Named Cache Vs Regions - appfabric-cache

I have a following requirement:
1) my cache framework should support Global cache and Application wise(based on country in which application is deployed) cache.
2) Global cache will contains the shared objects for all the applications
3) For the application wise cache, should I use named cache or Regions? And why?

Regions offer searching capabilities, but by limiting cached objects to a single cache host, the use of regions presents a trade-off between functionality and scalability.
Named cache, also referred to as a cache is the default container that spans all cache hosts in the cluster. Even, if there is a limit of 128 named caches, we can find a way to bypass this limit by using a prefix in your cache key.


GridFS: what it gives us

I'm reading "Seven Databases in Seven Weeks". Could you please explain me the text below:
One downside of a distributed system can be the lack of a single
coherent filesystem. Say you operate a website where users can upload
images of themselves. If you run several web servers on several
different nodes, you must manually replicate the uploaded image to
each web server’s disk or create some alternative central system.
Mongo handles this scenario by its own distributed filesystem called
Why do you need replicate manually uploaded images? Does they mean some of the servers will have linux and some of them Windows?
Do all replicated data storages tend to implement own filesystem?
On the need for data distribution and its intricacies
Let us dissect the example in a bit more detail. Say you have a web application where people can upload images. You fire up your server, save the images to the local machine in /home/server/app/uploads, the users use the application. So far, so good.
Now, your application becomes the next big thing, you have tens of thousands of concurrent users and your single server simply can not handle that load any more. Luckily, aside from the fact that you store the images in the local file system, you implemented the application in a way that you could easily put up another instance and distribute the load between them. But now here comes the problem: the second instance of your application would not have access to the images stored on the first instance – bad thing.
There are various ways to overcome that. Let us take NFS as an example. Now your second instance can access the images, and even store new ones, but that puts all the images on one machine, which sooner or later will run out of disk space.
Scaling storage capacity can easily become a very expensive part of an application. And this is where GridFS comes to help. It uses the rather easy means of MongoDB to distribute data across many machines, a process which is called sharding. Basically, it works like this: Instead of accessing the local filesystem, you access GridFS (and the contained files within) via the MongoDB database driver.
As for the OS: Usually, I would avoid mixing different OSes within a deployment, if at all possible. Nowadays, there is little to no reason for the average project to do so. I assume you are referring to the "different nodes" part of that text. This only refers to the fact that you have multiple machines involved. But they perfectly can run the same OS.
Sharding vs. replication
Note The following is vastly simplified, because going into details would well exceed the scope of one or more books.
The excerpt you quoted mixes two concepts a bit and is not clear enough on how GridFS works.
Lets first make the two involved concepts a bit more clear.
Replication is roughly comparable to a RAID1: The data is stored on two or more machines, and each machine holds all data.
Sharding (also known as "data partitioning") is roughly comparable to a RAID0: Each machine only holds a subset of the data, albeit you can access the whole data set (files in this case) transparently and the distributed storage system takes care of finding the data you requested (and decides where to store the data when you save a file)
Now, MongoDB allows you to have a mixed form, roughly comparable to RAID10: The data is distributed ("partitioned" or "sharded") between two or more shards, but each shard may (and almost always should) consist of a replica set, which is an uneven number of MongoDB instances which all hold the same data. This mixed form is called a "sharded cluster with a replication factor of X", where X denotes the non-hidden members per replica set.
The advantage of a sharded cluster is that there is no single point of failure any more:
Depending on your replication factor, one or more replica set members can fail, and the cluster is still working
There are servers which hold the metadata (which part of the data is stored on which shard, for example). Those are called config servers. As of MongoDB version 3.0.x (iirc), they form a replica set themselves – not much of a problem if a node fails.
You access a sharded cluster via a the mongos sharded cluster query router of which you usually have one per instance of your application (and most often on the same server as your application instance). But: most drivers can be given multiple mongos instances to connect to. So if one of those mongos instances fails, the driver will happily use the next one you configured.
Another advantage is that in case you need to add additional storage or have more IOPS than your current system can handle, you can add another shard: MongoDB will take care of distributing the existing data between the old shards and the new shard automagically. The details on how this is done are covered in the introduction to Sharding in the MongoDB docs.
The third advantage – and the one that has the most impact, imho – is that you can distribute (and replicate) data on relatively cheap commodity hardware, whereas most other technologies offering the benefits of GridFS on a sharded cluster require you to have specialized and expensive hardware.
A disadvantage is of course that this setup only is feasible if you have a lot of data, since many machines are necessary to set up a sharded cluster:
At least 3 config servers
At least a single shard, which should consist of a replica set. The minimal setup would be two data bearing nodes plus an arbiter
But: in order to use GridFS in general, you do not even need a replica set ;).
To stay within our above example: Both instances of your application could well access the same MongoDB instance holding a GridFS.
Do all replicated data storages tend to implement own filesystem?
Replicated? Not necessarily. There is DRBD for example, which could be described as "RAID1 over ethernet".
Assuming we have the same mixup of concepts here as we had above: Distributed file systems by their very definition implement a file system.
In this case,IMHO, author was stating that each web server has own disk storage, not shared with others - having that - upload path could be /home/server/app/uploads and as it is part of server filesystem is not shared at all as a kind of security with service provider. To populate those we need to have a script/job which will sync data to other places behind the scenes.
This scenario could be a case to use GridFS with mongo.
How gridFS works:
GridFS divides the file into parts, or chunks 1, and stores each
chunk as a separate document. By default, GridFS uses a chunk size of
255 kB; that is, GridFS divides a file into chunks of 255 kB with the
exception of the last chunk. The last chunk is only as large as
necessary. Similarly, files that are no larger than the chunk size
only have a final chunk, using only as much space as needed plus some
additional metadata.
In reply to comment:
BSON is binary format, and mongo has special replication mechanism for replicating collection data (gridFS is a special set of 2 collections). It uses OpLog to send diffs toother servers in replica set. More here
Any comments welcome!

