I have a issues as below while comparing date in MyBatis as below
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid comparison: java.util.Date and java.lang.String
Both of java 'applyDate' and Postgres 'org_info.apply_date' type are Date
Here is my configuration:
<sql id="searchCriteriaSql">
<where>enter code here
<if test="applyDate != null && applyDate != '' ">
<![CDATA[org_info.apply_date <= #{applyDate}]]>
<if test="ogrNm != null && ogrNm != '' ">
<bind name="ogrNmKey"
value="'%' + ogrNm + '%'" />
AND ( upper(org_info.org_nm) LIKE upper(#{ogrNmKey}))
The root cause comes from
<![CDATA[org_info.apply_date <= #{applyDate}]]>
Please help to give answer
I load this DMN file (dmnFile):
<definitions name="MyDecision" id="def_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc"
xmlns:ns="http://sample.dmn" namespace="http://sample.dmn"
xmlns:feel="http://www.omg.org/spec/FEEL/20140401" exporter="ex" exporterVersion="12"
<itemDefinition name="MyItemDefinition" id="_850f24d9-57a3-131f-2194-ca15bb049a7a">
<itemComponent name="myNumber" id="_29d92e98-3c97-67a3-22f1-d342622424f7">
<itemDefinition name="NumberDefinition" id="_e6972775-7973-b755-8714-9eff9d61e48e">
<inputData name="MyInput" id="_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759">
<variable name="MyInput" id="_121ab3bc-b4e2-a6bb-51be-ef8fcc6623a6" typeRef="MyItemDefinition" />
<decision name="MyDecision" id="_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc">
<variable name="MyDecision" id="_098e9619-fa0c-3796-b3da-c4d018a79009" typeRef="boolean" />
<requiredInput href="#_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759" />
<context id="_6dcdac84-b03f-badd-a2d7-78c668ece883">
<variable name="containsMyNumber" id="_f6078cbe-54e6-d682-b3b7-8ffc638e4846" typeRef="boolean" />
<literalExpression id="_a022013e-4f0c-cfb3-1792-673a9e69be33">
<text>if list contains([0,1,2,3], MyInput.myNumber) then true else false</text>
<literalExpression id="_19c3853c-c63b-a8ac-0608-639ea685f321">
like this:
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kieContainer = KieHelper.getKieContainer(ks.newReleaseId("org.kie", "dmn-test-" + UUID.randomUUID(), "1.2"), ks.getResources().newFileSystemResource(dmnFile));
and I get an exception with the following error message:
[Message [id=1, kieBase=defaultKieBase, level=ERROR, path=C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpBA10.tmp.dmn, line=4, column=-1
text=DMN: Unable to resolve type reference '{http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20180521/MODEL/}NumberDefinition' on node 'MyItemDefinition' (resource: C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpBA10.tmp.dmn, DMN id: _29d92e98-3c97-67a3-22f1-d342622424f7, The listed type definition was not found) ]]
Type reference with prefix ("ns:NumberDefinition") results in the following error message:
[Message [id=1, kieBase=defaultKieBase, level=ERROR, path=C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpBA10.tmp.dmn, line=4, column=-1
text=DMN: Unable to resolve type reference '{http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20180521/MODEL/}ns:NumberDefinition' on node 'MyItemDefinition' (resource: C:/Users/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpBA10.tmp.dmn, DMN id: _29d92e98-3c97-67a3-22f1-d342622424f7, The listed type definition was not found) ]]
What do I do wrong?
When using DMN 1.1 (xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/20151101/dmn.xsd") and type references as QNames (with prefixes) I get the expected result.
Since DMNv1.2, the idiomatic way to reference is ns.<itemDef>.
In your original DMN xml file this happens on line 7 and 14.
