How can I change the english captions in pander? - knitr

I am using pander to print nicer looking tables via RStudio, knitr, pander, pandoc, Word.
I have a two-page table, to which I would like to add a Spanish caption:
set.caption("Límites izquierdo y derecho para las diferentes variables")
pander(LimitesUnivariado, include.rownames=FALSE)
This almost works, but my caption states:
Table: Límites izquierdo y derecho para las diferentes variables (continued below)
I can't find find the way to change the Table and continued below to their Spanish equivalents. Does anybody know how to do it?

Thank you for reporting this issue on GitHub, I have just pushed a few lines to the master branch which introduced two new options to tweak the caption if the table was split. Quick example:
Update the default caption of split tables without specified captions:
> panderOptions('table.continues', 'Continuará')
> pander(mtcars)
Update affix concatenated to user specified caption if the table was split:
> panderOptions('table.continues.affix', '(continuará)')
> set.caption('MTCARS')
> pander(mtcars)
Please install the most recent version of pander and verify if this update would work for you - and sorry for the above lame examples, please note that unfortunately I do not speak Spanish.
PS: I have not touched the Table: prefix as that seems to be specified in Pandoc's syntax which is to be removed by Pandoc automatically anyway when the conversion to some other document format is being done: please see the relevant docs. But if you would find a new options about this latter too, I would happily add that to the package in a jiffy.


The auto numbering/bullets of the Source MS Word document do not automatically align with those of the Destination MS Word document

It happens when a user inserts a Word Document(Source) into another Word Document(Destination) - auto numbering/bullets didn't work...
I wont to insert text here, and continue auto-numbering of source as it in destination:
Step 1
But it inserting above without auto-numbering:
Step 2
I have an answer from MS that it's a feature of MS Word :(.
So, the question is - is it possible to automatically align the above either by use Word Automation ( via C# , .NET Interop Word APIs )?
I mean to align the source document contents as per the destination document’s Auto-numbering. The same is about Bullets...
Please help - we are open to any suggestions/ recommendations.
Both documents need to have the same style definitions for both the Paragraph Style of the text being copied and also the List Style that organizes the numbering or bullets. Using automation, you can copy styles between the files before actually moving the numbered or bulleted text.
I agree with John.
The basic idea is to use the Define New MultiLevel List Dialog to define a new multilevel list in which each level you would be using is attached to an existing paragraph style. A paragraph style can be attached to only one level in one list. Then use the styles to apply the numbering.
Once you have them set up, you apply the numbering by using the styles, not the numbering controls.
Setting up the numbering linked to styles can seem a bit convoluted. Step-by-step instructions for doing it in Windows can be found here:
For a Mac, John has a page showing the Mac controls to accomplish it.
Backup link:
These describe the only known ways to have consistent numbering in Word in heavily-edited / co-authored documents.

Autoformat word table in perl

I have created a word document in perl with normal text and tables.
Now i want to format my table but i can't find the way to do this.
I know to put a format on my table i need to execute following command
$table->AutoFormat(x); with x being e number from 0 to ....
But there are a lot of table styles. I want just a normal one (which is style 16) but i want to assign the border lines and vertical lines myself to create a table by my choosing. Does anyone knew the syntax for this one , or a documentation of the autoformat syntax so that i know which number is which table style
I know this is a question for documentation or tutorials but i searched a lot online and can't find any explanation about the autoformat syntax. And which numbers represet the border or the style . I hope some could help me out here.
You need to look at Microsoft's Visual Basic documentation for the
Word object model.
The OLE interface is simple to understand from there
The page for Table.AutoFormat is here

TYPO3 DCE / Content Module

I built a website with TYPO3 and to build individual content modules I use the DCE extension. - DCE
I created some basic input fields:
If I want to use the module and if I insert some text everythink is working fine. But if i use chars like -- ö ä ü -- I will get following error:
Problem is, here in Germany every second word has a char like that.
I can't find any kind of mistake or error from my side.
I doesn't matter what for type of input I am using (simple input, text area or RTE)
I already created a complete new TYPO3 installation. But here I get the same error. I also looked into the php-files. But my knowledge is not specific enough to make some changes there.
Hope someone can give me help or some tips.
Thank you

