Basic issue retrieve array or string from file using Storable retrieve - perl

The problem is very simple but I can't seem to find it:
I store a $string to a $filename:
store [$tempstring], $filename2[$m];
I then try to retrieve it:
my $tempinput = retrieve ($filename2[$m]);
I believe I'm just getting the reference, not the string?
Can I use a command to convert the data back to the original string?

my $ref = [ $tempstring ];
creates an array, assigns $tempstring to it (placing it in the first element), then returns a reference to that array.
So if you want the string back, you need to get the value of the first element of the referenced array.
If you had done
my $ref = \$tempstring;
instead of needlessly creating an array, you'd simply do
to get the string.


Model.find() returnes an object or array of objects? [mongodb]

const tours = await Tour.find()
when i use console.log(typeof tours) it shows object in console log.
but when i use console.log(tours) it shows an array of objects.
so i'm bit confused about what it actually returns back?
In JavaScript the value of typeof when used on an array is "object". The correct way to check if a variable is an array is Array.isArray() - it will return true or false depending if the argument passed is an array.

SwiftyJson is it possible to iterate through objects but not arrays?

I have object
I want to get data from SUBNAME and SUBNAME2. Problem is that I dont know name of these fields and how many of them there are.
Is it possible to iterate through them using SwiftJSON ?
After converting your JSON to an object, you can do this:
for (subname, dictionary) in json {
// use subname and the dictionary, which contains the FIELD_* entries

Dereference a ReferenceField in Mongoengine

I am trying to dereference a reference field on my Flask backend and return the complete object with that certain field dereferenced.
The field I am trying to dereference is defined like this:
vouches_received = db.ListField(db.ReferenceField('Vouch'))
The way I am trying to dereference it is like this:
unverified_vouches = []
for vouch in usr.vouches_received:
usr.vouches_received = unverified_vouches
However, when I then do:
On the object, then I get a ValidationError like so:
ValidationError: u'{...}' is not a valid ObjectId, it must be a
12-byte input of type 'str' or a 24-character hex string
The 3 dots (...) is basically the document dereferenced, it has mostly Strings, a Date Field, and some other reference fields I do not wish to dereference.
I am aware this is a valid error, as it is expecting an ObjectID for the reference field, but then arises the question, how do I succeed at dereferencing that field and return the document.
The ListField is expecting elements of ObjectId and because you've de-referenced them it throws that error. I'm not sure this is the most elegant way but could you convert the usr.to_json() to a dict and then replace the vouches_received list with a deferenced list afterwards - I can't test it but something like?
user_dict = json.loads(usr.to_json())
unverified_vouches = []
for vouch in usr.vouches_received:
usr_json = json.dumps(user_dict)
A better solution may be to use an EmbededDocument.

I would like to store the values in array list after iterating the select options , is it possible in Watir

I am trying to store the values of select list in an array variable
a = b.options.each {|option| puts option.attribute_value "value" }
Output :
Is it possible to store all values which getting from attribute and store in An array
The element collections in Watir include the Enumerable module, which gives a lot of useful methods for iterating. In particular, it includes a map method that will perform a block on each element and collect the result in an array.
To store the value of all options, you can simply do:
total_list_values =
I coded it like this and its worked, posted if anyone wanted this
total_list_values =
body = #browser.options
body.options.each do |option|
total_list_values << option.value

Perl mongo $coll->find_one({"_id" => "xxxx"}) method not function as expected

I know another users had asked this question. I test and it doesn't work. I find this problem when use the $coll->remove({"_id" => "xxxx"}) not hehaviour as expected.
Following is the summary of my test:
print Dumper $db->posts->find_one({"_id" => "4d92740b2239007c16130000"});
$VAR1= undef;
print Dumper $db->posts->find_one({"_id" => $conn->oid("4d92740b2239007c16130000")});
print out a document with _id => "4d9274032e62007c16110000"
Does the autogenerated _id object can be used to manage documents?
db.things.remove({_id: myobject._id});
The _id is not a string. It's a 12 byte binary value stored as a BSON object:
You can remove by the _id but you can't use the 24 digit hex string representation. This is exactly the same behavior as find_one() which you have already discovered.
$coll->remove({"_id" => $myObject->{_id}});
There is a clear distinction between an objectid and its string representation. Why should the first find_one() with the string representation return a result if you are actually using an ObjectId as _id here? So the behavior is completely correct - independent of the driver used. If you introduce your string object ids for whatever reason then you will be able to search by string. As long as the driver injects decicated objectid (which aren't strings) you will have to search by them and not by their string representation.