Can't make String an instance of a class in Haskell - class

I'm playing around trying to understand classes in Haskell.
I wrote a silly few lines of code to get the hang of it. I wrote a class called Slang that has one function. When I make Integer an instance of my class, it works fine. But when I make String an instance of my class it won't compile. I've been fidgeting with the program based on what the error output tells me but to no avail. I have idea why it work...
Here is the code followed by the error:
module Practice where
class Slang s where
slangify :: s -> String
instance Slang Integer where
slangify int = "yo"
instance Slang String where -- When I take this segment out, it works fine
slangify str = "bro"
Prelude> :load Practice
[1 of 1] Compiling Practice ( Practice.hs, interpreted )
Illegal instance declaration for `Slang String'
(All instance types must be of the form (T t1 ... tn)
where T is not a synonym.
Use -XTypeSynonymInstances if you want to disable this.)
In the instance declaration for `Slang String'
Failed, modules loaded: none.

The problem is that String is not a base type like Integer. What you are trying to do is actually
instance Slang [Char] where
slangify str = "bro"
However, Haskell98 forbids this type of typeclass in order to keep things simple and to make it harder for people to write overlapping instances like
instance Slang [a] where
-- Strings would also fit this definition.
slangify list = "some list"
Anyway, as the error message suggests, you can get around this restriction by enabling the FlexibleInstances extension.

I did some research in my Haskell literature (aka my current Bible) and found an example that effectively solves my problem.
Basically, in this workaround you set Char to be an instance of the class (in the book's example it's called Visible) and then you can set [chars] aka a String, to be an instance of the class as well ONLY WITH the stipulation that the type variable chars be an instance of `Visible'.
It's easier to understand if you look at the code below:
module Practice where
class Visible a where
toString :: a -> String
size :: a -> Int
instance Visible Char where
toString ch = [ch]
size _ = 1
instance Visible a => Visible [a] where
toString = concat . map toString
size = foldr (+) 1 . map size
My GHCi load and function call:
*Practice> :l Practice
[1 of 1] Compiling Practice ( Practice.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Practice.
*Practice> size "I love Stack!"


PureScript - Inferred Type Causes Compiler Warning

Consider the following simple snippet of PureScript code
a :: Int
a = 5
b :: Int
b = 7
c = a + b
main ∷ Effect Unit
main = do
logShow c
The program successfully infers the type of C to be Int, and outputs the expected result:
However, it also produces this warning:
No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of c.
It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
The inferred type of c was:
in value declaration c
I find this confusing, since I would expect the Int type for C to be safely inferred. Like it often says in the docs, "why derive types when the compiler can do it for you?" This seems like a textbook example of the simplest and most basic type inference.
Is this warning expected? Is there a standard configuration that would suppress it?
Does this warning indicate that every variable should in fact be explicitly typed?
In most cases, and certainly in the simplest cases, the types can be inferred unambiguously, and indeed, in those cases type signatures are not necessary at all. This is why simpler languages, such as F#, Ocaml, or Elm, do not require type signatures.
But PureScript (and Haskell) has much more complicated cases too. Constrained types are one. Higher-rank types are another. It's a whole mess. Don't get me wrong, I love me some high-power type system, but the sad truth is, type inference works ambiguously with all of that stuff a lot of the time, and sometimes doesn't work at all.
In practice, even when type inference does work, it turns out that its results may be wildly different from what the developer intuitively expects, leading to very hard to debug issues. I mean, type errors in PureScript can be super vexing as it is, but imagine that happening across multiple top-level definitions, across multiple modules, even perhaps across multiple libraries. A nightmare!
So over the years a consensus has formed that overall it's better to have all the top-level definitions explicitly typed, even when it's super obvious. It makes the program much more understandable and puts constraints on the typechecker, providing it with "anchor points" of sorts, so it doesn't go wild.
But since it's not a hard requirement (most of the time), it's just a warning, not an error. You can ignore it if you wish, but do that at your own peril.
Now, another part of your question is whether every variable should be explicitly typed, - and the answer is "no".
As a rule, every top-level binding should be explicitly typed (and that's where you get a warning), but local bindings (i.e. let and where) don't have to, unless you need to clarify something that the compiler can't infer.
Moreover, in PureScript (and modern Haskell), local bindings are actually "monomorphised" - that's a fancy term basically meaning they can't be generic unless explicitly specified. This solves the problem of all the ambiguous type inference, while still working intuitively most of the time.
You can notice the difference with the following example:
f :: forall a b. Show a => Show b => a -> b -> String
f a b = s a <> s b
s x = show x
On the second line s a <> s b you get an error saying "Could not match type b with type a"
This happens because the where-bound function s has been monomorphised, - meaning it's not generic, - and its type has been inferred to be a -> String based on the s a usage. And this means that s b usage is ill-typed.
This can be fixed by giving s an explicit type signature:
f :: forall a b. Show a => Show b => a -> b -> String
f a b = s a <> s b
s :: forall x. Show x => x -> String
s x = show x
Now it's explicitly specified as generic, so it can be used with both a and b parameters.

