Convert Perl Script to VBA Script - perl

I have a working Perl script that I would like to convert to VBA to run in an Excel macro so that it can easily be shared to other PC's. I have a shell script (where I pass the parameters) driving the perl script.
I used the Perl script to read each specified column of all rows of data from a fixed width file (below the start is 54,63) and compare that data with another file and print the difference. I'd pass parameters in the Shell script as filea.txt fileb.csv > myoutput.txt
Any assistance would be great! Especially if someone can point me in the right direction since the code is fairly simple. Thanks!
#Perl Script
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($fa, $fb) = #ARGV;
#ARGV = $fa;
my %codes;
while(<>) {
$_ = substr($_, 54, 63);
next if $_ eq "";
$codes{$_} =1;
#ARGV = $fb;
my %descrip;
while(<>) {
$descrip {$_} = 1 if s/^1234//;
for (sort keys %codes) {$
print "$_\n" unless ($descrip{$_});

A couple of points:
1) VBA is very different from Perl - so things that are one-liners in one will be tricky in the other
2) If you haven't used VBA in Excel, I suggest you start by "recording" a macro (first make the "Developer" tab in the ribbon visible, then select "record macro", and start doing things like opening files, importing them (fixed width). After you stop the recording you will see the syntax for doing these things - that should help a lot
3) You will have to decide how you want to pass arguments to VBA - cells on a worksheet, dialog box... There is no such thing as "running VBA from the command line".
I wonder if you really need / want VBA or if you would be better off compiling a standalone program (.exe). Is this meant to run on PC (windows), Mac OS, or both? See for example this earlier question - maybe that's what you actually need (if not what you asked for...)?


Perl open file from command line with wildcard

I am executing my script this way:
./ -f files*
I looked at some other threads (like How can I open a file in Perl using a wildcard in the directory name?)
If i hard code the file name like it is written in this thread I get my desired result. If I take it from the command line it does not.
My options subroutine should save all the files I get this way in an array.
my #file;
sub Options{
my $i=0;
foreach my $opt (#ARGV){
switch ($opt){
case "-f" {
### This part does not work:
#file= glob $ARGV[$i];
print Dumper("$ARGV[$i]"); #$VAR1 = 'files';
print Dumper(#file); #$VAR1 = 'files';
It seems the execution is interpreted in advance and the wildcard (*) is dropped in the process.
Desired result: All files beginning with files are saved in an array, after execution from the command line.
I hope you get my problem. If not feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Well, first I'd suggest using a module to do args on command line:
Getopt::Long for example.
But otherwise your problem is simpler - your shell is expanding the 'file*' before perl gets it. (shell glob is getting there first).
If you do this with:
-f 'file*'
then it'll work properly. You should be able to see this - for example - if you just:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \#ARGV;
I expect you'll see a much longer list than you thought.
However, I'd also point out - perl has a really nice feature you may be able to use (depending what you're doing with your files).
You can use <>, which automatically opens and reads all files specified on command line (in order).
Since your shell is already expanding the glob files* into a list of filenames, that's what the Perl program gets.
$ perl -E 'say #ARGV' files*
There's no need to do that in Perl, if your shell can do it for you. If all you want is the filenames in an array, you already have #ARGV which contains those.

Coding for external user input in perl

I am new to perl and coding and not entirely sure where/what to search for so this question may have been asked before.
I finnished writing a program in perl and would like to know what code to use that allows me to enter a variable (name) outside the program without needing to specify it in the coding - I was told there is a way to execute the program outside of putty (I use putty) and that it asks me to enter the variable/s beforehand.
in the coding the variable is specified in the beginning as:
my $name='xxx';
after which the name is used for specifying which files to use etc. I have over 30 different names that I need to run individually so it would be much easier if I can just type it in as part of the program instead of changing the coding each time in putty.
Hope my question is clear - I'm still learning the different terms and syntax.
use strict;
use warnings;
open(IN,$ARGV[0]) or die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]:$!\n";
my #in = <IN>;
my $name='';
foreach my $in(#in){
$name = $in;
###your code here
your fle sample
Run your programs as
perl filename.txt
Update:(after OP's comment)
my $name = <STDIN>;
this will prompt for a user input.

