Force reload navigation property from database - entity-framework

I have a problem with refreshing the data from the database. See the code below. What I try to accomplish here is this: I create a ProductProtocol (p) and add one ProductProtocolContent to the list of ProductProtocolContents. Then I save the whole lot to the database. After that I simulate a change I make (the addition of another ProductProtocolContent ) that I want to undo and I want to test that after refreshing the object using my repository the
var p = new ProductProtocol { Name = "test1" };
p.ProtocolContents.Add(new ProductProtocolContent { ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, Value = "9_qwe2341" });
var r = RepositoryFactory.Create<ProductProtocol>(unitOfWork);
// add another ProductProtocolContent, p.ProductProtocolContents.Count == 2
p.ProtocolContents.Add(new ProductProtocolContent { ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, Value = "9_truf7461" });
// undo the changes to the object
// reload the ProductProtocolContents from the database
r.LoadPropertySet(p, pc => pc.ProtocolContents);
// p.ProductProtocolContents.Count should be 1
Assert.IsTrue(p.ProtocolContents.Count == 1);
My problem is that p.ProtocolContents.Count == 0 at the time Assert.IsTrue is called.
The implementation of r.LoadPropertySet() is as follows:
public void LoadPropertySet<Y>(T target, Expression<Func<T, ICollection<Y>>> spec) where Y : BaseBusinessObject
using Entity Framework 4 (using the ObjectContext instead of DbContext)I simply did this and that worked:
context.LoadProperty(target, spec, MergeOption.OverwriteChanges);
How would I do this using the DbSet, Must I convert back to ObjectContext or is there a equivalent for DbSet?

If you can't do it on DBContext, you can always cast to ObjectContext and use its functionality.
MSDN: DbContext wraps ObjectContext and exposes the most commonly used features of ObjectContext by using simplified and more intuitive APIs. You can access the underlying ObjectContext whenever you need to use features that are not supported by DbContext.


Entity Framework Z Plus Batch Update

I am using Entity Framework Z Plus Batch Update method. I am unable to proceed due to below issue. Actually Update method works good when i give static values like tagName="amir1". But I need to get the Tagdescription from a web service or from another collection based on the tagId, Update method is not accepting a extension method or any other method to accomplish my requirement.Its saying
"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String GetTagDescription(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.".
Hope my requirement is clear now. Please guide me if there is any other approach for my requirement.
Here is my code:
using (var context = new TrialsDBEntities())
context.tblTags.Where(x => (tagIdCollection.Contains(x.tagId))).
Update(m => new tblTag { tagDescription = m.tagId.GetTagDescription(), tagName = "amir1" });
public static string GetTagDescription(this int i)
return "test" + i;
///Replace above line with call to database or web service call
getting some text by giving i as input
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Plus
Unfortunately, that's not possible to use BatchUpdate with a value that changes from a row to another.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Extensions
In this situation, we normally recommend using our paid library that's build for this kind of situation and offer high-performance saving operation.
// Easiest way
// Fastest way
EDIT: Answer comment
If I can't use updated row so why the signature of action is misleading and give me possibility to write like this: e => new Entity { Name = e.Name + "Edited" }
For most providers such as SQL Server, your expression is supported. You give a global expression so we can apply. Your expression doesn't doesn't change from a row to another, it's the same expression.
What is not supported is giving a specific expression from a row to another.
Write your code as follows:
using (var context = new TrialsDBEntities())
var tagsToBeUpdated = context.tblTags.Where(x => (tagIdCollection.Contains(x.tagId))).AsNoTracking().ToList();
//Only use this code block if your tagsToBeUpdated list is too large
Parallel.ForEach(tagsToBeUpdated, tagToBeUpdated =>
var tagDescription = GetTagDescription(tagToBeUpdated.tagId);
tagToBeUpdated.tagDescription = tagDescription;
context.Entry(tagToBeUpdated).State = EntityState.Modified;
//Only use this code block if your tagsToBeUpdated list is not too large
foreach(var tagToBeUpdated in tagsToBeUpdated)
var tagDescription = GetTagDescription(tagToBeUpdated.tagId);
tagToBeUpdated.tagDescription = tagDescription;
context.Entry(tagToBeUpdated).State = EntityState.Modified;
public static string GetTagDescription(int i)
return "test" + i;
///Replace above line with call to database or web service call
//getting some text by giving i as input

How can I create a generic update method for One to Many structures in Entity Framework 5?

