Why psql can't find relation name for existing table? - postgresql

Here' my current state.
Eonil=# \d+
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
public | TestTable1 | table | Eonil | 8192 bytes |
(1 row)
Eonil=# \d+ TestTable1
Did not find any relation named "TestTable1".
What is the problem and how can I see the table definition?

Postgres psql needs escaping for capital letters.
Eonil=# \d+ "TestTable1"
So this works well.
Eonil=# \d+ "TestTable1"
Table "public.TestTable1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
ID | bigint | not null | plain |
name | text | | extended |
price | double precision | | plain |
"TestTable1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("ID")
"TestTable1_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
Has OIDs: no


Postgres 13 permission issues with Revoke

I am a relatively new user of Postgres 13. Let me first tell you, that the Postgres database is hosted on AWS aurora. I have a user that owns a schema and I have a specific table that this user should only be able to SELECT and INSERT rows to this table and execute TRIGGERS.
I have REVOKED ALL on this table for this user and GRANTED SELECT, INSERT, TRIGGER ON TABLE TO USER. The INSERT, SELECT, and TRIGGER work as expected. However, when I execute a SQL UPDATE on that table it still lets me update a row in that table! I also forgot to tell you I REVOKED ALL and performed the same GRANTS to rds_superuser on this table since this user is referenced to rds_superuser.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Following are the results of \d:
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | uuid | | not null | uuid_generate_v4()
patient_medication_id | bigint | | not null |
raw_xml | character varying | | not null |
digital_signature | character varying | | not null |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
created_by | character varying | | |
update_date | timestamp with time zone | | |
updated_by | character varying | | |
deleted_at | timestamp with time zone | | |
deleted_by | character varying | | |
status | character varying(1) | | | 'A'::character varying
message_type | character varying | | not null |
"rx_cryptographic_signature_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"rx_cryptographic_signature_fk" FOREIGN KEY (patient_medication_id) REFERENCES tryon.patient_medication(id)
audit_trigger_row AFTER INSERT ON tryon.rx_cryptographic_signature FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION td_audit.if_changed_fn('id', '{}')
audit_trigger_stm AFTER TRUNCATE ON tryon.rx_cryptographic_signature FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION td_audit.if_changed_fn() tr_log_delete_attempt BEFORE DELETE ON tryon.rx_cryptographic_signature FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION tryon.fn_log_update_delete_attempt()
tr_log_update_attempt BEFORE UPDATE ON tryon.rx_cryptographic_signature FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION tryon.fn_log_update_delete_attempt()
Following are the results of \z:
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
tryon | rx_cryptographic_signature | table | TD_Administrator=art/TD_Administrator+| |
| | | td_administrator=art/TD_Administrator+| |
| | | rds_pgaudit=art/TD_Administrator +| |
| | | rds_superuser=art/TD_Administrator | |
(1 row)
Thanks so much for your help!!

PSQL import fails: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type uuid: "id"

I exported the users table from my Heroku-hosted sql db. The export looks fine, but when I try to import it, I get ERROR: invalid input syntax for type uuid: "id"
This is the command used, per the Heroku site:
\copy users FROM ~/user_export.csv WITH (FORMAT CSV);
I didn't include this, but the error also includes:
CONTEXT: COPY users, line 1, column id: "id"
I had done programmer math and translated that to a zero-based format, but maybe it's the header that's the issue?
-- ANSWER: YES. argh.
I've found some posts in different places that seem to involve JSON fields, but the schema is fairly simple, and only simple objects are used:
Table "public.users"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | uuid | | not null |
name | text | | not null |
username | text | | not null |
password_hash | text | | not null |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | | |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | | |
tournament_id | uuid | | |
background | text | | |
as_player | boolean | | |
as_streamer | boolean | | |
administrator | administrator | | not null | 'no'::administrator
creator | boolean | | not null | false
creator_approved | boolean | | not null | true
"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"uq:users.username" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (username)
Referenced by:
TABLE "tokens" CONSTRAINT "tokens_userID_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userID") REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "tournament_player_pivot" CONSTRAINT "tournament_player_pivot_playerID_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("playerID") REFERENCES users(id)
The table the data was exported from and the table I'm trying to import to have the identical schema. I've come across suggestions that there is a specific single-quoted format for UUID fields, but manually modifying that has no effect.
What is the problem here?
This is a sample from the export file using a testing user:
ad5230b4-2377-4a8d-8725-d49cd78121af,z9,z9#test.com,$2b$12$97GXVp1p.nfke8L4EYK2Fuev9IE3k0WFAf4O3NvziYHjogFCAppO6,2022-05-07 06:03:44.020019+00,2022-05-07 06:03:44.020019+00,,,f,f,no,f,t

Deleting records which have foreign key to partitioned table on PostgreSQL

I have a partitioned table called datapoint which have child tables like datapoint_s1, datapoint_s2, ...
I have another table called device which has foreign key to datapoint table.
Here is the story;
Datapoint table is about 100GB with all partitioned tables. I truncated datapoint_s2 table. After that, I want to delete devices belongs to datapoints_s2 table. Also, there is no data in other partitioned tables related to devices I want to delete. Although the datapoint_s2 table is empty, COMMIT; is waiting more than one hour to complete process.
Edit: When I cancel the query, this error occured.
ERROR: canceling statement due to user request
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM "public"."datapoint" x WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "device_id" FOR KEY SHARE OF x"
How I can make device deletion process faster in partitioned tables?
Parent table description:
Table "public.datapoint"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('datapoint_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
station_id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
device_id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
data | jsonb | | | | extended | |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null | | plain | |
Partition key: LIST (station_id)
"datapoint_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (station_id, device_id, created_at)
Foreign-key constraints:
"datapoint_device_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES device(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
"datapoint_station_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (station_id) REFERENCES station(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
Partitions: datapoint_s2 FOR VALUES IN (10),
datapoint_s3 FOR VALUES IN (11),
Child table description:
Table "public.datapoint_s2"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('datapoint_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
station_id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
device_id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
data | jsonb | | | | extended | |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null | | plain | |
Partition of: solarify_datapoint FOR VALUES IN (2)
Partition constraint: ((station_id IS NOT NULL) AND (station_id = 2))
"datapoint_s2_station_id_device_id_created_at_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (station_id, device_id, created_at)
Foreign-key constraints:
"datapoint_device_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES device(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
"datapoint_station_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (station_id) REFERENCES station(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

