Xpage Extension Library Rest Service return: http 200 Bad Request, Unable to read Unread Marks - rest

I coded an Xpage extension library rest service, and it worked until today, in my development enviroment it worked but not in prodution (same documents):
Here the response when ajax contact rest service:
"text":"Bad Request",
"message":"Unable to read Unread Marks",
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewNavigatorFactory$NOINavigator.getRead(RestViewNavigatorFactory.java:175)
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewItemFileService.writeSystemColumns(RestViewItemFileService.java:359)
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewItemFileService.writeEntryAsJson(RestViewItemFileService.java:308)
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewItemFileService.renderServiceJSONGet(RestViewItemFileService.java:280)
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewItemFileService.renderService(RestViewItemFileService.java:77)
at com.ibm.domino.services.HttpServiceEngine.processRequest(HttpServiceEngine.java:167)
at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.UIBaseRestService._processAjaxRequest(UIBaseRestService.java:242)
at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.rest.UIBaseRestService.processAjaxRequest(UIBaseRestService.java:219)
at com.ibm.xsp.util.AjaxUtilEx$1.invokeContextCallback(AjaxUtilEx.java:194)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:862)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at com.ibm.xsp.component.UIDataPanelBase.invokeOnComponent(UIDataPanelBase.java:416)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:878)
at com.ibm.xsp.component.UIViewRootEx.invokeOnComponent(UIViewRootEx.java:1552)
at com.ibm.xsp.util.AjaxUtilEx.renderAjaxPartialLifecycle(AjaxUtilEx.java:188)
at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.renderAjaxPartial(FacesServletEx.java:225)
at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.serviceView(FacesServletEx.java:170)
at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:160)
at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServletEx.service(FacesServletEx.java:138)
at com.ibm.xsp.webapp.DesignerFacesServlet.service(DesignerFacesServlet.java:103)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule.invokeServlet(ComponentModule.java:583)
at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFComponentModule.invokeServlet(NSFComponentModule.java:1281)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule$AdapterInvoker.invokeServlet(ComponentModule.java:854)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule$ServletInvoker.doService(ComponentModule.java:803)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.ComponentModule.doService(ComponentModule.java:572)
at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFComponentModule.doService(NSFComponentModule.java:1265)
at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFService.doServiceInternal(NSFService.java:658)
at com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.NSFService.doService(NSFService.java:481)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.LCDEnvironment.doService(LCDEnvironment.java:341)
at com.ibm.designer.runtime.domino.adapter.LCDEnvironment.service(LCDEnvironment.java:297)
at com.ibm.domino.xsp.bridge.http.engine.XspCmdManager.service(XspCmdManager.java:272)
Caused by: NotesException: Unable to read Unread Marks
at lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry.getRead(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.domino.services.rest.das.view.RestViewNavigatorFactory$NOINavigator.getRead(RestViewNavigatorFactory.java:173)
... 35 more
I have no idea what going wrong.
It just stop working

Are you using one of the provided examples to just get a documentCollection? If not, are unread marks on for your production database? Does your REST call have access/does your database allow anonymous access via REST if not?
Your error is here:
at lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry.getRead(Unknown Source)
This method of the NotesViewEntry class looks for the user name in order to know whether to return a boolean telling if the entry has been read. If no user is specified, it returns for the current user, and that may be the server or who is authenticated in the REST service.
Also, I find this http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd8forum.nsf/5f27803bba85d8e285256bf10054620d/2f8ee50784b70b06852577dc0050efeb?OpenDocument saying unread marks are not working in some releases, but I've not been able to verify it.
If you can remove the line calling for getRead() and run it, that will confirm for you.


How to make Keycloak 20.0.1 send an e-mail when a user is blocked due to too many failed login attempts?