I am writing a web application, such that I get different objects back from the web that need to be either updated or added to the database. On top of this, I need to check that the owner is not modified. Since a hacker could potentially get an account and send an update to modify the foreign key to the user model. I don't want to have to manually code all of these methods, instead I want to make a simple generic call.
Maybe something as simple as this
ctx.OrderLines.AddOrUpdateSet(order.OrderLines, a => a.Order)
Based on old persisted records that have a foreign key to Order, and on the new incoming records.
Delete old records that are not on the new records list.
Add new records that are not on the old records list.
Update new records that exist on both lists.
This gets a bit complicated when the old record is loaded to verify that ownership did not change. I get an error if I don't do.
oldorder.OrderLines.remove(oldOrderLine); //for deletes
oldorder.OrderLines.add(oldOrderLine); //for adds
ctx.Entry(header).CurrentValues.SetValues(header); //for modifications
With Entity Framework 5 there is a new extension function called AddOrUpdate. And there was a very interesting (please read) blog entry on how to create this method before it was added.
I'm not sure if this is too much to ask as a question in StackOverflow, any clues on how to approach the problem may be sufficient. Here are my thoughts so far:
a) leverage AddOrUpdate for some of the functionality.
b) create a secondary context hoping to avoid loading order into the context and avoid extra calls.
c) Set the state of all the saved objects to initially deleted.
Since you have linked to this question from my own question, I thought I'd throw in some newly-aquired experience with Entity Framework for me.
To achieve a common save method in my generic repository with Entity Framework, I do this. (Please note that the Context is a member of my repository, as I am implementing the Unit of Work pattern as well)
public class EFRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal readonly AwesomeContext Context;
internal readonly DbSet<TEntity> DbSet;
public EFRepository(AwesomeContext context)
if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
Context = context;
DbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
// Rest of implementation removed for brevity
public void Save(TEntity entity)
var entry = Context.Entry(entity);
if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
else entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
Honestly, I can't tell you why this works, because I just kept changing the state conditions - however I do have unit (integration) tests to prove that it works. Hopefully someone more into EF than myself can shed some light on this.
Regarding the "cascading updates", I was curious myself as if it would work using the Unit of Work pattern (my question I linked to was when I did not know it existed, and my repositories would basically create a unit of work whenever I wanted to save/get/delete, which is bad), so I threw in a test case in a simple relational DB. Here is a diagram to give you an idea.
IMPORTANT In order for test case number 2 to work, you need to make your POCO reference properties virtual, in order for EF to provide lazy loading.
The repository implementation is just derived from the generic EFRepository<TEntity> as shown above, so I'll leave out that implementation.
These are my test cases, both pass.
public class EFResourceGroupFacts
public void Saving_new_resource_will_cascade_properly()
// Recreate a fresh database and add some dummy data.
using (var ctx = new LocalizationContext("Localization.CascadeTest"))
var cultureRepo = new EFCultureRepository(ctx);
var resourceRepo = new EFResourceRepository(cultureRepo, ctx);
var existingCulture = cultureRepo.Get(1); // First and only culture.
var groupToAdd = new ResourceGroup("Added Group");
var resourceToAdd = new Resource(existingCulture,"New Resource", "Resource to add to existing group.",groupToAdd);
// Verify we got a single resource group.
// Saving the resource should also add the group.
// Verify the group was added without explicitly saving it.
Assert.Equal(2, ctx.ResourceGroups.Count());
// try creating a new Unit of Work to really verify it has been persisted..
using (var ctx = new LocalizationContext("Localization.CascadeTest"))
Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => ctx.ResourceGroups.First(rg => rg.Name == "Added Group"));
public void Changing_existing_resources_group_saves_properly()
using (var ctx = new LocalizationContext("Localization.CascadeTest"))
ctx.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
var cultureRepo = new EFCultureRepository(ctx);
var resourceRepo = new EFResourceRepository(cultureRepo, ctx);
// This resource already has a group.
var existingResource = resourceRepo.Get(2);
Assert.NotNull(existingResource.ResourceGroup); // IMPORTANT: Property must be virtual!
// Verify there is only one resource group in the datastore.
existingResource.ResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("I am implicitly added to the database. How cool is that?");
// Make sure there are 2 resources in the datastore before saving.
Assert.Equal(2, ctx.Resources.Count());
// Make sure there are STILL only 2 resources in the datastore AFTER saving.
Assert.Equal(2, ctx.Resources.Count());
// Make sure the new group was added.
// Refetch from store, verify relationship.
existingResource = resourceRepo.Get(2);
// let's change the group to an existing group
existingResource.ResourceGroup = ctx.ResourceGroups.First();
// Assert no change in groups.
Assert.Equal(2, ctx.ResourceGroups.Count());
// Refetch from store, verify relationship.
existingResource = resourceRepo.Get(2);
Assert.Equal(1, existingResource.ResourceGroup.Id);
private void SetupTestCase()
// Delete everything first. Database.SetInitializer does not work very well for me.
using (var ctx = new LocalizationContext("Localization.CascadeTest"))
var culture = new Culture("en-US", "English");
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("Existing Group");
var resource = new Resource(culture, "Existing Resource 1",
"This resource will already exist when starting the test. Initially it has no group.");
var resourceWithGroup = new Resource(culture, "Exising Resource 2",
"Same for this resource, except it has a group.",resourceGroup);
It was interesting to learn this, as I was not sure if it would work.
After working on this for a while I found an opensource project called GraphDiff here is it's blog entry 'introducing graphdiff for entity framework code first – allowing automated updates of a graph of detached entities'. I only began using it but it looks impressive. And it does solve the problem of issuing update/delete/insert for Many to One relationships. It actually generalizes the problem to graphs and allows arbitrary nesting.
Here is the generic method I concocted. It does use AddOrUpdate from the System.Data.Entity.Migrations namespace. Which may be reloading records from the db, I'll be checking on that later. The usage is
ctx.OrderLines.AddOrUpdateSet(l => l.orderId == neworder.Id,
l => l.Id, order.orderLines);
Here is the code:
public static class UpdateExtensions
public static void AddOrUpdateSet<TEntity>(this IDbSet<TEntity> set, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate,
Func<TEntity, int> selector, IEnumerable<TEntity> newRecords) where TEntity : class
List<TEntity> oldRecords = set.Where(predicate).ToList();
IEnumerable<int> keys = newRecords.Select(selector);
foreach (TEntity newRec in newRecords)
oldRecords.FindAll(old => !keys.Contains(selector(old))).ForEach(detail => set.Remove(detail));