In summary the file in the idiomatic DMNv1.2 form should be:
<definitions name="MyDecision" id="def_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc"
xmlns:ns="http://sample.dmn" namespace="http://sample.dmn"
xmlns:feel="http://www.omg.org/spec/FEEL/20140401" exporter="ex" exporterVersion="12"
<itemDefinition name="MyItemDefinition" id="_850f24d9-57a3-131f-2194-ca15bb049a7a">
<itemComponent name="myNumber" id="_29d92e98-3c97-67a3-22f1-d342622424f7">
<itemDefinition name="NumberDefinition" id="_e6972775-7973-b755-8714-9eff9d61e48e">
<inputData name="MyInput" id="_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759">
<variable name="MyInput" id="_121ab3bc-b4e2-a6bb-51be-ef8fcc6623a6" typeRef="ns.MyItemDefinition" />
<decision name="MyDecision" id="_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc">
<variable name="MyDecision" id="_098e9619-fa0c-3796-b3da-c4d018a79009" typeRef="boolean" />
<requiredInput href="#_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759" />
<context id="_6dcdac84-b03f-badd-a2d7-78c668ece883">
<variable name="containsMyNumber" id="_f6078cbe-54e6-d682-b3b7-8ffc638e4846" typeRef="boolean" />
<literalExpression id="_a022013e-4f0c-cfb3-1792-673a9e69be33">
<text>if list contains([0,1,2,3], MyInput.myNumber) then true else false</text>
<literalExpression id="_19c3853c-c63b-a8ac-0608-639ea685f321">
That said, with your report we uncovered a bug when the DMN xml file is using the DMN namespace as the default namespace, which we are addressing with
Thank you for the report !
There is a way to avoid being forced to use ns.<itemDef> and simply use <itemDef>, and that is by setting the default namespace in the DMN xml to be the model's namespace, and just prefixing the DMN xml element with the namespace prefix targeting the DMN namespace.
In other words, the file can make use of <itemDef> reference without having to ns. prefix them:
<semantic:definitions name="MyDecision" id="def_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc"
xmlns="http://sample.dmn" namespace="http://sample.dmn"
xmlns:feel="http://www.omg.org/spec/FEEL/20140401" exporter="ex" exporterVersion="12"
<semantic:itemDefinition name="MyItemDefinition" id="_850f24d9-57a3-131f-2194-ca15bb049a7a">
<semantic:itemComponent name="myNumber" id="_29d92e98-3c97-67a3-22f1-d342622424f7">
<semantic:itemDefinition name="NumberDefinition" id="_e6972775-7973-b755-8714-9eff9d61e48e">
<semantic:inputData name="MyInput" id="_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759">
<semantic:variable name="MyInput" id="_121ab3bc-b4e2-a6bb-51be-ef8fcc6623a6" typeRef="MyItemDefinition" />
<semantic:decision name="MyDecision" id="_12f8a48f-3978-0e29-4251-a66b6e6459bc">
<semantic:variable name="MyDecision" id="_098e9619-fa0c-3796-b3da-c4d018a79009" typeRef="boolean" />
<semantic:requiredInput href="#_d6395e05-d35c-d667-f227-398d93a97759" />
<semantic:context id="_6dcdac84-b03f-badd-a2d7-78c668ece883">
<semantic:variable name="containsMyNumber" id="_f6078cbe-54e6-d682-b3b7-8ffc638e4846" typeRef="boolean" />
<semantic:literalExpression id="_a022013e-4f0c-cfb3-1792-673a9e69be33">
<semantic:text>if list contains([0,1,2,3], MyInput.myNumber) then true else false</semantic:text>
<semantic:literalExpression id="_19c3853c-c63b-a8ac-0608-639ea685f321">
In this other variant, the default namespace in the xml is the DMN model's namespace, so any itemDef reference does not need any prefix.
Because the default namespace in the xml is the DMN model's namespace, the xml element need to be prefixed with the namespace prefix targeting now the DMN namespace.
Hope this clarifies and provide an insightful explanation!
I am using EclipseLink 2.5.2 and is using the following orm.xml to map the result of native query to POJOs.
