Multiplying weight matrix of a trained neural network with a test vector - matlab

I trained the perceptron neural network and obtained the weight matrix using matlab.
The dimension of the obtained weight matrix is <50x1 double>
Now while giving the test input, I have a <1x1 double> value, that need's to be tested.
If I multiply the weight matrix with the value, I get <50x1 double>. How can I set threshold for <50x1 double> value.
Is there any way to get around this problem ?
This is the code
clc; clear all; close all;
%function [ w1, bias ] = percep1( x )
zzz = xlsread('D:\matlab\NN_FILES\train_mean.xlsx')
s = zzz;
learning_rate = 0.1; % go with the loop mohan
theta = 10000;
for j = 1:50
x=s(:,j);t=1; bias=0; stopp=1; count=0;
while stopp
yin = bias + (w1*x);
% activation function
if yin > theta
y = 1;
elseif yin < -theta
y = -1;
y = 0;
if (t ~= y)
% for i = 1 : 7
%if ( x(i) ~= 0 )
w1 = w1 + ( learning_rate * t * x);
% end
bias = bias + ( learning_rate * t);
count = count + 1;
if t==y
stopp = 0;
w(j,:) = w1;
b1(j) = bias;
e1(j) = count;
new_weights_2 = w(50,:)
yyy= xlsread('D:\matlab\NN_FILES\test_mean.xlsx');
theta2 = 1.0e+04 * 1.2 ;
for j=1:20
output(j) = yin;
if yin > theta2
y = 1;
elseif yin < -theta2
y = -1;
else y = 0;
Now I have used only the first value of the weight matrix inorder to satisfy the multiplication rule. Is there any way to multiply the weight matrix with the test input ?