Is there an option to control output page orientation (using knitr->pander->pandoc->docx)

I am playing with Tal's intro to producing word tables with as little overhead as possible in real world situations. (Please see for reproducible examples there - Thanks, Tal!) In real application, tables are to wide to print them on a portrait-oriented page, but you might not want to split them.
Sorry if I have overlooked this in the pandoc or pander documentation, but how do I control page orientation (portrait/landscape) when writing from R to a Word .docx file?
I maybe should add tat I started using knitr+markdown, and I am not yet familiar with LaTex syntax. But I'm trying to pick up as much as possible while getting my stuff done.
I am pretty sure the docx writer has no section breaks implemented, also as far as I understand --reference-docx allows for customizing styles and not the page layout (but I might also be wrong here), this is from pandocs guide on --reference-docx:
Use the specified file as a style reference in producing a docx file.
For best results, the reference docx should be a modified version of a
docx file produced using pandoc. The contents of the reference docx
are ignored, but its stylesheets are used in the new docx. If no
reference docx is specified on the command line, pandoc will look for
a file reference.docx in the user data directory (see --data-dir). If
this is not found either, sensible defaults will be used. The
following styles are used by pandoc: [paragraph] Normal, Title,
Authors, Date, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5,
Block Quote, Definition Term, Definition, Body Text, Table Caption,
Image Caption; [character] Default Paragraph Font, Body Text Char,
Verbatim Char, Footnote Ref, Link.
Which are styles that are saved in the /word/styles.xml component of the docx document.
The page layout on the other hand is saved in the /word/document.xml component in the <w:sectPr> tag, but pandoc's docx writer ignores this part as far as I can tell.
The docx writer builds by default a continuous document, with elements such as headers, paragraphs, simple tables and so on ... much like a html output.
Option #1 (doesn't solve the page orientation problem):
The only page layout option that you can define through styles is the pageBreakBefore which will add a page break before a certain style
Option #2 (seems elegant but hasn't been tested):
Recently the custom writer has been added that allows for a custom lua script, where you should be able to define how certain Pandoc blocks will be written into the output file ... meaning you could potentially define section breaks and page layout for a specific block inserting the sectPr tag into the document. I haven't tried this out but it would be worth investigating. On pandoc github you can check out a sample lua script file for custom html output.
However, this means, you have to have lua installed, learn the language, and it is up to you if you think its worth the time investment.
Optin #3 (a couple of clicks in Word might just do):
As you will probably spend quite some time setting up how to insert sections and what would be the right size, margins, and figuring how to fit the table to such a layout ... I recommend that you use pandoc to put write your document.docx, that you open in Word, and do the layout by hand:
select the table you want on the landscape page
go to Layout > Margins
> select Apply to: Selected text
> choose Page Setup > select Landscape
Now a new section with a landscape orientation should surround your table.
What you would anyway also probably want to do is styling the table and table caption a little (font-size,...), to achieve the best result (all text styling can be already applied with pandoc where --reference-docx comes handy).
Option #4 (in situation when you can just use pdf instead of docx):
As far as I could figure out is that with pandoc does a good job with tables in md -> docx (alignment, style, ... ), in tex -> docx it had some trouble sometimes. However if your option allows for a pdf output latex will be your greatest friend. For example your problem is solved as easily as just using
and adding this around your table
This are the options that I could think of so far.
I would always recommend using the pdf format for reports, as you can style it to your liking with latex and the layout will stay the way you want it to be.
However, I also know that for various reasons word documents are still the main way of reviewing manuscripts in many fields ... so i would most likely just go with my suggested option 3, mostly cause it is a lazy and quick solution and because I usually don't have many documents with tons of giant tables with awkward placement and styling.
Good luck ;-)
Based on Taleb's answer here and some officer package functions, I created a little gist that one can use like this:
title: "Example"
author: "Dan Chaltiel"
I'm in portrait
I'm in landscape
I'm in portrait again
With page-breaks.lua being the file hosted here:
This is far from perfect (for instance it won't work without the last portrait section), but it is quite useful sometimes.

