I am using the Perl XML::LibXML module to create XML files.
I am not able to add newlines to the output XML file.
Does anyone have any ideas?
You have said nothing about how you are producing the output, but have you looked at the second parameter to toFile?
Something like
$doc->toFile('myfile.xml', 1)
should help.
I have been working on a product code to resolve an issue but am stuck on a line of code
Can anyone help me understand what exactly does this command do?
perl -MText::CSV -lne 'BEGIN{$p = Text::CSV->new()} print join "|", $p->fields() if $p->parse($_)' /home/daily/${FULL_FILENAME} > /home/output.txt
I think its to copy the file to my home location with some transformations but not sure exactly
This is a slightly broken program that translates a comma-separated values (CSV) file to a pipe-separated values file.
The particular command-line switches are documented in perlrun. This is a "one-liner", so you can read about those to see what's going on there.
The Text::CSV module deals with CSV files, and the program is parsing a line from the file and re-outputting as a pipe-separated file.
But, this program deals with each line as a complete record. That might be fine for you, but at some point you might end up with a literal value that has a newline in it, like a,"b\nc",d. Now reading line-by-line breaks the program since the quotes appear to be unclosed within the first line. Note only that, it blindly concatenates the parsed fields without considering if any of the fields should be quoted. It might be unlikely that a pipe character would be in the data, but the problem isn't it's rarity but the consequences and costliness when it does show up.
The rewrite.pl example script in the related module Text::CSV_XS is a tool that could replace this one-liner. It properly reads the input and knows how to properly translate it.
Actually I know that there is Test::Valgrind::Parser::XML perl module. But I have no idea how to use it: If anyone can provide documentation it would be great.
The valgrind docs show that valgrind accepts a --xml=yes tag to output messages as XML. The format of the XML is specified in the docs/internals/xml-output-protocol4.txt inside the source code repository.
With that, you can use any XML parser and do whatever you want with the data.
I am working on a file upload system that also parses the files that are uploaded and generates another file based on info inside the file uploaded. The files being uploaded as XML files. I only need to parse the first XML tag in each file and only need to get the value of the single attribute in the tag.
Sample XML:
<LAB title="lab title goes here">...</LAB>
I am looking for a good way of extracting the value of the title attribute using the Perl split function or using Regex. I would use a Perl XML parser if I had the ability to install Perl modules on the server I am hosting my code on, however I do not have that ability.
This XML is located in an XML file, that I am opening and then attempting to parse out the attribute value. I have tried using both Split and Regex to no luck. However, I am not very familiar with Perl or regular expressions.
This is he basic outline my code so far:
open(LAB, "<", "path-to-file-goes-here") or die "Unable to open lab.\n";
foreach my $line (<LAB>) {
my #pieces = split(/"(.*)"/, $line);
foreach my $piece (#pieces) {
print "$piece\n";
I have tried using split to match against title alone using
Or match against the = character or the " character using
/\=/ or /\"/
I have also tried doing similar things using regex and have had no luck as well. I am not sure if I am just not using the proper expression or if this is not possible using split/regex. Any help on the matter would be much appreciated, as I am admittedly a novice at Perl still. If this type of question has been answered elsewhere, I apologize. I did some searching and could not find a solution. Most threads suggest using an XML parsing Perl module, which I would if I had the privileges to install them.
"But I can't use CPAN" is a quick way to get yourself downvoted on the Perl tag (though it wasn't I who did so). There are many ways that you can use CPAN, even if you don't have root. In fact you can have your own Perl even if you don't have root. While I highly recommend some of those options, for now, the easiest way to do this is just to download some Pure Perl modules, and included them in your codebase. Mojolicious has a very small, but very useful XML/DOM parser called Mojo::DOM which is a likely candidate for this kind of process.
I could not find this answer in the man or info pages, nor with a search here or on Google. I have a file which is, in essence, a text file, but it somehow got screwed up upon saving. (I think there are a few strange bytes at the front of the file accidentally.)
I am able to open the file, and it makes sense, using head or cat, but not using any sort of editor.
In the end, all I wish to do is open the file in emacs, delete the "messy" characters, and save it once cleaned up. The file, however, is huge, so I need something powerful like emacs to be able to open it.
Otherwise, I suppose I can try to create a script to read this in line by line, forcing the script to read it in text format, then write it. But I wanted something quick, since I won't be doing this over & over.
perl -i.bk -pe 's/[^[:ascii:]]//g;' file
Found this perl one liner here: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=619792
Try M-xfind-file-literally in Emacs.
You could edit the file using hexl-mode, which lets you edit the file in hexadecimal. That would let you see precisely what those offending characters are, and remove them.
It sounds like you either got a different line ending in the file (eg: carriage returns on a *nix system) or it got saved in an unexpected encoding.
You could use strings to grab "printable characters in file". You might have to play with the --encoding though I have only ever used it to grab ascii strings from executable files.
Using Perl, how can I combine or merge the sample PDF files into a single PDF file?
CAM::PDF can do this quite easily, and has a simple command-line front end to help. Note: I'm the author of that library. Example:
appendpdf.pl file1.pdf file2.pdf outfile.pdf
From the SYNOPSIS section of the perldoc:
my $anotherpdf = CAM::PDF->new('test2.pdf');
Why do you need to do it from Perl? Chris has already mentioned CAM::PDF.
If you just need to merge them, pdftk (PDF ToolKit) works just fine. It's a simple command line:
pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf cat output merged.pdf
You can use the GhostScript utility pdf2ps to convert the PDFs into PostScript files, concatenate the PostScript files, and then use ps2pdf to convert the result back into a PDF.
Perlmonks has a fine discussion of this topic with, well, more than one way to do it.