I want Keycloak to send an e-mail to a user whenever a user is blocked due to too many failed login attempts (see section Realm Settings -> Security defenses -> Brute force detection).
The event in question has the following properties:
Error (org.keycloak.events.Event#getError) = user_temporarily_disabled
Type (org.keycloak.events.Event#getType) = LOGIN_ERROR
How can I do that, i. e. make Keycloak send an e-mail to the user when such event occurs?
Known ways to implement it
One obvious way to do it is to write a class that implements the org.keycloak.events.EventListenerProvider interface, detect the event in its onEvent method and trigger sending of the e-mail at some custom server (i. e. send a request to that server and it will contact an SMTP server).
Second is a variation: Detect the event in the same method and somehow make Keycloak send the e-mail using Keycloak SMTP settings ("Realm settings -> Email -> Connection & Authentication").
The screenshot in this answer made met think (possibly wrongly) that there may be a way to make Keycloak send emails upon the occurrence of certain events "out of the box," i. e. without writing custom event listeners.
Update 1: If someone else wants to do this, I recommend to look at this answer. The code below worked for me.
RealmModel realm = this.model.getRealm(event.getRealmId());
UserModel user = this.session.users().getUserById(event.getUserId(), realm);
if (user != null && user.getEmail() != null) {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + user.getEmail());
org.keycloak.email.DefaultEmailSenderProvider senderProvider = new org.keycloak.email.DefaultEmailSenderProvider(session);
try {
senderProvider.send(session.getContext().getRealm().getSmtpConfig(), user, "test", "body test",
"html test");
} catch (EmailException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Keycloak does indeed support sending emails for events out of the box. However, it can only be configured by event (LOGIN_ERROR), and not by further filtered types (user_temporarily_disabled).
For this, you will need to implement your own EventListener, but it should be easy to heavily copy code from Keycloak's existing EmailEventListener, which you can find here: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/main/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/events/email/EmailEventListenerProvider.java
In there, you'd change the implementation of L59 in onEvent(Event event) to check your two conditions (event type and error), rather than checking against some list of configured fixed events. Your event will be added to the currently running transaction, and when the transaction ends (in success or error), Keycloak will send an email via the SMTP settings that are configured in the realm.
If you want to customize the template and subject lines of the email, you'll have to provide your own freemarker templates in src/main/resources/theme-resources/templates/{html,text}. Both the html and text folder need to contain an .ftl file of the same name. Message keys for use in the template and the subject go in src/main/resources/messages/messages_{en,fr,de,...}.properties files.
With the template and messages configured, you can use one of the 2 send(...) methods available in the EmailTemplateProvider class

core_user_create_user and moodle webservice setup not working

I have done everything needed to setup webservices on my moodle 3.11 instance, including roles/capabilities/user. However sending a test request always gives {
"exception": "dml_missing_record_exception",
"errorcode": "invalidrecord",
"message": "Can't find data record in database table external_functions."
The URL to access it is of the format https:///moodle/webservice/rest/server.php?wsfunction=core_user_create_user&service=mymoodleusermanage&moodlewsrestformat=json&users[0][username]=ABC&users[0][firstname]=VPTest&users[0][lastname]=None&users[0][email]=mail#xxx.com&users[0][password]=xxxxx&users[0][auth]=manual&wstoken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The service parameter is correctly set to the shortname of the service. Does the service have to be defined anywhere additionally apart from Site Administration->Server->Web Services->External Services->Custom Services
Thanks for any help that can be given
The answer is very simple - you are trying to call a non-existent webservice function (hence the error message about being unable to find the database record for the function in the external_functions database table).
If you look in the Moodle code: https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/master/lib/db/services.php#L1717 you will see that the function is called core_user_create_users - with an "s" at the end of it.
If you add that extra "s" into the URL parameters you are using, then it should work.
you must change username all character small letter [username]=ABC like this [username]=abc and add s wsfunction=core_user_create_users

CXF STSClient asks for user+password even though there is a SAML token in onBehalfOf