how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another in Scala

I would like to do dynamic casting for a scala variable, the casting type is stored in a different variable or in the database or provided by the user.
I am new to Scala and have mainly done coding on python. Here we are trying to take Any type input and query the type of the variable as per the type saved in DB eg.: "String/Int" and user-defined classes and cast them before any future processing.
in python:
in scala I have tried
var a = 123.05
gives me error
error: identifier expected but string literal found.
And I want the code to be something as follows:
var a = 123.05
var b = "Int"
gives me error
error: not found: type b
Ok so I have to be fairly exhaustive here because the stuff you're trying to do is tricky due to the static vs dynamic typing difference of scala and python.
First what you're doing in Python is not type casting but rather a conversion.
in python takes the integer value 12 and converts it to a (UTF-8 ? dunno in python) string. The same thing in scala would be
typecasting in the meantime is basically a pinky promise to the compilers typechecker that you know more than it and it should just believe you. It also should be avoided like the pest because you basically drop all the safety that static typechecking gives you. However there are certain cases where it is unavoidable
in a bit more fundamental terms. lets say you have the following scala snippet
sealed trait Foo
final case class Bar(i:Int) extends Foo
final case class Baz(s:String) extends Foo
val f:Foo = Bar(2)
//won't work because the compiler thinks f is of type Foo due to the type ascription bove
//will work
the Type Foo can be either Bar or Baz (because of the sealed and final, this is called an ADT) but we specifically told the compiler to treat f as a Foo which means we forgot which specific type it was. this is the case where you could use typecasting, note that we don't convert but rather tell the compiler that it is actually a Bar
Now this all happens during compile time which means you can't cast according to a runtime value like this
var a = 123.05
var b = "Int"
Now as I understand you have some sort of stringly typed input and need to convert it according to some schema. The scalafiddle below has an example how you could do this:
However note that this makes use of some fairly advanced concepts in scala to ensure the types line up.
This will also work but note that we lose all the type information requiring us to do a typecast if we want to do anything meaningful with out
EDIT/ADDENDUM: I thought I should also do an example on how to consume such values and make the schema dynamic.
As a final note be warned that this is getting close to the limits what the compiler can do and necessitates a lot of boxing and unboxing to carry along the type information (in SchemaValue) also it's not stacksafe and has lackluster errorhandling. this solution would require some serious engineering to make viable but it should get the idea across
If you have a String value, then you can use toInt or toDouble to parse that string:
val s = "123.05"
val i = s.toInt
val d = s.toDouble
If you have an Any value then it is best to use match to convert it:
val a: Any = ...
a match {
case i: Int => // It is an Int
case d: Double => // It is a Double
case _ => // It is a different type
If all else fails you can explicitly pick a type, but this is not good practice:
val i = a.asInstanceOf[Int]
Any decent database framework will give you the ability to read and write values of specific types, so this should not be a problem with the right library.