What is the correct way to enable query cache?

Based on the documentation, the super privilege is not supported, which means that the following query:
SET GLOBAL query_cache_size = 1000000;
results in an error message
Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
and does not allow us to set the query cache size.
What's the correct way to accomplish the task?
Unfortunately, Cloud SQL does not support query caching and query_cache_size cannot be set.
If you are experiencing performance issues, you can try changing your instance tier to give your instance access to more resources. Also, it is preferable to use InnoDB over MyISAM tables. The reason for this is because when a Cloud SQL instance is started, it gives most of the available memory to the InnoDB buffer pool.
As mhalt hints at, there is a good reason not to use the query cache:
You should be using InnoDB rather than MyISAM, as MyISAM is not robust enough for the cloud environment.
InnoDB has built in caching as part of it's buffer pool. This caches individual pages of data, rather than entire result sets.
The buffer pool generally provides superior caching to the query cache: 1) it does not get flushed after writes 2) multiple different queries can be served using the same cache entries 3) it supports partial caching if the active set is larger than available ram.
The only workload where the query cache is superior is if you have a very low write rate and almost all your queries are exactly the same.
For this reason Cloud SQL is optimized by maximizing RAM allocated to the buffer pool instead of having a query cache.
CloudSQL now support query_cache flags.
But these options may break the SLA coverage.

G-WAN Key-Value Store

What would you consider the best solution to store via G-WAN Key-Value Store my values in RAM and multi-threaded, and able to be used by all my scripts (from other virtual servers or not) ?
Thank you in advance.
I wish to store different values in different "storages" so as to be able to recover each one via a "key" (type char).
The G-WAN KV store does that (for any type of data: binary too).
Once your application will have millions of concurrent users, one way to speed-up lookups will be to use different G-WAN servers to host either a partitioned data set or a redundant data set (it all depends on the type of your application).
The G-WAN reverse-proxy featuring an elastic load-balancer makes such things this almost transparent for developers.
I do not care that the data is lost when you restart g-wan.
Then you won't have to use a persistant layer like mySQL, etc.
So it would be fine (I think) to have a persistent pointer but I'm not sure that this is the most suitable solution
Look at the persistence.c example for about how to share common data among all worker threads in G-WAN.
But you can avoid that if you are using G-WAN with one single worker thread (./gwan -w 1). One thread is more than enough to start developing and even to operate your application until the point you will need to process more requests.
With one single thread, you can just use a static pointer to your G-WAN KV store (unless different scripts need to access it).

