basic regex and string manipulation for DNA analysis using perl - perl

I am new to perl and would like to do what I think is some basic string manipulation to DNA sequences stored in an rtf file.
Essentially, my file reads (file is in FASTA format):
What I would like to do is read into my file and print the header (header is >LM1) then match the following DNA sequence GTGCCAGCAGCCGC and then print the preceding DNA sequence.
So my output would look like this:
I have written the following program:
use strict; use warnings;
open(FASTA, "<seq_V3_V6_130227.rtf") or die "The file could not be found.\n";
while(<FASTA>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^>/ ) {
my $header = $_;
print "$header\n";
my $dna = <FASTA>;
if ($dna =~ /(.*?)GTGCCAGCAGCCGC/) {
print "$dna";
The problem is that my program reads the file line by line and the output I am receiving is the following:
Basically I don't know how to assign the entire DNA sequence to my $dna variable and ultimately don't know how to avoid reading the DNA sequence line by line. Also I am getting this warning:
Use of uninitialized value $dna in pattern match (m//) at line 14, line 1113.
If anyone could give me some help with writing better code or point me in the correct direction it would be much appreciated.

Using the pos function:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dna = "";
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^>/) {
} else {
if (/^[AGCT]/) {
$dna .= $_;
if ($dna =~ /$seq/g) {
print substr($dna, 0, pos($dna) - length($seq)), "\n";
You can process a file with multiple entries like so:
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^>/) {
if ($dna =~ /$seq/g) {
print substr($dna, 0, pos($dna) - length($seq)), "\n";
$dna = "";
} elsif (/^[AGCT]/) {
$dna .= $_;
if ($dna && $dna =~ /$seq/g) {
print substr($dna, 0, pos($dna) - length($seq)), "\n";

Your while statement reads until the end of file. That means at every loop iteration, $_ is the next line in <FASTA>. So $dna = <FASTA> isn't doing what you think it is. It is reading more than you probably want it to.
while(<FASTA>) { #Reads a line here
if ($_ =~ m/^>/ ) {
my $header = $_;
print "$header\n";
$dna = <FASTA> # reads another line here - Causes skips over every other line
Now, you need to read the sequence into your $dna. You can update your while loop with an else statement. So if its a head line, print it, else, we add it to $dna.
while(<FASTA>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^>/ ) {
# It is a header line, so print it
my $header = $_;
print "$header\n";
} else {
# if it is not a header line, add to your dna sequence.
$dna .= $_;
After the loop, you can do your regex.
Note: This solution assumes there is only 1 sequence in the fasta file. If you have more than one, your $dna variable will have all the sequences as one.
Edit: Adding simple a way to handle multiple sequences
my $dna = "";
while(<FASTA>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^>/ ) {
# Does $dna match the regex?
if ($dna =~ /(.*?)GTGCCAGCAGCCGC/) {
print "$1\n";
# Reset the sequence
$dna = "";
# It is a header line, so print it
my $header = $_;
print "$header\n";
} else {
# if it is not a header line, add to your dna sequence.
$dna .= $_;
# Check the last sequence
if ($dna =~ /(.*?)GTGCCAGCAGCCGC/) {
print "$1\n";

I came up with a solution using BioSeqIO (and the trunc method from BioSeq from the BioPerl distribution. I also used index to find the subsequence rather than using a regular expression.
This solution does not print out the id, (line begins with >), if the subsequence was not found or if the subsequence begins at the first postion, (and thus no preceding characters).
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => "fasta_junk.fasta" ,
-format => 'fasta');
my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => '>test.dat',
-format => 'fasta');
my $lookup = 'GTGCCAGCAGCCGC';
while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq() ) {
my $pos = index $seq->seq, $lookup;
# if $pos != -1, ($lookup not found),
# or $pos != 0, (found $lookup at first position, thus
# no preceding characters).
if ($pos > 0) {
my $trunc = $seq->trunc(1,$pos);
*** fasta_junk.fasta
*** contents of test.dat

read the whole file into memory then look for the regexp
while(<FASTA>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^>/ ) {
my $header = $_;
print "$header\n";
} else {
$dna .= $_;
if ($dna =~ /(.*?)GTGCCAGCAGCCGC/) {
print $1;


