Manually requesting the HAML file - sinatra

If I want to manually request a particular HAML file in Sinatra, it looks like this works:
get '/' do
haml_file ='views/index.haml').read
haml haml_file
My question is, do you have any reasons to believe that this is more inefficient than using the conventional method?
get '/' do
haml :index
Maybe Sinatra does a more "efficient" reading a file than what I did manually?
If my manual method is no good, please suggest an alternative way to manually get at the HAML file, located in a particular path. (reason being that the paths are not always that simple).

Are you saying you don't keep all your views in the same directory? That's a pain, but up to you. You could use Sinatra-Partial (I'm the maintainer) if it's getting at sub-directories of the view directory you need. Otherwise, what you've done is fine, it's difficult to see how it could improved the efficiency for such a small text file. The only thing you might want to add is headers for caching.
This is pretty standard nowadays, right?


Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Form' not found

I've started using Zend framework, and Im following this simple Zend form tutorial. The form is located in application/forms directory I have included the Zend framework in the Path (by going to computer properties). However when i access form.php page, i get this error:
Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Form' not found
I have also tried by copying the Zend folder from the Zend framework in the library folder of the application, however error still remains same. Thanks.
It sounds like you are confusing two notions: the system path and the include path.
The system path is an operating system concept. When you ask the OS to execute a command, the system path is a list of places to look for the executable.
In contrast, the include path is a PHP concept that tells PHP a list of folders in which to look for files invoked by PHP include/require statements.
Any path that you find in "Computer > Properties" is almost certainly the OS-level system path. What you need to do is to make sure the Zend folder on the PHP include path, either by moving the Zend folder or by modifying PHP's include path to include a point to the Zend folder.
In a typical ZF app, the include folder is set in index.php (the front controller). So, the only explanation for not finding Zend_Form is that the autoloader is not being instantiated.
If you are using Zend_Application, this happens automatically. However, it seems like you are bypassing public/index.php and the whole Zend_Application instantiation by trying to directly "access" a file called form.php directly. If this file contains only the definition of your form (extending Zend_Form), then the absence of autoloading could easily explain the error message you are getting.
I'd try instantiating the form in a controller action, by which time in the request processing cycle, the autoloading is probably already in place.
[At that point, given the file locations you cite, we might run into a resource-loader issue, but that's a somewhat different issue that can be handled by instantiating a Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader in your Bootstrap.]
It looks like you do not use Zend_Loader. You should focus on it.
You can also manually in your custom form class include Zend_Form class.

How can I get all HTML pages from a website subfolder with Perl?

Can you point me on an idea of how to get all the HTML files in a subfolder and all the folders in it of a website?
For example:
I want all the HTML files that are in:, ......n.html
Also, if there are subfolders so I want to get also them:
Assuming you don't have access to the server's filesystem, then unless each directory has an index of the files it contains, you can't be guaranteed to achieve this.
The normal way would be to use a web crawler, and hope that all the files you want are linked to from pages you find.
Look at lwp-mirror and follow its lead.
I would suggest using the wget program to download the website rather than perl, it's not that well suited to the problem.
There are also a number of useful modules on CPAN which will be named things like "Spider" or "Crawler". But ishnid is right. They will only find files which are linked from somewhere on the site. They won't find every file that's on the file system.
You can also use curl to get all the files from a website folder.
Look at this man page and go to the section -o/--output which gives u a good idead about that.
I have used this a couple of times.
Read perldoc File::Find, then use File::Find.

custom .zfproject.xml file

I'm trying to squeeze the Zend Framework into my ISP securely.
My ISP pretty much requires me to put much of the stack in a /private directory
in my HTDOCS Home.
So, it looks like this
I tried editing the .zfproject.xml so indicate this, but ZF.bat/ seems
to ignore this.
Anyone had any success with this type of configuration.
you should just set up the directory like this:
DONE! No need to modify the xml file
Unless you'll be using Zend_Tool you won't need zfproject.xml. This thread talks more about it.

