How to clip the cell in a PdfPTable with iText? - itext

I am creating a one column PdfPTable given a Rectangle, at a particilar absolute position. In this table, I need to add a collection of PdfPCells and show as much of the cell content as possible and the cells must be clipped at the table rectangle boundaries. I took care of the width by:
PdfPTable cutTable = new PdfPTable(1);
I have a phrase object in each cell and I add a set of cells to the table. The problem is that the cells overflows the table height boundary and it is not clipped. I tried keeping track of the total cells' height after adding each cell, but the problem is that since I ask the table for the row height, a cell must be inserted before and my calculation is off as the last cell overflows.
How do I get the table to clip the cell contents at its boundaries? If I can't do this, how do I determine the height of the cell(the phrase uses Arial 8 font) with the default text wrapping, before it is added to the table?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Take a look at the CellHeights example from my book "iText in Action." It uses the different options to set the height of a cell. I think you need the setFixedHeight() method. When using this method, all content added to the cell that doesn't fit the height will be dropped.


ms word dynamic table cell height

I have a table in Word filled dynamically, I need to make the last cell or row fills the height of the remaining space in the page like this.
so when new row created the it still in the same page and reduce the last cell's height.

Random table view cell height is not working perfectly

I am designing a chat app in which I am using the UITableViewAutomaticDimension property of table view when I am setting the label lines to 6 then all cells height is according to the text which label contains but when I increase the number of lines for label then some cells have extra height. Even when scrolling it then cell height again changed.You can check the image so that you can understand it easily thanks.
You need to give label constraints from top and bottom, rather than center vertically.
Give vertical content hugging priority

Setting fixed height for all cells at once in iText 2.0.7

Is there anyway where we can set the height of each cell to a particular height? I created multiple cells using PdfPCell,the height is common to all the cells so I wanted to set the height of each cell at once to shorten my code, currently I am doing it using the PdfPCell's setFixedHeight method.
Retrieve the default PdfPCell and set its fixed height. All the cells of the PdfPTable will have the same height afterwards. This will have to be repeated for each table though.

JasperReports: set textfield height to height of other element in band

I have several textfields on a single row in the same band. The first of them is having a larger font than the rest. However, the size of this font might change for each record. How can I set the height of the other textfields to be dependant of the height of the first one?
Thanks for your help,
On each field in the row set Stretch Type to be Relative to Tallest Object.

border of PdfPTable - iText, java

I need to have a border line for the PdfPTable but not for the cells inside. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
I have done this by putting this table inside a new cell. Now my question is how to add a line to split the rows?
In iText each PdfPCell has its own borders.
You can set the borders needed on the cell, and in case of a nested table do the same for that tables cells.
In your case you probably want to set the bottom border on the entire row that is to be separated.