How to set the from 'day' and 'month' in datepickerfield in sencha touch 2 - datepicker

I am trying to do something which I think should be simple enough. I am using a datepickerfield in ST2.1 and trying to set the start date. I know I can set the year like so:
xtype: 'datepickerfield',
picker: {
yearFrom: newDate().getFullYear(),
yearTo: 1930
but I also want to be able to set the start day and month. Is this possible? The above produces a result like 'January 1, 2013' and that is not what I want.

If you just want to set the initial date the picker comes up with, then you just want the value config attribute of the picker.
xtype: 'datepickerfield',
value: (new Date()), // the value in the actual input (will also be in the picker UI)
picker: {
value: (new Date()), // use this if you DON'T want/have a value in the actual input
yearFrom: (new Date()).getFullYear(),
yearTo: 1930
Read more in the documentation (especially the "value" and "picker" config options). And here'a a Sencha Fiddle demonstrating usage.

You can create monthFrom,monthTo and dayFrom,dayTo configs. But for that you need to extend Ext.picker.Date. Create appropriate configs for those field and change createSlots method to limit month and day values.
In response to your comment, you can have reorder slots with slotOrder config in picker. Like -
slotOrder:['day', 'month', 'year']
Once you extend Ext.picker.Date you can modify certain slot as you want and then can have full day name in first slot.


How to filter an array of object in Mui DataGrid?

I recently changed my tables to Mui-datagrid on Material UI 5, and I have a special use case with an array of objects. I want to enable the phone number filter in this column, but the number is provided as an object list.
phone: [
{ type: "home", number: "795-946-1806" },
{ type: "mobile", number: "850-781-8104" }
I was expecting a 'customFilterAndSearch' or an option to customise how to search in this specific field.
customFilterAndSearch: (term, rowData) =>
!!rowData?.suppressedOptions.find(({ description }) =>
I have made some tries with the filterOperators, but no success yet. I have made a full example here
As far as I can see from the DataGrid documentation I don't see any way to change the filter function for a specific function.
Likely the best workaround for your use case will be converting this to a string be converting the data to a string before you pass it to the datagrid. Though you will lose the styling that you currently do by making the phone type bold.
On second though your best best would probably be to split the phone column into two columns which would probably be the cleanest way of solving your problem
Add helper function.
You could potentially add a helper function to just map all the phone lists to something like mobilePhone or homePhone
const mapPhoneObject = (rows) => {
rows.forEach((row) => { => {
row[`${phone.type}Phone`] = phone.number;
return rows
I've added a fork of your snippet with my function, it is I think the most viable solution for your problem:

ExtJS: Date field writes the date one day back?

I'm using a 'Ext.form.field.Date' and on CRUD process it writes given date as one day back. I mean if I select 05 June 2018, it writes as 04 June 2018.
I've checked related model and widget itself but nothing seems weird! Why this could be?
Here is model statement and field;
Ext.define('MyApp.FooModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'mydatefld', type: 'date', dateReadFormat: 'c', dateWriteFormat: 'Y-m-d'},
//and implementation
Ext.define('MyApp.BaseDateFld', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Date',
xtype: 'basedatefld',
format: 'd.m.Y',
flex: 1,
labelAlign: 'right',
name: 'MyDate Fld',
fieldLabel: 'MyDate Fld',
bind: '{currRec.mydatefld}'
Each time saves date as on XHR request payload;
2018-06-05T21:00:00.000Z //But should be 2018-06-06T06:05:00.000Z
I've tried change dateWriteForm to 'Y-m-d H:i:s' and 'Y-m-d H:i' but still noting changes on payload and keep decrease one day and sets time to 21:00:00
As well tried to change compouter TS to some another as #Alexander adviced but nothing changed.
Update 2:
I've over come the current issue but really a very DRY solution, so not safe!
Below there is insertion method (update method is almost same as this) and formating the related date value on here, thusly became success.
Server accepting the date format for this field as Y-m-d, so I've stated dateWriteFormat on model and submitFormat on datefield as 'Y-m-d' but it keeps write the date value with timestamp.
When I check rec param on method it is as 2018-06-06T21:00:00.000Z(The TZ part shouldn't be here!). And store param changes the givin date one day off as 2018-06-05T21:00:00.000Z.
Still not sure why I can't convert/format through model or field.
Thanks for advices.
recInsertion: function (rec, store) {
store.getProxy().url = store.getProxy().api.create; = Ext.Date.format(, 'Y-m-d'); //This is current solution to format date! Which is really not safe and will cause DRY.
url: store.proxy.url,
method: 'POST',
jsonData: JSON.stringify(,
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {

