Send multiple messages in Photoshop SDK - iphone

I am using the Photoshop Connection SDK to get my iPad app connected to Photoshop.
(The SDK with all sample iOS projects can be downloaded here if you want to look closer:
While I have it working, its hard for me to solve my issue as I don't entirely understand the networking between the iPad and Photoshop. So here is my issue:
NSString *s1 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"app.activeDocument.layers[0].name;"];
NSData *dataToSend = [s1 dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[self sendJavaScriptMessage:dataToSend];
artLayerName_transaction = transaction_id -1;
There is a little snippet of code, to send a message asking for the name of layer at index 0. That works great. However, let's say I try and send the same message straight after that but for index 1 as well.
Both messages are sent, but only one returns its string. The string is returned here:
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)streamEvent;
If you see the example projects its just the same, each message with its own transaction id as well. The method goes through a bunch of decrypting and things to receive that string and then reaches this:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:received_data length:received_length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (content != 1)
if (transaction == artLayerName_transaction)
[self processLayerName:string];
needOutput = NO;
I've out the full method at the bottom for full analysing.
It checks that its receiving the specific message so I can then take the result (string, my layer name) and do what I like with it. However when I try and send more than one message with the same transaction id I only get one of the two results. In the code above, string gives me both my layer names, but the if statement is only called once.
Is there a known way around sending several messages at once? I have tried getting an array back rather than several strings without luck as well.
Apparently I need to modify the code to accept more then message. However I don't really understand the code well enough, so please also explain any of the principals behind it.
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)streamEvent
NSInputStream * istream;
case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:;
UInt8 buffer[1024];
unsigned int actuallyRead = 0;
istream = (NSInputStream *)aStream;
if (!dataBuffer)
dataBuffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:2048];
actuallyRead = [istream read:buffer maxLength:1024];
[dataBuffer appendBytes:buffer length:actuallyRead];
// see if we have enough to process, loop over messages in buffer
while( YES )
// Did we read the header yet?
if ( packetBodySize == -1 )
// Do we have enough bytes in the buffer to read the header?
if ( [dataBuffer length] >= sizeof(int) ) {
// extract length
memcpy(&packetBodySize, [dataBuffer bytes], sizeof(int));
packetBodySize = ntohl( packetBodySize ); // size is in network byte order
// remove that chunk from buffer
NSRange rangeToDelete = {0, sizeof(int)};
[dataBuffer replaceBytesInRange:rangeToDelete withBytes:NULL length:0];
else {
// We don't have enough yet. Will wait for more data.
// We should now have the header. Time to extract the body.
if ( [dataBuffer length] >= ((NSUInteger) packetBodySize) )
// We now have enough data to extract a meaningful packet.
const int kPrologLength = 16;
char *buffer = (char *)[dataBuffer bytes];
// if incoming message is color change, then don't display message
BOOL needOutput = YES;
// fetch the communication status
unsigned long com_status = *((unsigned long *)(buffer + 0));
com_status = ntohl( com_status );
// decrypt the message
size_t decryptedLength = (size_t) packetBodySize - 4; // don't include com status
int skip_message = 0;
if (com_status == 0 && sCryptorRef)
PSCryptorStatus decryptResult = EncryptDecrypt (sCryptorRef, false, buffer+4, decryptedLength, buffer+4, decryptedLength, &decryptedLength);
if (kCryptorSuccess != decryptResult)
// failed to decrypt. Ingore messageg and disconnect
skip_message = 1;
[self logMessage:#"ERROR: Decryption failed. Wrong password.\n" clearLine:NO];
if (com_status != 0)
[self logMessage:#"ERROR: Problem with communication, possible wrong password.\n" clearLine:NO];
if (!sCryptorRef)
[self logMessage:#"ERROR: Cryptor Ref is NULL, possible reason being that password was not supplied or password binding function failed.\n" clearLine:NO];
// Interpret encrypted section
if (!skip_message)
// version, 32 bit unsigned int, network byte order
unsigned long protocol_version = *((unsigned long *)(buffer + 4));
protocol_version = ntohl( protocol_version );
if (protocol_version != 1)
// either the message is corrupted or the protocol is newer.
[self logMessage:#"Incoming protocol version is different the expected. (or the message is corrupted.) Not processing.\n" clearLine:NO];
skip_message = 1;
if (!skip_message)
// transaction, 32 bit unsigned int, network byte order
unsigned long transaction = *((unsigned long *)(buffer + 8));
transaction = ntohl( transaction );
// content type, 32 bit unsigned int, network byte order
unsigned long content = *((unsigned long *)(buffer + 12));
content = ntohl( content );
unsigned char *received_data = (unsigned char *)(buffer+kPrologLength);
int received_length = (decryptedLength-(kPrologLength-4));
if (content == 3) // image data
// process image data
unsigned char image_type = *((unsigned char *)received_data);
[self logMessage:#"Incoming data is IMAGE. Skipping\n" clearLine:NO];
if (image_type == 1) // JPEG
[self logMessage:#"By the way, incoming image is JPEG\n" clearLine:NO];
else if (image_type == 2) // Pixmap
[self logMessage:#"By the way, incoming image is Pixmap\n" clearLine:NO];
[self logMessage:#"Unknown image type\n" clearLine:NO];
// Set the response string
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:received_data length:received_length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
//NSLog(#"string: %#\n id:%li", string, transaction);
// see if this is a response we're looking for
if (content != 1)
if (transaction == foregroundColor_subscription || transaction == foregroundColor_transaction)
[self processForegroundChange:string];
needOutput = NO;
if (transaction == backgroundColor_subscription || transaction == backgroundColor_transaction)
[self processBackgroundChange:string];
needOutput = NO;
if (transaction == tool_transaction)
[self processToolChange:string];
needOutput = NO;
if (transaction == artLayerName_transaction)
[self processLayerName:string];
needOutput = NO;
//Tells me about every event thats happened (spammy tech nonsence, no good for user log)
//if (needOutput) [self logMessage:string clearLine:NO];
// Remove that chunk from buffer
NSRange rangeToDelete = {0, packetBodySize};
[dataBuffer replaceBytesInRange:rangeToDelete withBytes:NULL length:0];
// We have processed the packet. Resetting the state.
packetBodySize = -1;
// Not enough data yet. Will wait.
case NSStreamEventEndEncountered:;
[self closeStreams];
[self logMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%# End encountered, closing stream.\n", outputMessage.text] clearLine:NO];
case NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable:
case NSStreamEventErrorOccurred:
case NSStreamEventOpenCompleted:
case NSStreamEventNone:
While this has worked, it has bumped me into another issue. I looked at the psconnection sample and saw what you were talking about, however I haven't been using the full framework but have it connect like in the other sample projects. I very simply increase my transaction id by 1 every time it comes to process a layer name such as in the code above.
Like this:
if (transaction == docName_transaction)
[self processDocName:string];
This works for the most part, however if I do this to another transaction id at the same time I get overlap. Meaning I end up processing the result for one id at the wrong time. Say I am getting both the total number of docs and the name of each one.
So I have two if statements like above, but I end up processing the total docs in both if statements and I can't see how to atop this overlap. Its fairly important to be able to receive multiple messages at once.