The purpose of type classes in Haskell vs the purpose of traits in Scala

I am trying to understand how to think about type classes in Haskell versus traits in Scala.
My understanding is that type classes are primarily important at compile time in Haskell and not at runtime anymore, on the other hand traits in Scala are important both at compile time and run time. I want to illustrate this idea with a simple example, and I want to know if this viewpoint of mine is correct or not.
First, let us consider type classes in Haskell:
Let's take a simple example. The type class Eq.
For example, Int and Char are both instances of Eq. So it is possible to create a polymorphic List that is also an instance of Eq and can either contain Ints or Chars but not both in the same List.
My question is : is this the only reason why type classes exist in Haskell?
The same question in other words:
Type classes enable to create polymorphic types ( in this example a polymorphic List) that support operations that are defined in a given type class ( in this example the operation == defined in the type class Eq) but that is their only reason for existence, according to my understanding. Is this understanding of mine correct?
Is there any other reason why type classes exist in ( standard ) Haskell?
Is there any other use case in which type classes are useful in standard Haskell ? I cannot seem to find any.
Since Haskell's Lists are homogeneous, it is not possible to put Char and Int into the same list. So the usefulness of type classes, according to my understanding, is exhausted at compile time. Is this understanding of mine correct?
Now, let's consider the analogous List example in Scala:
Lets define a trait Eq with an equals method on it.
Now let's make Char and Int implement the trait Eq.
Now it is possible to create a List[Eq] in Scala that accepts both Chars and Ints into the same List ( Note that this - putting different type of elements into the same List - is not possible Haskell, at least not in standard Haskell 98 without extensions)!
In the case of the Haskell's List, the existence of type classes is important/useful only for type checking at compile time, according to my understanding.
In contrast, the existence of traits in Scala is important both at compile time for type checking and at run type for polymorphic dispatch on the actual runtime type of the object in the List when comparing two Lists for equality.
So, based on this simple example, I came to the conclusion that in Haskell type classes are primarily important/used at compilation time, in contrast, Scala's traits are important/used both at compile time and run time.
Is this conclusion of mine correct?
If not, why not ?
Scala code in response to n.m.'s comments:
case class MyInt(i:Int) {
override def equals(b:Any)= i == b.asInstanceOf[MyInt].i
case class MyChar(c:Char) {
override def equals(a:Any)= c==a.asInstanceOf[MyChar].c
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val l1 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('b'))
val l2 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('b'))
val l3 = List(MyInt(1), MyInt(2), MyChar('a'), MyChar('c'))
This prints:
I will comment on the Haskell side.
Type classes bring restricted polymorphism in Haskell, wherein a type variable a can still be quantified universally, but ranges over only a subset of all the types -- namely, the types for which an instance of the type class is available.
Why restricted polymorphism is useful? A nice example would be the equality operator
(==) :: ?????
What its type should be? Intuitively, it takes two values of the same type and returns a boolean, so:
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool -- (1)
But the typing above is not entirely honest, since it allows one to apply == to any type a, including function types!
(\x :: Integer -> x + x) == (\x :: Integer -> 2*x)
The above would pass type checking if (1) were the typing for (==), since both arguments are of the same type a = (Integer -> Integer). However, we can not effectively compare two functions: well-known Computability results tell us that there is no algorithm to do that in general.
So, what we could do to implement (==)?
Option 1: at run time, if a function (or any other value involving functions -- such as a list of functions) is found to be passed to (==), raise an exception. This is what e.g. ML does. Typed programs can now "go wrong", despite checking types at compile time.
Option 2: introduce a new kind of polymorphism, restricting a to the function-free types. For instance, ww could have (==) :: forall-non-fun a. a -> a -> Bool so that comparing functions yields to a type error. Haskell exploits type classes to obtain exactly that.
So, Haskell type classes allow one to type (==) "honestly", ensuring no error at run time, and without being overly restrictive. Of course, the power of type classes goes far beyond of that but, at least in my own view, they primary purpose is to allow restricted polymorphism, in a very general and flexible way. Indeed, with type classes the programmer can define their own restrictions on the universal type quantifications.

How can I serialize anything without specifying type?

