Instantiate case class with values to be set for its members - scala

Consider this case class
case class sample(val s: String = { /*compiled code*/ })
val name:String = { /*compiled code*/ }
val no:Int = { /*compiled code*/ }
I need to create instance of this class with particular values set to name and no.
But I cannot use another class which extends this class. I have to pass the same class instance.

You mean someone has gone to the trouble of making sure name and no are set a particular way and cannot be changed, and you want to make them contain something else, which may violate all sorts of assumptions? That's not a good idea, and the JVM will stop you from doing something so foolish (barring absurdly difficult tricks involving custom classloaders for everything).
If you merely mean that you want to set those vals, but not usually have to worry about them in the constructor, then there are a variety of solutions. One is to use lazy vals and private vars with setters:
case class C(val s: String = "fish") {
private var myN: Option[Int] = None
def initializeN(n0: Int) {
myN = Some(n0)
if (n != n0) throw new Exception("Already initialized")
lazy val n: Int = myN.getOrElse(s.length) // s.length is your code block
Which works like so:
scala> C("salmon")
res0: C = C(salmon)
scala> res0.initializeN(2); res0.n
res1: Int = 2
scala> C("herring")
res1: C = C(herring)
scala> res1.n
res2: Int = 5
scala> res1.initializeN(2)
java.lang.Exception: Already initialized
at C.initializeN(<console>:11)
There are various other tricks you can play if you want compile-time safety of initialization. Later parameter blocks can refer to earlier ones, and don't appear as match arguments:
case class D(val s: String = "fish")(val n: Int = s.length) {}
You can overload constructors:
case class E(val s: String, n: Int) {
def this(s: String) = this(s, s.length)
def this() = this("fish")
and various mixtures of the above are possible also.

And making name and no constructor parameter is not an option?
case class Sample(s: String = { /*compiled code*/ },
name: String = { /*compiled code*/ },
no: Int = { /*compiled code*/ })
I assume that the /* compiled code */ determines the default values of the fields. You can use the code as follows:
Sample() // all default values
Sample("some value for s") // default values for name and no
Sample("s", "name", 123) // explicit values, no defaults


how to make the following scala immutable

Suppose I have the following code:
BroadcastMessage gets a list of groups of students in the form of iterators that can only be traversed once
On call to sendMessage it will send message to all students in the groups.
class BroadcastMessage(message:String,groups:List[Iterator[Student]]) {
def sendMessage:Unit = {
private def sendMessage(student:Student): Unit ={
case class Student(id: String,email:String)
Say that student can exist in several groups and we don't want to send him more than one email.
The mutable solution would be to add mutable set and to add the id of the student to the set and only send the message if the id exists in the set.
class BroadcastMessage(message:String,groups:List[Iterator[Student]]) {
// evil mutable set
private var set:scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set()
def sendMessage:Unit = {
private def sendMessage(student:Student): Unit ={
if (set.add( {
EmailClient.sendMessage(, message)
How do I implement it in immutable way?
Well, I think that you are making two different mutable things in your example, while you only really need one.
You either need a private val set : mutable.Set[Student] = mutable.Set.empty[Student] or a private var set : Set[Student] = Set.empty[Student]. That is, you either need to mutate the set itself or just the reference to it that your class holds. I would personally go for the latter, ending up with something like:
case class Student(id: String,email:String)
class BroadcastMessage(message:String,groups:List[Iterator[Student]]) {
private var set : Set[Student] = Set.empty // <- no mutable Set, just a mutable reference to several immutable Sets
def sendMessage:Unit = {
private def sendMessage(student:Student): Unit = {
if (!set(student)) {
set = set + student
EmailClient.sendMessage(, message)
Finally, you could even get rid of the sendMessage(student : Student) method all together:
case class Student(id: String,email:String)
class BroadcastMessage(message:String,groups:List[Iterator[Student]]) {
private var set : Set[Student] = Set.empty
def sendMessage:Unit = {
val students = (for{
group <- groups
student <- group
} yield student).toSet
val toBeNotified = (students -- set)
toBeNotified.foreach(student => EmailClient.sendMessage(, message))
set = set ++ toBeNotified
I guess it depends on style then...
I managed to do do this. I think I lost some readability but it is mutable:
class BroadcastMessage(message: String, groups: List[Iterator[Student]]) {
def sendMessage(): Unit = {
private def sendMessage(sent: Set[String], group: Iterator[Student]):Set[String] = {
private def sendMessage(sent: Set[String], student: Student): Set[String] = {
if (!sent.contains( {
EmailClient.sendMessage(, message)
return sent +
If you have no memory restrictions, you can just do this:
def sendMessage:Unit = {
It looks like what you are looking for is all unique Students in the nested collection.
A very simple way to do this is by flattening the collection and converting it to a Set; here is an example with Ints:
scala> val groups = List(Iterator(1,2,3), Iterator(3,4,5))
groups: List[Iterator[Int]] = List(non-empty iterator, non-empty iterator)
scala> val unique: Set[Int] = groups.flatten.toSet
unique: Set[Int] = Set(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)
A problem here is that the toSet methods actually copies your list. To avoid this, you can use this little trick (you can read more about collection.breakOut and CanBuildFrom here):
scala> val unique: Set[Int] = groups.flatMap(identity)(collection.breakOut)
unique: Set[Int] = Set(5, 1, 2, 3, 4)
However, the source of mutability here is the usage of an Iterator which will be consumed anyway, there mutating and breaking referential transparency.
You can do it with a one-liner:
def sendMessage: Unit =
groups.reduce(_ ++ _).toStream.distinct.foreach(sendMessage)
Expanded version for learning purpose:
val students: Iterator[Student] = groups.reduce(_ ++ _)
val sStudents: Stream[Student] = students.toStream
val dStudents: Stream[Student] = sStudents.distinct
def sendMessage: Unit = sStudents.foreach(sendMessage)