The camera calibration "Dual Absolute Quadric" cost function isn't converging

I tried to implement the cost function of the Dual Absolute Quadric in Matlab according to the following equation mentioned in this paper, with this data.
My problem is that the results didn't converge.
The code is down.
main code
% clear and close all
close all
% Data type long
format long g
% Read data
% Display The Initial Guess
disp('Initial Intrinsic parameters: ');
DualAbsoluteQuadric = Optimize(A,#DAQ);
% Display The Results
disp('Dual Absoute Quadric cost function: ');
The optimization function used is:
function output = Optimize(A,func)
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt',...
'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 1000, 'MaxIterations',39,...
% NonLinear Optimization
output_line = lsqnonlin(func,[A(1,1), A(1,3), A(2,2), A(2,3), A(1,2)],...
output = Reshape(output_line);
The Dual Absolute Quadric Function:
function cost = DAQ(params)
Aj = [params(1) params(5) params(2) ;
0 params(3) params(4) ;
0 0 1 ];
Ai = [params(1) params(5) params(2) ;
0 params(3) params(4) ;
0 0 1 ];
% W^-1 (IAC Image of the Absolute Conic)
W_inv = Ai * Aj';
%Find plane at infinity from MQM' ~ w (Dual Absolute Quadric)
Plane_at_infinity = PlaneAtInfinity(W_inv);
%Find H_Infty = [e21]F+e21*n'
Homography_at_infty = H_Infty(Plane_at_infinity);
% Initialization
global Fs;
% Initialize the cost as a vector
% (N-1 * N-2)/2: 9*8/2 = 36
vector_size = (size(Fs,3)-1)*(size(Fs,4)-2)/2;
cost = zeros(1, vector_size);
% Cost Function
k = 0;
loop_size = 3 * vector_size;
Second_Term = W_inv / norm(W_inv,'fro');
for i=1:3:loop_size
k = k+1;
First_Term = Homography_at_infty(:,i:i+2) * W_inv * ((Homography_at_infty(:,i:i+2))');
First_Term = First_Term / norm(First_Term, 'fro');
cost(k) = norm(First_Term - Second_Term,'fro');
Plane at infinity function:
function P_infty = PlaneAtInfinity(W_inv)
global PPM;
% Symbolic variables
X = sym('X', 'real');
Y = sym('Y', 'real');
Z = sym('Z', 'real');
L2 = sym('L2','real');
n = [X; Y; Z];
Q = [W_inv , (W_inv * n) ;
(n' * W_inv) , (n' * W_inv * n)];
% Get one only camera matrix (any)
M = PPM(:, :, 3);
% Autocalibration equation
m = M * Q * M';
% solve linear equations
solution = solve(m(1, 1) == (L2 * W_inv(1, 1)), ...
m(2, 2) == (L2 * W_inv(2, 2)), ...
m(3, 3) == (L2 * W_inv(3, 3)), ...
m(1, 3) == (L2 * W_inv(1, 3)));
P_infty = [double(solution.X(1)) double(solution.Y(1))...
Homography at infinity function:
function H_Inf = H_Infty(planeInf)
global Fs;
k = 1;
% (3 x 3) x ((N-1)*(N-2) /2)
H_Inf = zeros(3,3*(size(Fs,3)-1)*(size(Fs,4)-2)/2);%(3*3)*36
for i = 2:size(Fs,3)
for j = i+1:size(Fs,4)
[~, ~, V] = svd(Fs(:,:,i,j)');
epip = V(:,end);
H_Inf(:,k:k+2) = epipole(Fs(:,:,i,j)) * Fs(:,:,i,j)+ epip * planeInf';
k = k+3;
Reshape function:
function output = Reshape(input)
% Reshape Intrinsics
% K = [a skew u0 ;
% 0 B v0 ;
% 0 0 1 ];
output = [input(1) input(5) input(2) ;
0 input(3) input(4) ;
0 0 1 ];
Epipole Function:
function epip = epipole(Fs)
% SVD Decompostition of (Fs)^T
[~,~,V] = svd(Fs');
% Get the epipole from the last vector of the SVD
epi = V(:,end);
% Reshape the Vector into Matrix
epip = [ 0 -epi(3) epi(2);
epi(3) 0 -epi(1);
-epi(2) epi(1) 0 ];
The plane at infinity has to be calculated as following:
function plane = computePlaneAtInfinity(P, K)
% P - Projection matrices
% K - Approximate Values of Intrinsics
% plane - coordinate of plane at infinity
% Compute the DIAC W^-1
W_invert = K * K';
% Construct Symbolic Variables to Solve for Plane at Infinity
% X,Y,Z is the coordinate of plane at infinity
% XX is the scale
X = sym('X', 'real');
Y = sym('Y', 'real');
Z = sym('Z', 'real');
XX = sym('XX', 'real');
% Define Normal to Plane at Infinity
N = [X; Y; Z];
% Equation of Dual Absolute Quadric (DAQ)
Q = [W_invert, (W_invert * N); (N' * W_invert), (N' * W_invert * N)];
% Select Any One Projection Matrix
M = P(:, :, 2);
% Left hand side of the equation
LHS = M * Q * M';
% Solve for [X, Y, Z] considering the System of Linear Equations
% We need 4 equations for 4 variables X,Y,Z,XX
S = solve(LHS(1, 1) == (XX * W_invert(1, 1)), ...
LHS(1, 2) == (XX * W_invert(1, 2)), ...
LHS(1, 3) == (XX * W_invert(1, 3)), ...
LHS(2, 2) == (XX * W_invert(2, 2)));
plane = [double(S.X(1)); double(S.Y(1)); double(S.Z(1))];

All my weights for gradient descent become 0 on feature expansion

I have 2 features which I expand to contain all possible combinations of the two features under order 6. When I do MATLAB's fminunc, it returns a weight vector where all elements are 0.
The dataset is here
clear all;
data = load("P2-data1.txt");
m = length(data);
para = 0; % regularization parameter
%% Augment Feature
y = data(:,3);
new_data = newfeature(data(:,1), data(:,2), 3);
[~, n] = size(new_data);
betas1 = zeros(n,1); % initial weights
options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 400);
[beta_new, cost] = fminunc(#(t)(regucostfunction(t, new_data, y, para)), betas1, options);
fprintf('Cost at theta found by fminunc: %f\n', cost);
fprintf('theta: \n');
fprintf(' %f \n', beta_new); % get all 0 here
% Compute accuracy on our training set
p_new = predict(beta_new, new_data);
fprintf('Train Accuracy after feature augmentation: %f\n', mean(double(p_new == y)) * 100);
%% the functions are defined below
function g = sigmoid(z) % running properly
g = zeros(size(z));
function [J,grad] = regucostfunction(theta,x,y,para) % CalculateCost(x1,betas1,y);
m = length(y); % number of training examples
J = 0;
grad = zeros(size(theta));
hyp = sigmoid(x*theta);
err = (hyp - y)';
grad = (1/m)*(err)*x;
sum = 0;
for k = 2:length(theta)
sum = sum+theta(k)^2;
J = (1/m)*((-y' * log(hyp) - (1 - y)' * log(1 - hyp)) + para*(sum) );
function p = predict(theta, X)
m = size(X, 1); % Number of training examples
p = zeros(m, 1);
index = find(sigmoid(theta'*X') >= 0.5);
p(index,1) = 1;
function out = newfeature(X1, X2, degree)
out = ones(size(X1(:,1)));
for i = 1:degree
for j = 0:i
out(:, end+1) = (X1.^(i-j)).*(X2.^j);
data contains 2 columns of rows followed by a third column of 0/1 values.
The functions used are: newfeature returns the expanded features and regucostfunction computes the cost. When I did the same approach with the default features, it worked and I think the problem here has to do with some coding issue.

