I want to use MATLAB fft2 function for electromagnetic wave propagation - matlab

I want to do EM (ELECTROMAGNETIC) wave propagation by
find the field Fourier transform in plane z==d , A = fft2(F(x,y,d))
PS(phaseshift) kz = k^2 -(kx^2+ky^2) where kx = 2*pi*1/dx ,ky = 2*pi*1/dy
but I dont get the expected result and I think I am confusing the FFT output arrangement and the way I define arrangement of kx and ky
any clue appreciated.
the flow chart is like :
1.Calculate field on z==d
2.Take Fourier 2D transform of the field at z ==d =====> F(Kx,Ky,d)
where ,
kx = 2*pi*fx , fx = 1/dx
ky = 2*pi*fy , fy =1/dy
kz = k^2 – (kx^2+ky^2)
3.Take inverse fourier transfom of (F(Kx,Ky,d)*exp(i*kz*(Z-d))) # Z == d1 when d1 >d to find the total field in z == d1
This happens for z = d1,d1,…..,dn
However I am confused about the frequency arrangement for output of fft and the way I am defining the spacial frequency (kx and Ky) are consistent.

It appears you are propagating the wave by Fraunhofer approximation? While I'm not sure what your output looks like, the FFT often 'splits' the desired signal such that half of it is on the right of the window and half of it is on the left.
Try using :
Be sure to read the fftshift help entry in MATLAB.
If the amplitude is a problem, remember to normalize the FFT correctly (divide by largest valued bin).

Did you check if you used the i variable before (in a for loop for instance?) sometimes it gets overwritten... (in the case you either use j or plain sqrt(-1))

Note that kz = sqrt( k^2 – (kx^2+ky^2) )
rather than kz = k^2 – (kx^2+ky^2)


Analytical Fourier transform vs FFT of functions in Matlab

I have adapted the code in Comparing FFT of Function to Analytical FT Solution in Matlab for this question. I am trying to do FFTs and comparing the result with analytical expressions in the Wikipedia tables.
My code is:
a = 1.223;
fs = 1e5; %sampling frequency
dt = 1/fs;
t = 0:dt:30-dt; %time vector
L = length(t); % no. sample points
t = t - 0.5*max(t); %center around t=0
y = ; % original function in time
Y = dt*fftshift(abs(fft(y))); %numerical soln
freq = (-L/2:L/2-1)*fs/L; %freq vector
w = 2*pi*freq; % angular freq
F = ; %analytical solution
figure; subplot(1,2,1); hold on
xlabel('Frequency, w')
subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
xlabel('Frequency, w')
If I study the Gaussian function and let
y = exp(-a*t.^2); % original function in time
F = exp(-w.^2/(4*a))*sqrt(pi/a); %analytical solution
in the above code, looks like there is good agreement when the real and imaginary parts of the function are plotted:
But if I study a decaying exponential multiplied with a Heaviside function:
H = #(x)1*(x>0); % Heaviside function
y = exp(-a*t).*H(t);
F = 1./(a+1j*w); %analytical solution
Why is there a discrepancy? I suspect it's related to the line Y = but I'm not sure why or how.
Edit: I changed the ifftshift to fftshift in Y = dt*fftshift(abs(fft(y)));. Then I also removed the abs. The second graph now looks like:
What is the mathematical reason behind the 'mirrored' graph and how can I remove it?
The plots at the bottom of the question are not mirrored. If you plot those using lines instead of dots you'll see the numeric results have very high frequencies. The absolute component matches, but the phase doesn't. When this happens, it's almost certainly a case of a shift in the time domain.
And indeed, you define the time domain function with the origin in the middle. The FFT expects the origin to be at the first (leftmost) sample. This is what ifftshift is for:
Y = dt*fftshift(fft(ifftshift(y)));
ifftshift moves the origin to the first sample, in preparation for the fft call, and fftshift moves the origin of the result to the middle, for display.
Your t does not have a 0:
>> t(L/2+(-1:2))
ans =
-1.5000e-05 -5.0000e-06 5.0000e-06 1.5000e-05
The sample at t(floor(L/2)+1) needs to be 0. That is the sample that ifftshift moves to the leftmost sample. (I use floor there in case L is odd in size, not the case here.)
To generate a correct t do as follows:
fs = 1e5; % sampling frequency
L = 30 * fs;
t = -floor(L/2):floor((L-1)/2);
t = t / fs;
I first generate an integer t axis of the right length, with 0 at the correct location (t(floor(L/2)+1)==0). Then I convert that to seconds by dividing by the sampling frequency.
With this t, the Y as I suggest above, and the rest of your code as-is, I see this for the Gaussian example:
>> max(abs(F-Y))
ans = 4.5254e-16
For the other function I see larger differences, in the order of 6e-6. This is due to the inability to sample the Heaviside function. You need t=0 in your sampled function, but H doesn't have a value at 0. I noticed that the real component has an offset of similar magnitude, which is caused by the sample at t=0.
Typically, the sampled Heaviside function is set to 0.5 for t=0. If I do that, the offset is removed completely, and max difference for the real component is reduced by 3 orders of magnitude (largest errors happen for values very close to 0, where I see a zig-zag pattern). For the imaginary component, the max error is reduced to 3e-6, still quite large, and is maximal at high frequencies. I attribute these errors to the difference between the ideal and sampled Heaviside functions.
You should probably limit yourself to band-limited functions (or nearly-band-limited ones such as the Gaussian). You might want to try to replace the Heaviside function with an error function (integral of Gaussian) with a small sigma (sigma = 0.8 * fs is the smallest sigma I would consider for proper sampling). Its Fourier transform is known.