Having a hard time with Entity Framework detached POCO objects

I want to use EF DbContext/POCO entities in a detached manner, i.e. retrieve a hierarchy of entities from my business tier, make some changes, then send the entire hierarchy back to the business tier to persist back to the database. Each BLL call uses a different instance of the DbContext. To test this I wrote some code to simulate such an environment.
First I retrieve a Customer plus related Orders and OrderLines:-
Customer customer;
using (var context = new TestContext())
customer = context.Customers.Include("Orders.OrderLines").SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == 1);
Next I add a new Order with two OrderLines:-
var newOrder = new Order { OrderDate = DateTime.Now, OrderDescription = "Test" };
newOrder.OrderLines.Add(new OrderLine { ProductName = "foo", Order = newOrder, OrderId = newOrder.Id });
newOrder.OrderLines.Add(new OrderLine { ProductName = "bar", Order = newOrder, OrderId = newOrder.Id });
newOrder.Customer = customer;
newOrder.CustomerId = customer.Id;
Finally I persist the changes (using a new context):-
using (var context = new TestContext())
I realise this last part is incomplete, as no doubt I'll need to change the state of the new entities before calling SaveChanges(). Do I Add or Attach the customer? Which entities states will I have to change?
Before I can get to this stage, running the above code throws an Exception:
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager.
It seems to stem from not explicitly setting the ID of the two OrderLine entities, so both default to 0. I thought it was fine to do this as EF would handle things automatically. Am I doing something wrong?
Also, working in this "detached" manner, there seems to be an lot of work required to set up the relationships - I have to add the new order entity to the customer.Orders collection, set the new order's Customer property, and its CustomerId property. Is this the correct approach or is there a simpler way?
Would I be better off looking at self-tracking entities? I'd read somewhere that they are being deprecated, or at least being discouraged in favour of POCOs.
You basically have 2 options:
A) Optimistic.
You can proceed pretty close to the way you're proceeding now, and just attach everything as Modified and hope. The code you're looking for instead of .Attach() is:
context.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified;
Definitely not intuitive. This weird looking call attaches the detached (or newly constructed by you) object, as Modified. Source:
If you're unsure whether an object has been added or modified you can use the last segment's example:
context.Entry(customer).State = customer.Id == 0 ?
EntityState.Added :
You need to take these actions on all of the objects being added/modified, so if this object is complex and has other objects that need to be updated in the DB via FK relationships, you need to set their EntityState as well.
Depending on your scenario you can make these kinds of don't-care writes cheaper by using a different Context variation:
public class MyDb : DbContext
. . .
public static MyDb CheapWrites()
var db = new MyDb();
db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
return db;
using(var db = MyDb.CheapWrites())
db.Entry(customer).State = customer.Id == 0 ?
EntityState.Added :
You're basically just disabling some extra calls EF makes on your behalf that you're ignoring the results of anyway.
B) Pessimistic. You can actually query the DB to verify the data hasn't changed/been added since you last picked it up, then update it if it's safe.
var existing = db.Customers.Find(customer.Id);
// Some logic here to decide whether updating is a good idea, like
// verifying selected values haven't changed, then