Undefined variable in 'if' statement

I'm writing a script for an aerodynamics class and I'm getting the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'dCt_dx'.
Error in Project2_Iteration (line 81)
Ct = trapz(x,dCt_dx)
I'm not sure what the cause is. It's something to do with my if statement. My script is below:
clear all
global dr a n Vinf Vr w rho k x c cl dr B R beta t
%Environmental Parameters
n = 2400; %rpm
Vinf = 154; %KTAS
rho = 0.07647 * (.7429/.9450); %from mattingly for 8kft
a = 1084; %speed of sound, ft/s, 8000 ft
n = n/60; %convert to rps
w = 2*pi*n;
Vinf = (Vinf*6076.12)/3600; %convert from KTAS to ft/s
k = length(c);
dr = R/k; %length of each blade element
for i = 1:k
r(i) = i*dr - (.5*dr); %radius at center of blade element
dA = 2*pi*r*dr; %Planform area of blade element
x(i) = r(i)/R;
if x(i) > .15 && x(i-1) < .15
i_15 = i;
if x(i) > .75 && x(i-1) < .75
i_75h = i;
i_75l = i-1;
Vr(i) = w*r(i) + Vinf;
%Aerodynamic Parameters
M = Vr(i)/a;
if M > 0.9
M = 0.9;
m0 = 0.9*(2*pi/(1-M^2)^0.5); %lift-curve slope (2pi/rad)
%1: Calculate phi
phi = atan(Vinf/(2*pi*n*r(i)));
%2: Choose Vo
Vo = .00175*Vinf;
%3: Calculate Theta
theta = atan((Vinf + Vo)/(2*pi*n*r(i)))-phi;
if option == 1
%calculate cl(i) from c(i)
sigma = (B*c(i))/(pi*R);
if sigma > 0
cl(i) = (8*x(i)*theta*cos(phi)*tan(phi+theta))/sigma;
cl(i) = 0;
else %option == 2
%calculate c(i) from cl(i)
if cl(i) ~= 0
sigma = (8*x(i)*theta*cos(phi)*tan(phi+theta))/cl(i);
sigma = 0;
c(i) = (sigma*pi*R)/B;
if c(i) < 0
c(i) = 0;
%5: Calculate cd
cd(i) = 0.0090 + 0.0055*(cl(i)-0.1)^2;
%6: calculate alpha
alpha = cl(i)/m0;
%7: calculate beta
beta(i) = phi + alpha + theta;
%8: calculate dCt/dx and dCq/dx
phi0 = phi+theta;
lambda_t = (1/(cos(phi)^2))*(cl(i)*cos(phi0) - cd(i)*sin(phi0));
lambda_q = (1/(cos(phi)^2))*(cl(i)*sin(phi0) + cd(i)*cos(phi0));
if x(i) >= 0.15
dCt_dx(i) = ((pi^3)*(x(i)^2)*sigma*lambda_t)/8; %Roskam eq. 7.47, pg. 280
dCq_dx(i) = ((pi^3)*(x(i)^3)*sigma*lambda_q)/16; %Roskam eq. 7.48, pg 280
dCt_dx(i) = 0;
dCq_dx(i) = 0;
%calculate Mdd
t(i) = (0.04/(x(i)^1.2))*c(i);
Mdd(i) = 0.94 - (t(i)/c(i)) - cl(i)/10;
%9: calculate Ct, Cq, Cd
Ct = trapz(x,dCt_dx)
Cq = trapz(x,dCq_dx)
D = 2*R;
When I step through your script, I see that the the entire for i = 1:k loop is skipped because k=0. You set k = length(c), but c was never initialized to a value, so it has length zero.
Because of this, dCt_dx is never given a value--and more importantly the majority of your script is never run.
If you're going to be using MATLAB in the future, I really suggest learning how to do this. It makes it a lot easier to find bugs. Try looking at this video.