I just downloaded samples, and as far as i can see, you should use unique transaction IDs for transactions that are waiting for response.
I mean if you send layer_name request with transactionID 1, you cannot use 1, until it's response is received.
So better case will be, store your transactionID's in a Dictionary (transactionID as key), and message type as value.
just like:
transactions[transaction_id] = #"layername";
and when you receive response:
transactions[transaction_id] to get the message type (ex: layername) behave according to this.
You can also put some other details to transactions dictionary (you can put a dictionary containing all information, which command, on which object, etc)


GPS Data Parsing

I got my hands on a USB DeLORME Earthmate GPA LT-20, I want to use it as part of a mobile GPS ratification unit, Raspberry Pi based. I have been able to access the raw serial data but am at odds with an effective means of parsing the data into a usable format. the current plan is just to have it printed on screen in a meaningful way. just looking at ideas. Bellow is a sampling of the data, i have altered the GPS location data to remove the particular location of testing. Perfer to code in C
I have read the following refrence sites:
Looking at this information:
Use strtok for parsing:
int main(void)
FILE *fp = fopen("test.txt", "r");
char buf[256];
char *array[20];
while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
if(strstr(buf, "$GPRMC"))
int count = 0;
char *token;
token = strtok(buf, ",");
while(token != NULL)
array[count++] = token;
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
if(count == 20)
printf("Latitude : %s %s\n", array[3], array[4]);
printf("Longitude : %s %s\n", array[5], array[6]);
return 0;
Latitude : 3008.647 N
Longitude : 11001.282 W