How can I choose particular lines from a file with Perl

I have a file which I want to take all the lines which starts with CDS and a line below.
This lines are like:
CDS 297300..298235
I found this in your site:
while ($line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Pattern/) {
print "$line";
print scalar <FH>;
and it works great when the CDS is only a line.
Sometimes in my file is like
CDS join(complement(416559..416614),complement(416381..416392),
or with more lines in the CDS.
How can I take only the CDS lines and the next line of the ID???
please i need your help!
Thank you in advance.
Assuming the "next line" always contains /gene=, one can use the flip-flop operator.
while (<>) {
print if m{^CDS} ... m{/gene=};
Otherwise, you need to parse the CDS line. It might be sufficient to count parens.
my $depth = 0;
my $print_next = 0;
while (<>) {
if (/^CDS/) {
$depth = tr/(// - tr/)//;
$print_next = 1;
elsif ($depth) {
$depth += tr/(// - tr/)//;
elsif ($print_next) {
$print_next = 0;
You need to break the input into outdented paragraphs. Outdented paragraphs start a non-space character in their first line and start with space characters for the rest.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# --------------------------------------
my $input_file = shift #ARGV;
my $para = undef; # holds partial paragraphs
open my $in_fh, '<', $input_file or die "could not open $input_file: $!\n";
while( my $line = <$in_fh> ){
# paragraphs are outdented, that is, start with a non-space character
if( $line =~ m{ \A \S }msx ){
# don't do if very first line of file
if( defined $para ){
# If paragraph starts with CDS
if( $para =~ m{ \A CDS \b }msx ){
process_CDS( $para );
# delete the old paragraph
$para = undef;
# add the line to the paragraph,
$para .= $line;
close $in_fh or die "could not close $input_file: $!\n";
# the last paragraph is not handle inside the loop, so do it now
if( defined $para ){
# If paragraph starts with CDS
if( $para =~ m{ \A CDS \b }msx ){
process_CDS( $para );

Display And Pass Command Line Arguments in Perl

I have the following program "", which opens a file, finds the lines containing "warning....", "info...", "disabling..." then counts and prints the value and number of them. It is working ok.
What I want to do is to create command line arguments for each of the 3 matches - warning, disabling and infos and then run either of them from the command prompt.
Here is the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %warnings = ();
my %infos = ();
my %disablings = ();
open (my $file, '<', 'Warnings.txt') or die $!;
while (my $line = <$file>) {
if($line =~ /^warning ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
if($line =~ /^disabling ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
if($line =~ /^info ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/i) {
close $file;
foreach my $w (sort {$warnings{$a} <=> $warnings{$b}} keys %warnings) {
print $w . ": " . $warnings{$w} . "\n";
foreach my $d (sort {$disablings{$a} <=> $disablings{$b}} keys %disablings) {
print $d . ": " . $disablings{$d} . "\n";
foreach my $i (sort {$infos{$a} <=> $infos{$b}} keys %infos) {
print $i . ": " . $infos{$i} . "\n";
The builtin special array #ARGV holds all command line arguments to the script, excluding the script file itself (and the interpreter, if called as perl In the case of a call like perl foo bar warnings, #ARGV would contain the values 'foo', 'bar', and 'warnings'. It's a normal array, so you could write something like (assuming the first argument is one of your options):
my ($warning, $info, $disabling);
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /warning/i) { $warning = 1 }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /info/i) { $info = 1 }
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /disabling/i) { $disabling = 1 }
# [...] (opening the file, starting the main loop etc...)
if ( $warning and $line =~ /^warning ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
elsif ( $info and $line =~ /^info ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
elsif ( $disabling and $line =~ /^disabling ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/i ) {
I created flag variables for the three conditions before the main loop that goes through the file to avoid a regex compilation on every line of the file.
You could also use the Getopt::Long or Getopt::Std modules. These provide easy and flexible handling of the command line arguments.

making one single line

keyword harry /
want that whenever the string matches with keyword it should also look for "/" character.This signifies continuation of line
Then I want output as
keyword harry sally tally
My current code:
open (file2, "trial.txt");
$keyword_1 = keyword;
foreach $line1 (<file2>) {
if ($line1 =~ $keyword_1) {
$line2 =~ (s/$\//g, $line1) ;
print " $line2 " ;
If the ===== lines in your question are supposed to be in the output, then use
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
*ARGV = *DATA; # for demo only; delete
sub print_line {
my($line) = #_;
$line =~ s/\n$//; # / fix Stack Overflow highlighting
print $line, "\n",
"=" x (length($line) + 1), "\n";
my $line = "";
while (<>) {
$line .= $line =~ /^$|[ \t]$/ ? $_ : " $_";
if ($line !~ s!/\n$!!) { # / ditto
print_line $line;
$line = "";
print_line $line if length $line;
keyword jim-bob
keyword harry /
keyword jim-bob
keyword harry sally tally
You did not specify what to do with the lines that do not contain the keyword. You might use this code as an inspiration, though:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $on_keyword_line;
while (<>) {
if (/keyword/ or $on_keyword_line) {
if (m{/$}) {
$on_keyword_line = 1;
} else {
$on_keyword_line = 0;
} else {
$on_keyword_line = 0;
print "\n";
A redo is useful when dealing with concatenating continuation lines.
my $line;
while ( defined( $line = <DATA> )) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ s{/\s*$}{ } ) {
$line .= <DATA>;
redo unless eof(DATA);
$line =~ s{/}{};
print "$line\n";
keyword harry /
$ ./
keyword harry sally tally and
I think you need to simply concatenate all lines that end in a slash, regardless of the keyword.
I suggest this code.
Updated to account for the OP's comment that continuation lines are terminated by backslashes.
while (<>) {

How to remove new line characters until each line has a specific number of instances of a specific character?