I'm using CXF's STSClient to request a JWT token on behalf of a user so I can call a REST service.
I have a valid SAML token and tried to configure the STSClient like so:
// Not sure about these.
final Map<String, Object> requestContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stsClient.getRequestContext());
requestContext.put(SecurityConstants.USERNAME, name); // Without this, I get "No username available"
SecurityToken result = stsClient.requestSecurityToken(appliesTo);
but when the method fails with:
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: No callback handler and no password available
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.TransportBindingHandler.handleBinding(TransportBindingHandler.java:182)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor$PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptorInternal.handleMessageInternal(PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor.java:180)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor$PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptorInternal.handleMessage(PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor.java:110)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor$PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptorInternal.handleMessage(PolicyBasedWSS4JOutInterceptor.java:97)
at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(PhaseInterceptorChain.java:308)
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.doInvoke(ClientImpl.java:530)
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:441)
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:356)
at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:314)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.AbstractSTSClient.issue(AbstractSTSClient.java:874)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.STSClient.requestSecurityToken(STSClient.java:71)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.STSClient.requestSecurityToken(STSClient.java:65)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.trust.STSClient.requestSecurityToken(STSClient.java:61)
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.PolicyException: No callback handler and no password available
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.AbstractCommonBindingHandler.unassertPolicy(AbstractCommonBindingHandler.java:93)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.AbstractBindingBuilder.getPassword(AbstractBindingBuilder.java:1042)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.AbstractBindingBuilder.addUsernameToken(AbstractBindingBuilder.java:839)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.TransportBindingHandler.addSignedSupportingTokens(TransportBindingHandler.java:115)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.TransportBindingHandler.handleNonEndorsingSupportingTokens(TransportBindingHandler.java:208)
at org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.policyhandlers.TransportBindingHandler.handleBinding(TransportBindingHandler.java:167)
... 16 common frames omitted
Since I have a SAML token, I was expecting that the STSClient doesn't need the user name or password anymore.
How can I tell CXF / STSClient to skip the addUsernameToken() method call?
The problem is in the WSDL definition of the service.
Each port in the WSDL is attached to a URL and a binding. The binding has a policy. The policy in this case requests a user name with password. Look for UsernameToken in the WSDL.
What you need is a port that doesn't require this. I'm no expert in this matter but from the examples I've seen, the policy must not have a SignedSupportingTokens element in them, only Wss11 and Trust13 elements.
Without this element, CXF will take a different path in the code and the error will go away.

Microfocus ALM OCTANE REST API - Get existing manual test's step details

I am trying to get existing manual test steps from ALM using the below REST API
but I get the following result.
"creation_time": "2020-01-16T14:36:52Z",
"test_version": "{\"id\":1035,\"type\":\"test_version\"}",
"version_stamp": 5,
"last_modified": "2020-01-17T09:38:20Z",
"script": "- Open Browser\n- Type Username\n- Type PAssword\n- Submit\n- #2012 Call <ReqTest1>\n- Login using <Username> and <Password>\n- ?isLoginSuccesfull"
Is there a way to get existing manual test steps with details(like id, description, etc) through REST API?
i know that is six month late , but you could try calling entity test
and once you have latest version you can call entity test_versions with attribute last_version that you got in the last request
and there you will get the steps , also you have to consider that before doing this you need to have stablished connection (requested cookies, etc...) for avoiding 403 error and properly setted headers and parameters for the request. and if you're using microfocus library i didn't find any direct call for test_versions entity
EDIT: also you can request to http://URLdirection:PORT/api/shared_spaces//workspaces//test//script

unable to run rest api service in loadrunner?

i'm facing issue while running rest api service in loadrunner(VUGEN),in soap ui it is working fine.
My Data contains around 10 fields but while request it is breaking one parameter into two then i'm facing internal server error.
Please help and unable to continue in new line in case i want to write it in another line
Code is :
return 0;
Unable to write it in two lines of code ,in case i'm trying to write then it is giving syntax error like , is missing or " is missing.Unable to write please any one help.
Response coming as:
Line is breaking i.e customerStateName into customer,StateName because of this i'm getting Bad Request in Response,Please help.
Since LoadRunner 12.53, you have a new and easier way for making REST API calls, using the web_rest() API. See blog post about it.