Zend select data from multiple table - zend-framework

I have trouble with pulling data from two different tables. I'm attempting to first grab all the addresses with a given name (select all the addresses with the name tom in table). Then with the addresses, look through another table (table2) for those addresses and pull a all the data from col number. Is there a better way than my code:
this->table = new Address();
$getaddress = $this->table->getAddress($name); //grabbing all address associated with a given name
$address = $getaddress->toArray();
foreach ($addy as $address)
this->table2 = new Number();
$numbers = $this->table2->getNumber($address['numberColumn']);
$this->view->numbers = $numbers->toArray();

I will advice you to define relationship between table and table2. Of course you need foreign key in table2 which will be the relation to the first table.
Please study this document:


#Relation Room DB with multiple columns

If i want to related 2 tables and the relation is not only one column but more, is there a way to use the Room #Relation annotation with more arguments to achive that? Perhaps somehting like below
#Relation(parentColumn = "{message_id,account_id}", entityColumn = "{message_id, from_account_id}", entity = Message::class)
var messageList: List<Message> = ArrayList()
So that the join has more than one constraint?

create a model odoo12 with intermediate tables

I'm starting to learn Odoo and I'm developing an application in Odoo 12. I want to represent a database with intermediate table, in this case I have 2 tables ( products and actions ) and the relationship is 1...n and I must have an intermediate table that joins two tables.
Product (id, name, price...)
Action (id, name)
Product_action (id, id_product, id_action, date_from, date_to)
How I can do this? How can i represent this in the Odoo's model?
Thanks in advance.
Just create a model for the intermediate. You can also represent the entries of this intermediate model (rows in table) as 1:n relation on both the other models:
class ProductAction(models.Model):
_name = "product.action"
date_from = fields.Date()
date_to = fields.Date()
product_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="product.product")
action_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="action.model.name")
class ProductProduct(models.Model):
_inherit = "product.product"
intermediate_ids = fields.One2many(
comodel_name="product.action", inverse_name="product_id")
class ActionClassName(models.Model):
_inherit = "action.model.name"
intermediate_ids = fields.One2many(
comodel_name="product.action", inverse_name="action_id")
I assumed you are using Odoo's product class product.product but don't know what class/model is used for "actions" so i used a wildcard name for it in my example code.

Foreign key record in Entity Framework

I have recently started using Entity Framework and have run into a problem.
I have 2 simple tables mapped with Entity Framework in my solution:
emp_id INT
first_name VARCHAR
last_name VARCHAR
department INT ( FOREIGN KEY MAPPED TO departments.dept_id )
dept_id INT
department_name VARCHAR
Using the code below, I want to write to the database.
var record = db.employees.Create();
string test = "test";
record.first_name = test;
record.last_name = test;
record.department = 1;
I get an error the error:
Entities in "'DBContextContainer.employees' participate in the 'employeedepartment' relationship. 0 related 'department' were found. 1 'department' is expected."
at the db.SaveChanges() method. Can someone please explain to me how I could resolve or troubleshoot this?
Update: There is a record in the departments table with a dept_id of 1 and I am still getting the error.
You'll need to add a field to the Departments table first since Departments is the parent table (Employees depend on Departments as per your table structure). You cant add an employee with department that doesn't have a corresponding entry in the Departments table.

Best way to do an Inner Join using the Zend Framework?

It seems like there's a few different ways to join two tables using the Zend Framework, but I've never done it before so I don't know which is the best way to do it.
This is what I'm trying to do...
I have 3 tables in my database:
( id , name )
( id , name )
( id , group_id , user_id )
I'm trying to look up the groups that a user belongs to and display that to the user. This SQL statement pretty much does the job (though there may be a better way to write it). It only returns the columns I'm concerned with which are the group's id and title.
SELECT groups.id, groups.title
FROM group_members
ON groups.id = group_members.group_id
WHERE user_id = $userId
How can I do this with the Zend Framework?
Finally figured out how to do it. If you've got a better way, please let me know.
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter(); //set in my config file
$select = new Zend_Db_Select($db);
$select->from('groups', array('id', 'title')) //the array specifies which columns I want returned in my result set
'groups.id = group_members.group_id',
array()) //by specifying an empty array, I am saying that I don't care about the columns from this table
->where('user_id = ?', $userId);
$resultSet = $db->fetchAll($select);
This will return a table with only the id and title columns. The empty array() was the key to removing the columns I didn't care about. I could then do something with the result set.
foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
//do something with $row->id or $row->title
No need to using Join,we can use Zend_Db_Table instead for the reason about the MVC pattern. I got this idea form here,#10 by Filip.(maybe they call this "Table Data Gateway"?)

simple LINQ query

i am having trouble joinging tables on a LINQ query.
(source: kalleload.net)
As you can see there are three tables there. On my webpage, i want to display the following data in a List View.
betid | bet.title | bet.description | match.location | match.begindate/enddate | teamone NAME | teamtwo Name.
so let me explain this.
I want 3 fields from the bets table.
I want 2 fields from the match table (where the match.matchid = bet.matchid)
I want 2 fields from the TEAM table (where match.teamone = team.teamid and match.teamtwo = team.teamid)
i hope this makes sense.
It looks like you already have the relationships defined. If you are using the designer, you should have existing entities in the generated classes.
var result = bet.Select( b => new {
BetID = b.betid,
Title = b.title,
Description = b.description,
BeginDate = b.match.begindate,
EndDate = b.match.enddate,
TeamOneName = b.match.team_1.teamname,
TeamTwoName = b.match.team_2.teamname
} );
Note that I'm only guessing at the association names. You should be able to figure out the names given to them by the designer.
The key to this one is to include a self join on the team table, for team one and team two, like this:
var result = from bet in db.bet
join match in db.match on bet.matchid equals match.matchid
join team1 in db.team on match.teamone equals team1.teamid
join team2 in db.team on match.teamtwo equals team2.teamid
select new {bet.betid, bet.title, bet.description, match.location, match.begindate, match.enddate, team1.name, team2.name};