I'm using Django-social-auth for facebook login and Facepy to retrieve data from facebook.
Now I'm trying to get the list of all the pages liked by a user's friend. If I use:
I get an empty list of likes ( {'data': []} ).
I have added 'friends_likes' on my facebook app's User & Friend Permissions, and still it doesn't work.
my code looks like this:
instance = UserSocialAuth.objects.filter(user=request.user).filter(provider='facebook')
graph = GraphAPI(instance[0].extra_data['access_token'])
ps = graph.get('me/friends')
myfriends = ps['data']
frnd_id = myfriends[29]['id'] # getting a friend's ID
lk = frnd_id + '/likes'
frnd_likes = graph.get(lk)
print frnd_likes
A little help would be great. Thanks!
I am able to like Facebook pages using FBSDKLikeControl with that page url. Some thing like this.
let likeButton = FBSDKLikeControl()
likeButton.objectID = "https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDevelopers"
likeButton.center = self.view.center;
However I am not able to do like on posts by giving likeButton.objectID = "1802945816386201_17414239392050"
Can we like user posts, photo using Facebook API ?
I have 3 questions: 1)Can I combine facebook login via mozila browser(selenium) with facebook graph api, for example:
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
profile = graph.get_object("me")
friends = graph.get_connections("me", "friends")
friend_list = [friend['name'] for friend in friends['data']]
print (friend_list)
2)Can somebody help me with login on facebook through app_id, secret_id and token, or through email and password
3)I want to get profile info, for example with help of get_object, but I need to know user's id to do it. How can I get this id, if I have only page url's, or I can use part after facebook.com/ to do this request?
P.s. If u know answer at least on one of this questions, pls right it in comments or in answers, it will be very useful:)
I have developed a Facebook app in test mod and I want to publish on the test user's wall.
this is the link where the user register and accept the permissions:
After that I am getting an some sort of a token, using this token I am doing the following request to the graph:
the token coming back is now being used by me to get the user's details from the graph:
I am getting in result all the fields listed above. (one strange thing, the id coming back is not the test user's public id, the other field are correct...)
when I want to post so someones wall I am running this int the graph:
the token coming back will be used here:
$token = self::getAccessToken($app_id,$app_secret);
$post_array = array();
$post_array['access_token'] = $token;
$post_array['message'] = urlencode($message);
$post_array['link'] = urlencode($link);
$res = self::post("https://graph.facebook.com/".$user_id."/feed?",$post_array);// the user id might be wrong?
and I am getting the following error:
{"error":{"message":"(#200) Permissions error","type":"OAuthException","code":200,"fbtrace_id":"EO5WvMfYYgC"}}
What can it be?
the fact that I am in test mod?
or maybe the user's ID i got back is wrong?
The ID is correct, you only get an "App Scoped ID". You are not supposed to use the global/public ID anymore, and you should use /me/feed for posting, not /user-id/feed. You can only post on the wall of the authorized user anyway.
My problem is: When I post to page's wall some message with link it shows as Posted By Others, without link it shows normally in page timeline (Im group's admin ).
The same code posts to my timeline just fine:
I use AS3 library.
My permissions:
"publish_stream", "user_photos","publish_actions","manage_pages"
my post code:
var params:Object = new Object();
params.message = messageTextInput.text;
params.description = "description";
params.caption = "caption";
params.name = "name";
params.link = "http://www.ya.ru";
params.picture = "http://image.bayimg.com/cajchaado.jpg";
FacebookDesktop.api(page.id+"/feed", onCallApi, params, "POST"); //use POST to send data (as per Facebook documentation)
Facebook documentation says I can post either link or message, but it works just fine, except of showing in "Recent posts by others" ( please see attached screenshot ).
To post on a fanpage on behalf of itself (not the user), you have to use the page access token.
What happening is- when you make the call, the sdk uses the default token (user token), so the post is published on behalf of the user which is displayed in the "Recent Post by Others" section in the page.
Since you have requested for manage_pages already in your code, you can simply obtain the page access token with this call- /{page-id}?fields=access_token. Use this token with your current call just by adding the parameter access_token-
params.picture = "http://image.bayimg.com/cajchaado.jpg";
params.access_token = "{page-access-token}";
Using Facebook's Graph API, given a username xyz (assuming they've authenticated my site), how do I get a list of all of the facebook pages that the user administers?
The accounts property on the user object says:
The Facebook pages owned by the current user. If the manage_pages permission has been granted, this connection also yields access_tokens that can be used to query the Graph API on behalf of the page.
After getting access token you can get all details of list of all of the facebook pages that the user administers.
The output will look like
"name": "Facebook Developer Garage Austin - SXSW Edition",
"metadata": {
"connections": {
"feed": "http://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/feed",
"picture": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/picture",
"invited": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/invited",
"attending": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/attending",
"maybe": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/maybe",
"noreply": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/noreply",
"declined": "https://graph.facebook.com/331218348435/declined"
Use an fql query! That is the best way to get the pages for which the user is admin. You will also be able to restrict the names also. i.e pages with empty names A sample fql query which gives you the page details as well.
SELECT page_id,page_url,name,pic_square FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid = " + **UserId** + ") and name!=''
UserId -- Id of the admin
This method will not work from version 2.1 of graph api as fql was deprecated from that version onwards
I found the answer, you need to use FQL, passing in the appropriate access_token:
Here's what I use. It works perfect
$pages = $facebook->api(array('method' => 'fql.query','query' => 'SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid = '.$uid.''));
foreach($pages as $k=>$v) {
echo 'page id#:'.$v['page_id'].'<br/>';
This is of course after you have the session created for the fb user! The $uid would be the profile id# of the specific facebook user your returning of a list of managed pages for.
#rmorrison - This is not graph API though. With the new "like" addition, you can use this URL: h ttps://graph.facebook.com/me/likes?access_token=blah! or h ttps://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/likes?access_token=blah!
Fql is the best way to get the pages of the user for which he is the admin. As the others like likes of user will give all the pages that the user like.
You can get list of pages from a simple Facebook Graph API Hit.
It will give a list of pages for user which he/she has created.
access_token is valid for an hour or less. What should someone do in order to get the details even after. I was trying to result get the result from
This worked for an hour or so but how do i get the result after an hour...without going for a login.