Override "^c" or "ctrl-c" is the interrupt signal for shell interpreter [closed] - sigint

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to override ctrl-c as the signal interrupt character for all my shells and replace it with something else. I've looked at stty and xmodmap, but have not found anything that i understand as of yet.
If anyone has some ideas i would greatly appreciate it.


I want to know what is Facebook's algorithms language [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Which language is facebook using for their friend recommending system??
I wouldn't say it's anything special. Probably PHP compiled with their Hip-Hop compiler. Then when you visit Facebook they show you a number of their lastet computations and start a new background task to generate fresh ones.

Can PostgreSQL configured as "shared nothing, parallel database" ? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I googled a lot, but only relevant result came up as pg-pool.
So my question is does PostgreSQL support partitioned parallel database ?
More specifically, does it work with PostGIS ?
Take a look at Postgres-XC:

Why is Jboss named Jboss [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Okay, this is definitely NOT a tech question, but I'd really love to know.
Why is Jboss named Jboss? dug around this thing called internet and couldn't find much.
(I get the J=java part)

good favicon creation software [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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i know how to create a favion but with the help of a website....is there any free software to make cool favicons
Check this out http://www.favicon.cc/
Sorry, I didn't read your question properly.
You can try http://www.adsensoftware.com/favicon/setup.exe

What CMS does Forrst Use? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I tried looking it up on several places. Anyone know?
I would suggest that the whole site was a custom built application however why don't you try asking them? The worst they could say is go away - hello#forrst.com