I am trying to understand why the dimensions of this calculation are wrong?

I am solving the poisson equation and want to plot the error of the exact solution vs. number of grid points. my code is:
function [Ntot,err] = poisson(N)
nx = N; % Number of steps in space(x)
ny = N; % Number of steps in space(y)
Ntot = nx*ny;
niter = 1000; % Number of iterations
dx = 2/(nx-1); % Width of space step(x)
dy = 2/(ny-1); % Width of space step(y)
x = -1:dx:1; % Range of x(-1,1)
y = -1:dy:1; % Range of y(-1,1)
b = zeros(nx,ny);
dn = zeros(nx,ny);
% Initial Conditions
d = zeros(nx,ny);
u = zeros(nx,ny);
% Boundary conditions
d(:,1) = 0;
d(:,ny) = 0;
d(1,:) = 0;
d(nx,:) = 0;
% Source term
b(round(ny/4),round(nx/4)) = 3000;
b(round(ny*3/4),round(nx*3/4)) = -3000;
i = 2:nx-1;
j = 2:ny-1;
% 5-point difference (Explicit)
for it = 1:niter
dn = d;
d(i,j) = ((dy^2*(dn(i + 1,j) + dn(i - 1,j))) + (dx^2*(dn(i,j + 1) + dn(i,j - 1))) - (b(i,j)*dx^2*dy*2))/(2*(dx^2 + dy^2));
u(i,j) = 2*pi*pi*sin(pi*i).*sin(pi*j);
% Boundary conditions
d(:,1) = 0;
d(:,ny) = 0;
d(1,:) = 0;
d(nx,:) = 0;
% err = abs(u - d);
the error I get is:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in poisson (line 39)
u(i,j) = 2*pi*pi*sin(pi*i).*sin(pi*j);
I am not sure why it is not calculating u at every grid point. I tried taking it out of the for loop but that did not help. Any ideas would be appreciated.
This is because i and j are both 1-by-(N-2) vectors, so u(i, j) is an (N-2)-by-(N-2) matrix. However, the expression 2*pi*pi*sin(pi*i).*sin(pi*j) is a 1-by-(N-2) vector.
The dimensions obviously don't match, hence the error.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that you meant to do the following:
u(i,j) = 2 * pi * pi * bsxfun(#times, sin(pi * i), sin(pi * j)');
Alternatively, you can use basic matrix multiplication to produce an (N-2)-by-(N-2) like so:
u(i, j) = 2 * pi * pi * sin(pi * i') * sin(pi * j); %// Note the transpose
P.S: it is recommended not to use "i" and "j" as names for variables.

