SSRS get the last row on each page - ssrs-2008

In SQL Server Reporting Services I have a row group with a dashed bottom border separating each row. I want to remove that dashed border from the last row on each page. How do I calculate the last row on each page?
I counted 25 rows on the first page, so I tried this:
iif((rownumber(nothing) MOD 25)=0,nothing,"Dotted")
But on page 2 some rows had so much text in a column that in the end the page only had 24 rows, so the row number changes based on amount of text. I need a new approach. Has anyone had experience with this kind of issue?

Why don't you just present a row grouping and then determine the properties on that? Choose the details row and then select 'Row Groups' and choose 'Add Group'>'Parent Group'. Define your logic for getting a total, add a footer if you want it at the bottom. Choose 'Page Breaks' and then report will break on grouping for a new page. Address the properties for the footers.


how to put two records same page

I have a page with exactly same pre-format data in the left side than in the right and i need that my result query data that gives me example 10 records i need to show in the left side first record, in the right side second record on first page and then do the same with all records Now i make a first report wich calls another one, first report gives me data but i can only show one record per page in second report, i need 2 records per page, one in left side and another in another side of the page...
Assuming that each of your records will take up more than half a page, this should be as simple as changing the report to have 2 columns.
In iReport, select the report itself (top element) in the report inspector, then change the Columns property to 2. Alternatively, in the JRXML, add/change the attribute columnCount on the jasperReport element to 2.
If your records occupy less than half the page height each, you will end up with multiple records per column. To get around this, create a group with the expression $V{REPORT_COUNT} and check the "Start on a new column" property (set the isStartNewColumn attribute in JRXML). This will create a new column for each record.

In jasperreports how to force page break before a group title if there is no room for any subsequent rows

Is there a way of forcing a page break before a group title if there is no room for ANY of the subsequent rows? It would be nice to be able to query the amount of space left on the current page.
There is a property called min height to start new page you will find on the group header. Make this a sum of the height of your detail row and the group header as the lowest amount (more if you want it to have at least 2 rows of detail). I also suggest setting the Keep Together to true as well.

Jasper Reports wide crosstab on multiple pages

I have a crosstab with many columns but only a few rows. When I generate the report the crosstab reuses the empty space below the rows from one page and renders the next columns for the same rows. This way several pages are compacted vertically on one page:
I want the columns from day 20 to day 27 (the second part of the crosstab) to be displayed on a new page not on the same page and leave that space empty.
The solution is to set the Column Break Offset property of the crosstab to a very high value such that it exceeds the page height. This way the report will continue on the next page.

crystal report - repeat group header across multiple column

I have a report that has 3 columns and it is grouped by a value that i display in the group header. The report is setup to run down then across.
If the details span across multiple columns, how do I repeat that group header on the next column.
I have already checked "repeat group header on each page" in the group expert.
I have already checked "format groups with multiple column" in the Layout tab of the details section.
It will not let me insert a text object in the group header of each column.
Not sure how to do this. I could write a formula to only show at the top of each column, but not sure if there is a function to find out when the second column has started.
What i want is below
Group Header Text Group Header Text Group Header Text
Detail Values Detail Values Detail Values
Detail Values Detail Values Detail Values
I would like to have the Group Header Text show at the top of each column. Doesn't matter if its the start of a new group or in the middle of the group.
okay, I have your solution, the field, that you are grouping by , just place it on to the page header and it will repeat itself on every page until the columns of that group are finished.
Lets say you are grouping by Employee Names, just put the Employee Name field on to the page header and it should solve the issue, I jsut tried it and it worked, thanks.
There is Previous() function available in formulas that allows to show-hide a Text Object based on the change of specific field value from previous to current record.
Is this what are you looking for? Can you edit you question drawing a sample af what you have and what you want?

Set the height of Details section Crystal Reports

The no of items in my invoice never gets more than 10. When its only one item in invoice(one row in details section) the report footer shows very up.
I want that I should fix 10 rows for the details section, when there are less rows, the remaining rows to make it 10 should be showed as blank lines.
I need the footer to appear at the same place all the time, irrespective of how many items are there in the invoice(never gets more than 10).
Please suggest solution.
Just use Sub Report and Fix the height of the sub report
then you will be able to display fix page.
I am not exactly sure what you are asking, but I will make some guesses with possible solutions.
If you print multiple invoices per report, you can group on the invoice designator, and set the report to start every invoice on a new page. In addition, you can force a new page when the record count goes over 10 rows. There are various ways to do this, but the simplest would be to add a counter that is set/reset at the start of an invoice, and then conditionally force a "new page before" if that counter reaches 11. You can also set this to force a new page for every n + 1 records (the 11th record, the 21st record, the 31st record, etc.)
If you just don't want the report footer to show up, you can either suppress it or issue a "new page before" on report footer. This is handy if you keep a summary page for reference (# of invoices in run, total balances, etc.).
If you just don't want a floating footer, you can select "print at bottom of page" for any section. This is handy for group totals. That, with "Repeat Group Header on Each Page", you can get some very nice looking invoices.
to fix height of detail section ..suppose i want size of 8 rows/records then
right click on detail section ->section expert ->on paging tab-> check on New page before beside button (x+2) write formula below given..
IF Remainder (RecordNumber, 8) = 0 THEN
I know this question is really stale, but here's how to do what the OP asked.
You need to do 2 things. Find out the amount of real estate you need on the page for the 10 rows, and create a group footer that is that size directly beneath the detail line (e.g 2" or 5 cm).
Then, go into the section expert for the detail line and check the Underlay Following Sections box.
If you are ever going to have more than 10 detail lines, you also need to go to New Page after on the Paging tab and put in 10.
Put all fields Top = 0
Decrease section height.
Now, you have to set fields top dynamically.
Like this:
cr.Section1.ReportObjects.Item("Line1").Top = 0
cr.Section1.ReportObjects.Item("Line2").Top = cr.Section1.ReportObjects.Item("Line1").Top + cr.Section1.ReportObjects.Item("Line1").Height