I'm integrating with ZeroMQ and Akka to send case classes from different instances. Problem is that when I try to compile this code:
def persistRelay(relayEvent:String, relayData:Any) = {
val relayData = ser.serialize(relayData).fold(throw _, identity)
relayPubSocket ! ZMQMessage(Seq(Frame(relayEvent), Frame(relayData)))
The Scala compilers throws back recursive value relayData needs type.
The case classes going in are all different and look like Team(users:List[Long], teamId:Long) and so on.
Is there a method to allow any type in the serializer or a workaround? I'd prefer to avoid writing a serializer for every single function creating the data unless absolutely necessary.
This isn't really a typing issue. The problem is:
val relayData = ser.serialize(relayData).fold(throw _, identity)
You're declaring a val relayData in the same line that you're making a reference to the method parameter relayData. The Scala compiler doesn't understand that you have/want two variables with the same name, and, instead, interprets it as a recursive definition of val relayData. Changing the name of one of those variables should fix the error.
Regardless, since you didn't quite follow what the Scala compiler was asking for, I think that it would also be good to fill you in on what it is that the compiler even wanted from you (even though it's advice that, if followed, probably would have just led to you getting yet another error that wouldn't seem to make a lot of sense, given the circumstances).
It said "recursive value relayData needs type". The meaning of this is that it wanted you to simply specify the type of relayData by having
val relayData = ...
become something like
val relayData: Serializable = ...
(or, in place of Serializable, use whatever type it was that you wanted relayData to have)
It needs this information in order to create a recursive definition. For instance, take the simple case of
val x = x + 1
This code is... bizarre, to say the least, but what I'm doing is defining x in a (shallowly) recursive way. But there's a problem: how can the compiler know what type to use for the inner x? It can't really determine the type through type inference, because type inference involves leveraging the type information of other definitions, and this definition requires x's type information. Now, we might be able to infer that I'm probably talking about an Int, but, theoretically, x could be so many things! In fact, here's the ambiguity in action:
val x: Int = x + 1 // Default value for an Int is '0'
x: Int = 1
val y: String = y + 1 // Default value for a String is 'null'
y: String = null1
All that really changed was the type annotation, but the results are drastically different–and this is only a very simple case! So, yeah, to summarize all this... in most cases, when it's complaining about recursive values needing types, you should just have some empathy on the poor compiler and give it the type information that it so direly craves. It would do the same for you, DeLongey! It would do the same for you!

How do Frege classes work?

