Drupal 7 deployment: Features with nid references - deployment

I order to deploy changes from my testing server to a staging server, I have used Features to collect and version a set of views, menu items etc. In one of my views, I refer to a specific nid as intro text for that view. When I deploy to the staging server, another node is showed for that view because that server has another node with that given nid.
My question is: How should I approach this? Can I use an alias insted of nid in the view? Or is there a way to export the node AND keep a fixed nid between the two servers? Or is there a better way?
Thanks :-)

A better way is to use the module Views UI: Edit Basic Settings.
With this module you can avoid using a node for intro text, instead you can use the Views Header for the intro.


How do I publish just 1 HTML file in author instance of aem server?

I want to create a simple HTML file
in the author instance in the aem server and publish it. How should I publish it - either through the UI or command-line is fine?
Two options for easier, to handle from browser itself,
1) Go to tree activation page and select the page path which you want to activate and click on the Activate button use the check boxes ( Only Modified, Only Activated, Ignore Deactivated) according to your need,
2) Go to crx/de console select the page that you want to activate under the content node. use the right side Replication Tab Replicate button to replicate the node.
Note that when using this node level replicate action you need to
activate all the child/individual nodes that are required to your page
There are several other ways of doing replication by code, CURL, etc. as which one to use depends on your comfort levels.
package manager Image
Simplest ways are already mentioned above but i am mentioning one more way .
check it out if you are more comfortable with it.
You can replicate it or publish your file using Package manager.
1.Goto http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr
2.Goto your package[/content/1.html] and edit it.
3.Save it and choose the replicate option under the more tab.
In the page side kick, you click on properties then "activate"

"Portal" with multi-apps

I'm developing by Openui5 a portal. My portal have 2 apps. I I have organized the code in folders:
In each app folder I have "master" folder, "detail" folder...etc..
What is the best way to organize the code?
Now I have an external structure of SplitView from which I call the sub-apps
(simply, when I select the app name from the list in the master column I replace the general master-detail pages - or the current app master-detail pages - with master-datail pages of the app selected)
Thi is the right way to develop a multi-app "portal"?
Definitely not the worst approach :)
You might also want to think about using UI5s Component concept. It allows for a better separation of apps by providing dedicated Router and EventBus for every component. It also isolates the sub-apps models from each other so that you can have models with same name in every component (handy for i18n/ResourceModel). A component does not even have to live within the same location.
The perfect match for what you plan to do but might be a little oversized though since placing different subviews (master/detail) from a component into the parent component can get a bit tricky.

Zend Framework 2 CMS file structure

I'm trying to build a simple content management system based on the Zend Framework 2. The problem is that I don't know how should the folders structure be like.
Until now I have to solutions in mind:
A. Building a general "Admin" module that has multiple controllers like Login Controller, Pages Controller, Posts Controller, each of this controller with his own actions.
B. Building an module for each component, like: Pages Module that has an adminController an an frontendController.
I'm sure that none of the above solution is the corect one, but couldn't find any solid solution or books to provide one. I've taken a look at gotCMS but noticed that this one i.e, saves all the data like layout views in the database, and this is not a solution.
Though it's a very first alpha solution, I work on ensemble which is what I'd rather call a content management framework.
Ensemble's admin runs on ZfcAdmin. So you can drop in a Blog module which just has a admin controller under ZfcAdmin's route. But you can also manage pages (like texts) with a navigational page structure. All content parts (text, blog, etc) are separate modules.
So I'd suggest you take a look at the sample application and you can check out our blog as well, which just hooks in into ensemble. I know currently the documentation is scarce, but if we reach kinda beta stability we will focus more on docs.
The main benefits for "your system B" is you can drop in modules when needed. They all provide their own config, controllers, models and views. It's easy to install them from a developers perspective (load in composer, enable in application config) and you can easily override any view with your own ones.
TL;DR: choose structure B and have a look at Ensemble.
/edit: seeing you comment on Sam's answer: yes you have to do that. In ensemble, you specify a route config for the frontend and create your admin routes as child routes of ZfcAdmin. For both the frontend as the backend you have separate controllers.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to building something new. Personally I'd go with B. I wouldn't even name the Controllers like you did (I'd break them down a lot more, like NewsAddController, NewsEditController, NewsDetailsController, etc...). Then I'd have an AdminModule that would simply display a new Layout with a specific "AdminNavigation". This AdminNavigation can be filled via the other Modules (i.e. NewsModule would inject it's own administrative Routes into the AdminNavigation via module.config.php)