EF Code First - Recreate Database If Model Changes

I'm currently working on a project which is using EF Code First with POCOs. I have 5 POCOs that so far depends on the POCO "User".
The POCO "User" should refer to my already existing MemberShip table "aspnet_Users" (which I map it to in the OnModelCreating method of the DbContext).
The problem is that I want to take advantage of the "Recreate Database If Model changes" feature as Scott Gu shows at: - What the feature basically does is to recreate the database as soon as it sees any changes in my POCOs. What I want it to do is to Recreate the database but to somehow NOT delete the whole Database so that aspnet_Users is still alive. However it seems impossible as it either makes a whole new Database or replaces the current one with..
So my question is: Am I doomed to define my database tables by hand, or can I somehow merge my POCOs into my current database and still take use of the feature without wipeing it all?
As of EF Code First in CTP5, this is not possible. Code First will drop and create your database or it does not touch it at all. I think in your case, you should manually create your full database and then try to come up with an object model that matches the DB.
That said, EF team is actively working on the feature that you are looking for: altering the database instead of recreating it:
Code First Database Evolution (aka Migrations)
I was just able to do this in EF 4.1 with the following considerations:
keeping the same connection string and database name
The database is still deleted and recreated - it has to be to for the schema to reflect your model changes -- but your data remains intact.
Here's how: you read your database into your in-memory POCO objects, and then after the POCO objects have successfully made it into memory, you then let EF drop and recreate the database. Here is an example
public class NorthwindDbContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<NorthindDbContext> {
/// <summary>
/// Connection from which to ead the data from, to insert into the new database.
/// Not the same connection instance as the DbContext, but may have the same connection string.
/// </summary>
DbConnection connection;
Dictionary<Tuple<PropertyInfo,Type>, System.Collections.IEnumerable> map;
public NorthwindDbContextInitializer(DbConnection connection, Dictionary<Tuple<PropertyInfo, Type>, System.Collections.IEnumerable> map = null) {
this.connection = connection; = map ?? ReadDataIntoMemory();
//read data into memory BEFORE database is dropped
Dictionary<Tuple<PropertyInfo, Type>, System.Collections.IEnumerable> ReadDataIntoMemory() {
Dictionary<Tuple<PropertyInfo,Type>, System.Collections.IEnumerable> map = new Dictionary<Tuple<PropertyInfo,Type>,System.Collections.IEnumerable>();
switch (connection.State) {
case System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed:
using (this.connection) {
var metaquery = from p in typeof(NorthindDbContext).GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsGenericType)
let elementType = p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]
let dbsetType = typeof(DbSet<>).MakeGenericType(elementType)
where dbsetType.IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType)
select new Tuple<PropertyInfo, Type>(p, elementType);
foreach (var tuple in metaquery) {
map.Add(tuple, ExecuteReader(tuple));
Database.Delete(this.connection);//call explicitly or else if you let the framework do this implicitly, it will complain the connection is in use.
return map;
protected override void Seed(NorthindDbContext context) {
foreach (var keyvalue in {
foreach (var obj in (System.Collections.IEnumerable)keyvalue.Value) {
PropertyInfo p = keyvalue.Key.Item1;
dynamic dbset = p.GetValue(context, null);
System.Collections.IEnumerable ExecuteReader(Tuple<PropertyInfo, Type> tuple) {
DbCommand cmd = this.connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select * from [dbo].[{0}]", tuple.Item2.Name);
DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
using (reader) {
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(Test.ObjectReader<>).MakeGenericType(tuple.Item2)
ParameterExpression p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DbDataReader));
LambdaExpression newlambda = Expression.Lambda(Expression.New(ctor, p), p);
System.Collections.IEnumerable objreader = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)newlambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke(reader);
MethodCallExpression toArray = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable),
new Type[] { tuple.Item2 },
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(toArray, Expression.Parameter(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(tuple.Item2)));
var array = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke(new object[] { objreader });
return array;
This example relies on a ObjectReader class which you can find here if you need it.
I wouldn't bother with the blog articles, read the documentation.
Finally, I would still suggest you always back up your database before running the initialization. (e.g. if the Seed method throws an exception, all your data is in memory, so you risk your data being lost once the program terminates.) A model change isn't exactly an afterthought action anyway, so be sure to back your data up.
One thing you might consider is to use a 'disconnected' foreign key. You can leave the ASPNETDB alone and just reference the user in your DB using the User key (guid). You can access the logged in user as follows:
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name, true /* userIsOnline */);
And then use the User's key as a FK in your DB:
Guid UserId = (Guid) currentUser.ProviderUserKey ;
This approach decouples your DB with the ASPNETDB and associated provider architecturally. However, operationally, the data will of course be loosely connected since the IDs will be in each DB. Note also there will be no referential constraints, whcih may or may not be an issue for you.