<named-native-query name="RelSumView.findFmkItem">
select item_file_name
, last_release_id
, last_release_version
from tableA
<sql-result-set-mapping name="FmkItemDtoMapping">
<constructor-result target-class="xxx.model.common.biz.dto.FmkItemDTO">
<column name="item_file_name" class="java.lang.String" />
<column name="last_release_id" class="java.lang.Integer" />
<column name="last_release_version" class="java.lang.String" />
But in below DAO class:
public List<FmkItemDTO> getFmkReleaseItemsByEnvLabelId(int envLabelId) {
return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("RelSumView.findFmkItem", "FmkItemDtoMapping").getResultList();
The following exception is thrown:
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-6042] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException
Exception Description: A session name must be specified for
non-object-level queries. See the setSessionName(String) method.
Query: ResultSetMappingQuery(sql="RelSumView.findFmkItem")
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.QueryImpl.getResultList(QueryImpl.java:480)
at xxx.model.common.dao.FmkReleaseDAO.getFmkReleaseItemsByEnvLabelId(FmkReleaseDAO.java:28)
I have no idea of what this exception is and on how to set the session name to the query.
My mapper interface looks like this.
public interface CommonMapper {
long selectSequenceNumber(String sequenceName);
And I prepared sql mapper looks like this.
<sql id="sequenceNumber">
<when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
<select id="selectSequenceNumber" resultType="_long">
<!--<include refid="....mapper.CommonMapper.sequenceNumber"/>-->
<include refid="sequenceNumber"/>
When I test mapper #{sequenceName} part is not substituted with given.
14:36:09.492 [main] DEBUG ....selectSequenceNumber - ==> Preparing: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR ?
14:36:09.724 [main] ERROR ....PersistenceTests - failed to apply function for SqlSession
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "?" at line 1, column 23.
### The error may exist in .../CommonMapper.xml
### The error may involve ....CommonMapper.selectSequenceNumber
### The error occurred while executing a query
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "?" at line 1, column 23.
Is this normal? How can I fix this?
You need to use string substitution ${sequenceName} instead of setting the parameter with #{} for direct string placement in your queries (such as for giving object names, dynamic sql etc...)
<sql id="sequenceNumber">
<when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
<select id="selectSequenceNumber" resultType="_long">
<!--<include refid="....mapper.CommonMapper.sequenceNumber"/>-->
<include refid="sequenceNumber"/>
I tried following if clause in MyBatis and got following exception please help me to identify the issue here..
public class Student{
private Integer studId;
private String name;
private String email;
private Date dob;
<select id="searchStudent" parameterType="hashmap" resultMap="StudentResult">
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="studId != null">
AND STUD_ID= #{studId}
<if test="name != null">
AND NAME like #{name}
Exception I get:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException:
### Error querying database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'test="studId != null">
<if test="name != null">
' at line 4
### The error may exist in StudentMapper.xml
### The error may involve com.maventest.mytest.StudentMapper.searchStudent-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: SELECT * FROM STUDENTS WHERE 1 = 1 <if test="studId != null"> AND STUD_ID= ? </if> <if test="name != null"> AND NAME like ? </if>
### Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'test="studId != null">
<if test="name != null">
' at line 4
at org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.wrapException(ExceptionFactory.java:23)
Remove <![CDATA[ and ]]> as this escapes all the query and mybatis doesn't process it at all so if is passed verbatim as part of the query to database.
<select id="searchStudent" parameterType="hashmap" resultMap="StudentResult">
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="studId != null">
AND STUD_ID= #{studId}
<if test="name != null">
AND NAME like #{name}
CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup [ORACLE definition].
Sometimes, we need it, specially when we have a where condition with such markups : <, > , <> , etc.
<if test="studId != null">
<![CDATA[ AND STUD_ID= #{studId} ]]>
<if test="name != null">
**<![CDATA[ AND COD_PER <> 'ASSU' ]]>**
Add it just on the line with the markup problem also works.