How to reference COM lib like shdocvw using vbc commandline compiler (no IDE)? - command-line

The basis of this question comes from this tutorial on
To run the following code, it is necessary to add a reference to
"Microsoft Internet Controls" (Shdocvw.dll) and "Microsoft HTML Object
Library" (Mshtml.dll) to the Visual Basic project:
Dim SWs As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
This works fine in Visual Studio 2010, but it seems to rely on some behind-the-scenes magic that I can't duplicate using the straight commandline vbc compiler.
Obviously there is no "Add Reference" dialog for the commandline compiler. I naively tried adding:
to the commandline, but that didn't help. In both cases, I get:
error BC30002: Type 'SHDocVw.ShellWindows' is not defined.
error BC30002: Type 'SHDocVw.InternetExplorer' is not defined.
I've successfully used shdocvw.dll, AKA Shell.Application, from other languages like vbscript and autohotkey, but I currently have too little understanding of VB.NET to know whether I'm just doing it wrong or it's not possible.

You will have to run the Tlbimp.exe utility first. That's the tool that generates the interop library from the type library embedded in shdocvw.dll, normally done automatically when you add the reference in the IDE. It produces interop.shdocvw.dll, the one you need to pass with the /reference option.


MPI Autocompletion in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to use Visual Studio Code to develop Fortran MPI programs. However, while I can successfully build and run them just fine, it would be very helpful for me if I can use intellisense/autocompletion features for MPI (as well as other external modules). I have /usr/lib/openmpi/ (which contains mpi_f08.mod) as part of fortran.includePaths in my settings.json. However, when I use mpi_f08, I get the problem message from VS Code Module "mpi_f08" not found in project. Here is a minimal CMake build example:
! hello.f90
program hello
use mpi_f08
implicit none
integer :: ierror, nproc, my_rank
call MPI_Init()
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nproc, ierror)
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank, ierror)
print*, "hello from rank ", my_rank
call MPI_Finalize()
end program hello
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
add_executable(hello_mpi hello.f90)
target_link_libraries(hello_mpi PUBLIC ${MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES})
I would like to be able to (i) get rid of the warning/message and more importantly (ii) enable suggestions from MPI when I press CTRL+space as it would if I was calling from an internal module.
I'll post a partial answer since it's better than nothing, hopefully this helps someone else and/or enables someone else to answer my question fully.
It seems the issue relates to the Fortran language server, which can be configured by adding a .fortls JSON file, as explained on its Github README:
I added the following, which allowed it to find not only local modules but also MPI (and the external module json-fortran):
"source_dirs": ["src", "."],
"ext_source_dirs": [
This doesn't capture all functions in json-fortran, which I think is because of its .inc files, as it doesn't give me function pointers like json_file::get at autocomplete.
As for MPI, this kind of works, as it gives me all the functions I can think of needing, but with _f08 appended to the end of it. I don't know the inner workings of OpenMPI but I guess e.g. MPI_Init wraps MPI_Init_f08 for reasons of backward compatibility. For now I can simply autocomplete to the _f08 version and remove that bit manually. (I also tried adding openmpi-4.1.2/ompi/mpi/fortran/use-mpi-tkr and openmpi-4.1.2/ompi/mpi/fortran/mpif.h but no luck).
Would be nice to get this detail sorted though. It is also mildly annoying that I must manually include the source dirs now (removing it makes it not find local modules).

Method not found: GenericChart when using FSharp.Charting from powershell cmdlet

I am trying to use the FSharp charting library from a powershell cmdlet (also written in F#) but I get a MissingMethodException for GenericChart.
The sample of the charting code:
open FSharp.Charting
let testchart() =
let foo = DataAccessLayer.GetTestData()
Chart.Line(foo) |> Chart.Show
The testchart function is called from the ProcessRecord() method on the PSCmdlet derived class.
Both the charting and cmdlet code are in the same solution, though different projects. The solution compiles without error. The charting code runs in interactive without error. But when I try to execute the powershell cmdlet I get the missing method exception.
This happens when using VS2013 and VS2015.
According to documentation GenericChart should be in the FSharp.Charting.dll. I confirmed that the dll is in the same directory as the powershell module code.
Again, in VS all the intellisense works, everything compiles and works in interactive.
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
This problem is due to having an obsolete copy of the Libraries. Rebuild from scratch using the latest F# libraries and it will clear.
I had exactly the same error message and doing so fixed it.

How to compare files programmatically in eclipse?

