loop within loop - detecting end of loop in autohotkey - autohotkey

Let's say I have a bunch of filenames with the names of fruits in them. I want to auto-rename them based upon a folder full of reference files (dummy txt files which contain the names of fruits, a period, then the name of a dessert).
apple.tart, grape.jelly, kiwi.cake, mango.icecream, banana.pudding, cherry.cobbler, etc
I want to select all the files to be renamed, and drag them onto my script.
If a file in the loop already contains a certain combo, such as "cherry.cobbler", I simply want the dummyfile to be discarded, and the file should NOT be renamed "cherry.cobbler.cobbler"
If a file in the loop contains the word "kiwi", I want it to be changed so that it contains "kiwi.cake".
If a file in the loop contains a fruit not listed, I want a catchall string to be added. So "kumquat" would become "kumquat.nodessert"
It is condition #3 which is causing me trouble. I can't seem to come up with the right syntax to specify when the last dummyfile has been checked.
here's some pseudo code
Loop %0%
Path := %A_Index%
Loop %Path%, 1
LongPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath%
SplitPath LongPath, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive
Loop thru folder of fruit combos
Stringsplit filenames from fruit-combos folder into %fruit% and %dessert%
If OutNameNoExt contains %fruit%.%dessert%
FileDelete fruit.combo dummyfile
continue; skip to next file to rename
If OutNameNoExt contains %fruit%
FileDelete fruit.combo dummyfile
StringReplace %fruit% with %fruit%.%dessert%
continue; skip to next file to rename
If OutNameNoExt not contains fruit.combo AND all dummy files have been checked
StringReplace %fruit% with %fruit%.nodessert
; proceed with next selected file

put condition 3 outside the inner loop and it seems to work


Incrementing filename using a counter if file exists - New file not detected as existing

I need to save files to a directory,if the file exists I need to rename the file.So I'm using while loop for the same.The strange thing is , the while loop understands that there exists a file in the first execution and increments the counter and assign the variable, but when the newly generated file name exists it seems not to detect that
let mappedFilename=inputfile.lastPathComponent
var outputfile=outdir+"/"+mappedFilename
var filenamecounter=1
while(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: outputfile))
var test=URL(fileURLWithPath: outputfile).deletingPathExtension().absoluteString + "_" +
//doing this because, if directly assigning to output file,the assignment seems not to work
You can see the return value of the loop here

Automatic renaming of files

I am trying to batch rename many files within the same folder on my operating system.
I have a dataset with two variables: oldname and newname.
There are more file names in the dataset then actual files that need to be renamed so I would like to build something that matches the file with the observation in the dataset, renames the matched file, and then moves it to the new location.
For example, I have a three files in a location:
A dataset with string variables:
newname oldname
a pink files/file1.jpg
b blue files/file4.jpg
c purple files/file6.jpg
d green files/file3.jpg
e red files/file2.jpg
Here is the desired output of the program:
Do I need to use the ! operator to achieve what i want?
So far, I've got a method of moving the matches but not for renaming them:
global dir "/filepath"
global old "$dir/to/my/"
global new "$dir/for/matches"
ssc install mvfiles
keep if oldname!=.
foreach i in oldname{
mvfiles, infolder($old) outfolder($new) match(substr(`i',6,9))
Not necessarily. You can achieve what you want by simply using the copy command.
The following should work:
input str1 letter str10 newname str15 oldname
"a" "pink" "files/file1"
"b" "blue" "files/file4"
"c" "purple" "files/file6"
"d" "green" "files/file3"
"e" "red" "files/file2"
local inpath "filepath/to/my/files/"
local outpath "different/filepath/for/matches/"
local files : dir "`inpath'" files "*.jpg"
local obs = _N
foreach fil of local files {
forvalues i = 1 / `obs' {
local oldname = oldname[`i']
if substr("`fil'", 1, strpos("`fil'", ".") - 1) == substr("`oldname'", 7, .) {
local newname = newname[`i']
copy "`inpath'`fil'" " `outpath'`newname'.jpg"
Just replace the local macros inpath and outpath with your desired paths.
Note that If you also want to delete the file after you copy it, then just add the following after the copy command:
erase "`inpath'`fil'"