Automatic TOC in github-flavoured-markdown

Is it possible to generate an automatic Table of Contents using Github Flavoured Markdown?
I created two options to generate a toc for github-flavored-markdown:
DocToc Command Line Tool (source) requires node.js
npm install -g doctoc
doctoc . to add table of contents to all markdown files in the current and all sub directories.
DocToc WebApp
If you want to try it online first, go to the doctoc site,
paste the link of the markdown page and it will generate a table of
content that you can insert at the top of your markdown file.
Github Wikis and Anchors
As Matthew Flaschen pointed out in the comments below, for its wiki pages GitHub previously didn't generate the anchors that doctoc depends on.
UPDATE: However, they fixed this issue.
GitHub Pages (which is basically a wrapper for Jekyll) appears to use kramdown, which implements all of Maruku, and therefore has support for an automatically generated table of contents via atoc attribute:
* auto-gen TOC:
The first line just starts an unordered list and is actually thrown away.
This results in a nested set of unordered lists, using the headers in the document.
Note: this should work for GitHub Pages, not GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) as used in comments or wiki pages. AFAIK a solution doesn't exist for that.
If you edit Markdown files with Vim, you can try this plugin vim-markdown-toc.
The usage is simple, just move your cursor to the place you want to append Table of Contents and run :GenTocGFM, done!
Generate toc for Markdown files. (Support GitHub Flavored Markdown and Redcarpet)
Update existing toc.
Auto update toc on save.
Update March 2021: GitHub added an official workaround
READMEs now show a ToC like this as you scroll down into them:
It does not render inside the document as I wanted for better Ctrl + F, but it is better than nothing.
Also also works for non-README as well now, e.g.:
They also added a repository setting to enable disable that. It's so weird, who would ever want to disable it? Under Features:
Table of contents
Autogenerate table of contents for Markdown files in this repository. The table of contents will be displayed near the top of the file.
Original answer
It's not possible, except for the workarounds proposed.
I proposed Kramdown TOC extension and other possibilities to and Steven! Ragnarök replied with the usual:
Thanks for the suggestion and links. I'll add it to our internal feature request list for the team to see.
Let's upvote this question until it happens.
Another workaround is to use Asciidoc instead of Markdown, which does render TOCs. I've moved to this approach for my content nowadays.
It's not automatic, but it uses Notepad++ regular expressions:
Replace all first by the second (removes all lines not having headers)
-\1\2 [\3](#\3)\n
Then (converts headers III to spaces)
Then (converts headers II to spaces)
Then (remove unused chars at the beginning and at the end of link title)
\[ *((?:(?![ .:#!\?;]*\])[^#])*)[ #:!\?;]*\]
Then (convert last tokens lowercase and dash instead of spaces)
\]([^ \r\n]*) ([^\r\n ]*)
Remove unused final pounds and initial dashes:
Remove useless chars in links:
And finally add parenthesis around final links:
And voilà! You can even put this in a global macro if you repeat it enough time.
Github Flavored Markdown uses RedCarpet as their Markdown engine.
From the RedCarpet repo:
:with_toc_data - add HTML anchors to each header in the output HTML,
to allow linking to each section.
It seems in that you'd need to get at the renderer level to set this flag, which isn't possible on Github obviously. However, the latest update to Github Pages, it seems that automatic anchoring is turned on for headers, creating linkable headings. Not exactly what you want, but it might help you create a TOC for your doc a bit easier (albeit manually).
A very convenient way to achieve a table of contents for a mardown file when working with Visual Studio Code is the extension Markdown-TOC.
It can add a toc to existing markdown files and even keep the toc up-to-date on saving.
It is possible to generate a webpage automatically with from the file. It's not creating a TOC, but for many it might solve the reason for wanting to create a TOC.
Another alternative to Documentup is Flatdoc:
Gitdown is a markdown preprocessor for Github.
Using Gitdown you can:
Generate Table of Contents
Find dead URLs and Fragment Identifiers
