smartgwt disable [+] from TreeNode - gwt

I have got simple grid and i am loading data on demand so autofetchdata is set false.
But i need also implemented drop element into this grid , previously when i am load data i know all element and have got info if folder have got subfolders. if folder have got subfolder i add setIsFrolder to true or false if not so i haven`t got icon [+] if folder havent got any subfolders.
But when i do that i cannot drop any element into empty folder :/
so i set that all element is folder. But i have got icon [+] when folder is empty.
I cannot found any flags to disable this ... Its possible to do this ??

Try to call the setChildren(new TreeNode[0]) on these kind of nodes.


CARLA - Create Custom semantic tags Does not work

i followed the instructions on Create semantic tags to create my custom tags.
I created two new folders, ChevronSign and YellowLine
Then i added the tags to ObjectLabel.h in LibCarla/source/carla/rpc
Then i edited Tagger.cpp in Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/Carla/Source/Carla/Game
And finally defined a color code in CityScapesPalette.h in LibCarla/source/carla/image.
I moved the assets in the according directory, and they appear black, so no label. Moving the assets in one of the default folders works just fine, the semantic tag gets displayed correct.
What i tried:
I changed the color of a default label and checked if the color would change. It did not.
I tried to rebuild carla with make CarlaUE4Editor, and an error because of the new tags:
/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/Carla/Source/Carla/Game/Tagger.cpp:48:67: error: no member named 'ChevronSign' in 'carla::rpc::CityObjectLabel'
else if (String == "ChevronSign") return crp::CityObjectLabel::ChevronSign;
/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/Carla/Source/Carla/Game/Tagger.cpp:49:67: error: no member named 'YellowLine' in 'carla::rpc::CityObjectLabel'
else if (String == "YellowLine") return crp::CityObjectLabel::YellowLine;
So i checked if there are other ObjectLabel.h files in my system and customized all of them as the first one. I found 3 of them.
enter image description here
Then the i ran make CarlaUE4Editor sucessfully. But the Semantic Tags still don't work.
Does anyone know which mistake i made? Is there a mistake in the documentation?
Thanks in advance!
I found the mistake. I just had to upgrade from carla 0.9.9 to 0.9.10.

Cannot add a third content field

I'm kinda new to typo, so maybe I am just missing something.
I'm trying to add a third content field to Typo3 4.5.
What I've done so far.
Edit my template and added a new block
Added the block via TemplatVoila > Update Mapping > Modify DS / TO with Element Preset "Page-Content Elements [Pos.: 0]
Mapped it to the new block in the template
But I am missing something as the new field isn't showing up in the Page edit screen.
EDIT: I've found the Block in the "Edit page properties" but how to show it on standard edit screen?
Any added content area will appear automatically in your TV-View-module. So if you dont see it in there, then
you may have duplicate fields names
wrong column positions
or the existing template is using a »beLayout«-section, which shows only the first two content areas (see example in reference
The TemplaVoila template is split into TS (TemplaVoilà Template Object) and DS (TemplaVoilà Data Structure) records, may you paste the content of the field „Data Structure XML“ of the DS record here? In there are all necessary information.
The two template files should be located in your general storage folder, your TypoScript root file should be there as well.

MS Word, DOCX, Open XML - Apply themes by changing XMLs

Need to apply theme from one word document (DOCX) to another via manipulating the XMLs.
The road I'm going through is -
word/themes folder contains at least one theme#.xml and could have the rels folder containg relationship files. I decided not to touch the rels folder and copy all theme#.xmls (as could be more than one) present in word/theme folder. This is working for me.
I have two concerns over it:
1. Do I need to add theme1.xml.rels file present in word\theme_rels as well? It contains mapping to one image in word\media folder. Do I need to add the image mapping too?
2. For few themes such as "Quotable", the theme1.xml contains one reference in 'a:fmtScheme' node to relationship id, probably for DrawingML and shapes.
for ex:
<a:blipFill rotWithShape="1">
<a:blip xmlns:r="" r:embed="rId1">
As the "rId1" here refers to styles.xml and maintained in word_rels\document.xml.rels, my concern is the word_rels\document.xml.rels mapping to styles.xml could not be rId1 in the document to which theme is getting applied (for instance this could be rId5 for styles.xml). So, Do I need to change this in theme1.xml while copying to work it properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If this XML appears in theme1.xml, 'rId1' is a key in theme1.xml.rels, not the document.xml.rels. The relationship ids (rId#) are unique within a 'source' XML document but are not unique within the overall package (.docx file).
Since this one is a <a:blip> element, the relationship will be to an image part, e.g. image1.jpg. I suspect this one is a large-ish quotation mark image that appears in front of a pull-out quote.
If you want it to show up properly, you'll want to make sure those relationships and their target parts are reconstructed in your target package. That would mean "yes", you would want to add the theme1.xml.rels file in the right place, as well as the image file it refers to.

Suppose I want to search a type of file in a can I search that in xcode?

Suppose I have a parent folder which contains some more folders. I want to search the files which are present in the sub folders but I have the information of only parent folder (i.e. I know the path of parent folder). I want to list all files of same type present in sub folders. How can I list them all or search the required file type in xcode?
Just set the search string in the project navigator and manually refine from those results. Xcode's project navigator does not distinguish depth for you. If the items do not exist, you can add a folder reference ;)

How to use a panel created inside a .fig file by other different .fig file?

I have two distinct files, myguide.fig (and its corresponding mygui.m) which contains the definition of an uitabgroup and the file caract.fig (and its corresponding caract.m) which contains a panel. I call the file caract.m from the file myguide.m and obtain the handle of the panel. Then I change the Parent property of the panel to assign it to one of the tabs of the uitabgroup. I only achieve that this works (setting the Visibility Property of caract.fig off) the first time I run myguide. If I try to run it a second time, I get the error message “Invalid handle object” for the handle of the panel returned. I do not understand what is happening.
Explained here:
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