Do I need to create a module for: A user account, to create and save custom "objects" made of choices from a form

I used Drupal for 2 years, building some quiet "standard" sites (mainly "static content", no user logging etc.)
I always found the modules I needed for what I was expecting for (Views, Slideshows etc….)
In the next weeks, I have to build a little more complex project and I wonder if I can achieve it quiet easily with Drupal.
Until yet I never been through the drupal API, neither did I create a module.
But I'm a C++ developer, and I think there is no problem for me to learn rapidly how works an API.
I've been through the Drupal.org tutorial on how to create a Module (module "current_posts"), and I understood the global mechanisms
In the next weeks, I have to build a site with a little more complex parts, and I wonder how to achieve it with Drupal:
The site is compound of:
a "classical section", with contents, videos, etc…
a user section
The user section give a user the possibility to:
Create an account
fill a form to create an custom "object". The object is compound of 5 parts for example. And each part as several possibilities.
Example: Part 1 -> Options A, B, C, D, E, Part 2 -> Option aa, bb, cc, dd etc...
save his object to a collection
fill a second form to give extras infos about the object he has just created
save these extras infos
get some custom infos "built" upon the choices he made in section 2) and 4)
relog later and reload the objects he built previously
I wonder if:
it can be achieved only with existing modules?
…or do I need to develop a custom module?
Do i need although to create some custom Tables in the DB,
…or is it possible to deal only with content types
Do I need to "design" the tables interactions on a paper, like a real DB developer ;).
Is there some special things I should be careful with? Do you have some clues about how to realize this?
And does it seems feasible in a short delay?
And last but not least;) Is Drupal a really good solution for such a project?
Thanx in advance for your help!
Drupal is great for such a project. And you don't need too much extra modules, just core modules.
1) Core user module is fine.
2) Node type A. Create the node with the described fields and a user Role that will be able to add new A nodes as also as edit/delete own A nodes.
4) Node type B. Just add relationship for the Node type A so users can make the connection. Use the EntityReference module here. Similar user role permissions here.
6) This needs more information but it seems you need to use Views module to achieve this.
7) Welcome to Drupal! This is a core functionality also.

How to change endpoint address for multiple tests?

I know how to change endpoint for each test, but I have 100+ tests so I would like to select project/all tests and say set new endpoint. Is it posible?
Yes it is possible!
Double-click on your WSDL interface in the Navigator view on the left.
Then select the second tab called Service Endpoints. Select the desired endpoint (or add it first via the "+"-symbol) and click Assign. There you select All Requests and TestRequests.
You could also set up a 'centralized' endpoint prefix as described here: http://www.soapui.org/Functional-Testing/working-with-properties.html#4-example-n-centralized-endpoint
As far as I know there is no way to do this in soapUI itself. However you could try the following:
Save your project and close soapUI.
Open the XML file of your project in a text editor.
Search for <con:endpoint> which contains the URL for the endpoint.
Replace the endpoint in the text editor.
This, of course, only works if the endpoint you'd like to change is identical for all soapUI artefacts.
From soapUI 4.5 a new feature called "Environments" has been added to soapUI Pro. It is quite handy and pretty much allows you what you are trying to achieve here.
Once you configure all your environments and corresponding endpoints it is a matter of selecting environment from the dropdown when you run testSuite/testCase. You can add as many environments you want. This way you need not to update anything when you want to flip environment.