Own data format for the iPhone

I would like to create my own data format for an iPhone app. The files should be similar structured as e.g. Apple's iWork files (.pages). That means, I have a folder with some files in it:
The file 'Juicy.fruit' contains:
---> Apple.xml
---> Banana.xml
---> Pear.xml
---> PreviewPicture.png
This folder "Fruits" should be packed in a handy file 'Juicy.fruit'. Compression isn't necessary. How could I achieve this? I've discovered some open source ZIP-libraries. However, I would like to to build my own data format with the iPhones built-in libs (if possible).
Best regards,
Okay, so there are three ways I am reading your question, here's my best guess on each one:
You want your .fruit files to be associated with your app via Safari/SMS/some network connection (aka when someone wants to download files made for your app or made by your app).
In this case, you can register a protocol for your app, as discussed here:
iPhone file extension app association
You want the iPhone to globally associate .fruit files with your app, in which case you want to look into Uniform Type Identifiers. Basically, you set up this association in your installer's info.plst file.
You want to know how you can go from having a folder with files in it to that folder being a single file (package) with your .fruit extension.
If that's the case, there are many options out there and I don't see a purpose in rolling your own. Both Microsoft and Adobe simply use a standard zip compression method and use their own extension (instead of .zip). If you drop any office 2007 document, such as docx or Adobe's experimental .pdfxml file into an archive utility (I like 7z, but any descent one will do), you will get a folder with several xml files, just like you're describing for your situation. (This is also how Java's jar file type works, fyi). So unless you have a great reason to avoid standard compression methods (I vote gzip), I would follow the industry lead on this one.
I can definitly appreciate the urge to go DIY at every level possible, but you're basically asking (if it's #3) how you can create your own packaging algorithm, and after reading how some of the most basic compression methods work, I would leave that one alone. Plus I really doubt that Apple has built in libraries for doing something that most people will just use standard methods for.
One last note:
If you are really gunning to do it from scratch (still suggest not), since your files are all XML, you could just create a new XML file that will act as a wrapper of sorts, and have each file go into that wrapper file. But this would be really redundant when it came time to unwrap, as it would have to load the whole file every time. But it would be something like:
Juicy.fruit --
... content from apple.xml
... content from banana.xml
... content from pear.xml
...URL-encoded binary of preview picture
But with this idea, you either have to choose to unpack it, and thus risk losing track of the files, overwriting some but not all, etc etc, or you always treat it like one big file, in which case, unlike with archives, you have to load all of the data each time to pull anything out, instead of just pulling the file you want from the archive.
But it could work, if you're determined.
Also, if you are interested, there is a transfer protocol intended specifically for XML over mobile called WBXML (Wap Binary XML). Not sure if it is still taken seriously, but if there is an iPhone library for it, you should research it.

How should I set up my application when I can't change the document root?

I don't have permission to change the document root the /public/ directory so how should I set up my Zend Framework application to run from the current root directory? Using the Zend Framework 1.8 command line tool, I don't know if there is a way to tell it to create a directory structure this way.
If you can access only the upper level of web (i.e. - public), you should set index there and the whole application folder too. Create a .htaccess with
Deny from all
And put it into your /application.
Your configuration will be:
The simplest way without changing a lot of configuration, is to put everything in the public folder you mention into your public_html folder, then place all the other contents, like the application, and library folders into the directory up from public_html.
You can also throw everything into your public_html folder, although that is not recommended. Each class has options to provide a different path. For example on the Front_Controller, you can set the Controllers directory to wherever you want. There are options to specify different paths, but if you follow convention it is done for you.
Just use the quickstart guide and adjust according to it. Zend_Tool is still experimental anyway. Let me know if this helps.
So here's what I ended up doing:
Download the Quickstart sample code.
Move everything in public up to the main directory, along side application, library directories.
Alter include paths to library and application in index.php to point to the correct locations
I think that was all I had to do. ZF new how to the rest.
I don't think this is ideal however, as already mentioned, application directory becomes accessible from the web, but for now, it's getting the job done.