Incrementally update Kendo UI autocomplete - autocomplete

I have a Kendo UI autocomplete bound to a remote transport that I need to tweak how it works and am coming up blank.
Currently, I perform a bunch of searches on the server and integrate the results into a JSON response and then return this to the datasource for the autocomplete. The problem is that this can take a long time and our application is time sensitive.
We have identified which searches are most important and found that 1 search accounts for 95% of the chosen results. However, I still need to provide the data from the other searches. I was thinking of kicking off separate requests for data on the server and adding them the autocomplete as they return. Our main search returns extremely fast and would be the first items added to the list. Then as the other searches return, I would like them to add dynamically to the list.
Our application uses knockout.js and I thought about making the datasource part of our view model, but from looking around, Kendo doesn't update based on changes to your observables.
I am currently stumped and any advice would be welcomed.
I have been experimenting and have had some success simulating what I want with the following datasource:
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: window.performLookupUrl,
data: function () {
return {
param1: $("#Input").val()
parameterMap: function (options) {
return {
param1: options.param1
serverFiltering: true,
serverPaging: true,
requestEnd: function (e) {
if (e.type == "read") {
window.setTimeout(function() {
dataSource.add({ Name: "testin1234", Id: "X1234" })
}, 2000);
If the first search returns results, then after 2 seconds, a new item pops into the list. However, if the first search fails, then nothing happens. Is it proper to use (abuse??) the requestEnd like this? My eventual goal is to kick off the rest of the searches from this function.

I contacted Telerik and they gave me the following jsbin that I was able to modify to suit my needs.


How to stop the user from entering the duplicate record on default save

I have a custom module where there is an email field. Now i want to stop the user if the email is already in the database.
I want to stop the user on save button and show the error. Like when a required field goes empty.
I tried to get some help but was not able to understand it.
Note: I realized after posting this that you are using suitecrm which this answer will not be applicable toward but I will leave it in case anyone using Sugar has this question.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this so I'll do my best to walk through them in the order I would recommend. This would apply if you are using a version of Sugar post 7.0.0.
1) The first route is to manually create an email address relationship. This approach would use the out of box features which will ensure your system only keeps track of a single email address. If that would work for your needs, you can review this cookbook article and let me know if you have any questions:
2) The second approach, where you are using a custom field, is to use field validation. Documentation on field validation can be found here:
The code example I would focus on is:
For your example, I would imagine you would do something like this:
Create a language key for your error message:
$app_strings['ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE'] = 'This email already exists.';
Create a custom controller for the record creation (you may also want to do this in your record.js):
extendsFrom: 'RecordView',
initialize: function (options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
//reference your language key here
app.error.errorName2Keys['email_exists'] = 'ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE';
//add validation tasks
this.model.addValidationTask('check_email', _.bind(this._doValidateEmail, this));
_doValidateEmail: function(fields, errors, callback) {
var emailAddress = this.model.get('your_email_field');
//this may take some time so lets give the user an alert message'email-check', {
level: 'process',
title: 'Checking for existing email address...'
//make an api call to a custom (or stock) endpoint of your choosing to see if the email exists'read', app.api.buildURL("your_custom_endpoint/"+emailAddress), {}, {
success: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//analyze your response here
if (response == '<email exists>') {
errors['your_email_field'] = errors['your_email_field'] || {};
errors['your_email_field'].email_exists = true;
callback(null, fields, errors);
}, this),
error: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//throw an error alert'email-check-error', {
level: 'error',
messages: "There was an error!",
autoClose: false
callback(null, fields, errors);
Obviously, this isn't a fully working example but it should get you most of the way there. Hope this helps!

MongoDB: can't return random document from collection

I'm working on a word game and am trying to return a random wordpair (my collection) on a page load. I'm using Express and have adapted my code from this tutorial if that's of any use.
A GET request renders my page just fine, and I'm trying to send a random WordPair object alongside the title:
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('play', { title: 'play', random_wordpair: wordpair_controller.wordpair_random});
The wordpair_random function is here inside a controller file I've made (which also successfully manages listing the wordpairs and creating new ones etc).
// Get random WordPair
exports.wordpair_random = function() {
$sample: {
size: 1
.exec(function(err, random_wordpair) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
return random_wordpair;
Then inside a play.pug template, I'm simply trying to display this result:
h3 random wordpair selection is: #{random_wordpair}
But all I can see is the function rendered as HTML text. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I also understand looking at the documentation for MongoDB $sample aggregation that I need to be calling my function on the database object, but I've seen various examples and some don't do this. When I try calling db.wordpair.aggregate(...) (or WordPair or wordpairs as it appears in mLab) directly after initializing db in my app.js file, I get undefined errors. My db object doesn't seem to contain the correct data for this request.
I guess you're writing this in Node.JS. A core feature in Node.JS is non-blocking IO model. That means, the code won't wait for a database call to complete to move on.
Another concept you need to get it right is that Node.JS, being a variation of JavaScript, in nature is a functional programming. Assigning a function to a property of a JSON object like below won't cause the function to execute. It simply creates a pointer to the function body, that's why your application prints the function itself.
{ title: 'play', random_wordpair: wordpair_controller.wordpair_random}
To fix this, use a callback
exports.wordpair_random = function(callback) {
WordPair.aggregate([$sample: {size: 1}}]).exec(callback);
Then in you web function:
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
wordpair_controller.wordpair_random(function(err, result) {
//Handle errors if needed.
res.render('play', { title: 'play', random_wordpair:result });

