SoundCloud Group Playlist Player Iframe - soundcloud

any suggestions on an iframe for a soundcloud player that shows a playlist from a soundcloud group to go in a wordpress page - i.e.,

There is a plugin –
Install it, and then placing the following in the content body
should work.


Disable Right Click On SoundCloud Player On WordPress Site

I have this player on a page on my WordPress website. But I want to disable all the content of this page including this embed link content. Can you please how could I do this?
enter image description here

Showing custom player / interactive canvas renderer in facebook and twitter feeds

I am trying to figure out if it's possible to render a custom canvas player or a custom video player in facebook and twitter feed. I am aware of different meta tags, which can be given in the head section of a server side rendered app. Given a youtube video url:
In facebook feed it detects the meta fields from the head section and renders the video title, description and thumbnail
I would like to achieve something similar but it will be a canvas app. Is there any specification with respect to page load time and page size? Please point me to the specification for the same.

Can we make ajax requests on a FB embedded player

I have a js player on which I have added interactivity. It was pretty easy since I used the HTML5 video element.
I was trying to include this player on my FB page but i know we need a swf player which is flash.
how to share a video from my website on facebook like youtube
I want to know if we can make ajax calls in the swf player when its on FB timeline?
Is there an open source swf player that I can use to extend its functionality?

Video thumbnail does not have a Play button on Facebook shared links

The video links shared via my website on Facebook appear as only images in the shared link; Facebook doesn't seem to recognize the content as video.
I've debugged the URL via Facebook debugger, and every thing appears fine:
The thumbnail that appears under the link does not have a play button on it. As you can see in the debug details, the appropriate og tags are already present on the page.
For video playing Facebook is not considering og:video tag, instead of that it is looking for og:video:secure_url tag
You seem to be missing an og:video tag pointing to the video source.
See also Shared Facebook video is not displayed inline in wall posts for HTTPS users - you also need to include the HTTPS source if you want users browsing Facebook over HTTPS to see the inline video.
It is very easy. You can add play button on an image like Facebook play button by using adobe Photoshop. Watch this video you will understand how to add it on the image.

How can I play a flash video on my profile page just like you tube does?

I need an application that plays a video as the user clicks on my fan page image ..Youtube is a sample app.
I need exactly the same thing for my app.
As I click share on my fan page, it shares the fan page , I am using the with params title, summary,p[url],images[0],url..
As I click on the image on the user's profile page, It needs to start loading a video.
How can I do that?
I'd suggest to use facebook's opengraph protocol, you can use og:video tags with swf from opengraph dynamically on your page:
anytime the page with og:video tags is liked - the swf is automatically embedded on the user's wall, users have to click it to start playing exactly like youtube videos.
If I am not mistaken, Facebook does not allow you to auto play in-line videos.