Entity Framework - Auditing activity

My database has a 'LastModifiedUser' column on every table in which I intend to collect the logged in user from an application who makes a change. I am not talking about the database user so essentially this is just a string on each entity. I would like to find a way to default this for each entity so that other developers don't have to remember to assign it any time they instantiate the entity.
So something like this would occur:
using (EntityContext ctx = new EntityContext())
MyEntity foo = new MyEntity();
// Trying to avoid having the following line every time
// a new entity is created/added.
foo.LastModifiedUser = Lookupuser();
There is a perfect way to accomplish this in EF 4.0 by leveraging ObjectStateManager
First, you need to create a partial class for your ObjectContext and subscribe to
ObjectContext.SavingChanges Event. The best place to subscribe to this event is inside the OnContextCreated Method. This method is called by the context object’s constructor and the constructor overloads which is a partial method with no implementation:
partial void OnContextCreated() {
this.SavingChanges += Context_SavingChanges;
Now the actual code that will do the job:
void Context_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) {
IEnumerable<ObjectStateEntry> objectStateEntries =
from ose
in this.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added
| EntityState.Modified)
where ose.Entity != null
select ose;
foreach (ObjectStateEntry entry in objectStateEntries) {
ReadOnlyCollection<FieldMetadata> fieldsMetaData = entry.CurrentValues
FieldMetadata modifiedField = fieldsMetaData
.Where(f => f.FieldType.Name == "LastModifiedUser").FirstOrDefault();
if (modifiedField.FieldType != null) {
string fieldTypeName = modifiedField.FieldType.TypeUsage.EdmType.Name;
if (fieldTypeName == PrimitiveTypeKind.String.ToString()) {
entry.CurrentValues.SetString(modifiedField.Ordinal, Lookupuser());
Code Explanation:
This code locates any Added or Modified entries that have a LastModifiedUser property and then updates that property with the value coming from your custom Lookupuser() method.
In the foreach block, the query basically drills into the CurrentValues of each entry. Then, using the Where method, it looks at the names of each FieldMetaData item for that entry, picking up only those whose Name is LastModifiedUser. Next, the if statement verifies that the LastModifiedUser property is a String field; then it updates the field's value.
Another way to hook up this method (instead of subscribing to SavingChanges event) is by overriding the ObjectContext.SaveChanges Method.
By the way, the above code belongs to Julie Lerman from her Programming Entity Framework book.
EDIT for Self Tracking POCO Implementation:
If you have self tracking POCOs then what I would do is that I first change the T4 template to call the OnContextCreated() method. If you look at your file, there is an Initialize() method that is called by all constructors, therefore a good candidate to call our OnContextCreated() method, so all we need to do is to change file like this:
private void Initialize()
// Creating proxies requires the use of the ProxyDataContractResolver and
// may allow lazy loading which can expand the loaded graph during serialization.
ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
ObjectMaterialized += new ObjectMaterializedEventHandler(HandleObjectMaterialized);
// We call our custom method here:
And this will cause our OnContextCreated() to be called upon creation of the Context.
Now if you put your POCOs behind the service boundary, then it means that the ModifiedUserName must come with the rest of data from your WCF service consumer. You can either expose this
LastModifiedUser property to them to update or if it stores in another property and you wish to update LastModifiedUser from that property, then you can modify the 2nd code as follows:
foreach (ObjectStateEntry entry in objectStateEntries) {
ReadOnlyCollection fieldsMetaData = entry.CurrentValues
FieldMetadata sourceField = fieldsMetaData
.Where(f => f.FieldType.Name == "YourPropertyName").FirstOrDefault();
FieldMetadata modifiedField = fieldsMetaData
.Where(f => f.FieldType.Name == "LastModifiedUser").FirstOrDefault();
if (modifiedField.FieldType != null) {
string fieldTypeName = modifiedField.FieldType.TypeUsage.EdmType.Name;
if (fieldTypeName == PrimitiveTypeKind.String.ToString()) {
Hope this helps.
There is a nuget package for this now :