iPhone DNS resolution, not all A records returned

I have the following code that should retrive all DNS A records for a URL. When I call this code from the UI, it works fine and returns all the A records, but, when this code is called from some other async thread it always returns only one IP (one A record), Any ideas why?
this is the code:
Boolean result;
CFHostRef hostRef = NULL;
CFArrayRef addresses = NULL;
NSString *hostname = [NSString stringWithCString:server];
hostRef = CFHostCreateWithName(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)hostname);
if (hostRef) {
result = CFHostStartInfoResolution(hostRef, kCFHostAddresses, NULL); // pass an error instead of NULL here to find out why it failed
if (result == TRUE) {
addresses = CFHostGetAddressing(hostRef, &result);
if (result == TRUE)
NSLog(#"ResolveDNS - Resolved");
for (CFIndex count = 0; count < CFArrayGetCount(addresses); count++)
char addr[256];
struct sockaddr_in *sa = (struct sockaddr_in *)
CFDataGetBytePtr((CFDataRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(addresses, count));
// inet_ntop will correctly display both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
if (inet_ntop(sa->sin_family, &sa->sin_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)))
printf("%s:%d \n", addr, ntohs(sa->sin_port));
[ipTmpArray addObject:[NSString stringWithCString:addr]];
the same occurs on all my iOS devices (all on 4.2 or 4.3), but not on my Simulator.
And if I launch again the same method I sometime get more IP, sometime even all of them.
I suspect it's due to iOS, some kind of Memory optimisation when they record the previous resolutions.

What are the required parameters for CMBufferQueueCreate?

Reading the documentation about iOS SDK CMBufferQueueCreate, it says that getDuration and version are required, all the others callbacks can be NULL.
But running the following code:
CFAllocatorRef allocator;
CMBufferCallbacks *callbacks;
callbacks = malloc(sizeof(CMBufferCallbacks));
callbacks->version = 0;
callbacks->getDuration = timeCallback;
callbacks->refcon = NULL;
callbacks->getDecodeTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->getPresentationTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->isDataReady = NULL;
callbacks->compare = NULL;
callbacks->dataBecameReadyNotification = NULL;
CMItemCount capacity = 4;
OSStatus s = CMBufferQueueCreate(allocator, capacity, callbacks, queue);
NSLog(#"QUEUE: %x", queue);
NSLog(#"STATUS: %i", s);
with timeCallback:
CMTime timeCallback(CMBufferRef buf, void *refcon){
return CMTimeMake(1, 1);
and queue is:
CMBufferQueueRef* queue;
queue creations fails (queue = 0) and returns a status of:
kCMBufferQueueError_RequiredParameterMissing = -12761,
The callbacks variable is correctly initialized, at least the debugger says so.
Has anybody used the CMBufferQueue?
Presumably there is nothing wrong with the parameters. At least the same as what you wrote is stated in CMBufferQueue.h about the required parameters. But it looks like you are passing a null pointer as the CMBufferQueueRef* parameter. I have updated your sample as follows and it seems to create the message loop OK.
CMBufferQueueRef queue;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = kCFAllocatorDefault;
CMBufferCallbacks *callbacks;
callbacks = malloc(sizeof(CMBufferCallbacks));
callbacks->version = 0;
callbacks->getDuration = timeCallback;
callbacks->refcon = NULL;
callbacks->getDecodeTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->getPresentationTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->isDataReady = NULL;
callbacks->compare = NULL;
callbacks->dataBecameReadyNotification = NULL;
CMItemCount capacity = 4;
OSStatus s = CMBufferQueueCreate(allocator, capacity, callbacks, &queue);
NSLog(#"QUEUE: %x", queue);
NSLog(#"STATUS: %i", s);
The time callback is still the same.
It does not look like it helps topic starter, but I hope it helps somebody else.

AudioFileWriteBytes fails with error code -40

I'm trying to write raw audio bytes to a file using AudioFileWriteBytes(). Here's what I'm doing:
void writeSingleChannelRingBufferDataToFileAsSInt16(AudioFileID audioFileID, AudioConverterRef audioConverter, ringBuffer *rb, SInt16 *holdingBuffer) {
// First, figure out which bits of audio we'll be
// writing to file from the ring buffer
UInt32 lastFreshSample = rb->lastWrittenIndex;
OSStatus status;
int numSamplesToWrite;
UInt32 numBytesToWrite;
if (lastFreshSample < rb->lastReadIndex) {
numSamplesToWrite = kNumPointsInWave + lastFreshSample - rb->lastReadIndex - 1;
else {
numSamplesToWrite = lastFreshSample - rb->lastReadIndex;
numBytesToWrite = numSamplesToWrite*sizeof(SInt16);
Then we copy the audio data (stored as floats) to a holding buffer (SInt16) that will be written directly to the file. The copying looks funky because it's from a ring buffer.
UInt32 buffLen = rb->sizeOfBuffer - 1;
for (int i=0; i < numSamplesToWrite; ++i) {
holdingBuffer[i] = rb->data[(i + rb->lastReadIndex) & buffLen];
Okay, now we actually try to write the audio from the SInt16 buffer "holdingBuffer" to the audio file. The NSLog will spit out an error -40, but also claims that it's writing bytes. No data is written to file.
status = AudioFileWriteBytes(audioFileID, NO, 0, &numBytesToWrite, &holdingBuffer);
rb->lastReadIndex = lastFreshSample;
NSLog(#"Error = %d, wrote %d bytes", status, numBytesToWrite);
What is this error -40? By the way, everything works fine if I write straight from the ringBuffer to the file. Of course it sounds like junk, because I'm writing floats, not SInt16s, but AudioFileWriteBytes doesn't complain.
The key is to explicitly change the endianness of the incoming data to big endian. All I had to do was wrap CFSwapInt16HostToBig around my data to get:
float audioVal = rb->data[(i + rb->lastReadIndex) & buffLen];
holdingBuffer[i] = CFSwapInt16HostToBig((SInt16) audioVal );

