the "blocking" behavior either through a socket, or some kind of messaging system. Instead of actually stopping the whole python interpreter, just have it block when it is waiting for C++ to do it's evaluations.
C++ will start the embedded runtime, then enter a loop of some sort that waits for python to "throw the signal" that it's ready. For instance C++ listens on port 5000, starts python, python does work, connects to port 5000 on localhost, then C++ sees the connection and grabs the data from python, performs work on it, then shuffles the data back over the socket to python, where python then receives the data and leaves the blocking loop.
I still need a way to fully pause the virtual runtime, but in your case you could achieve the same thing with a socket and some blocking behavior that uses the socket to coordinate the two pieces of code.
Good luck :)
EDIT: You may be able to hook this "injection" functionality used in this answer to completely stop python. Just modify it to inject a wait-loop perhaps.
Stopping embedded Python


How to spawn pre-loaded mojolicious applications from a mojolicious application?

I work on a fairly large Mojolicious application, which takes many seconds to compile.
Parts of the test suite of that application are written using playwright, which currently sets up a pristine database for each test case, and spins up an instance of the mojolicious application using #mojolicious/server-starter.
The compile-time of the application is starting to make it impractical to significantly expand the playwright test suite, and I'd like to address that without having to give up on the isolation that separate test databases and mojolicious application instances currently afford me.
In order to achieve that, the idea I'm currently pursuing is to have a small perl application that can pre-load the larger Mojolicious application, and which can be asked by the playwright test-suite to spawn a new instance of the larger application with a pristine database on an open port.
I'd like to communicate with that small perl application using HTTP, mainly out of convenience, and I'd like that small perl application to use Mojolicious to perform the HTTP communication, because that's also convenient and consistent with the rest of the code-base.
I've tried some naive approaches to implementing this idea, which looked roughly like this:
use TheBigApp;
$app->routes->post('/spawn-child')->to(cb => sub ($c) {
my ($sock, $port) = new_listen_socket();
if (my $pid = fork()) {
# record pid to later be able to shut it down or whatever
$c->render(json => { url => "http://localhost:$port" })
} else {
my $bapp = TheBigApp->new($c->req->json);
my $s = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ...);
All of the implementations I've tried along these lines seemed to run into issues due to the various singletons, such as the IOLoop, and even when overriding IOLoop->singleton to return a new instance with a new reactor within the sub-process, it appeared as if the forked-off child processes were still listening on the same socket as the parent-process that spawned them.
Are there perhaps lower-level Mojolicious APIs that could make this use-case work? Would it perhaps be simpler to implement the small parent process without Mojolicious to sidestep the issue entirely?
Digging a little in the Mojo Server/Daemon code, it always(?) sets up 'ReusePort' on the IO::Socket.
On linux (not macOS or BSD, windows I have no idea) that means that TCP connections to the same IP and port combination are 'load balanced' across multiple server instances by the kernel.
It is unclear from you post if the spawned processes are listening on the same port or not.
Assuming you are running linux, changing the listening port for each spawned child might help.

Perl script running a periodic (main) task and providing a REST interface

I am working on a Perl script which does some periodic processing based on file-system contents.
The overall structure is like this:
# ... initialization...
while(1) {
# ... scan filesystem, perform actions depending on changes detected ...
sleep 5;
I would like to add the ability to input some data into this process by means of exposing an interface through HTTP. E.g. I would like to add an endpoint to skip the sleep, but also some means to input data that is processed in the next iteration. Additionally, I would like to be able to query some of the program's status through HTTP (i.e. a simple fork() to run the webserver-part in a separate process is insufficient?)
So far I have already used the Dancer2 framework once but it has a start; call that blocks and thus does not allow any other tasks (like my loop) to run. Additionally, I could of course move the code which is currently inside the loop to an endpoint exposed through Dancer2 but then I would need to call that periodically (though an external program?) which seems to be quite an obscure indirection compared to just having the webserver-part running in background.
Is it possible to unobtrusively (i.e. without blocking the program) add a REST-server capability to a Perl script? If yes: Which modules would be used for the purpose? If no: Should I really implement an external process to periodically invoke a certain endpoint or pursue a different solution altogether?
(I have tried to add a dancer2 tag, but could not do so due to insufficient reputation. Do not be mislead by this: I have so far only tried with Dancer2 not the Dancer (v.1))
You could try to launch your processing loop in a background thread, before you run start;.
See man perlthrtut
You probably want use threads::shared; to declare some variables shared between the REST part and the background thread. Or use dedicated queues/event mechanisms.