Vue + + RethinkDB - Basic CRUD operations in realtime

Starting to use Vue + Rethink, love the concepts of both of them and am starting to create a simple todo list.
I've got a skeleton app done with Vue + Express + RethinkDB working properly with CRD (no update yet) operations. Everything is dandy, but of course the data is not real time. When I insert a task/todo item, I need to refresh the page to see it appear,etc.
I've looked into RethinkDB's change feeds, which looks interesting, but I'm not 100% sure how to implement them into my current Express API setup.
I found a few examples playing around with and now I am trying to implement that into my setup as well (is this necessary??).
My codebase is all up here :
Here's an example of my TaskList.vue component where I will display all the items -
import TaskNew from './TaskNew'
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8099');
export default {
components: {
data () {
return {
tasks: []
created () {
this.$http.get('http://localhost:8090/api/tasks').then(response => {
this.tasks =
var vm = this
socket.on('tasksSocket', function (task) {
This sort of works, when I create a new task by posting to my API, a (blank) task appears, but none of my pre-existing tasks are shown.
Here is my GET route for /tasks:
//GET - All Tasks
router.get('/tasks', (req, res) => {
r.table("tasks").changes().run().then(function(cursor) {
cursor.each(function(err, task) {
io.sockets.emit("tasksSocket", task);
Honestly I'm just confusing myself more and more, I come from a Meteor background so doing this web socket/API stuff is confusing for me.
If anyone could just give me a pointer in the right direction I would be very grateful.
Essentially I need to :
- Retrieve tasks from my GET /api/tasks route
- Grab NEW tasks from the socket... which is also on the GET /api/tasks route?
- Display them in Vue JS

Updating MongoDB in Meteor Router Filter Methods

I am currently trying to log user page views in meteor app by storing the userId, and timestamp when a user clicks on other pages.
createLog: function(page){
var timeStamp = Meteor.user().lastActionTimestamp;
//Set variable to store validation if user is logging in
var hasLoggedIn = false;
//Checks if lastActionTimestamp of user is more than an hour ago
if(moment(new Date().getTime()).diff(moment(timeStamp), 'hours') >= 1){
hasLoggedIn = true;
console.log("this ran");
var log = {
submitted: new Date().getTime(),
userId: Meteor.userId(),
page: page,
login: hasLoggedIn
var logId = Userlogs.insert(log);
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$set: {lastActionTimestamp: log.submitted}});
return logId;
//router.js This method runs on a filter on every page
'checkLoginStatus': function(page) {
//Logs the page that the user has switched to'createLog', page);
return page;
}else if(Meteor.loggingIn()) {
return 'loading';
}else {
return 'loginPage';
However this does not work and it ends up with a recursive creation of userlogs. I believe that this is due to the fact that i did a Collection.find in a router filter method. Does anyone have a work around for this issue?
When you're updating Meteor.users and setting lastActionTimestamp, Meteor.user will be updated and send the invalidation signal to all reactive contexts which depend on it. If Meteor.user is used in a filter, then that filter and all consecutive ones, including checkLoginStatus will rerun, causing a loop.
Best practices that I've found:
Avoid using reactive data sources as much as possible within filters.
Use Meteor.userId() where possible instead of Meteor.user()._id because the former will not trigger an invalidation when an attribute of the user object changes.
Order your filters so that they run with the most frequently updated reactive data source first. For example, if you have a trackPage filter that requires a user, let it run after another filter called requireUser so that you are certain you have a user before you track. Otherwise if you'd track first, check user second then when Meteor.logginIn changes from false to true, you'd track the page again.
This is the main reason we switched to meteor-mini-pages instead of Meteor-Router because it handles reactive data sources much easier. A filter can redirect, and it can stop() the router from running, etc.
Lastly, cmather and others are working on a new router which is a merger of mini-pages and Meteor.Router. It will be called Iron Router and I recommend using it once it's out!

Ember - clear form after submitting

I created very simple Ember app, using Ember Data. There is one form where the user creates the entity and submits. It's in BandsNewView (created automatically by Ember), controlled by BandsNewController:
App.BandsNewController = Ember.Controller.extend({
cancel: function() {
save: function() {
I wonder whether there is simplier solution to "clean up" (i.e empty) the form after saving new Band entity? Can I say something like this.set(), which would empty all the fields? Or is my approach essentially wrong and should I do it completely differently?
The pattern that I've been enjoying is creating and destroying the object on enter and exit of the route itself.
App.BandsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return App.Band.createRecord({});
save: function() {
return this.transitionTo('bands');
exit: function() {
var model = this.get('currentModel');
if (model.get("isNew") && !model.get("isSaving")) {
return model.get('transaction').rollback();
As you can see, it makes the exit function a little more complex, but it will be exactly the same for every object creation route, so you can factor it out. Now your templates can just bind straight to the model's properties and the model will be saved on save, or rolled back on exit (which will clear the form)
If you are planning on possibly changing other data models and not saving them, or have unsaved models, a way to safely clear the model away is to put it in it's own transaction. I only tend to use this though for objects that are not the main focus of my current flow.
App.BandsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
var transaction = this.get('store').transaction();
return transaction.createRecord(App.Band, {})
Everything else can stay the same.