Scala reflect string to singleton object

I'm looking for a way to convert a Scala singleton object given as a string (for example: package1.Main) to the actual instance of Main, so that I can invoke methods on it.
Example of the problem:
package x {
object Main extends App {
val objectPath: String = io.StdIn.readLine("Give an object: ") // user enters: x.B
// how to convert the objectPath (String) to a variable that references singleton B?
val b1: A = magicallyConvert1(objectPath)
val b2: B.type = magicallyConvert2(objectPath)
trait A {
def hi() = {}
object B extends A {
def extra() = {}
How can the magicallyConvert1 and magicallyConvert2 functions be implemented?
For a normal class, this can be done using something like:
val b: A = Class.forName("x.B").newInstance().asInstanceOf[A]
But I found a solution for singletons, using Java reflections:
A singleton is accesible in Java under the name:
So you have to append "$.MODULE$", which is a static field.
So we can use standard Java reflections to get it.
So the solution is:
def magicallyConvert1(objectPath: String) = {
val clz = Class.forName(objectPath + "$")
val field = clz.getField("MODULE$")
val b: A = field.get(null).asInstanceOf[A]
def magicallyConvert2(objectPath: String) = {
val clz = Class.forName(objectPath + "$")
val field = clz.getField("MODULE$")
val b: B.type = field.get(null).asInstanceOf[B.type]
But it would be interesting to still see a solution with Scala-Reflect en Scala-Meta.
take a look at scalameta it does what you want and more

Sharing variables among objects in Scala

Is there a way to share a variable among all objects (instantiated from the same type)? Consider the following simple program. Two objects name and name2 have the same type A. Is there way to connect the properyList inside the two instantiation name and name2?
class A {
var properyList = List[String]()
def printProperties(): Unit = {
object Experiment {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val name = new A
val name2 = new A
name.properyList = List("a property")
The output is
List(a property)
Any way to change the class definition so that by just changing the .properyList in one of the objects, it is changed in all of the instatiations?
What you seem to be looking for is a class variable. Before I get into why you should avoid this, let me explain how you can do it:
You can attach propertyList to the companion object instead of the class:
object A {
var properyList = List[String]()
class A {
def printProperties(): Unit = {
Now, to the why you shouldn't:
While scala let's you do pretty much anything that the JVM is capable of, its aims are to encourage a functional programming style, which generally eschews mutable state, especially shared, mutable state. I.e. the anti-pattern in A is not only that propertyList is a var, not a val but by sharing it via the companion object, you further allow anyone, from any thread to change the state of all instances at anytime.
The benefit of declaring your data as val is that you can safely pass it around, since you can be sure that nobody can change from under you at any time in the future.
You seem to be looking for something like java static fields.
In scala you usually achieve something like that by using a companion object:
object Main extends App {
class A {
import A._
def printProperties(): Unit = {
object A {
private var properyList = List[String]()
def addProperty(prop: String): Unit = {
properyList ::= prop
val name = new A
val name2 = new A
A.addProperty("a property")
If you want to have something similar to java's static fields you will have to use companion objects.
object Foo {
private var counter = 0
private def increment = {
counter += 1;
class Foo {
val i = Foo.increment
Code copied from:
"Static" field in Scala companion object
Based on Arne Claassen's answer, but using private mutable collection with the companion object, which makes it visible only to the companion classes. Very simplistic example tried out in scala 2.11.7 console:
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
object A {
private val mp = scala.collection.mutable.Map("a"->1)
class A {
def addToMap(key:String, value:Int) = { += (key -> value) }
def getValue(key:String) =
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined object A
defined class A
// create a class instance, verify it can access private map in object
scala> val a = new A
a: A = A#6fddee1d
scala> a.getValue("a")
res1: Option[Int] = Some(1)
// create another instance and use it to change the map
scala> val b = new A
b: A = A#5e36f335
scala> b.addToMap("b", 2)
res2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(b -> 2, a -> 1)
// verify that we cannot access the map directly
scala> // this will fail
<console>:12: error: value mp is not a member of object A
// verify that the previously created instance sees the updated map
scala> a.getValue("b")
res4: Option[Int] = Some(2)