Use persistent external program for occasional input / output translation in Scala

I'm writing some Scala code that needs to make use of a external command line program for string translation. The external program takes many minutes to start up, then listens for data on stdin (terminated by newline), converts the data, and prints the converted data to stdout (again terminated by newline). It will remain alive forever until it receives a SIGINT.
For simplicity, let's assume the external command runs like this:
$ convert
convert, input1, and input2 were all typed by me; output1 and output2 were written by the program to stdout. I typed Control-C at the end to return to the shell.
In my Scala code, I'd like to start up this external program, and keep it running in the background (because it is costly to startup, but cheap to keep running once it's initialized), while providing three methods to the rest of my program with an API like:
def initTranslation(): Unit
def translate(input: String): String
def stopTranslation(): Unit
initTranslation should start up the external program and keep it running in the background.
translate should put the input argument on the stdin of the external program (followed by newline), wait for output (followed by newline), and then return the output.
stopTranslation should send SIGINT to the external program.
I've worked with Java and Scala external process management before, but don't have too much experience with Java pipes, but am not 100% sure how to hook this all up. In particular, I've read that there are subtle gotchas with regards to deadlocks when I/O pipes get hooked up in situations similar to this. I'm sure I'll need some Thread to watch start up and watch over the background process in initTranslation, some piping to send a String to stdin followed by blocking to wait for receiving data and a newline on stdout in translate, then some sort of termination of the external program in stopTranslation.
I'd like to achieve this with as much pure Scala as possible, though I realize that this may require some bits of the Java I/O library. I also do not want to use any third party Scala or Java libraries (anything outside java.*, javax.* or scala.*)
What would these three methods look like?
It turns out that this is quite a bit easier than I first expected. I had been misled by various posts and recommendations (off SO) which had suggested that this would be more complex.
Caveats to this solution:
All Java. Yes, I know I mentioned that I'd rather use the Scala standard library, but this is sufficiently succinct that I think it warrants an answer.
Limited error handling - among other things, if the external program explodes and reports errors to stderr, I'm not handling that. Certainly, that could be added on later.
Usage of var for storage of local variables. Clearly, var is frowned upon for best-practice Scala use, but this example illustrates the object state needed, and you can structure your variables in your own programs as you like.
No thread-safety. If you need thread-safety, because multiple threads might call any of the following methods, use some synchronization constructs (like the synchronized keyword in the translate method) to protect yourself.
import java.lang.Process
import java.lang.ProcessBuilder
var process: Process = _
var outputReader: BufferedReader = _
def initTranslation(): Unit = {
process = new ProcessBuilder("convert").start()
outputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))
def translate(input: String): String = {
// write path to external program
// wait for input from program
def stopTranslation(): Unit = {

Sharing variables\data between Powershell processes

I would like to come up with a mechanism by which I can share 'data' between different Powershell processes. This would be in order to implement a kind of job system, whereby a function can be run in one Powershell process, complete and then someone communicate its status to a function run from another (distinct) Powershell process...
I guess what I'd ideally like psjob results to be shareable between sessions, but this does not seem to be possible.
I can think of a few dirty ways of achieving this (like O/S environment variables), but am I missing an semi-elegant way?
For example:
Function giveMeNumber
$return_vlaue = Get-Random -Minimum -100 -Maximum 100
Return $return_vlaue
What are some ways i could get this function to store it's return somewhere and then grab it from another Powershell session (without using a database).
The QA mentioned by Keith refers to using MSMQ, a message queueing feature optionally available on desktop, mobile & server OS's from Microsoft.
It doesn't run by default on desktop OS's so you would have to ensure that the appropriate service was started. Seems like serious overkill to me unless you wanted something pretty beefy.
Of course, the most common choice for this type of task would be a simple shared file.
Alternatively, you could create a TCP listener in each of the jobs that you want to have accept external info. Not done this myself in PowerShell though I know it is possible. Node.JS would be a more familiar environment or Python. Seems like overkill if a shared file would do the job!
Another way would be to use the registry. Though you might consider that cheating since it is actually a database (of a very broken and simplistic sort).
I'm actually not sure that environment variables would work since I know that they can be picky about the parent environment scope (for example setting an env variable in a cmd doesn't make it available outside of the cmd scope by default.
UPDATE: Doh, missed a few! Some of them very obvious. Microsoft have a list:
Data Copy
File Mapping
Windows Sockets
Pipes was the one I was trying to remember. Windows sockets would be similar to a TCP listener.

FastCGI with protocol = Tcp on IIS 7

I have tried to use IIS 7 (as included in Windows 7) to test a FastCGI library I am currently developing.
According to the original FastCGI spec, when an application is called, its stdin handle is replaced with a socket. By default, IIS uses a named pipe instead, but it is possible to configure it to use TCP, i.e. a socket.
When I try to use this socket in my test application, I get an WSAENOTSOCK error.
When I try to use a named pipe instead (after reconfiguring IIS), I run into similar problems. For example, I get a ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE when I try to use PeekNamedPipe. ReadFile and WriteFile however work correctly.
I guess the problem is that this handle is inherited from the parent process and the current process does not really know its exact type. It seems to assume that the handle represents a simple file.
Has anyone run into similar problems and knows a solution/workaround? Can I somehow update the in-process status of my handle such that the WIN32 API function will accept it as a socket/named pipe?
In case anyone else ever stumbles upon this: DuplicateHandle does the trick.
In fact, the function OS_LibInit of the libfcgi implementation shows how to start an FastCGI app that got its socket through stdin.