Split String in Array into an array autohotkey

Trying to read a CSV file in Auto Hot Key and line by line split the line by "," to pull out the last two columns of each line. Currently just trying to get the string to split into an array. I can print each line with the line
MsgBox, A_LoopReadLine but cannot split the string inside of the variable.
Have tried StringSplit and StrSplit but I am sure the syntax is incorrect.
MyArray := Object()
Loop, read, %fileop%
MyArray.Insert(A_LoopReadLine) ; Append this line to the array.
index := 1
MsgBox, %A_LoopReadLine%
;MsgBox, % StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine ,",")
Loop % MyArray.Length()
MsgBox % StrSplit(MyArray[A_Index],",")
Trying to read a CSV file in Auto Hot Key and line by line split the
line by "," to pull out the last two columns of each line.
MyArray := Object()
Loop, Read, %fileop%
This will store your csv file in MyArray[row][column] format. E.g to access second item in fifth row: MyArray[5][2]
for k,v in MyArray
Above will remove all but last two items from each row.
And to as to why your code did not work. It kinda did.
The thing is that StrSplit() returns object, array so with below line you were trying to display object in MsgBox, this is not allowed.
MsgBox % StrSplit(MyArray[A_Index],",")
This for example would work:
MsgBox % StrSplit(MyArray[A_Index],",")[1]

Replace a middle string in .bat file using AutoHotKey without deleting file

I need to edit standalone.bat file using ahk script. I want to increase my heap size using ahk so below is line where i have to change heap in my bat file. Now i have trying to edit this using StringReplace and FileAppend but FileAppend keeps on appending string to the end
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Dprogram.name=%PROGNAME% -Xms64M -Xmx1426M %JAVA_OPTS%"
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Dprogram.name=%PROGNAME% -Xms64M -Xmx1426M %JAVA_OPTS%"xms000M
I am new to .ahk, i have tried this using some search
Loop, read, C:\standalone.bat
Line = %A_LoopReadLine%
replaceto = xms000M
IfInString, Line, Xmx1426M
, Line, replaceto, %Line%, %replaceto%
FileAppend, %replaceto%`n
StringReplace FileAppend
Is it possible to replace middle string using ahk. thanks
Fileappend will always append to the end of a file. Why do you want to prevent a temporary deletion of your batch file?
Typically, in ahk, you'd do it like this..
batFile = C:\standalone.bat
output := ""
Loop, read, %batFile%
Line = %A_LoopReadLine%
IfInString, Line, Xmx1426M
StringReplace, Line, Line, Xmx1426M, xms000M
; note: Regular Expressions can be used like Line := regExReplace(Line, "...", "...")
output .= Line . "`n" ; note: this is the same as if to say output = %output%%Line%`n or output := output . line "`n"
FileDelete, %batFile%
FileAppend, %output%, %batFile%
This will delete your file for some little milliseconds, just to recreate it with the new content afterwards. I don't really see any difference to editing it without deletion, because in either way, you'll need write access to the file.
Some words about your code sample:
IfInString, Line, Xmx1426M
, Line, replaceto, %Line%, %replaceto%
will be interpreted as
"If the string 'Line' contains 'Xmx1426M , Line, replaceto, %Line%, %replaceto%'"
which does not make any greater sense.
FileAppend, %replaceto%\n is lacking a destination file.
StringReplace FileAppend: these are two commands without any further parameters. You must never put two non-function-commands in the same line!

how to make gulp.dest dynamic

I am learning to use gulp.I took a eg scenario in which I tried to copy the files based on the name if it is odd move it to odd folder otherwise move it to even. But some where destination folder is messed up. here is the folder structure and code.
g = gulp.src '**/*.txt', cwd: '1'
g.pipe map (file,cb)->
filename = path.basename file.path, path.extname(file.path)
if filename % 2
dest = 'odd'
dest = 'even'
console.log 'destination ',dest
g.pipe gulp.dest dest
cb null,file
It is copying the even file names to odd folder.It is about the destination folder being remembered(closure I think)
If you literally only have two output destinations, the simplest solution might be to use the gulp-if plugin, like so (I don't use CoffeeScript, so you'll have to convert it yourself):
var _if = require('gulp-if');
function fileIsOdd(file) {
return path.basename(file.path, path.extname(file.path)) % 2;
// in your task
gulp.src('**/*.txt', {cwd: '1'})
.pipe(_if(fileIsOdd, gulp.dest('odd'), gulp.dest('even')))
What this does is process the individual file with the fileIsOdd function. If the function returns a truthy value, then the first argument is processed, otherwise the second argument is processed.