DateTime format not formatting correctly - date

I have a datetime format in XML and I'm trying to unmarshall the values as follows:
2013-03-17T19:12:14Z -> 2013-03-17 19:12 +0100
I have used Joda's DateTime and a DateTimeAdapter class to override the unmarshalling. The datetime format is coming out weird, as follows:
-1664143200000,-1650146 400000,-1633903200000,-1617487200000,
-1601848800000,- etc etc.
Can anyone help me format this date?

I was unable to figure out the answer so I've tried the following:
SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Z");
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(v);
long dateTimeMiliSec = dateTime.getMillis();
Date date = new Date(dateTimeMiliSec);
return sd.format(date);
So 2013-03-17T09:00:00Z converts to 2013-03-17 09:00 +0000


DateTime parse issue using intl package dart

I have a date which is a string and looks like this:
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
I am trying to convert the above string to DateTime object and convert the 24hr time to 12hr. I am using the following code:
DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm a").parse(day);
It was working before but today the parsing is causing format exception error. The error message is shown below:
[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: FormatException: Trying to read from 30-11-2022 12:27 at position 17
Why am I getting error while parsing now? How to fix it?
There must be a simpler solution, but it works this way:
final str = "30-11-2022 12:27";
final date = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm").parse(str);
final formated = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy h:mm a").format(date);
The format for a 24-hr time is 'HH:mm'. The key is to call add_jm(). Just do this:
final day = '30-11-2022 12:27';
final dateTime = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm').parse(day);
final formatted = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyy').add_jm().format(dateTime);
The output is:
30-11-2022 12:27 PM
can try this. hope your problem solved
DateTime dateTime = DateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd h:m').parse(date);
final DateFormat formatter = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd h:m a');
final String formatted = formatter.format(dateTime);
It really doesn't matter for datetime that the input date is in am format or not, because you can parse it to what ever format you want. For both option when you parse your string, it will save it in regular form. So just try this:
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
DateTime date = normalFormat.parse(day);
and when ever you want show it as AM, just format date;
Why am I getting error while parsing now? How to fix it?
You specified a DateFormat format string that uses a, which indicates that you want to parse an AM/PM marker, but the string you try to parse is "30-11-2022 12:27", which lacks it.
If you're trying to convert a 24-hour time to a 12-hour time, those are fundamentally two different formats, so you will two different DateFormat objects. Note that the format pattern for hours is different for 12-hour times (h) than for 24-hour ones (H):
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
var datetime = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm").parse(day);
// Prints: 30-11-2022 12:27 PM
print(DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm a').format(datetime));

I get a expiry date and time from the api how compare it with the current time?

I'm getting a expiry time when i call the log in api in for format of "Thu, 30 Dec 2021 10:24:34 GMT" i want to get the current time and compare it.
By using DateFormat class in intl package,
you can parse from string date to DateTime.
And by using 'isBefore' or 'isAfter' method, you can compare two DateTime.
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
void main() {
String strDate = "Thu, 30 Dec 2021 10:24:34 GMT";
DateFormat format = DateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
DateTime parsedDate = format.parse(strDate);
print('parsedDate: $parsedDate');
DateTime now =;
print('now: $now');
print('parsedDate is before now: ${parsedDate.isBefore(now)}');
print('parsedDate is after now: ${parsedDate.isAfter(now)}');
If I understand your question correctly, this can help.
DateTime now =;
DateTime then = DateTime.parse(expirlyDateFromApi.toDate().toString());
var difference = now.difference(expirlyDate);

Unparseable date error format in Spring Boot Mongo DB

MongoCollection<Document> Profile_List = db.getCollection("Profile_List");
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-DD");
Date todaydate = format.parse(new Date().toString());
ArrayList<Document> activeList=profile.find(Filters.regex("lastActive",todayDate.toString())).into(new ArrayList<Document>());
This is the code what we have written. We are getting an “Unparseable date error”. Can someone please help?
This is wrong:
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-DD");
Date todaydate = format.parse(new Date().toString());
The expression new Date().toString() does not return a string that conforms to the format yyyy-MM-DD, so if you try to parse it as if it is formatted that way, you will get an exception.
If you want a Date object that represents the current date and time, simply do this:
Date todaydate = new Date();
No need to convert the Date object to a string and trying to parse it.
If you need a string with the current date in the format yyyy-MM-dd then do this:
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String todaydate = format.format(new Date());
Note: You used DD in your date format string but you most likely meant dd. See the API documentation of SimpleDateFormat.
If you are trying to get the current date string in yyyy-MM-dd format. You can do format it like this
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String dateString = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date());

Passing date in Date data type only in groovy

I have been struggling with this even after doing so much of research on such a simple thing, so I need some help here.
I need to pass current date in date data type only in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format. SimpleDateFormat converts current date to string type and while trying to parse though it gets converted to Date type but changes the format.
I need currentDate in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd' of Date Type.
if(!session.dtfromDate && !session.dttoDate)
eq("startDate", currentDate)
I have managed to figure out a solutions to this. First got my desired format which obviously converted it to a String and then parsed this to a Date. It has worked perfectly fine.
SimpleDateFormat nsdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd')
String currentDate = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(new Date());
Date newDate = (Date)nsdf.parse(currentDate)
if(!session.dtfromDate && !session.dttoDate)
eq("startDate", newDate)

Joda Time: how to parse time and set default date as today's date

I have to parse dates in formats:
dd MMM
dd MMM yyyy
I've managed to handle the last two of them:
val dateParsers = Array(
DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd MMM").getParser,
DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd MMM yyyy").getParser,
val formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().append(null, dateParsers).toFormatter.withZoneUTC
DateTime.parse(updatedString, formatter.withDefaultYear(currentYear).withLocale(ruLocale))
Everything is ok with dd MMM and dd MMM yyyy, but when I'm trying parse time like 05:40 I'm getting 01-01-1970 date instead of today's date. What is the simplest method to set default date as today's date in parser?
Joda-Time-Formatter only supports withDefaultYear(), not things like withDefaultDate(). Instead you can do this:
DateTimeFormatter timeParser = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm");
LocalTime time = timeParser.parseLocalTime("05:40");
DateTimeZone tz = DateTimeZone.getDefault(); // Or DateTimeZone.UTC or DateTimeZone.forID( "Europe/Paris" )
LocalDate today =;
DateTime moment = today.toLocalDateTime(time).toDateTime(tz);
// output in my local timezone: 2014-08-20T05:40:00.000+02:00
Note: I have written the solution in Java, because I am not a scala-guy.
Date and Time are completely different, without subclassing DateTimeFormatter and implementing your special "time at todays' date"-algorithm you wont get very far. Either subclass or maybe inject your current date into the string if it matches some regular expression
I'd use withDate()
private static final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm");
public void test() {
DateTime dateTime = FORMATTER.parseDateTime("05:40");
DateTime now = new DateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.withDate(now.getYear(), now.getMonthOfYear(), now.getDayOfMonth());