It seems that Frege's ideas about type-classes differ significantly from Haskell. In particular:
The syntax appears to be different, for no obvious reason.
Function types cannot have class instances. (Seems a rather odd rule...)
The language spec says something about implementing superclasses in a subclass instance declaration. (But not if you have diamond inheritance... it won't be an error, but it's not guaranteed to work somehow?)
Frege is less fussy about what an instance looks like. (Type aliases are allowed, type variables are not required to be distinct, etc.)
Methods can be declared as native, though it is not completely clear what the meaning of this is.
It appears that you can write type.method to access a method. Again, no indication as to what this means or why it's useful.
Subclass declarations can provide default implementations for superclass methods. (?)
In short, it would be useful if somebody who knows about this stuff could write an explanation of how this stuff works. It's listed in the language spec, but the descriptions are a little bit terse.
(Regarding the syntax: I think Haskell's instance syntax is more logical. "If X is an instance of Y and Z, then it is also an instance of Q in the following way..." Haskell's class syntax has always seemed a bit strange to me. If X implements Eq, that does not imply that it implements Ord, it implies that it could implement Ord if it wants to. I'm not sure what a better symbol would be though...)
Per Ingo's answer:
I'm assuming that providing a default implementation for a superclass method only works if you declare your instances "all at once"?
For example, suppose Foo is a superclass of Bar. Suppose each class has three methods (foo1, foo2, foo3, bar1, bar2, bar3), and Bar provides a default implementation for foo1. That should mean that
instance Bar FB where
foo2 = ...
foo3 = ...
bar1 = ...
bar2 = ...
bar3 = ...
should work. But would this work:
instance Foo FB where
foo2 = ...
foo3 = ...
instance Bar FB where
bar1 = ...
bar2 = ...
bar3 = ...
So if I declare a method as native in a class declaration, that just sets the default implementation for that method?
So if I do something like
class Foobar f where
foo :: f -> Int
native foo
bar :: f -> String
native bar
then that just means that if I write an empty instance declaration for some Java native class, then foo maps to in Java?
In particular, if a class method is declared as native, I can still provide some other implementation for it if I choose to?
Every type [constructor] is a namespace. I get how that would be helpful for the infamous named fields problem. I'm not sure why you'd want to declare other things in the scope of this namespace...
You seem to have read the language spec very carefully. Great. But, no, type classes/instances do not differ substantially from Haskell 2010. Just a bit, and that bit is notational.
Your points:
ad 1. Yes. The rule is that the constraints, if any, are attached to the type and the class name follows the keyword. But this will change soon in favor of the Haskell syntax when multi param type classes are added to the language.
ad 2. Meanwhile, function types are fully supported. This will be included in the next release. The current release has only support for (a->b), though.
ad 3. Yes. Consider our categoric classes hierarchy Functor -> Applicative -> Monad. You can just write the following instead of 3 separate instances:
instance Monad Foo where
-- implementation of all methods that are due Monad, Applicative, Functor
ad 4. Yes, currently. There will be changes with multi param type classes, however. The lang spec recommends to stay with the Haskell 2010 rules.
ad 5. You'd need that if you model Java Class Hierarchies with type classes. native function declarations are nothing special for type classes/instances. Because you can have an annotation and a default implementation in a class (just as like in Haskell 2010), you can have this in the form of a native declaration, which gives a) the type and b) the implementation (by referring to a Java method).
ad 6. It's orthogonality. Just as you can write where M is a module, you can write when T is a type (constructor), because both are namespaces. In addition, if you have a "record", you may need to write T.f x when Frege cannot infer the type of x.
foo x = x.a + x.b -- this doesn't work, type of x is unknown
-- remedy 1: provide a type signature
foo :: Record -> Int -- Record being some data type
-- remedy 2: access the field getter functions directly
foo x = Record.a x + Record.b x
ad 7. Yes, for example, Ord has a default implementation for (==) in terms of compare. Hence you can make an Ord instance of something without implementing (==).
Hope this helps. Generally, it must be said, the lang spec needs a) completion and b) updates. If only the day had 36 hours .....
The syntactic issue is also discussed here:!topic/frege-programming-language/2mCNWMVg5eY
---- Second part ------------
Your example would not work, because, if you define instance Foo FB then this must hold, irrespective of other instances and subclasses. The default foo1 method in Bar will be used only if no Foo instance exists.
then that just means that if I write an empty instance declaration for
some Java native class, then foo maps to in Java?
Yes, but it depends on the native declaration, it doesn't have to be an Java instance method of that java class, it could also be a static method or a method of another class, or just a member access, etc.
In particular, if a class method is declared as native, I can still
provide some other implementation for it if I choose to?
Sure, just like with any other default class methods. Say a default class method is implemented using pattern guards, that does not mean that you must use pattern guards for your implementation.
native [pure] foo "javaspec" :: a -> b -> c
just means: please make me a frege function foo with type a -> b -> c that happens to use javaspec for implementation. (How exactly is supposed to be described in Chapter 6 of the language reference. It's not done yet. Sorry.)
For example:
native pure int2long "(long)" :: Int -> Long
The compiler will see tat this is syntactically a cast operation, and when it sees:
... int2long val ...
it will generate java code like:
Apart from that, it will also make a wrapper, so that you can, for example:
map int2long [1,2,4]
The point is that, if I tell you: there is a function X.Y.z, you're not able to tell whether this is a native or a regular one without looking at the source code. Hence, native is the way to lift Java methods, operators and so forth to the Frege realm. Practically everything that is known as "primOp" in Haskell is just a native function in Frege. For example,
pure native + :: Int -> Int -> Int
(It's not always that easy, of course.)
Every type [constructor] is a namespace. I get how that would be
helpful for the infamous named fields problem. I'm not sure why you'd
want to declare other things in the scope of this namespace...
It gives you somewhat more control regarding the top namespace. Apart from that, you don't have to define other things there. I just did not see a reason to forbid it once I committed to this simple approach to tackle the record field problem.