Understanding WSDL's, SOAP, REST, etc - rest

I'm trying to learn how to use WSDL's to call web services from a Grails project. I've been provided with the WSDL and some XML results for reference.
I've been able to generate Java code from the WSDL, and everything seems to be working correctly.
Here's the WSDL: http://www.restfulwebservices.net/rest/USAZipCodeService.svc?wsdl
And here is the XML: http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch?placename=MN&username=demo
I am receiving this exception in my project:
ERROR client.WebServiceClientFactoryImpl$WSClientInvocationHandler - No namespace on "geonames" element.
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: No namespace on "geonames" element.
It seems like it is saying that the XML returned isn't valid for SOAP? Am I missing/misunderstanding some pieces the puzzle here? It is all pretty new to me.
I am trying to use a Grails plugin called cxf client: https://github.com/ctoestreich/cxf-client
It is configured with the following in Config.groovy (something could be wrong/missing here?):
wsdl = "http://www.restfulwebservices.net/wcf/USAZipCodeService.svc?wsdl"
namespace = "cxf.client.postalcode"
clientInterface = "cxf.client.postalcode.IPostalCodeService"
serviceEndpointAddress = "http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch"

I guess you just sent the XML returned from http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch?placename=MN&username=demo as a parameter to the web service. Obviously, from the WSDL description returned you can see there is no such element named geonames, so the SOAPFaultException exception is quite a fair result.
To fix it, you have to refer to the WSDL description carefully, to make sure the invoke method has the right parameters work with whatever defined in the USAZipCodeService WSDL description tags like <wsdl:operation> and <wsdl:message>.
Another issue: 2 different WSDLs were metioned in your invoker and Config.groovy. The former is a RESTful service, and the later is a SOAP one. They work with different invoke methods and parameters, so make sure your code has consistent invoker and parameters, too.


What is the difference between BasicHttpRequest and HttpGet, HttpPost, etc in Apache HTTP Client 4.3 ?

I am creating HTTP request using Apache HTTP Client version 4.3.4. I see there are some classes like HttpGet,... and there is also a class BasicHttpRequest. I am not sure which one to use.
Whats the difference and which one should be used in which condition ?
BasicHttpRequest is provided by the core library. As its name suggests it is pretty basic: it enforces no particular method name or type, nor does it attempt to validate the request URI. The URI parameter can be any arbitrary garbage. HttpClient will dutifully transmit it to server as is, if it is unable to parse it to a valid URI.
HttpUriRequest variety on the other hand will enforce specific method type and will require a valid URI. Another important feature is that HttpUriRequest can be aborted at any point of their execution.
You should always be using classes that implement HttpUriRequest per default.
I was just browsing the 4.3.6 javadoc attempting to locate your BasicHttpRequest and was unable to find it. Do you have a reference to the javadoc of this class?
I would be under the impression that BasicHttpRequest would be a base class providing operations and attributes common to more than one HttpRequest. It may be extremely generic for extension purposes.
To the first part of your question, use HttpGet, HttpPost etc for their specific operations. If you only need to HTTP/GET information then use HttpGet, if you need to post a form or document body, then use HttpPost. If you are attempting to use things like the Head, Put, Delete method, then use the correspoding HttpXXX class.

CXF - webservice endpoint has changed, WSDL has not

My application used CXF WSDL2JAVA to generate the Java classes from a client supplied WSDL.
They've now changed their webservice to have 3 additional string fields in the response.
It would be a bit of rework for us to regenerate the java classes, but we're getting an exception:
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (newElement)
Is there a way to get CXF to ignore the extra elements in the response?
If you add an endpoint property of:
"set-jaxb-validation-event-handler" to "false"
then CXF will not add an event handler into the JAXB unmarshaller and the unexpected elements are silently ignored. You'll need to make sure the rest of the message is exactly correct though as you will not get any errors or anything if the message isn't correct. For example, the common thing to happen is someone sends qualified elements when JAXB is expecting unqualified elements. Without setting the handler, all the fields in the object would end up as "null". With the handler, you would get a message like:
unexpected element (uri:"http://my.namespace.com", local:"myField"). Expected elements are <{}myField>
so you can see that the namespace qualification is the reason.

Incorrect xmlns in a WSDL

I am trying to import a WSDL into a SOAP-UI project - which is a simple tool for testing SOAP calls. When I try and import the wsdl I get the following error:
WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/portType/wsdl:operation[1]/wsdl:input):
faultCode=UNBOUND_PREFIX: Unable to determine namespace of 'nrns:getDynamicsUploadQueueRequest
From inspecting the WSDL I see that there is no xmlns:nrns declaration under the definitions area. I read in a forum that I can resave the WSDL to disk and correct the WSDL. However, I'm an extreme SOAP noob and I don't know what the definition is supposed to be. I think that if I just add the following to the definitions area it should sort things out. Anyone know what I would replace those question marks with? Am I completely wrong in my approach?
I don't own or have control over the WSDL. The WSDL and XML are below for reference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions name='NRAPI' targetNamespace='https://apps.net-results.com/soap/v1'
This is an error in the WSDL. It appears that the "nrns" is meant to be https://apps.net-results.com/soap/v1. Note that this is the targetNamespace of the WSDL, in the definitions element.
So just add
in the definitions element, and you should be fine.
Namespaces are a way to associate your elements to a particular type to avoid name conflicts. Refer here http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_namespaces.asp
You can pretty much anything is ??? and that should solve your problem. It needn't be any valid URL because it's never going to go that URL on internet and check its validity.
However, I suggest you get the corrected WSDL from its owner and use that else later you may end up with problems regarding namespace mismatch wasting lot of time. For time being to continue with your testing you may pretty much put anything in <wsdl:definition> tag, something like:
p.s. Play with your imagination :)