Include variables
Include files
Get file size
Generate Badges
Print Date
Print information about the repository itself
Gitdown streamlines common tasks associated with maintaining a documentation page for a GitHub repository.
Using it is straightforward:
var Gitdown = require('gitdown');
// Gitdown flavored markdown.
// GitHub compatible markdown.
You can either have it as a separate script or have it as part of the build script routine (such as Gulp).
Use coryfklein/doctoc, a fork of thlorenz/doctoc that does not add "generated with DocToc" to every table of contents.
npm install -g coryfklein/doctoc
Majority of other answers require to install some tool.
I found a quick and easy online solution
For any markdown input it generates table of content output.
You can specify minimum and maximum heading level.
The source code is located at
My colleague #schmiedc and I have created a GreaseMonkey script that installs a new TOC button left of the h1 button which uses the excellent markdown-js library to add/refresh a table of contents.
The advantage over solutions like doctoc is that it integrates into GitHub's wiki editor and does not need users to work on their command-line (and require users to install tools like node.js). In Chrome, it works by drag 'n dropping into the Extensions page, in Firefox you will need to install the GreaseMonkey extension.
It will work with plain markdown (i.e. it does not handle code blocks correctly, as that is a GitHub extension to markdown). Contributions welcome.
This is a not a direct answer to this question as so many people have provided workarounds. I don't think generating a TOC has been officially supported by Github yet to-date. If you want GitHub to render a Table of Contents on their GFM preview pages automatically, please participate the discussion on the official feature request issue.
Shameless "borrow" of this SO answer.
You can do this with Pandoc.
pandoc -s --toc -o
Note: the order of the input and output files is important here.
Currently it's not possible using markdown syntax (see the ongoing discussion at GitHub), however you can use some external tools such as:
Online Table Of Content Generator (raychenon/play-table-of-contents)
arthurhammer/github-toc - browser extension that adds a table of contents to GitHub repos
Alternatively use AsciiDoc instead (e.g. README.adoc), e.g.
:toc: macro
:toclevels: 99
# Title
## A
### A2
## B
### B2
as suggested in this comment. Check the demo here.
For Github's Texteditor Atom check out this awesome plugin (or "package" in Atom-lingo), which generates "TOC (table of contents) of headlines from parsed markdown" files:
Once installed as Atom-package you can use the shortcut ctrl-alt-c to insert a TOC based on your markdown-doc-structure at the current cursor position...
Atom Keybindings
markdown-toc gives you the following default key-bindings to control the plugin in Atom:
ctrl-alt-c => create TOC at cursor position
ctrl-alt-u => update TOC
ctrl-alt-r => delete TOC
Plugin Features (from the project's README)
Auto linking via anchor tags, e.g. # A 1 → #a-1
Depth control [1-6] with depthFrom:1 and depthTo:6
Enable or disable links with withLinks:1
Refresh list on save with updateOnSave:1
Use ordered list (1. ..., 2. ...) with orderedList:0
Here's a shell script I threw together today for this. Might need to tweak it for your needs, but it should be a good starting point.
cat \
| sed -e '/```/ r pf' -e '/```/,/```/d' \
| grep "^#" \
| tail -n +2 \
| tr -d '`' \
| sed 's/# \([a-zA-Z0-9`. -]\+\)/- [\1](#\L\1)/' \
| awk -F'(' '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)if(i==2)gsub(" ","-",$i);}1' OFS='(' \
| sed 's/^####/ /' \
| sed 's/^###/ /' \
| sed 's/^##/ /' \
| sed 's/^#//'
If anyone knows a better way to do those final # replacements, please add a comment. I tried various things and wasn't happy with any, so I just brute forced it.
There's now a GitHub Action accomplishing this:
Specify location of TOC (option)
<!-- START doctoc -->
<!-- END doctoc -->
Setup workflow
e.g. .github/workflows/toc.yml
on: push
name: TOC Generator
name: TOC Generator
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: technote-space/toc-generator#v2
Update 2022-02
In VSCode, check out extension "Markdown All in One". It will generate and update the TOC of markdown automatically.
Install Extension.
Place cursor at where you want to insert TOC.
Run command "Markdown All in One: Create Table of Contents"