ST datePicker and date issue

Platform is Sencha Touch 2.1.1. I am using a datPicker in a form panel as follows:
xtype: 'datepickerfield',
destroyPickerOnHide: true,
name : 'dateOfEvaluation',
label: 'Date of evaluation',
dateFormat: 'm/d/Y',
value: new Date(),
picker: {
yearFrom: 2013
which is being saved to as a date type in my model:
{name: 'dateOfEvaluation', type: 'date'},
If there is a value in the store it gets rendered via an itemTpl via the follwing method:
onSelectSiteGeneral: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('Selected a SiteGeneral from the list');
var siteGeneralForm = Ext.Viewport.down('siteGeneralForm');
siteGeneralForm = Ext.widget('siteGeneralForm');
This all works fine and dandy.
The problem is with records that do not have dates saved in them. In localStorage for a date type, the null/empty value seems to be 0, which gets displayed on my above form as '12/31/1969.' I know I could write a handler to have this display as the current date, but am sure how to proceed (I cannot use a default value: new Date(), btw, since this does not work with a value already in the data store being rendered to the form). I know I would have to add n-days to zero to get the current date, but am unsure how to get this to rerender in my form.
Any suggestions for how to get the 0th date to show up as a more realistic date, such as the current date (I will stress that default dates do not seem to work when using the above method, onSelectSiteGeneral). Grazie!

How to disable custom dates of mentioned year in mobiscroll?

I need to disable certain dates of mentioned year in the array.
var availableDates = ["02/10/2014","03/11/2014","07/12/2014","08/11/2015"];
which only should be visible on the control. so Manually, we are calculating the missing dates in above mentioned array & treating them as invalid dates. The same is passed to invalid attribute of mobiscroll. But no luck.
Could any one guide about this.?
You should pass invalid dates as javascript date object for mobiscroll:
preset: 'date',
invalid: { dates: [ new Date("02/10/2014"), new Date("03/11/2014"), new Date("07/12/2014"), new Date("08/11/2015") ] }
Check out the invalid option description at

JQGrid Dynamic Select Data

I have utilised the example code at Example Code at this link
and I have got my grid to show a dynamically constructed select dropdown on add and edit. However when it is just showing the data in the grid it shows the dropdown index instead of its associated data. Is there a way to get the grid to show the data associated with the index instead of the index itself.
e.g. the data on my select could be "0:Hello;1:World"; The drop down on the edit/add window is showing Hello and World and has the correct indexes for them. If the cell has a value of 1 I would expect it to show World in the grid itself but it is showing 1 instead.
Here is the row itself from my grid:
{ name: 'picklist', index: 'picklist', width: 80, sortable: true, editable: true,
edittype: "select", formatter: "select", editrules: { required: true} },
I am filling the dynamic data content in the loadComplete event as follows:
$('#mygrid').setColProp('picklist', { editoptions: { value: picklistdata} });
picklist data is a string of "0:Hello;1:World" type value pairs.
Please can anyone offer any help. I am fairly new to JQGrids so please could you also include examples.
I know you have already solved the problem but I faced the same problem in my project and would like to offer my solution.
First, I declare a custom formatter for my select column (in this case, the 'username' column).
$.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
selectuser: function(cellvalue, options, rowdata) {
var userdata;
success: function(data) {
userdata = data;
return typeof cellvalue != 'undefined' ? userdata[cellvalue] : cellvalue ;
This formatter loads up the mapping of id and user in this case, and returns the username for the particular cellvalue. Then, I set the formatter:'selectuser' option to the column's colModel, and it works.
Of course, this does one json request per row displayed in the grid. I solved this problem by setting 10 seconds of caching to the headers of my json responses, like so:
private function set_caching($seconds_to_cache = 10) {
$ts = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $seconds_to_cache) . " GMT";
header("Expires: $ts");
header("Pragma: cache");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=$seconds_to_cache");
I know this solution is not perfect, but it was adequate for my application. Cache hits are served by the browser instantly and the grid flows smoothly. Ultimately, I hope the built-in select formatter will be fixed to work with json data.
If you save in jqGrid ids of the select elements and want to show the corresponding textes then you should use formatter:'select' in the colModel (see together with the edittype: "select".
The Usage of stype: 'select' could be also interesting for you if you plan to support data searching.