I am developing an eclipse plugin that runs code violation checker on the difference of two versions of a file. Right now I am using diff.exe to get the difference between the two files. But as diff.exe is an extrenal app, I realized that its better to use eclipse built-in compare tool to get the file difference.
So I used and reached up to this point:
public static List<Patch> compare(String old, String recent) {
IRangeComparator left = new TokenComparator(old); //what exactly to be passed in this constructor, a file path, a literal value or something else?
IRangeComparator right = new TokenComparator(recent);
RangeDifference[] diffs = RangeDifferencer.findDifferences(left, right); // This line is throwing NPE
// Process RangeDifferences into Collection of Patch collection
}catch(Exception e){}
//Returns a collection of file differences.
return null;
Now the problem is I am not sure what exactly to be passed in the constructor TokenComparator(String). The document says this constructor Creates a TokenComparator for the given string. But it is not written what exactly to be passed in this constructor, a file path, a literal value or something else? When I'm passing a file path or a string literal I am getting NullPointerException on the next line of finding differences.
at com.dassault_systemes.eclipseplugin.codemonview.util.CodeMonDiff.main(
Someone please tell what is right way to proceed.
If the question is What value the token comparators constructor takes then the answer is it takes the input string to compare. Specified in javadoc here
TokenComparator(String text)
Creates a TokenComparator for the given string.
And the null pointer yo are getting is because in function isCappingDisabled it tries to open the compare plugin which seems to be null. You seem to be missing a direct dependency to the plugin ""
The plugin was never meant to be used in standalone : many of its functionalities require a running instance of Eclipse. Furthermore, it mixes core and UI code within the same plugin, which will lead to unexpected behavior if you are not very careful about what you use and what dependencies are actually available in your environment.
You mentionned that you were developping an Eclipse plugin. However, the NPE you get indicates that you are not running your code as an Eclipse plugin, but rather as a standard Java program. In an Eclipse environment, ComparePlugin.getDefault() cannot return null : the plugin needs to be started for that call to return anything but null.... and the mere loading of the ComparePlugin class within Eclipse is enough to start it.
The answer will be a choice :
You need your code to run as a standalone Java program out of Eclipse. In such an event, you cannot use and diff.exe is probably your best choice (or you could switch to an implementation of diff that was implemented in Java in order to be independent of the platform).
You do not need your program to work in a standalone environment, only as an Eclipse plugin. In this case, you can keep the code you're using. However, when you run your code, you have to launch it as a new "Eclipse application" instead of "Java Application". You might want to look at a tutorial on how to develop Eclipse plugins for this, This simple tutorial from Lars Vogel shows how to run a new Eclipse Application to test an Hello World plugin. You will need a similar code, with a menu entry to launch your plugin somewhere (right-click on a file then select "check violations" in your case?).

Eclipse CDT: how to add support for new filetype

In Eclipse CDT, I would like to create syntax highlighting and a error parser for a custom filetype, lets say *.xy.
Those files do not contain C-Code, so i cannot use any existing parsers.
What kind of plugins would I have to create?
For the error parser, I think I have to use Codan? (have not tried it yet)
The CDT is the wrong start for your journey, if your language is not related to the CDT supported languages and workflows. Implement an xtext based language editor instead.
Maybe this is a simple solution for you:
colorEditor plugin
You can simply add a new language by unpacking the jar archive, then adding a xyz.xml file for your .xyz files.
Pakc together again, and copy into your Eclipse "plugins" dir.
You need to introduce a new "language" - this is the extension point:
Codan is not an "error parser" it is a static analysis framework. Error parser processes output of the command-line tools you use to build the application (e.g. compiler, linker) to identify errors that happened during the build and filling their attributes, e.g. source file name and line number.
Codan analyzes the source code in the editor to identify errors. E.g. it checks if the variable used in the expression was declared beforehand. Note that same check can be performed by a compile at a build time and then captured by error parser and shown in the editor/problems view - the goal of Codan is to detect problems sooner, before the build is even ran. Codan can also perform some checks that compiler doesn't.

Powershell in SQLCLR?

In the past I've been able to embed a sripting languate (like JScript) inside the SQLCLR, so scripts can be passed as parameters of functions, to perform certain calculations. Here is a simplistic example (the function ssScriptExecute returns a concatenation of all the print's in the script):
select dbo.ssScriptExecute( 'print("Calculation: "+(1+2/3) );' )
-- Calculation: 1.6666666666666665
I'd love to be able to embed a Powershell runtime in the same way. But I've had all sort of problems because the runtime tries to find assemblies by path, and there are no paths inside the SQlCLR. I'm happy to provide more information on the errors I get, but I was wondering if anybody has tried this!
I use il code injection to modified System.Automation.Management.
make variable version in GetPSVersionTable() be "2.0"
then i can run Powershell Code in SQL Server.
Be sure reference this modified dll in your visual studio project.
btw, automated registering all dll you needed with running powershell in SQL
you can use this ps1 code
I think the only way to do this is to create a WCF service hosting powershell, and let SQLCLR send the request dbo.ssScriptExecute(...) to that service for execution.
Besides from that, I've also successfully embedded in the SQLCLR (an interpreter that does not have the memory leak problems of the DLR languages).
I thought SQLCLR was restricted to just a certain set of assemblies and PS Automation is not one of them.