Rotuing between HTTP service in camel - rest

I want to route output of one http rest sevice to another through camel. Can someone help me how to do that?
The requirement is to call one httpURL -
and transfer its output to another httpURL - http://someserver/path/service2
and finally display output of this service2 to user.
So can anybody help me how to do that or any link doing same?

You can use something like this.
Note that you specified the same server "someserver", but you may want to specify another server or port where the "true" service is located, depending on where it is hosted. I added port numbers in the example.
(Example from here)


how call REST service with path variable in webmethod?

I'm using WM9.8. I want to know how to call a GET REST service with path variable like:
http://localhost:8080/client/1 in webmethod.
I can call POST rest service using pub.client.http. But it dosen't work to GET.
Use String varible called "method" to set type of Http request method.
Just put the path variable in the URL and made a substitution to the path variable
e.g: http://localhost:8080/client/%yourPathVariableHere%
Holy cow this is an old question but I just tumbled across it and I thought I might helps somebody else who does.
URLs in webmethods are fixed to a single value, like /client unless you enable watt.server.url.alias.partialMatching=true
After that, you can simply alias a service to /client and all subURLs like /client/1 are sent to that service. You still have to parse them to get the ID out.
Be careful, though, because ALL sub URLs are sent to the service. So after enabling this flag I get /client, /client/1, /client/1/name all going to the same service. You can see how this can quickly become REST-unfriendly.

Is it possible to use wildcards or catch-all paths in AWS API Gateway

I am trying to redirect all traffic for one domain to another. Rather than running a server specifically for this job I was trying to use AWS API Gateway with lambda to perform the redirect.
I have this working ok for the root path "/" but any requests for sub-paths e.g. /a are not handled. Is there a way to define a "catch all" resource or wildcard path handler?
As of last week, API Gateway now supports what they call “Catch-all Path Variables”.
Full details and a walk-through here: API Gateway Update – New Features Simplify API Development
You can create a resource with path like /{thepath+}. Plus sign is important.
Then in your lambda function you can access the value with both
event.path - always contains the full path
or event.pathParameters.thepath - contains the part defined by you. Other possible use case: define resource like /images/{imagepath+} to only match pathes with certain prefix. The variable will contain only the subpath.
You can debug all the values passed to your function with: JSON.stringify(event)
Full documentation
Update: As of last week, API Gateway now supports what they call “Catch-all Path Variables”. See API Gateway Update – New Features Simplify API Development.
You will need to create a resource for each level unfortunately. The reason for this is API Gateway allows you to access those params via an object.
For example: method.request.path.XXXX
So if you did just /{param} you could access that with: method.request.path.param but if you had a nested path (params with slashes), it wouldn't work. You'd also get a 404 for the entire request.
If method.request.path.param was an array instead...then it could get params by position when not named. For example method.request.path.param[] ...Named params could even be handled under there, but accessing them wouldn't really be easy. It would require using something some sort of JSON path mapping (think like what you can do with their mapping templates). Sadly this is not how it's handled in API Gateway.
I think it's ok though because this might make configuring API Gateway even more complex. However, it does also limit API Gateway and to handle this situation you will ultimately end up with a more confusing configuration anyway.
So, you can go the long way here. Create the same method for multiple resources and do something like: /{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}/{7} and so on. Then you can handle each path parameter level if need be.
IF the number of parameters is always the same, then you're a bit luckier and only need to set up a bunch of resources, but one method at the end.
Related to HTTPAPI that AWS introduced recently, $default is used a wildcard for catching all routes that don't match a defined pattern.
For more details, refer to: aws blogs
You can create a resource with path variable /{param}, and you can treat this as wildcard path handler.
- Ka Hou

Snort rule to verify content of an http request doesnt work

I am trying to verify the contents of the http response to find a content "abbb" in it.So my rule was
alert tcp MY_SERVER HTTP_PORTS -> any any(msg:"The page accessed has content abbb";to_client; established; content:"abb";sid:XXXXX; rev:x;)
unfortunately this rule seems not to work. Can anyone please tell if there is some issue with my rule.
For starters you need to fix the to_client part of the rule as this is not valid syntax. You will need to change this to be:
You can find more on flow here.
If you are just looking for the content "abbb" sent from your server to the client then you just need a simple content match like you have. I recommend using the fast pattern matcher here to improve the efficiency of the rule. So your content match would look something like:
content:"abbb"; fast_pattern:only;
Putting this together, your rule might look something like:
alert tcp MY_SERVER HTTP_PORTS -> any any(msg:"The page accessed has content abbb";
flow:to_client,established; content:"abbb"; fast_pattern:only; sid:XXXXX; rev:x;)
If this still isn't triggering then there is probably something else going on. Since you are just looking for this in the content you need to check your inspection depth in the http preprocessor. There is a server_flow_depth and a client_flow_depth. Try setting these to 0 (unlimited) and see if your rule is triggering after. For example if you had a client_flow_depth of 300 and the content "abbb" didn't come until after 500 bytes then the rule is never going to trigger because snort isn't configured to inspect that far into the payload.
If you have adaptive profiling enabled then you need to add the metadata service for http otherwise the rule won't match http traffic. This would look something like:
metadata:service http;
If you don't use adaptive profiling then it will use the ports in the rule header.

Not able to get output from camel routing

I have defined a camel context with a camel route and I am having below code.
All the three urls shown above are Rest services which takes some post xml and return xml response.
I want my camel router to start working when /camelRouter is called and its output should go to /getPersonData url and the output of /getPersonData go to /processPersonData. And to user I should finally display the output of /processPersonData.
So each url is dependent on it's previous urls output.
But the problem is when I invoke /camelRouter url, I always get /camelRouter response, not the final output. The output is not routing from one service to other.
So is there is any probelm in my code? Hoping for some help.
It appears to me that the Jetty component can be used as either a producer or consumer but not both as you appear to be attempting to use it.

How to redirect to a default hostname

I want something like:
"" ==> ""
i.e. I want to redirect any request other than "" to ""
I am using Lighttpd as my webserver and dnsmasq as my DNS server.
I have to wonder if you're doing transparent proxying -- if so, there may be better mechanisms to accomplish what you want to do than literally doing what you outlined as your goal.
But if you want to keep going this route, I think you can use lighttpd's mod_evhost facility to easily use a default site configuration:
General Example:
server.document-root = "/home/user/sites/default/site"
evhost.path-pattern = "/home/user/sites/%0/site/"
If is requested, and
/home/user/sites/ is
found, that path becomes the docroot.
If is requested but no
directory named
exists, then the docroot remains
If you have specific hostnames that you want to handle, you can add them to /etc/hosts and your dnsmasq will serve them. This would work if you had a few hundred hosts/domains that you wanted to handle, but if you wanted to handle everything, then dnsmasq may not be the right tool.
I know that PowerDNS's PipeBackend can be used to easily give the same answer regardless of DNS question; this way, you could easily intercept requests and handle some or all requests specially. This way, you could answer for every request, for some requests, or anything you can program.
Okay, I solved the problem. Posting the solution here back with hope that it helps somebody in the future...
I solved this by modifying the lighttpd.conf file. I added the following inside my lighttpd.conf file:
$HTTP["host"] !~ "mydesiredhostname\.com" {
url.redirect = (
"" => ""
Thank you everybody for your time. Cheers!