Recomposing vector input to algorithm from matrix output

I've written some code to implement an algorithm that takes as input a vector q of real numbers, and returns as an output a complex matrix R. The Matlab code below produces a plot showing the input vector q and the output matrix R.
Given only the complex matrix output R, I would like to obtain the input vector q. Can I do this using least-squares optimization? Since there is a recursive running sum in the code (rs_r and rs_i), the calculation for a column of the output matrix is dependent on the calculation of the previous column.
Perhaps a non-linear optimization can be set up to recompose the input vector q from the output matrix R?
Looking at this in another way, I've used an algorithm to compute a matrix R. I want to run the algorithm "in reverse," to get the input vector q from the output matrix R.
If there is no way to recompose the starting values from the output, thereby treating the problem as a "black box," then perhaps the mathematics of the model itself can be used in the optimization? The program evaluates the following equation:
The Utilde(tau, omega) is the output matrix R. The tau (time) variable comprises the columns of the response matrix R, whereas the omega (frequency) variable comprises the rows of the response matrix R. The integration is performed as a recursive running sum from tau = 0 up to the current tau timestep.
Here are the plots created by the program posted below:
Here is the full program code:
N = 1001;
q = zeros(N, 1); % here is the input
q(1:200) = 55;
q(201:300) = 120;
q(301:400) = 70;
q(401:600) = 40;
q(601:800) = 100;
q(801:1001) = 70;
dt = 0.0042;
fs = 1 / dt;
wSize = 101;
Glim = 20;
ginv = 0;
R = get_response(N, q, dt, wSize, Glim, ginv); % R is output matrix
rows = wSize;
cols = N;
figure; plot(q); title('q value input as vector');
ylim([0 200]); xlim([0 1001])
figure; imagesc(abs(R)); title('Matrix output of algorithm')
Here is the function that performs the calculation:
function response = get_response(N, Q, dt, wSize, Glim, ginv)
fs = 1 / dt;
Npad = wSize - 1;
N1 = wSize + Npad;
N2 = floor(N1 / 2 + 1);
f = (fs/2)*linspace(0,1,N2);
omega = 2 * pi .* f';
omegah = 2 * pi * f(end);
sigma2 = exp(-(0.23*Glim + 1.63));
sign = 1;
if(ginv == 1)
sign = -1;
ratio = omega ./ omegah;
rs_r = zeros(N2, 1);
rs_i = zeros(N2, 1);
termr = zeros(N2, 1);
termi = zeros(N2, 1);
termr_sub1 = zeros(N2, 1);
termi_sub1 = zeros(N2, 1);
response = zeros(N2, N);
% cycle over cols of matrix
for ti = 1:N
term0 = omega ./ (2 .* Q(ti));
gamma = 1 / (pi * Q(ti));
% calculate for the real part
if(ti == 1)
Lambda = ones(N2, 1);
termr_sub1(1) = 0;
termr_sub1(2:end) = term0(2:end) .* (ratio(2:end).^-gamma);
termr(1) = 0;
termr(2:end) = term0(2:end) .* (ratio(2:end).^-gamma);
rs_r = rs_r - dt.*(termr + termr_sub1);
termr_sub1 = termr;
Beta = exp( -1 .* -0.5 .* rs_r );
Lambda = (Beta + sigma2) ./ (Beta.^2 + sigma2); % vector
% calculate for the complex part
if(ginv == 1)
termi(1) = 0;
termi(2:end) = (ratio(2:end).^(sign .* gamma) - 1) .* omega(2:end);
termi = (ratio.^(sign .* gamma) - 1) .* omega;
rs_i = rs_i - dt.*(termi + termi_sub1);
termi_sub1 = termi;
integrand = exp( 1i .* -0.5 .* rs_i );
if(ginv == 1)
response(:,ti) = Lambda .* integrand;
response(:,ti) = (1 ./ Lambda) .* integrand;
end % ti loop
No, you cannot do so unless you know the "model" itself for this process. If you intend to treat the process as a complete black box, then it is impossible in general, although in any specific instance, anything can happen.
Even if you DO know the underlying process, then it may still not work, as any least squares estimator is dependent on the starting values, so if you do not have a good guess there, it may converge to the wrong set of parameters.
It turns out that by using the mathematics of the model, the input can be estimated. This is not true in general, but for my problem it seems to work. The cumulative integral is eliminated by a partial derivative.
N = 1001;
q = zeros(N, 1);
q(1:200) = 55;
q(201:300) = 120;
q(301:400) = 70;
q(401:600) = 40;
q(601:800) = 100;
q(801:1001) = 70;
dt = 0.0042;
fs = 1 / dt;
wSize = 101;
Glim = 20;
ginv = 0;
R = get_response(N, q, dt, wSize, Glim, ginv);
rows = wSize;
cols = N;
cut_val = 200;
imagLogR = imag(log(R));
Mderiv = zeros(rows, cols-2);
for k = 1:rows
val = deriv_3pt(imagLogR(k,:), dt);
val(val > cut_val) = 0;
Mderiv(k,:) = val(1:end-1);
disp('Running iteration');
q0 = 10;
q1 = 500;
NN = cols - 2;
qout = zeros(NN, 1);
for k = 1:NN
data = Mderiv(:,k);
qout(k) = fminbnd(#(q) curve_fit_to_get_q(q, dt, rows, data),q0,q1);
figure; plot(q); title('q value input as vector');
ylim([0 200]); xlim([0 1001])
plot(qout); title('Reconstructed q')
ylim([0 200]); xlim([0 1001])
Here are the supporting functions:
function output = deriv_3pt(x, dt)
% Function to compute dx/dt using the 3pt symmetrical rule
% dt is the timestep
N = length(x);
N0 = N - 1;
output = zeros(N0, 1);
denom = 2 * dt;
for k = 2:N0
output(k - 1) = (x(k+1) - x(k-1)) / denom;
function sse = curve_fit_to_get_q(q, dt, rows, data)
fs = 1 / dt;
N2 = rows;
f = (fs/2)*linspace(0,1,N2); % vector for frequency along cols
omega = 2 * pi .* f';
omegah = 2 * pi * f(end);
ratio = omega ./ omegah;
gamma = 1 / (pi * q);
termi = ((ratio.^(gamma)) - 1) .* omega;
Error_Vector = termi - data;
sse = sum(Error_Vector.^2);