Bluetooth share an mp3 file between iOS when only one phone has the app? - iphone

I am building an iOS app to match an android app that can send a raw mp3 file from an app to another phone that does not have the app. The file is store in the file structure.
I'd like to know if using GameKit or some other method will get me close to that. I need to send mp3 files such that the receiving iPhone does not need to have the app to store them in their iPod app.
Is this possible on iPhone? Or do I need to have both phones with the app installed?

The Apple iPhone does not support receiving files via Bluetooth. Because of that it is not possible to receive file without an app. Also if you want to save the MP3 to device library, this is not possible too since you only have read access to the library.
But if you want to share files without using a client app you may upload the files to an HTTP based file sharing service and then you only need the URL at the client device.


iPhone: how to get IPA onto non jailbroken iPhone without iTunes and without e-mail?

my friend borrowed me his (non jailbroken) iphone 4s to test my iphone application. How can I get the IPA onto his iphone without syncing with itunes? (IPA is created with Flash, so i can't use XCode). I know there are some over the air services but they require to open e-mails with the e-mail application on the phone. I don't want to open his e-mails, so, is there another way to get the IPA onto it?
You could use Testflight
It gives you a short url after uploading a build which you can install the IPA from there.
Don't forget to add the device UDID to the certificates.
OTA (over the air) is the way to go if you don't want to use TestFlightApp.
Distribute the app via ad-hoc distribution, and store the app on a web server. You can then directly download the app from the web server onto your iPhone by calling the appropriate url in Safari.
Here is a guide on how to do this:
Have a look at TestFlightApp. You can create a new (or use an existing), web-based email address and use that to register your friend's device with the your TestFlightApp account.

Transfer file from Mac/PC to iPhone App Document folder

I want to transfer file from system (mac/Pc), which is present on my iPhone wifi network, to the document folder of my iPhone App.The scenario of my App is this, it will browse the system which are present in it's network. select any file(such as .pdf or ,docx) from that system(mac/Pc), copy it into the document folder of the APP and than use it with in the APP.During my search i come across the link iPhone : Transfer of files from Mac/Pc to app i have not found the detail instruction document, how to use it. Is Apple support any API or farm work to do this ? Please guide me
This is called iTunes file sharing. In the most simple way, you simply set the UIFileSharingEnabled key in your Info.plist file to YES. See for example this tutorial.
Rewriting itunes is not a simple task but I recommend you a clever and easier solution:
Implement a simple webserver on your iOS app. Write a windows application which will connect to your iOS app through wifi network. Then transfer the necessary files this way: you will send a file to you app, then your app should save it in documents directory.

List of applications installed on a iPhone, via the iPhone itself or iTunes

Is it possible to get a list of all installed applications from an iPhone itself? I have read myths of people accessing the internal iTunes data, getting the list of installed apps that way.
1/ A app installed on the iPhone itself and is able to report all installed apps to an external website.
2/ A desktop application that would parse the iTunes data and gather the required information before posting it to an external website.
Anyone have any (A) experience on either of the above or (B) better ideas on how one would go about gathering the App Store name of an application installed on a iPhone.
It is not possible to get a complete list of applications that are installed on the iPhone from the iPhone itself, unless you work on a jailbroken iPhone. You can test for some applications by testing whether there's an application that responds to a particular URL scheme (using UIApplication's canOpenURL method)
A desktop application can do this by reading the data itself. However, it is not programmatically supported, so you're on your own there.

how to delete the sms.db file from iPhone using xcode. is it possible the send me the source code

i want to delete the sms.db file from iPhone using xcode. is it possible to delete it.
Any application you write for the iPhone does not have access to anything outside its own sandbox. The only way you'd be able to delete the SMS database using an app you've written is to write it for jailbroken iPhones.

iPhone-SDK:Questions about iPhone RingTone and Video access:

I have two questions here.
1.) Is it possible to access ring tones/put our custom ring tones programmatically using our client app in iPhone? Does the latest SDK support?
2.) A client iPhone app - Is it possible to download a Video file from server and put into iPhone device any of the folder (or) Video folder?
Please reply if you know the details...
You can't currently access
user-installed ringtones, or the
default system sounds.
Your application only has access to
its own "sandbox" of directories,
which includes folders for
Documents, Library/Preferences, tmp,
and the application bundle itself.
If your app downloads a video, it
cannot place it in the
iTunes-managed video library (ie,
you can't make it appear in the
"Videos" application for iPod touch
or the "iPod" application on an