Find paypal account information via API - paypal

After reading the PayPal API for quite some time, I fail to see how to obtain account / account holder information. For the Account for which I have the API Username / Passwort and Signature. This leads me to the following questions:
a) is it possible to obtain those information.
b) how would I accomplish this?

So just to clarify, you are wanting to receiving the account information for the account to which you have the API credentials for? What information are you wanting to retrieve and why? Typically, the account you have credentials for would be your own, and you would just log into access it. If you are wanting to retrieve information about transactions you could use the API's to do this. However, the API's won't return what information you have listed on your account, such as credit card number, email address, and things like that.
The GetPalDetails API returns the PayPal ID for the account who's API credentials you are using along with the country code.


How to get impersonated UserGuid Id in docusign

I am trying to get the impersonated userguid from the docusign api. Per the documentation I need to call /restapi/v2/accounts/account_id/users?email=email, which is not working for me. I assume the full url would be"" .
I am getting a 404 when entering my email in the above format.
Looks like you have the incorrect domain. API Calls generally don't get made against You'll want to make that call against the Application Server your account is on.
In the Sandbox environment that will be In prod you'd need to make a UserInfo call to determine which server your account is on. It could be something like or, but there are several possible domains.
In order to get Impersonate GUID ,
Login to admin account
Under setting options Click API and keys
Value under the user id text box is Impersonate GUID
During configuration & setup:
1. You have an account admin enter information such as account, their userId ("API User Name" in web app). Save both items.
2. You follow the "consent flow", get their consent, generate a JWT and
exchange for a token.
3. Use the /user_info call against the account
server to get the list of their accounts. If more than one account
in the array, find the one that matches what they entered in the
configuration. Get and save the associated "base_uri". You will
use that for all subsequent API calls.
Your application now has stored the account ID, the admin's "userId", and the base URI to built API URLs.
During business application operations:
Admin is "Bob". Sender is "Jill"
You need to get an access token for Jill.
1. Create JWT for Bob, exchange for access token, make GET /users?email={Jill's email). This gives you Jill's "userId".
2. Create JWT for Jill, exchange for access token.
3. Make API call as Jill, using her access token.

Perform CRUD in REST API with URL

I'm using Stripe API(REST) and I need to put a link in email where user can directly unsubscribe/delete subscription(
I need to know if it is possible to put the arguments and operation in a URL so that when user clicks it, Stripe api is called and subscription is cancelled.
thanks in advance.
The short answer is NO.
Cancelling subscriptions from Stripe API requires your Secret Key which you should NEVER expose in the front end and made public because user will have access to your stripe account in that case.
Saying that, what you could do is to expose an endpoint in your own web server, which you will need to
1) create a on time use token which you can look up your customer and related subscriptions; include the token in your URL send to the user
2) when user click the the url, verify the token (valid non expired) and find the customer and subscriptions
3) Call stripe API with your secret keys to cancel the subscription for the customer.

How to authenticate REST API with Stormpath Facebook integration

I am designing a simple REST API with Stormpath Facebook integration and wondering what would be the best pattern for user authentication. Currently I do not have any endpoint for user creation, so all requests to my endpoints are authenticated like this:
Get Stormpath Application object based on API_ID and API_SECRET configured in my app
Get Stormpath Account object based on Facebook token specified in every request
Based on account status authenticate request or reject
This follows more or less official guide and works fine because even though user account does not exist it will be created upon first get account request to Stormpath. Does it make sense and is it safe enough? I was looking for some documentation or best practices but could not find anything.
I would also need to get / generate unique user ID so I can make some relations with user data in my system - so another question, what is the best approach here:
Generate some unique ID, associate it with user email got from Stormpath and save in my system - I think this violates a little bit idea of such a service like Stormapth which encapsulates all user data
Do the same as above but store it in Stormpath Account customData
Use Stormapth user resource ID which can be obtained from user URI
Please advice.
Just for the record I am using Stormpath Java SDK and designing the API to be a backend for mobile social app so security is quite important for me.
Full disclosure, I manage Product # Stormpath. I'll be using your feedback to enhance the documentation.
It is hard to say if it is safe or not, without understanding the REST API you are building. If you made a REST API for cat pictures, my answer would be different compared to medical / financial information. One way to look at it, is that Facebook has the Graph API (REST) and they protect access requiring the same access token you are using. There are other flags that would cause me to say it isn't safe, like if you were using HTTP with no TLS.
To your second question, how to link Stormpath with your data. I wouldn't say you would violate anything about Stormpath by modeling out your application that makes sense to you and your app. Stormpath has customers that store EVERYTHING about their users in Stormpath. Stormpath also has customers that use Stormpath solely for authentication and authorization data and use customData to draw the link between a Stormpath user account and their data.
How / where you store the information is based on your needs. If you are starting with authenticating the user account with Stormpath, it would make sense to put the unique identifier / primary key in the user account's customData. If you are starting with querying your data store for the user data and need to get the Stormpath user account, then you will need to store the href for the user account in your data store.
A nice feature in the Stormpath SDK for Java is that when you do authenticate with Facebook, the returned object will disclose if the account was newly created or if Stormpath has existing account for the access token:
This means that you will know when you need to create a record for the account in your data store and connect the two using customData and/or the user account href.

Make PayPal REST API request on behalf of merchant via OAuth

I want to add PayPal REST API capabilities to our shop software. Unfortunately it seems there is no way to automate to process of connecting the merchants account to our system. It looks like if you use the REST API you need to ask for client ID and secret. Then you trade that information for an OAuth token. However this is not the normal OAuth flow, which has a step that asks for users permission and does not require credentials to begin with.
These two topics basically cover the same issue, but are rather stale:
paypal rest api credential via oauth
Is it possible to use `Log In with PayPal` to make REST api requests on behalf of the user?
Does anybody know if this is possible in the meantime? I find it rather strange to design a RESTful API with OAuth capabilities and then not using it by allowing people to automatically ask for access rights on behalf of the merchant? This makes is somewhat useless for all shop software doesn't it? Well at least inconvenient.
Or is there maybe a way one could use the old API to obtain an access token that can also be used with the REST API?
Have you looked into the Permissions API?

Are PayPal username, password and signature secure and private?

I'm developing web-service, where one users (companies) can receive payments directly from another (company's customers). Currently company need to enter its PayPal username, password and signature to receive payments via express checkout api. Is it normal, that users (companies in my case) will enter their PayPal credentials on remote site or it's secure information? I can't find any information about it. But i found, that some services work in the same way:
Also i found another way for receiving direct payments - generate button (on the PayPal site or manually), where you need only PayPal email of seller. What the differences between these methods, its advantages and disadvantages?
Yes, they are considered private. Since it grants you access to all API operations, it can also be used to empty your PayPal account.
What I would recommend instead of collecting API credentials, is to use 'third-party permissions'.
This means initially requesting permission from the account holder via a pop-up dialog. Once granted, you'll receive an access token. This access token can then be included in the HTTP header of your API calls to make calls on behalf of the customer.
Your users can either manually grant permissions to you (they'll need to log into their PayPal account and navigate to the right section within their Profile), or, if you want to make it easier, you can implement the 'Permissions API'.
I would suggest taking a look at for more information.
To get started, sign up for an 'application' with PayPal via
Ensure you request access to the Permissions Service and receive an Application ID.
This will be the AppID for the Live environment. For Sandbox, you can use APP-80W284485P519543T.