Scala: Return multiple data types from function

This is somewhat of a theoretical question but something I might want to do. Is it possible to return multiple data data types from a Scala function but limit the types that are allowed? I know I can return one type by specifying it, or I can essentially allow any data type by not specifying the return type, but I would like to return 1 of 3 particular data types to preserve a little bit of type safety. Is there a way to write an 'or' in the return type like:
def myFunc(input:String): [Int || String] = { ...}
The main context for this is trying to write universal data loading script. Some of my users use Spark, some Scalding, and who knows what will be next. I want my users to be able to use a generic loading script that might return a RichPipe, RDD, or some other data format depending on the framework they are using, but I don't want to throw type safety completely out the window.
You can use the Either type provided by the Scala Library.
def myFunc(input:String): Either[Int, String] = {
if (...)
Left(42) // return an Int
Right("Hello, world") // return a String
You can use more than two types by nesting, for instance Either[A,Either[B,C]].
As already noted in comments you'd better use Either for this task, but if you really want it, you can use implicits
object IntOrString {
implicit def fromInt(i: Int): IntOrString = new IntOrString(None, Some(i))
implicit def fromString(s: String): IntOrString = new IntOrString(Some(s), None)
case class IntOrString(str: Option[String], int: Option[Int])
implicit def IntOrStringToInt(v: IntOrString): Int =
implicit def IntOrStringToStr(v: IntOrString): String = v.str.get
def myFunc(input:String): IntOrString = {
if(input.isEmpty) {
} else {
val i: Int = myFunc("")
val s: String = myFunc("123")
val ex: Int = myFunc("123")
I'd make the typing by the user less implicit and more explicit. Here are three examples:
def loadInt(input: String): Int = { ... }
def loadString(input: String): String = { ... }
That's nice and simple. Alternatively, we can have a function that returns the appropriate curried function using an implicit context:
def loader[T]()(implicit context: String): String => T = {
context match {
case "RDD" => loadInt _ // or loadString _
Then the user would:
implicit val context: String = "RDD" // simple example
val loader: String => Int = loader()
Alternatively, can turn it into an explicit parameter:
val loader: String => Int = loader("RDD")

How to define a parametric type alias

I try to define a parametric type alias :
case class A
case class B
case class C
// We need an Int to load instances of A and B, and a String to load C
object Service {
def loadA(i: Int) : A = ???
def loadB(i: Int) : B = ???
def loadC(s: String) : C = ???
trait Location[T] { def get : T}
class IntLocation(val i: Int)
class StringLocation(val s: String)
trait EntityLocation[E] extends Location[_]
// Aim : make the loader typesafe
// Problem : I need something like that : type EntityLocation[Composite] = IntLocation
object Family {
trait EntityLoader[EntityT] extends (EntityLocation[EntityT] => EntityT)
val ALoader = new EntityLoader[A] {def load[A](l: EntityLocation[A]) = Service.loadA(l.get)
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. Could you please explain how you want to use these types in your code?
Assuming just want to use the types IdLocation and FileLocation in your code, maybe you want to try
trait Location[T] { def get : T }
type IdLocation = Location[Id]
type FileLocation = Location[]
Seems rather convoluted, so I'm not sure I follow exactly what your purpose here is. You seem to go into many layers of factories that create factories, that call factory methods, etc.
Seems to me that at the end of the day you need you want to have a val ALoader value that you can use to get instances of A from Location[Int] objects, so I'll go with that assumption:
// Not sure what you want this one, but let's assume that you need a wrapper class per your example.
trait Location[P] { def get: P }
class IntLocation(val i: Int) extends Location[Int]
override def get: Int = i
// P for parameter, O for output class.
def loader[O, P](creator: P => O)(param: Location[P]) = { creator(param.get) }
object Service
// A function somewhere, capable of taking your parameter and creating something else (in your example, an Int to an 'A')
// here Int to String to make something concrete.
// This could be any function, anywhere
def loadA(someParam: Int) = someParam.toString
def main(args: Array[String])
val myStringLoader: Location[Int] => String = loader(Service.loadA)
// Alternatively, you could have written `val myStringLoader = loader(Service.loadA)(_)`. Either the type or the underscore are needed to tell the compiler that you expect a function, not a value.
// Some definition for you wrapper class
val location3 = new Location[Int]{
override def get: Int = 3
// ... or just a plain old instance of it.
val otherLocation = new IntLocation(5)
// This would 'load' the kind of thing you want using the method you specified.
val myString = myStringLoader(location3)
val myOtherString = myStringLoader(otherLocation)
// This prints "3 - 5"
print(myString + " - " + myOtherString)
This might seem like a long answer, but in truth the line def loader[O, P](creator: P => O)(param: Location[P]) = { creator(param.get) } is the one that does it all, the rest is to make it as similar to your sample as possible and to provide a working main you can use to start from.
Of course, this would be even simpler if you don't really need the Location wrapper for your integer.