Insert row into a postgresql table

I have the following table definition:
foo=# \d+ tag
Table "public.tag"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | not null default nextval('tag_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
name | character varying(255) | not null | extended | |
version | integer | not null | plain | |
description | character varying(255) | not null | extended | |
active | boolean | not null | plain | |
"tag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"unique_tag" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name, version)
I am trying to insert a row into as follows:
foo=# insert into tag (name, version, description, active) values ("scala", 1, "programming language", true);
ERROR: column "scala" does not exist
LINE 1: ... tag (name, version, description, active) values ("scala", 1...
I took this command from the manual but it doesn't work. What I am doing wrong? It's a simple thing but I'm stumped. First time I am using postgres.
Postgres uses single quotes.
insert into tag (name, version, description, active) values ('scala', 1, 'programming language', true);

Error:"Key ... is not present in table"

I have a table with a character varying(12) field in it which is its PRIMARY KEY. I ran this query
SELECT * FROM bg WHERE bg_id ='470370111002'
It selects a row from the table. All looks good. Then I try.
INSERT INTO csapp_center_bgs(bg_id,center_id) VALUES('470370111002',2)
There is a foreign key on bg_id that looks like...
ALTER TABLE csapp_center_bgs
ADD CONSTRAINT csapp_center_bgs_bg_id_65c818f360c84dc5_fk_bg_bg_id
Here is the precise error...
ERROR: insert or update on table "csapp_center_bgs" violates foreign key constraint "csapp_center_bgs_bg_id_65c818f360c84dc5_fk_bg_bg_id"
DETAIL: Key (bg_id)=(470370111002) is not present in table "bg".
********** Error **********
ERROR: insert or update on table "csapp_center_bgs" violates foreign key constraint "csapp_center_bgs_bg_id_65c818f360c84dc5_fk_bg_bg_id"
SQL state: 23503
Detail: Key (bg_id)=(470370111002) is not present in table "bg".
Why did this not work?! Any ideas? Here is \d+ bg...
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
gid | integer | not null default nextval('bg_gid_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
statefp | character varying(2) | | extended | |
countyfp | character varying(3) | | extended | |
tractce | character varying(6) | | extended | |
blkgrpce | character varying(1) | | extended | |
bg_id | character varying(12) | not null | extended | |
namelsad | character varying(13) | | extended | |
mtfcc | character varying(5) | | extended | |
funcstat | character varying(1) | | extended | |
aland | double precision | | plain | |
awater | double precision | | plain | |
intptlat | character varying(11) | | extended | |
intptlon | character varying(12) | | extended | |
the_geom | geometry | | main | |
"bg_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (bg_id)
"idx_bg_geom" gist (the_geom) CLUSTER
Check constraints:
"enforce_dims_geom" CHECK (st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)
"enforce_geotype_geom" CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR the_geom IS NULL)
"enforce_srid_geom" CHECK (st_srid(the_geom) = 4269)
Referenced by:
TABLE "csapp_center_bgs" CONSTRAINT "csapp_center_bgs_bg_id_65c818f360c84dc5_fk_bg_bg_id" FOREIGN KEY (bg_id) REFERENCES bg(bg_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
Child tables: tiger_data.tn_bg
Has OIDs: no
And here is \d+ on csapp_...
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | not null default nextval('csapp_center_bgs_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | |
bg_id | character varying(12) | not null | extended | |
center_id | integer | not null | plain | |
"csapp_center_bgs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"csapp_center_bgs_5e94e25f" btree (bg_id)
"csapp_center_bgs_c63f1184" btree (center_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"csapp_center_bgs_bg_id_65c818f360c84dc5_fk_bg_bg_id" FOREIGN KEY (bg_id) REFERENCES bg(bg_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
"csapp_center_bgs_center_id_360e6806f7d3fee_fk_csapp_centers_id" FOREIGN KEY (center_id) REFERENCES csapp_centers(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
Has OIDs: no
Here is the version:
PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2, 64-bit
And here is my search path....
public, tiger
(1 row)
bg is in schema tiger and csapp_center_bgs is in schema public...
My first guess would be that you are dealing with two different tables named bg. One in the schema tiger, and another one in an undisclosed schema that comes before tiger in your search_path - or tiger is not in the search_path at all.
Find all tables named bg (case sensitive) in all schemas in the current db:
SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'bg';
To understand the search_path setting:
How does the search_path influence identifier resolution and the "current schema"
To understand the structure of a Postgres DB cluster:
What's the difference between a catalog and a schema in a relational database?
If that's not it, your index may be corrupted. I would first try a REINDEX:
REINDEX bg_pkey;
I see in your added table definition:
Child tables: tiger_data.tn_bg
Suspecting that the row with bg_id ='470370111002' actually lives in the child table tiger_data.tn_bg. But your FK constraint references the parent table. FK constraints are not inherited.
What do you get if you query:
SELECT * FROM ONLY bg WHERE bg_id ='470370111002'
If my hypothesis holds, you get no row. Read the chapter Caveats on the Inheritance page of the manual.
Use triggers on inherited tables to replace foreign keys