Perl Term::ReadKey - Read from file as though it's being typed

Been away from Perl awhile and would like to modify a script I wrote as an art project long ago. The original script uses Term::ReadKey to allow the user to type arbitrary text into a Mac/Linux terminal. As they type, the text creates various floaty patterns in the terminal. I want to adapt the script so, instead of reading keys as they're input, it can read from text files written periodically by another process. But it would need to read in characters in some controllable way (not all at once) so as to (roughly) emulate human typing.
What I've tried:
Term::ReadKey's man page says it can read from a filehandle instead of STDIN - but for some reason, I could not get this to work, with either a standard file or a FIFO. I also tried reading in text from a file using "open" and putting the characters into an array. But iterating through the array got complicated because of the need to add delays between characters without pausing the rest of the script. ( I can envision this as a potential solution, but I'm not sure how best to design it to allow time delays to be controllable without the script becoming unwieldy.)
Wondering if there's a relatively simple way to approach this - assuming it's feasible at all?
Here's the "meat" of the existing script (have removed various subroutines that add additional effects based on various keypresses.)
use Time::HiRes(usleep);
use Term::ReadKey;
$starttime = time;
$startphrase = ' ';
$startsleepval = 3000;
$phrase = $startphrase;
$sleepval = $startsleepval;
$dosleep = 1;
# One Ctrl-C clears text and resets program. # Three Ctrl-C's to quit.
sub quitsub {print color 'reset' if ($dosleep); $phrase = $startphrase; $sleepval=$startsleepval; $SIG{'INT'}=\&secondhit;}
sub secondhit { $SIG{'INT'}=\&outtahere; }
sub outtahere {print color 'reset'; sleep 1; print "\n\n\t\t\t\n\n"; exit(0);}
while (1) {
print "$phrase ";
if ($dosleep) {
usleep ($sleepval);
ReadMode 3;
##### Here is where it reads from the terminal. Can characters be read from a file in a similar sequential fashion? #####
$key = ReadKey(-1);
$now = time;
if ((defined($key)) and ($now > $starttime + 5)) {
$phrase = $phrase.$key;
# user can also create interesting effects with spacebar, tab and arrow keys.
ReadMode 0; # this may appear redundant, but has a subtle visual effect. At least that's what I commented in the original 2003 script.
# end main loop
The problem here is that your script can try to read from the file all you want, but if the process that actually writes to the file flushes all at once, you're going to get everything together.
Also, a few things:
if you really want to use ReadKey, you should probably use ReadMode 5 if you don't know the CR or CR/LF use of your file.
also check Term::ReadKey and you'll see that you probably want something like ReadKey 0, $file
it's probably best if you drop Term::ReadKey completely and use File::Tail instead, looping over the added characters one at a time
Your final code is most likely going to be something that goes through an array of characters, just as you've already tried to do.

Can I obtain values from a perl script using a system call from the middle of another perl script?

I'm trying to modify a script that someone else has written and I wanted to keep my script separate from his.
The script I wrote ends with a print line that outputs all relevant data separated by spaces.
Ex: print "$sap $stuff $more_stuff";
I want to use this data in the middle of another perl script and I'm not sure if it's possible using a system call to the script I wrote.
Ex: system("./ $id"); #obtain printed data from here
Can this be done? If not, how should I go about this?
Somewhat related, but not using system():
How can I get one Perl script to see variables in another Perl script?
How can I pass arguments from one Perl script to another?
You're looking for the "backtick operator."
Have a look at perlop, Section "Quote-like operators".
Generally, capturing a program's output goes like this:
my $output = `/bin/cmd ...`;
Mind that the backtick operator captures STDOUT only. So in order to capture everything (STDERR, too) the commands needs to be appended with the usual shell redirection "2>&1".
If you want to use the data printed to stdout from the other script, you'd need to use backticks or qx().
system will only return the return value of the shell command, not the actual output.
Although the proper way to do this would be to import the actual code into your other script, by building a module, or simply by using do.
As a general rule, it is better to use all perl solutions, than relying on system/shell as a way of "simplifying".
sub foo {
print "Foo";
do '';
perldoc perlipc
Backquotes, like in shell, will yield the standard output of the command as a string (or array, depending on context). They can more clearly be written as the quote-like qx operator.
#lines = `./ $id`;
#lines = qx(./ $id);
$all = `./ $id`;
$all = qx(./ $id);
open can also be used for streaming instead of reading into memory all at once (as qx does). This can also bypass the shell, which avoids all sorts of quoting issues.
open my $fh, '-|', './', $id;
while (readline $fh) {
print "read line: $_";