Convert a WSDL to its respective HTTP Bindings

I'm simply trying to convert a WSDl into a number of different HTTP-requests from data supplied by the WSDL. I have read through a ton of similar questions, but none really provided an answer.
Some say to use SOAPUI - I am familiar with this application and do use it. But I need to create these HTTP-requests from the WSDL on my own.
Some say to try JAXWS - I looked at a number of tutorials on this as well as on Axis and these translate the WSDL into Java class bindings and you use those methods to test the web services. I really would like to just generate the HTTP-request myself so that at one point I can manipulate the request and send my own tests.
I started using wsdl4j to begin parsing the WSDL myself but would rather not go down this path until I'm absolutely sure I'm not reinventing the wheel. Seems to me there has been a need for this in past? But with WSDL4J and every other library I do not see a WSDL to Soap message translation.
Any suggestions would be very helpful. The goal is I want to be able to take a WSDL, examine it and create HTTP-SOAP requests for each method in the WSDL and be able to than test them for security issues. The first step is to create those requests!
When calling a SOAP web service you can use a static invocation or a dynamic invocation.
Static invocation means creating a stub from the WSDL and using that to perform the call. This creates all the "plumbing" code for you, but is tightly tied to just that web service and you can't use it for other web services with different contracts. For each WSDL you need to create another stub.
With dynamic invocation, you read the WSDL at runtime and figure out how to call the web service based on the info you get from the WSDL. Feed it multiple WSDLs and the client adapts.
The dynamic invocation is what SoapUI uses to generate the sample requests and responses.
It reads the WSDL you feed it, extracts the XML schema from the types section and generates XML instances. To do so, it uses Wsdl4j and XmlBeans under the hood.
Your decision to use Wsdl4j is good as it gives you control when parsing the WSDL. But also have a look at XmlBeans; it has some other tools you might find useful, like the schema to instance class for example.
If you need to see it in action (maybe debug it to see what's going on) you could create a quick dirty test with the SoapUI API:
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.WsdlImporter;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WsdlProject project = new WsdlProject();
WsdlInterface[] wsdls = WsdlImporter.importWsdl(project, "http://www.html2xml.nl/Services/Calculator/Version1/Calculator.asmx?wsdl");
WsdlInterface wsdl = wsdls[0];
System.exit(0); // just to clear up some threads created by the project
The message you should see printed (for the Add operation of the Calculator WS) would be something like this:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">
Hope this helps you move beyond the first step.

JAX-RS and unknown query parameters

I have a Java client that calls a RESTEasy (JAX-RS) Java server. It is possible that some of my users may have a newer version of the client than the server.
That client may call a resource on the server that contains query parameters that the server does not know about. Is it possible to detect this on the server side and return an error?
I understand that if the client calls a URL that has not been implemented yet on the server, the client will get a 404 error, but what happens if the client passes in a query parameter that is not implemented (e.g.: ?sort_by=last_name)?
Is it possible to detect this on the server side and return an error?
Yes, you can do it. I think the easiest way is to use #Context UriInfo. You can obtain all query parameters by calling getQueryParameters() method. So you know if there are any unknown parameters and you can return error.
but what happens if the client passes in a query parameter that is not implemented
If you implement no special support of handling "unknown" parameters, the resource will be called and the parameter will be silently ignored.
Personally I think that it's better to ignore the unknown parameters. If you just ignore them, it may help to make the API backward compatible.
You should definitely check out the JAX-RS filters (org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.RequestHandler) to intercept, validate, manipulate request, e.g. for security or validatng query parameters.
If you declared all your parameters using annotations you can parse the web.xml file for the resource class names (see possible regex below) and use the full qualified class names to access the declared annotations for methods (like javax.ws.rs.GET) and method parameters (like javax.ws.rs.QueryParam) to scan all available web service resources - this way you don't have to manually add all resource classes to your filter.
Store this information in static variables so you just have to parse this stuff the first time you hit your filter.
In your filter you can access the org.apache.cxf.message.Message for the incoming request. The query string is easy to access - if you also want to validate form parameters and multipart names, you have to reas the message content and write it back to the message (this gets a bit nasty since you have to deal with multipart boundaries etc).
To 'index' the resources I just take the HTTP method and append the path (which is then used as key to access the declared parameters.
You can use the ServletContext to read the web.xml file. For extracting the resource classes this regex might be helpful
String webxml = readInputStreamAsString(context.getResourceAsStream("WEB-INF/web.xml"));
Pattern serviceClassesPattern = Pattern.compile("<param-name>jaxrs.serviceClasses</param-name>.*?<param-value>(.*?)</param-value>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);