Fourier transform of normal density function

I am using the following MATLAB code to perform a Fourier transformation of a normal density function:
dx = (b-a)/N;
x = a+j*dx;
dt = 2*pi/(N*dx);
f1 = -N/2*dt;
f2 = N/2*dt;
t= f1+ j*dt;
GX = normpdf(x,0,1);
fft_GX = real(fft(GX))';
However, I do not get the expected bell shaped curve when I try to plot fft_GX.
The Fourier transformation of a normal density has the form of e^(-t^2/2). Can someone please help as to what I am doing incorrect?
Trying using abs instead of real.
Another helpful function to recenter the frequency domain is fftshift. Otherwise you will see the plot from 0 to 2*pi I believe, instead of the more recognizable view from -pi to pi.
fft_GX = abs(fftshift((fft(GX))');
You may need to do some further normalization based on the number of samples you have, but it looks more like the expected bell curve than what you were seeing originally.

find the line which best fits to the data

I'm trying to find the line which best fits to the data. I use the following code below but now I want to have the data placed into an array sorted so it has the data which is closest to the line first how can I do this? Also is polyfit the correct function to use for this?
p = polyfit(x,y,n)
f = polyval(p,x);
PS: I'm using Octave 4.0 which is similar to Matlab
You can first compute the error between the real value y and the predicted value f
err = abs(y-f);
Then sort the error vector
[val, idx] = sort(err);
And use the sorted indexes to have your y values sorted
y2 = y(idx);
Now y2 has the same values as y but the ones closer to the fitting value first.
Do the same for x to compute x2 so you have a correspondence between x2 and y2
x2 = x(idx);
Sembei Norimaki did a good job of explaining your primary question, so I will look at your secondary question = is polyfit the right function?
The best fit line is defined as the line that has a mean error of zero.
If it must be a "line" we could use polyfit, which will fit a polynomial. Of course, a "line" can be defined as first degree polynomial, but first degree polynomials have some properties that make it easy to deal with. The first order polynomial (or linear) equation you are looking for should come in this form:
y = mx + b
where y is your dependent variable and X is your independent variable. So the challenge is this: find the m and b such that the modeled y is as close to the actual y as possible. As it turns out, the error associated with a linear fit is convex, meaning it has one minimum value. In order to calculate this minimum value, it is simplest to combine the bias and the x vectors as follows:
Xcombined = [x.' ones(length(x),1)];
then utilized the normal equation, derived from the minimization of error
beta = inv(Xcombined.'*Xcombined)*(Xcombined.')*(y.')
great, now our line is defined as Y = Xcombined*beta. to draw a line, simply sample from some range of x and add the b term
Xplot = [[0:.1:5].' ones(length([0:.1:5].'),1)];
Yplot = Xplot*beta;
plot(Xplot, Yplot);
So why does polyfit work so poorly? well, I cant say for sure, but my hypothesis is that you need to transpose your x and y matrixies. I would guess that that would give you a much more reasonable line.
x = x.';
y = y.';
then try
p = polyfit(x,y,n)
I hope this helps. A wise man once told me (and as I learn every day), don't trust an algorithm you do not understand!
Here's some test code that may help someone else dealing with linear regression and least squares
%https://youtu.be/m8FDX1nALSE matlab code
%https://youtu.be/1C3olrs1CUw good video to work out by hand if you want to test
function [a0 a1] = rtlinreg(x,y)
a1 = (n*sum(x.*y) - sum(x)*sum(y))/(n*sum(x.^2) - (sum(x))^2); %a1 this is the slope of linear model
a0 = mean(y) - a1*mean(x); %a0 is the y-intercept
[a0 a1] = rtlinreg(x,y); %a1 is the slope of linear model, a0 is the y-intercept
x_model =min(x):.001:max(x);
y_model = a0 + a1.*x_model; %y=-186.47 +4.70x