JPA PersistenceContext in a distributed environment

Based on my understanding, transactions are not flushed immediately once they are completed. They sit in a cache in memory and only get written to the DB when the EntityManager determines that it is cost effective to do so. I believe the L1 cache is utilized in this case, but correct me if I'm wrong.
My question is, in a distributed environment, is the cache used by the Persistence Context distributed?
L1 cache (session cache, persistence context) always works the same way, no matter wheteher your environment is distributed or not. Session cache belongs to a session, and you can have multiple sessions, either on the same machine or on different machines, so that it doesn't matter.
In distributed environment you need to care about the second level cache, if you use it.
If you run your application in a cluster, you need to use cluster-capable L2 cache implementation, if you JPA provider supports it (see, for example, 21.2. The Second Level Cache from Hibernate documentation).
If you have other applications accessing the same database, you need to carefully configure caching strategies to avoid inconsistency in critical cases and tolerate possible inconsistency in other cases.

why memcached instead of hashmap

I am trying to understand what would be the need to go with a solution like memcached. It may seem like a silly question - but what does it bring to the table if all I need is to cache objects? Won't a simple hashmap do ?
Quoting from the memcache web site, memcache is…
Free & open source, high-performance,
distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but
intended for use in speeding up
dynamic web applications by
alleviating database load.
Memcached is an in-memory key-value
store for small chunks of arbitrary
data (strings, objects) from results
of database calls, API calls, or page
rendering. Memcached is simple yet
powerful. Its simple design promotes
quick deployment, ease of development,
and solves many problems facing large
data caches. Its API is available for
most popular languages.
At heart it is a simple Key/Value
A key word here is distributed. In general, quoting from the memcache site again,
Memcached servers are generally
unaware of each other. There is no
crosstalk, no syncronization, no
broadcasting. The lack of
interconnections means adding more
servers will usually add more capacity
as you expect. There might be
exceptions to this rule, but they are
exceptions and carefully regarded.
I would highly recommend reading the detailed description of memcache.
Where are you going to put this hashmap? That's what it's doing for you. Any structure you implement on PHP is only there until the request ends. If you throw stuff in a persistent cache, you can fetch it back out for other requests, instead of rebuilding the data.
I know that this question is rather old, but in addition to being able to share a cache across multiple servers, there is also another aspect that is not mentioned in other answers and is the values expiration.
If you store the values in a HashMap, and that HashMap is bound to the Application context, it will keep growing in size, unless you expire items in some ways. Memcached expires object lazily for maximum performance.
When an item is added to the memcache, it can have an expiration time, for instance 600 seconds. After the object is expired it will just remain there, but if another object asks for it, it will purge it and return null.
Similarly, when memcached memory is full, it will look for the first expired item of adequate size and expire it to make room for the new item. Lastly, it can also happen that the cache is full and there isn't any item to expire, in which case it will replace the least used items.
Using a fully flagded cache system usually allow you to replicate the cache on many servers, or just scale to many server just to scale a lot of parallel requestes, all this remaining acceptable fast in term of reply.
There is an (old) article that compares different caching systems used by php:
Basically, file caching is faster than memcached.
So to answer the question, I believe you would have better performances using a file based cache system.
Here are the results from the tests of the article:
Cache Type Cache Gets/sec
Array Cache 365000
APC Cache 98000
File Cache 27000
Memcached Cache (TCP/IP) 12200
MySQL Query Cache (TCP/IP) 9900
MySQL Query Cache (Unix Socket) 13500
Selecting from table (TCP/IP) 5100
Selecting from table (Unix Socket) 7400