Parsing email "Received:" headers

We need to parse Received: email headers according to RFC 5321. We need to extract domains or IPs through which the mail has traversed. Also, we need to figure out if an IP is an internal IP.
Is there already a library which can help out, preferably in C\C++?
For example:
Received: from ( [])
by (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597;
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)
We need to extract the "by" server.
The format used by 'Received' lines is defined in RFC 2821, and regex can't parse it.
(You can try anyway, and for a limited subset of headers produced by known software you might succeed, but when you attach this to the range of strange stuff found in real-world mail it will fail.)
Use an existing RFC 2821 parser and you should be OK, but otherwise you should expect failure, and write the software to cope with it. Don't base anything important like a security system around it.
We need to extract the "by" server.
'from' is more likely to be of use. The hostname given in a 'by' line is as seen by the host itself, so there is no guarantee it will be a publically resolvable FQDN. And of course you don't tend to get valid (TCP-Info) there.
There is a Perl Received module which is a fork of the SpamAssassin code. It returns a hash for a Received header with the relevant information. For example
{ ip => '',
id => '875522',
by => '',
helo => '' }
vmime should be fine, moreless any mail library will allow you to do that.
You'll want to use Regular Expressions possibly
This will give you (8.10.2/8.10.2)
I find it amusing that this was modded down when it actually gets what the OP asked for.
string header = "Received: from ( []) by (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597; Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)";
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"(?<=by).*(?=with)");
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = r.Match(header);
I didnt claim that it was complete, but am wondering if the person that gave it a -1 even tried. Meh..
You can use regular expressions. It would look like this(not tested):
#include <regex.h>
regex_t *re = malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
const char *restr = "by ([A-Za-z.]+) \(([^\)]*)\)";
check(regcomp(re, restr, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE), "regcomp");
size_t nmatch = 1;
regmatch_t *matches = malloc(sizeof(regmatch_t) * nmatch);
int ret = regexec(re, YOUR_STRING, nmatch, matches, 0);
check(ret != 0, "regexec");
int size;
size = matches[2].rm_eo - matches[2].rm_so;
char *host = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
strncpy(host, YOUR_STRING + matches[2].rm_so, size );
host[size] = '\0';
size = matches[3].rm_eo - matches[3].rm_so;
char *ip = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
strncpy(ip, YOUR_STRING + matches[3].rm_so, size );
ip[size] = '\0';
check is a macro to help you figure out if there are any problems:
#define check(condition, description) if (condition) { fprintf(stdout, "%s:%i - %s - %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, description, strerror(errno)); exit(1); }
typedef struct mailHeaders{
char name[100];
char value[2000];
int header_count = 0;
mailHeaders headers[30]; // A struct to hold the name value pairs
char *GetMailHeader(char *name)
char *value = NULL;;
int i;
if(strcmp(name,headers[i].name) == 0){
value = headers[i].value;
void ReadMail(void)
//Loop through the email message line by line to separate the headers. Then save the name value pairs to a linked list or struct.
char *Received = NULL // Received header
char *mail = NULL; // Buffer that has the email message.
char *line = NULL; // A line of text in the email.
char *name = NULL; // Header name
char *value = NULL; // Header value
int index = -1; // Header index
line = strtok(mail,"\n");
while(line != NULL)
if(*line == '\t') // Tabbed headers
strcat(headers[index].value,line); // Concatenate the tabbed values
name = line;
value = strchr(line,':'); // Split the name value pairs.
if(value != NULL)
*value='\0'; // NULL the colon
value++; // Move the pointer past the NULL character to separate the name and value
strcpy(headers[index].name,name); // Copy the name to the data structure
strcpy(headers[index].value,value); // Copy the value to the data structure
if(*line == '\r') // End of headers
line = strtok(NULL,"\n"); // Get next header
header_count = index;
Received = GetMailHeader("Received");
It is not difficult to parse such headers, even manually line-by-line. A regex could help there by looking at by\s+(\w)+\(. For C++, you could try that library or that one.
Have you considered using regular expressions?
Here is a list of internal, non-routable address ranges.