Date value as float - Apple's iWork Numbers 09 - internal XML - date

I am writing a script in PHP which will convert Numbers file into HTML table, but I can not figure out which format is used for date storage. The date cell tag looks like
sf:cell-date="371397519.99999952" />
so the date must be in sf:cell-date attribute, but I can not figure out how to convert it into human readable format. Any ideas? I have never seen date value as float number.

As written in a comment, it is the number of seconds since 01/01/2001 at 00:00:00. Equipped with that knowledge and because this goes hand in hand with the UNIX Epoch all you need to do is to define and use the offset. It should be compatible with nearly every of the existing PHP date functions and objects, for example with date:
define('CELL_DATE_EPOCH_OFFSET', 978307200);
$sf_cell_date = 371397519.99999952;
echo date('r', CELL_DATE_EPOCH_OFFSET + $sf_cell_date);
The output of this little script is (in my timezone):
Mon, 08 Oct 2012 15:58:39 +0200
I hope this is helpful. 978307200 is the unix timestamp for 01/01/2001 00:00:00 UTC, you can get with PHP for example with the following code-example:
$base = new DateTime('01/01/2001 00:00:00 UTC');
echo $base->getTimestamp(), "\n";
in case that was your problem.


Convert a dates from Tweet hydrator to standard date format in Google Sheets mm/dd/yyyy

I have a large dataset (close to 80,000) of tweets dated like this:
Wed Oct 05 01:20:53 +0000 2016
What script can I run to convert the dates in Google Sheets to the simple mm/dd/yyyy form?
In this case, it should be: 10/05/2016
If the format of the date is you mentioned is consistent, you can use the below formula (assuming the date is in cell A1)
=DATEVALUE(RIGHT(A1,4) & MID(A1,5,3) & MID(A1,9,2))
This will extract the Datevalue from the string and then you can format it to look in the mm/dd/yyyy format
=arrayformula(if(A1:A="",,1*(regexextract(A1,"\d{2}")&"/"&regexextract(A1,"\D+ (\D+) ")&"/"&regexextract(A1,".* (\d+)"))))
or (with hours/minutes/seconds)
=arrayformula(if(A1:A="",,1*(regexextract(A1,"\d{2}")&"/"&regexextract(A1,"\D+ (\D+) ")&"/"&regexextract(A1,".* (\d+)"))+regexextract(A1,"\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}")))
and define the appropriate format
Another solution
=index(text(regexreplace(regexreplace(A:A,"\+0000\s",),"(.*)(\d+:\d+:\d+)\s(.*)","$1$3 $2"),"mm/dd/yyyy"))
=index(text(regexreplace(A:A,"(.*\s)(\d+:.*)\+.*\s(.*)","$1$3 $2"),"mm/dd/yyyy"))

How to enter a YYYYMM date in Jekyll?

How should dates be entered in Jekyll?
I would like to enter the date "August 2018" in a YAML file to be used in Jekyll. I find lots of information on how to format already-existing dates, but pretty much nothing on how to enter them.
The best I have managed to find is Date formatting, which implies that dates entered in ISO 8601 format should be valid. If I run with this, then Wikipedia explicitly states
"2004-05" is a valid ISO 8601 date, which indicates May (the fifth
month) 2004.
This implies that "August 2018" could be entered as 2018-08.
However, when I use my YAML file my_data.yml in my _data folder
date: 2018-08
then Jekyll doesn't recognize it as a date as
{{ | time: '%B %Y' }}
outputs "2018-08" and not "August 2018".
TL;DR: Enter YYYYMM dates such as "August 2018" as Aug 2018.
Searching through the Jekyll repo, I found the date filters. The Ruby on Rails method .to_formatted_s (source) seem to be key to most of them. In the source to that method dates are written as Tue, 04 Dec 2007 00:00:00 +0000 from which I guessed that I should write Aug 2018. Doing so in my_data.yml, the code outputs the expected “August 2018”.

Perl equivalent of PHP's strtotime()?

I realize that Perl has strftime, which allows you to pass a formatting object. The functionality I'm wondering if I can find is more like the following (from PHP):
$string1 = "Jun 6, 2012";
$string2 = "June 06 2012";
if (strtotime($string1) == strtotime($string2)) {
echo "BLAMMO!";
// will echo "BLAMMO!"
The reason for this is a business need in which user-provided dates need to be compared for validation and extended logic (does this date fall within another daterange also provided, etc). Now, I realize I can write an entire library devoted to doing this, and I realize there are any number of potential pitfalls with date-parsing and you should never trust user input, but here are some basic assumptions.
The input is actually output from any number of software packages that conform to their own internal specifications for date formatting. They all follow some standard, but those standards are not uniformly normalized between programs. That being said, I should always be comparing two dates from the same program, but I may never know what format they may follow.
I realize the standards of any given system are likely to be different, but the assumption here is that we're feeding ALL of our dates into the same thing, so we can trust a consistent implementation, hopefully something in CPAN or another easily updated module.
Date::Parse supplies str2time, which does this.
The documentation lists some examples that the module can parse:
1995:01:24T09:08:17.1823213 ISO-8601
Wed, 16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST Comma and day name are optional
Thu, 13 Oct 94 10:13:13 -0700
Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:50:32 -0500 (EST) Text in ()'s will be ignored.
21 dec 17:05 Will be parsed in the current time zone
21-dec 17:05
21/dec 17:05
21/dec/93 17:05
1999 10:02:18 "GMT"
16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST
The standard for date/time manipulation in Perl is the DateTime project.
strptime for Perl can be obtained in the core module Time::Piece. This offer a core module solution whereas the rich DateTime module unfortunately isn't part of core Perl.

Server strtotime incorrect

Both strtotime and mktime are outputting an incorrect timestamp and it's driving me mad.
If I add the following strtotime('2012-10-09');
I get 1349701200
Which is actually
Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:00:00 GMT
I'm using my localhost, running MAMP. I'm assuming it's a server timezone issue, or something, but I don't understand why, or how to fix it.
Any help?
strtotime uses default timezone to interpret the string. If you want different timezone you could specify it explicitly or change it for all calls:
if (date_default_timezone_get()) {
echo 'date_default_timezone: ' . date_default_timezone_get()."\n";
echo strtotime('2012-10-09')."\n"; # default timezone
echo strtotime('2012-10-09 UTC')."\n";
echo strtotime('2012-10-09')."\n";
date_default_timezone: Europe/London
POSIX timestamp counts number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. For example, midnight (00:00) in New York may be 20:00 in UTC at this time of year (the same POSIX timestamp). But 00:00 in UTC and 00:00 in New York correspond to different moments in time (different POSIX timestamps). Local clocks follow the Sun usually (roughly speaking) and even if it is night where you are; the Sun shines somewhere on Earth.

Convert seconds to date from Jan 01 1901 in unix/linux

im trying to convert a time stamp in seconds from Jan 01 1901 to the current date.
for example,
time stamp 3465468225 translate to a date in 2010. does anyone know of a way to do this in unix/linux? thanks.
In R, it is as simple as this:
> as.POSIXct(3465468225, origin="1901-01-01")
[1] "2010-10-25 15:03:45 CDT"
This uses appropriate wrappers around C-level calls gmtime() / localtime() plus time formatting via strftime().
On GNU and POSIX systems you can obtain the date string using seconds since Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) as:
$ date --date=#1289495920
Thu Nov 11 12:18:40 EST 2010
You should handle the offset since Jan 01 1901 yourself.