Weird behavior when performing 2D convolution by the FFT

I am trying to construct the product of the FFT of a 2D box function and the FFT of a 2D Gaussian function. After, I find the inverse FFT and I am expecting a convolution of the two functions as a result. However, I am getting a weird one-sided result as seen below. The result appears on the bottom right of the subplot.
The Octave code I wrote to reproduce the above subplot as well as the calculations I performed to construct the convolution is shown below. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
clear all;
close all;
% domain on each side is 0-9
L = 10;
% num subdivisions
N = 32;
sigma = 0.5;
% get the domain ready
[x,y] = meshgrid((0:N-1)*delta);
% since domain ranges from 0-(N-1) on both sdes
% we need to take the average
xAvg = sum(x(1, :))/length(x(1,:));
yAvg = sum(y(:, 1))/length(x(:,1));
% gaussian
gssn = exp(- ((x - xAvg) .^ 2 + (y - yAvg) .^ 2) ./ (2*sigma^2));
function ret = boxImpulse(a,b)
n = 32;
delta = L/n;
nL = ((n-1)/2-3)*delta;
nU = ((n-1)/2+3)*delta;
if ((a >= nL) && (a <= nU) && ( b >= nL) && (b <= nU) )
boxResponse = arrayfun(#boxImpulse, x, y);
subplot(2,2,1);mesh(x,y,gssn); title("gaussian fun");
subplot(2,2,2);mesh(x,y, abs(fft2(gssn)) .^2); title("fft of gaussian");
subplot(2,2,3);mesh(x,y,boxResponse); title("box fun");
inv_of_product_of_ffts = abs(ifft2(fft2(boxResponse) * fft2(gssn))) .^2 ;
subplot(2,2,4);mesh(x,y,inv_of_product_of_ffts); title("inv of product of fft");
Let's first address your most obvious errors. This is the way you are computing the convolution in frequency domain:
inv_of_product_of_ffts = abs(ifft2(fft2(boxResponse) * fft2(gssn))) .^2 ;
The first problem is that you are using *, which is matrix multiplication. In frequency domain, element-wise multiplication is the equivalent to convolution in the frequency domain, so you need to use .* instead. The second problem is you also don't need the .^2 term and the abs operation. You're performing convolution, then finding the absolute value and squaring each term. This isn't required. Remove the abs and .^2 operations.
Therefore, what you need is:
inv_of_product_of_ffts = ifft2(fft2(boxResponse).*fft2(gssn)));
However, what you're going to get is this result. Let's place this in a new figure instead of a subplot*:
title('Convolution... not right though');
You can see that it's the right result... but it's not centred.... why is that?
This is actually one of the most common problems when computing convolution in the frequency domain. In fact, even the most experienced encounter this problem because they don't understand the internals of how the FFT works.
This is a consequence with how MATLAB and Octave compute the 2D FFT. Specifically, MATLAB and Octave defines a meshgrid of coordinates that go from 0,1,...M-1 for the horizontal and 0,1,...N-1 for the vertical, giving us a M x N result. This means that the origin / DC component is at the top-left corner of the matrix, not the centre as we usually define things. Specifically, the traditional 2D FFT defines the coordinates from -(M-1)/2, ..., (M-1)/2 for the horizontal and -(N-1)/2, ..., (N-1)/2 for the vertical.
Referencing the aforementioned, you defined your signal with the centre assuming that it's the origin and not the top-left corner. To compensate for this, you need to add an fftshift (MATLAB doc, Octave doc) so that the output of the FFT is now centred at the origin and not the top-left corner to bring things back to the way they were, and therefore you really need:
title('Convolution... now it is right');
If you want to double check that we have the right result, you can perform direct convolution in the spatial domain and we can compare the results between the method in frequency domain.
This is how you'd compute the result directly in spatial domain:
title('Convolution... spatial domain');
conv2 (MATLAB doc, Octave doc) performs 2D convolution between two signals, and the 'same' flag ensures that the output size is the largest of the two signals, which is either the Gaussian or Box filter. You'll see that it's the same curve, and I won't show it here for brevity.
However, we can compare both of the results and see if they're the same element-wise. A method to do this would be to determine if subtracting each element in the result is less than some threshold... say.. 1e-10:
>> out1 = conv2(boxResponse, gssn, 'same');
>> out2 = fftshift(ifft2(fft2(boxResponse).*fft2(gssn)));
>> all(abs(out1(:)-out2(:)) < 1e-10)
ans =
This means that indeed both of these are the same.
Hope that makes sense! Remember, since you're defining your signal where the origin is at the centre, once you find the inverse FFT, you must shift things back so that the origin is now at the centre, not the top-left corner.
*: Minor note - All plots produced in this answer were generated with MATLAB R2015a. However, the code fully works in Octave - tested with Octave 4.0.0.