Executing bash script, read its output and create html with Perl

I have a bash script which produces different integer values. When I run that script, the output looks like this:
This script runs on a Solaris server. In order to provide other users in the network with these values, I decided to write a Perl script which can:
run the bash file
read its output
build a tiny html page with a table in which the bash values are stored
Thats a hard job for me because I have almost no experience with Perl. I know I can use system to execute unix commands (and bash files) but I cannot get the output. I also heared about qx which sounds very useful for my case.
But I must admit I have no clue how do start... Could you give me a few hints how to solve that?
With a question like this it's a little hard to know where to begin.
The qx to which you are referring is a feature of Perl. The "q*" or "Quote and Quote-like Operators" are documented in the Perl "operators" man page (normally you'd use man perlop to read that on systems with a conventional installation of Perl).
Specifically qx is the "quoted-execution of a command" ... which is essentially an alternative form of the ` (back tick or "command substitution") operator in Perl.
In other words if you execute a command like:
perl -e '$foo = qx{ls}; print "\n###\n$foo\n###\n";'
... on a system with Perl installed then it should run Perl, which should evaluate (-e) the expression you've provided (quoted). In other words we're writing a small program right on the command line. This program starts by creating a variable whose contents will be a "scalar" (which is Perl terminology for a string or number). We're assigning (the =, or assignment, operator) the output which is captured by executing the ls command back to this variable ($foo). After that we're printing the contents of our variable (whatever the ls command would have printed) with ### lines preceding and following those contents..
A quirk of Perl's qx operator (and the various other q* operators) is that it allows you to delimit the command with just about any characters you like. For example perl -e '$bar = qx/pwd/;' would capture the output of the pwd command. When you use any of the characters that are normally used as delimiters around text parentheses, braces, brackets, etc) then the qx command will look for the appropriate matching delimiter. If you use any other punctuation (or non-alpha-numeric character?) then that same character will be the terminating delimiter as well. This later behavior is similar to, and was inspired by, a feature in "substitution" command from the old sed utility and ed line editors; while the matching of parentheses, braces, etc. are a Perl novelty.
So that's the basics of how to capture your shell script's output. To print the numbers in an HTML table you'd have to split the captured output into separate lines (saving them into a list or array) then print your HTML prologue (the <table> and <th> (header) tags, and so on) ... them loop over a series of <tr> rows, interpolating your numbers into <td>> (table data) containers) and then finally print your HTML epilogue (with the closing tags).
For that you'll want to read up on the Perl print function and about "interpolation" in Perl. That's a fairly complex topic.
This is all extremely crude and there are tools around which allow you to approach the generation of HTML at a much higher level. It's also rather dubious that you want to wrap the execution of your shell script in a Perl script since it seems likely that you could modify the shell script to directly output HTML (perhaps as an option controlled by a command line switch or environment variable) or that you could re-write the shell script in Perl. This could potentially eliminate the extra work of parsing the output (splitting it into lines and separating the values out of those lines into an array because you can capture the data directly into the array (or possibly print out your HTML rows) directly as you are generating them (however your existing shell script is doing that).
To capture the output of your bash file, you can use the backtick operator:
use strict;
my $e = `ls`;
print $e;
Many, many thanks to you! With your great help. I was able to build a perl script which does a big part of the job.
This is what I have created so far:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
#some variables
my $message = "please wait, loading data...\n";
#First build the web page
print header;
print start_html('Hello World');
print "<H1>we need love, peace and harmony</H1>\n";
print "<p>$message</p>\n";
#Establish a pipeline between the bash and my script.
my $bash_command = '/love/peace/harmony/./lovepeace.bash';
open(my $pipe, '-|', $bash_command) or die $!;
while (my $line = <$pipe>){
# Do something with each line.
print "<p>$line</p>\n";
#job done, now refresh page?
print end_html;
When I call that .pl script in my browser, everything works nice :-) But a few questions are still on my mind:
When I call this website, it is busy loading the values from the pipe. Since there are about 10 Values its rather
quick (2-4 seconds) But if I have 100+ Values the user has to wait a while. Since I cannot have a progress bar, I
should give an information to the user. Like:
"Loading data, please wait..."
And when the job is done, this message should say: "Job done" or something similar.
But how do I realize if the process is finnished?
can I reload the page if the job is done ?
Is there any chance of using my own stylesheet wihtin this perl-CGI
Why only perl:
you can use awk for that in side your shell script itself.
I have done this earlier.
if you have the out put values in a variable then use the below method:
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><GenTransactionHandler xmlns:xsi=\"\"><EntityToPublish>\n<Entitytype=\"C\" typeDesc=\"Subscriber level\"><TargetApplCode>UHUNLD</TargetApplCode><TrxName>GET_SUBSCR_DATA</TrxName>"
{for(i=1;i<NF+1;i++) printf("<value>%d</value>\n",$i)}
print "</Entity>\n</EntityToPublish></GenTransactionHandler>"}' >XML_SUB_NUM`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.xml
in $SUBSCRIBERS the values should eb tab separated.