I have a real mess of a pipe-delimited file, which I need to load to a database. The file has 35 fields, and thus 34 pipes. One of the fields is comprised of HTML code which, for some records, includes multiple line breaks. Unfortunately there's no patter as to where the line breaks fall.
The solution I've come up with is to count the number of pipes in each line and until that number reaches 34, remove the new line character from that line. I'm not incredibly well-versed in Perl, but I think I'm close to achieving what I'm looking to do. Any suggestions?
use strict;
open (FILE, 'test.txt');
while (<FILE>) {
my $line = $_;
#remove null characters that are included in file
$line =~ tr/\x00//;
#count number of pipes
my $count = ($line =~ tr/|//);
#each line should have 34 pipes
while ($count < 34) {
#remove new lines until line has 34 pipes
$line =~ tr/\r\n//;
$count = ($line =~ tr/|//);
print "$line\n";
This should work I guess.
use strict;
open (FILE, 'test.txt');
my $num_pipes = 0, my $line_num = 0;
my $tmp = "";
while (<FILE>)
my $line = $_;
$line =~ tr/\x00//; #remove null characters that are included in file
$num_pipes += ($line =~ tr/|//); #count number of pipes
if ($num_pipes == 34 && length($tmp))
$tmp .= $line;
print "$tmp\n";
# Reset values.
$tmp = "";
$num_pipes = 0;
elsif ($num_pipes == 34 && length($tmp) == 0)
print "$line\n";
$num_pipes = 0;
elsif ($num_pipes < 34)
$tmp .= $line;
elsif ($num_pipes > 34)
print STDERR "Error before line $line_num. Too many pipes ($num_pipes)\n";
$num_pipes = 0;
$tmp = "";
Twiddle with $/, the input record separator?
while (!eof(FILE)) {
# assemble a row of data: 35 pipe separated fields, possibly over many lines
my #fields = ();
# read 34 fields from FILE:
local $/ = '|';
for (1..34) {
push #fields, scalar <FILE>;
} # $/ is set back to original value ("\n") at the end of this block
push #fields, scalar <FILE>; # read last field, which ends with newline
my $line = join '|', #fields;
... now you can process $line, and you already have the #fields ......

Cleanest Perl parser for Makefile-like continuation lines

A perl script I'm writing needs to parse a file that has continuation lines like a Makefile. i.e. lines that begin with whitespace are part of the previous line.
I wrote the code below but don't feel like it is very clean or perl-ish (heck, it doesn't even use "redo"!)
There are many edge cases: EOF at odd places, single-line files, files that start or end with a blank line (or non-blank line, or continuation line), empty files. All my test cases (and code) are here:
Can you write cleaner, perl-ish, code that passes all my tests?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub process_file_with_continuations {
my $processref = shift #_;
my $nextline;
my $line = <ARGV>;
$line = '' unless defined $line;
chomp $line;
while (defined($nextline = <ARGV>)) {
chomp $nextline;
next if $nextline =~ /^\s*#/; # skip comments
$nextline =~ s/\s+$//g; # remove trailing whitespace
if (eof()) { # Handle EOF
$nextline =~ s/^\s+/ /;
if ($nextline =~ /^\s+/) { # indented line
&$processref($line . $nextline);
else {
&$processref($nextline) if $nextline ne '';
$line = '';
elsif ($nextline eq '') { # blank line
$line = '';
elsif ($nextline =~ /^\s+/) { # indented line
$nextline =~ s/^\s+/ /;
$line .= $nextline;
else { # non-indented line
&$processref($line) unless $line eq '';
$line = $nextline;
&$processref($line) unless $line eq '';
sub process_one_line {
my $line = shift #_;
print "$line\n";
process_file_with_continuations \&process_one_line;
How about slurping the whole file into memory and processing it using regular expressions. Much more 'perlish'. This passes your tests and is much smaller and neater:
use strict;
use warnings;
$/ = undef; # we want no input record separator.
my $file = <>; # slurp whole file
$file =~ s/^\n//; # Remove newline at start of file
$file =~ s/\s+\n/\n/g; # Remove trailing whitespace.
$file =~ s/\n\s*#[^\n]+//g; # Remove comments.
$file =~ s/\n\s+/ /g; # Merge continuations
# Done
print $file;
If you don't mind loading the entire file in memory, then the code below passes the tests.
It stores the lines in an array, adding each line either to the previous one (continuation) or at the end of the array (other).
use strict;
use warnings;
my #out;
while( <>)
{ chomp;
s{#.*}{}; # suppress comments
next unless( m{\S}); # skip blank lines
if( s{^\s+}{ }) # does the line start with spaces?
{ $out[-1] .= $_; } # yes, continuation, add to last line
{ push #out, $_; } # no, add as new line
$, = "\n"; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
print #out;