Fourier Transforms in MatLab

So I have had a few posts the last few days about using MatLab to perform a convolution (see here). But I am having issues and just want to try and use the convolution property of Fourier Transforms. I have the code below:
width = 83.66;
x = linspace(-400,400,1000);
a2 = 1.205e+004 ;
al = 1.778e+005 ;
b1 = 94.88 ;
c1 = 224.3 ;
d = 4.077 ;
measured = al*exp(-((abs((x-b1)./c1).^d)))+a2;
rect = #(x) 0.5*(sign(x+0.5) - sign(x-0.5));
rt = rect(x/width);
subplot(5,1,1);plot(x,measured);title('imported data-super gaussian')
subplot(5,1,2);plot(x,(real(fftshift(fft(rt)))));title('transformed slit')
u = (fftshift(fft(measured)));
l = u./(real(fftshift(fft(rt))));
response = (fftshift(ifft(l)));
%Data Check
check = conv(rt,response,'full');
z = linspace(min(x),max(x),length(check));
My goal is to take my case, which is $measured = rt \ast signal$ and find signal. Once I find my signal, I convolve it with the rectangle and should get back measured, but I do not get that.
I have very little matlab experience, and pretty much 0 signal processing experience (working with DFTs). So any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!
After considering the problem statement and woodchips' advice, I think we can get closer to a solution.
Input: u(t)
Output: y(t)
If we assume the system is causal and linear we would need to shift the rect function to occur before the response, like so:
rt = rect(((x+270+(83.66/2))/83.66));
figure; plot( x, measured, x, max(measured)*rt )
Next, consider the response to the input. It looks to me to be first order. If we assume as such, we will have a system transfer function in the frequency domain of the form:
H(s) = (b1*s + b0)/(s + a0)
You had been trying to use convolution to and FFT's to find the impulse response, "transfer function" in the time domain. However, the FFT of the rect, being a sinc has a zero crossing periodically. These zero points make using the FFT to identify the system extremely difficult. Due to:
Y(s)/U(s) = H(s)
So we have U(s) = A*sinc(a*s), with zeros, which makes the division go to infinity, which doesn't make sense for a real system.
Instead, let's attempt to fit coefficients to the frequency domain linear transfer function that we postulate is of order 1 since there are no overshoots, etc, 1st order is a reasonable place to start.
I realized my first answer here had a unstable system description, sorry! The solution to the ODE is very stiff due to the rect function, so we need to crank down the maximum time step and use a stiff solver. However, this is still a tough problem to solve this way, a more analytical approach may be more tractable.
We use fminsearch to find the continuous time transfer function coefficients like:
function x = findTf(c0,u,y,t)
% minimize the error for the estimated
% parameters of the transfer function
% use a scaled version without an offset for the response, the
% scalars can be added back later without breaking the solution.
yo = (y - min(y))/max(y);
x = fminsearch(#(c) simSystem(c,u,y,t),c0);
% calculate the derivatives of the transfer function
% inputs and outputs using the estimated coefficient
% vector c
function out = simSystem(c,u,y,t)
% estimate the derivative of the input
du = diff([0; u])./diff([0; t]);
% estimate the second derivative of the input
d2u = diff([0; du])./diff([0; t]);
% find the output of the system, corresponds to measured
opt = odeset('MaxStep',mean(diff(t))/100);
[~,yp] = ode15s(#(tt,yy) odeFun(tt,yy,c,du,d2u,t),t,[y(1) u(1) 0],opt);
% find the error between the actual measured output and the output
% from the system with the estimated coefficients
out = sum((yp(:,1) - y).^2);
function dy = odeFun(t,y,c,du,d2u,tx)
dy = [c(1)*y(3)+c(2)*y(2)-c(3)*y(1);
Something like that anyway should get you going.
x = findTf([1 1 1]',rt',measured',x');